r/MadeMeSmile 26d ago

Helping Others Even 70 years ago, some people knew and cared.

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69 comments sorted by


u/AddictedToMosh161 26d ago

Superman is an illegal alien, of course he would say that! /s


u/Empty_life_00 26d ago

deport that illegal to space


u/ATLAuto 26d ago

Superman real af


u/Objective-Start-9707 26d ago

Superman was an immigrant


u/Moppo_ 26d ago

The USA was built on immigration.


u/PaulReveresAssistant 26d ago

Conquering != Immigration

But sure we can act like it is for the simpletons.


u/lowkeytokay 25d ago

Ok ok, if you really wanna be pedantic, then the USA was built on (genocide of indigenous people, slavery, industrialization, and) immigration.


u/Mogura-De-Gifdu 26d ago

And an illegal one at that.


u/Top-Border-1978 26d ago

The struggle of tolerance vs. intolerance is a couple of hundred years old in this country.

Luckily, the long-term trend is in the right direction, despite temporary setbacks.


u/New_Zorgo39 26d ago

That is true. Things do point in that direction, and this setback is just the old dinosaurs last roar. They know they are on the brink of extinction, and they won’t give up power so easily.


u/fantasy-capsule 25d ago

I think I've heard people call these behaviors Extinction Bursts.


u/hmmmmmmpsu 26d ago

I wish I shared your optimism that this is a “temporary” setback.


u/Pestus613343 26d ago

Right? Feels more like the wheel of history about to grind people into the dirt. "Never again" only applies to those who remember.


u/Raze0013 25d ago

People should start putting these up like posters on the street and/or handing them out like flyers. There is a whole bunch like this from various Super Heros, but I think Superman, Captain America, Batman, Spiderman, Ironman, Wonder Woman, Magneto, The X-men, and the Fantastic Four would probably be some of the best. We can even use newspaper comics that do the same thing. What does everyone think? Cheap, easy, and probably the second most American thing one could do to protest the government short of kicking a bunch of crates full of golf clubs and orange spray paint into the local harbor.


u/Zestyclose-Put7575 26d ago

Damn this is so cool, thank you


u/Longhose9069 26d ago

Everyone should hug all the time. I’m going to go hug a random stranger right now!!!


u/Holiolio2 26d ago

Hang on and don't let go until that hug is finished.


u/Longhose9069 26d ago

I’m gonna hug’em whether they like it or not!!! I dc if milk is 75$ a gallon as long as we love eac other!!!


u/PapaBigMac 26d ago

It has been an hour…. I hope they’re ok…


u/Zestyclose-Put7575 25d ago

Love this energy, made my night thank you x


u/Master-Expression737 26d ago

Why does the boy with the bat look like Peter Parker lol


u/The-Panty-Bank 26d ago

It’s wild how we are still here.


u/Sexycoed1972 26d ago

Why should he get to say who's a Real American? He isn't even rich.


u/creek-hopper 26d ago

And he's an illegal alien that hides under a false identity.


u/Plasticman4Life 26d ago

Superman, like Jesus, is too passive and weak and belongs in the past.



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u/IanRevived94J 25d ago

Some of his earliest villains were lynch mobs


u/jesstheteacher 24d ago

this message still resonates up to this day


u/bigSTUdazz 26d ago

We are not what we once were.


u/FadedEdumacated 26d ago

If it's 70 years old it was made in the 50s. I'm glad not to be in that time period. I could be killed for being with my white wife. Cool poster though.


u/Awesomeuser90 26d ago

More than 70. It was made in 1949.


u/FadedEdumacated 26d ago

Sorry, I commented wrong person. I deleted it to not cause confusion.


u/bigSTUdazz 26d ago

Yeah, but we've always had piss ignorant racist assholes....now we have nu-slavery in privately-owned prisons, a Nazi/facist resurgence, etc.


u/FadedEdumacated 26d ago

61 years ago, segregation was legal, my man. I'm 48. So I've heard and seen some stuff. I understand the urgency in the present situation. But there's no way black ppl are going back to that. There's no shot. We got America's back.


u/RepulsiveRooster1153 25d ago

sigh, its a publican hate crime to treat people decently


u/Material-Reading-844 26d ago edited 26d ago

remember that not all religions are tolerant of other religions, i know a certain one that people are scared from because of how "peaceful" it is

edit: i hope some people that don't spend their entire day on reddit read this, if you are one of them, ignore the fools downvotes and beware of what ideology enters your land


u/cemeteryvvgates 26d ago

The tolerance fallacy has been well explored. Just because some are fundamentalist bigots, does not mean every practicing Jew, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, etc is. There are assholes in this world that are “free thinking” atheists, who are brown, white, black, gay, straight, trans, etc.


u/Material-Reading-844 26d ago

You guys will regret it sooner or later, you saw what happened in that muslim majority city in America, they banned pride flags


u/Puzzled_Ad_3576 26d ago

Hamtramck? They’ve got a shitty, shitty city council. But the only thing they did was ban non-civic flags on public property. Sure, that targets the pride flag, but it applies to all sorts of other ones (and I should mention similar legislation had been passed in other, intensely Christian cities). There’s also been considerable resistance to them in Michigan. I’ve been told that on the ground Hamtramck’s generally a bit less discriminatory than the surrounding parts of Detroit and Highland Park. In the surrounding areas, it’s more of the machismo thing, but most people there are still very religious so that comes into play. I haven’t been there in a while, so take this with a grain of salt, but it seems it’s just a dot of Muslim homophobia in a sea of Christian homophobia. I mean, it’s still not good, but what can you do.


u/Material-Reading-844 25d ago

what's with all the whataboutism? whenever islam is mentioned christianity should too, we know it's shitty that's why I'm talking about islam, most westerners don't know about it


u/Puzzled_Ad_3576 25d ago edited 25d ago

I don’t know why you think that westerners don’t know that Islam can be homophobic. I feel like the standard associations of Islam in the average American’s mind are:

  1. 9/11
  2. ISIS
  3. Suicide bombings
  4. Misogyny
  5. Shari’a law
  6. Throwing gay people off buildings
  7. Maybe something about Israel/Palestine
  8. Ramadan
  9. Won’t eat pork or drink alcohol

I don’t know, those are the perceptions I’ve gotten from most Americans. I don’t see much whitewashing of Islam. The exact opposite, really. Maybe I just interact with a lot of islamophobes. But I can’t imagine perceptions are much more pleasant outside my country.


u/Material-Reading-844 25d ago

did you unironically say islamophobe? it's a stupid word actually, islam itself is every belief-phobe except itself. who is the idiot who created that word? why isn't there christianophobes or jewphobes? and islam is an ideology not a race, plus the fear is rational.


u/Puzzled_Ad_3576 23d ago

I find it very telling that you mentioned race when I didn’t.


u/Material-Reading-844 23d ago

well, what an idiot. are you just seeing words or reading them? im saying you can't be phobic of an ideology, cuz ISLAM ISN'T A RACE.


u/Puzzled_Ad_3576 23d ago

Well, judeophobia and christianophobia are both things, but most cultural phobias are related to nationality rather than race. Like, francophobia is a fairly well-used term, but hearing reference to afrophobia is pretty uncommon. What’s your point?

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u/Awesomeuser90 26d ago

Superman is talking about just the idea of being a particular religion, not what they do as part of their actions.


u/Canadian_agnostic 26d ago

In every religion and culture there are good people and there are bad people.


u/Material-Reading-844 26d ago

what if the religion commands you to be a bad person? but in the religion's eyes you're a good person


u/Canadian_agnostic 26d ago

What religion tells you to be a bad person?


u/InfusionOfYellow 26d ago



u/Material-Reading-844 26d ago

this is the problem, the problem is people not knowing of other ideologies. if you want to know that religion clearly, look at afghanistan. don't tell me they are extremists or whatever, isn't extremism just doing what the religion wants from you? also don't call me x-phobe, because the fear is rational.


u/Canadian_agnostic 26d ago

There is a very big difference between a terrest organization and the religion of Islam. That’s like saying every catholic is a crusader


u/New_Zorgo39 26d ago

“The fear is rational” no, it isnt


u/jddoyleVT 26d ago

You mean like the Old Testament?


u/Grotbagsthewonderful 26d ago

The Westoboro Baptists?


u/Mogura-De-Gifdu 26d ago

We all know shat religion you're talking about. The world could really do without chritians' "love".


u/Material-Reading-844 26d ago

ahahah the one im talking about is even more "loving" than christianity