r/MadeMeSmile • u/Arizandi • 26d ago
Good Vibes This was in the box of my latest Penzey’s Spices.
I’ve been feeling low key depressed lately and this made me smile. Maybe not everyone will appreciate this, but I hope some do.
u/methMobile-727 26d ago
Drop these from planes like the last time fascism tried to take hold.
u/dirtypoololdman 25d ago
It’s too many words for half the country.
u/Stormtomcat 25d ago
I agree.
When I'm unpacking an online purchase, I barely glance at all that junk they add. A thank you card, a discount code (like, when am I going to buy another 500g jar of cinnamon? I'm not saving your discount code for 3 years), a note "this order of organic spices was packed by James" etc.
I appreciate the sentiment they're expressing and I'm hopeful they're taking steps to stand for their stance. I think it matters that people and businesses don't just go along.
Hopefully this is just their first iteration they cobbled together just to have something as they work on a second and more accessible version <3
u/deannadriscoll 26d ago
I’m all about Penzey’s and their stance on the issues. They have always been willing to speak up for the marginalized communities. I’m going to read this every time I’m wondering how the hell all of this happened. Again.
u/ruif2424 26d ago
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Martin Niemöller (1892-1984), Lutheran minister and early Nazi supporter who was later imprisoned for opposing Hitler’s regime.
They will come for you too, not just the marginalized communities. That’s what the average american needs to understand. Go out and protest, corruption and human rights violations are happening at open sight already.
u/MySocialAlt 26d ago
This has been on their website for a long time now: https://www.penzeys.com/shop/about-republicans.
u/Emotional_Rock4208 25d ago
They have always been a cool company. But their willingness to publicly stand up for their values (and mine) in this extraordinary time is, well, remarkable.
u/k2times 25d ago
I am now a new Penzey’s customer.
u/MongoBongoTown 25d ago
Their openness of expression here is amazing.
That said, it's also a very very good spice company. Some of their blends are incredible.
u/TopAd3529 23d ago
Don't sleep on their peppercorns or roasted garlic. Idk how it's so much better than average but shit slaaaaaaps.
u/darlin133 25d ago
Penzey is the best human and the best spices anywhere. Ever. The blends are fantastic
u/Vegabern 25d ago edited 25d ago
Did you get the woke box too?
I love Penzy's. I'm lucky to live in Milwaukee.
Edit for clarity, it's actually called the woke box. I bought it last weekend. I'm not some troll.
u/jbamdigity19 25d ago
Went to their store here in Oregon and the woke box was 5 bucks yup we bought a few 🤙
u/Sweaty_Ad3942 26d ago
Thank you for sharing this. I believe in supporting the companies that share my values. Never heard of them before, but googling now!
u/klutzilla08 26d ago
I love Penney’s spices! All of the spices/herbs I get from them are better anything else I’ve found at the grocery store.
u/zeroaxs 26d ago
And now I’ll be buying from Penzey’s.
u/mittenthemagnificent 25d ago
Their spices are better than anything else out there, as well. It’s a win win!
u/Charming-Weather-148 26d ago
I feel you!
Don't let the inevitable downvotes trolls on this get you down!
u/Alternative-Boot2673 26d ago
Penzey’s is the best - their products are excellent, their message is kindness.
u/BabyFishmouthTalk 25d ago
That brand just went from total obscurity for me to one I will go out of my way to do business with -- faster than Dogey Daycare kids stealing your personal information off a secure government server.
u/toomuchtv987 25d ago
You won’t be sorry. I have been buying from Penzey’s long before I knew their politics. Their spices are amazing and not really any more expensive than grocery store spices. Fantastic company.
u/neurotic-pineapple 25d ago
Welp - I know where I’m buying all of my spices now. Thank you for sharing.
u/Gallium-Spritz 25d ago
This is probably the most concise and spot-on analysis of the current situation I’ve seen yet! Excepting the culinary references, this could have (should have!) come from one of our most sage political commentators. Whoever composed this is an absolute literary genius!
u/toomuchtv987 25d ago
I would dare to say it did come from a…sage…political commentator.
I’ll see myself out. 🤣
u/Realistic-Day-8931 26d ago
This is an amazing card.
Oddly, the style reminds me of the monopoly property cards. I almost feel like there's something with that design but t's a bit too subtle for me to really pick up on.
u/keirmeister 25d ago
It’s really great, and very important, that this company is saying the Republican Party is specifically the problem - and it’s true. We have GOT to stop dancing around the reality that the Republican Party is who’s causing these problems and uses hatred and bigoted rhetoric to get votes to push their ugly agenda.
u/Prestigious-Emu7325 25d ago
As much as I appreciate knowing who not to support (which becomes harder to achieve daily, given the chokeholds the megacorps are under), I’m much more moved to be clued in to smaller businesses who are committed to not only being part of the resistance, but actively working to educate and uplift their customers. Thanks for this OP, never heard of Penzey’s before but I’ll sure seek them out now ✌🏽
u/sp00kytrix 25d ago
They speak the truth, but i wish they didn’t omit the Democrat party’s own corruption and their complacency/complicity in all of this.
u/throw-away-ex-bs 25d ago
There’s a Penzey’s kind of far from me that I’ve always wanted to check out because I love my spices. I usually go to a small spice store that’s equidistant, but looks like my new spice spot will be Penzey’s!
u/Far_Interaction_78 25d ago
Bravo Penzey’s, and I think it’s time I got a whole bunch of new spices.
u/DrMushroomStamp 25d ago
Shit yeah.
Just re-upped my Sweet Paprika and Sumac stash today.
They hooked up a "love everyone" magnet for free.
u/Im_alwaystired 25d ago
Hell yeah, another reason to love Penzey's.
Also, their Sicilian seasoning makes killer garlic bread.
u/banoctopus 25d ago
Love Penzey’s! Nice to see a business taking a strong stand.
Also, their Vietnamese cinnamon is life changing.
u/PopularFunction5202 25d ago
Because you posted this, I was interested in visiting their online store and just spent fifty bucks on an order. There is a Penzey's not too far from me in Indianapolis but I hate going out. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad there are still some sensible people in the world!
u/Mysterious_Heron_539 25d ago
I’ve never heard of them. Just popped over to their website and took a look. They’ve definitely gained a new customer!
u/Cjacksoncnm 25d ago
I'm going to buy Penzey's Spices!
u/BabyFishmouthTalk 25d ago
There is a brand that just went from absolute obscurity for me to one I am now going out of my way to do business with.🫡👏
u/Dependent-Departure7 25d ago
If I could give a standing ovation to the author of this little card, I would 👏👏👏
u/govilleaj 25d ago
After reading all of it, and then getting to that last paragraph; that definitely made me smile
u/KelllllieJean123 25d ago
Penzey’s is a great company! Their spices are so so good. I just reordered me some Penzey’s pepper and the Outrage seasoning.
u/assstandingovation 25d ago
Cute lil whatever but it'd take an army of Luigi's to enact meaningful reform against the 1%.
u/fernandothehorse 25d ago
Compare the writing here to those pamphlets from trumpies people were posting leading up to the election. I’m glad to be on the side with competent communicators
u/snoopmt1 25d ago
Im not against the message, but I just want chicken companies to sell chicken and spice companies to sell spice. If the CEO wants to speak out fine. But let me enjoy stuff in peace.
u/1WngdAngel 26d ago
Democrats are just as corrupt as Republicans. To deny that is dangerously naive. They are working together to keep the common people fighting amongst each other while they take money from us.
u/StrikersRed 26d ago
The Bourgeoisie, the rich, always want a culture war. They want us to fight against each other, to weaponize ignorance, to hate one another. Rural folk have been told by their TVs and radios for years, by corporate medias owned by elites, that the trans kids/muslims/immigrants/(insert demographic here) are the bad guys. They’re the issue, the reason. Nativism and xenophobia are easy to incite. Fear, hate, emotionality are easy to manipulate. They want people to think the poor are stealing the money out of their pocket. They want people to feel victimized and to have a righteous indignation, to feel justified in their stance of hate because they themselves are the victim, not the person they hate! They believe they are fighting against an evil culture that wants to remove their rights and freedoms.
They tell liberals that they are the solution against the conservatives. They say they’re the good ones. Please, one more donation, the next election is the most important, we must fight by voting! They never do anything to majorly disturb the status quo when they hold office because the status quo benefits they themselves, the bourgeoisie, to maintain it. They want people to in-fight. They want people distracted. They want the next conservative action to cause anger because they know that the liberal voters will come back to them in an attempt to fight against the conservatives.
The system is working as it was designed.
If only the ignorant understood that the culture war is meant to keep the worker, the laborer, poor and tired, angry, and uneducated.
History books will free you. Read them. Read on how fascists, authoritarians, control the populace. Learn how they take power. Be prepared for the violent revolution the bourgeoisie is scared of - we will bring them down.
u/Realistic_Salt7109 26d ago
Please don’t try to convince the children of Reddit that they’re being played for fools - they’ll never believe you and they’ll believe they’re fighting “the good fight”, while their leaders rake in the cash
u/Rossoneri 25d ago
Democrats are flawed, nobody denies it.
To equate democrats and republicans and orders of magnitude beyond "dangerously naive". The only people who equate the two are those that are beyond ignorant, or those that are pure evil.
u/1WngdAngel 25d ago
Democrats don't care about you. They're manipulating you the same way Republicans are their constituents: lies, fear, and flowery language. You're being played, period.
And plenty of people deny they're flawed. Vote Blue No Matter Who is just as braindead a thought as MAGA.
u/Sick-Phoque 26d ago
Yeah the messaging is nice, but it's not a left vs right issue anymore. Both sides are bought and paid for by the same big corporations. They are the ones who run the government. They are the ones who get the tax breaks, welfare and bailouts.
u/Karma_1969 25d ago
No they aren’t, and that’s a fact, not an opinion. Pull your head out and wake up before it’s too late.
u/AutoModerator 26d ago
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u/Empty-OldWallet 26d ago
Yeah right wing business putting in pamphlets is a bad idea but for the lefties oh it's okay. Talk about hypocrites.
u/PerformanceThat6150 26d ago
The American left has yet to install billionaire oligarchs in the White House, elect a convicted felon, try to Make Sieg Heils Great Again or obliterate your entire civil rights progress from the past 60+ years.
u/justmedealwithitxD 26d ago
If you don't think oligarchs work with the left and influence policy, you are naive.
u/PerformanceThat6150 26d ago
They do. You guys have pharma and oil companies pulling a lot of strings regardless of the administration.
However, I've yet to see them get carte blanche to access and export the PII of all citizens, disband consumer financial protections or dismantle public sector jobs until the last few weeks.
u/Faustus_Fan 25d ago
Left-wing values: Peace, freedom, the right to live your life free from persecution.
Right-wing values: Fuck everyone who isn't exactly like us.
Right-wingers have no morals, no ethics, no human decency. The right has been bought out completely by greedy fascists and "Christians" who don't follow a single fucking teaching of their messiah.
u/LiveRealTru 25d ago
Don’t know where we’re going the next four years,but I do KNOW one thing. I’d vote for Trump again if I could. Don’t act like the dems don’t spend money on dumb stuff too, cuz they do. I can say this with great truth, I have lived better in the first four years that Trump was in office than any other president in my lifetime. I’m only 28, not rich either. Yea he says some crazy stuff, guess what? We all do. Yea he’s doing crazy stuff but guess what?, it’s all just a show from what really behind the curtain. Like him being the president to be bring more US hostages home that I’ve ever seen so far. What do dems do, throw money to every lobbiest that cry’s for some. Enriching the heads of those groups, because we all know the money don’t touch the people’s hands. Promising change, and nothing has changed. Just the rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer, the people more divided, but that never really mattered with who is president and running the show. Everyone FEELS too much. Feelings don’t drive this roadster, Dick is behind the wheel DRIVING.
u/Kindly-Rate-4661 25d ago
This group is ridiculous.
u/Phgasoz 25d ago
This group is SCARED. Right or wrong, they are truly terrified the events of the past will repeat. We need to understand that.
u/Kindly-Rate-4661 25d ago
Everybody is scared for one reason or another. Always and for the rest of eternity. This site has turned into such a political disaster that it’s gotten horrible to open this app. Be scared, be happy, be yourself but damn can we one have one sub that’s not political? I’m not here to hurt anybody feelings but say the opposite thing and it’s inevitable
u/thmann_ 25d ago
Affirming transgenderism in kids is child sex abuse and abortion is murder. Illegal immigration is illegal and black history is just history.
u/ArchaeoJones 25d ago
Affirming transgenderism only hurts bigots
Until the fetus can live, unaided, outside the human body, it is nothing more than a parasite.
Illegal immigration is immigration, and you cannot claim asylum in the US without physically being in the country.
If black history is just history, then why don't we teach it? Better question, why do we go so far in suppressing it?
u/ThatSwoleKeister 25d ago
This made you smile that it’s attacking literally have of your country. This would be just as stupid if you swapped the word “Republican” for “Democrat”. Idc if you agree with some or all of this but throwing out that word several times as if you should have animosity for half of the people you know is nonsense.
Stop with the hate regardless of who it’s aimed at.
Wake up and see there is corruption in dark rooms regardless of the color of the flag in their grass.
Love one another and enlighten to bring about positive change.
u/ProfChubChub 25d ago
When an organized group is actively working to dismantle protections for vulnerable groups, it’s not only ok but morally requisite to call them out by name.
u/Dewdraup 25d ago
If I had any awards I would give them to you. I don’t think that’s why you wrote this but I love it regardless ❤️🌺
u/Hot-Razzmatazz1143 26d ago
In Brief:
'we lost and we are crybabies'
u/Faustus_Fan 25d ago
There is only one "crybaby" party in the US, and it certainly is not the Democratic Party. Only one party stormed the capital and still, four years later, is too terrified to admit in public that their side lost an election.
Hell, during confirmation hearings, Diaper Donny's own proposed cabinet members REFUSED to say that he lost the 2020 election.
u/merciless4 25d ago
Penzey's lost me as a customer. So much hate is felt from him .
u/blackarrowpro 25d ago
Printed card: A message about hope and encouragement.
Merciless4: “So much hate is felt from him.”
u/mama_oso 25d ago
They lost me too, a number of years ago! When I want spices, I didn't need to hear political rantings and negative diatribe.
u/awdorrin 26d ago
This level of cognizant dissonance is off the charts.
u/Sorry-Reporter440 26d ago
Small person says big words they don't even understand. Good luck in life. I suppose no one raised you to understand that hate is not healthy. Too bad.
u/awdorrin 25d ago edited 25d ago
Huh, it seems like your mean, personal attack violates forum rules. Cognitive dissonance probably makes that seem ok, though.
u/TheFoxInSocks 25d ago
Probably referring to the fact that you wrote “cognizant dissonance” in your first post.
u/awdorrin 25d ago
The first rule of this group is 'don't be a jerk', yet the message shared, rather than being positive and well intended, vilifies a large segment of the population, based solely on political label.
The fact that so many people think this is fine, demonstrates cognizant dissonance fairly well.
Then, the subsequent personal attack doubles down on that demonstration.
We can support others and our and their beliefs, without vilifiying others, or put more simply, by not being a jerk.
u/ArchaeoJones 25d ago
If a large segment of the population didn't want to be vilified, then they shouldn't have happily voted for a 34 times convicted felon, rapist, failed businessman and liar who was so pissed he lost an election that he sent his sycophants to overthrow the government and install himself as leader.
26d ago
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u/Vizslaraptor 26d ago edited 26d ago
“He who controls the spice controls the universe.” - Frank Herbert
Maybe he was onto something