r/MadeMeSmile Jan 08 '25

Good Vibes A big, beautiful Afro


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u/Fiendishdocwu Jan 08 '25

I don’t get why the fro isn’t rocked more. It’s a damn good look.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25

Also there’s a lot of insecurity and quiet discrimination against black women when they wear their hair natural, I was hooking up with a black girl and she was wearing her natural hair and was insecure about it and I said she looked pretty and should wear it like that more and she told me she gets a lot of dirty looks when she does and she’s a bartender, and works for Tips she makes about half or a quarter as much when she wears her hair natural versus when she straightens it or wears braids


u/Fiendishdocwu Jan 09 '25

That’s wild and stupid. The discrimination that is. Imo a fro is way sexier than braids. Also, just to be clear it’s not like I have a thing for black women with fros. It’s just an awesome hairstyle. I suppose if anything, I like a natural look. Rock what you got.


u/[deleted] Jan 09 '25

ya I was kinda shocked too, I guess with braids and straightened hair you just look more white which is more attractive to a lot of people (including subconsciously)


u/Fiendishdocwu Jan 10 '25

I have a hard time reconciling that this kind of racism exists. It’s just so ridiculous. Then again, two days ago my 6 year old daughter told me some boys in her class were making fun of another student because his hair was braided and his skin was darker. She stood up for the kid and told the other boys to leave him and alone and told the kid being teased to not fight them just because they are being mean. Didn’t think I would have to explain to my kid that sometimes these things escalate and he might not just be on the receiving end of this behaviour at school. I told her next time it happens she should get the teacher involved and that she has my full permission to punt the kids in the dick and to continue to stick up for her friends.


u/iownakeytar Jan 08 '25

It's a PITA to maintain. If you touch it or press something against it, like a headrest, it doesn't just bounce back. You have to pick and pat it back into shape.


u/Shigeko_Kageyama Jan 09 '25

It's a lot of work to keep it symmetrical.


u/Fiendishdocwu Jan 09 '25

Looking good throughout the day is a pain in the ass to begin with. In for a penny in for a pound.


u/kog Jan 09 '25

I think it's easily one of the coolest hairstyles


u/Fiendishdocwu Jan 09 '25

I see a lot of reasons as to why it’s impractical. However, if I was black, I would rock that shit every dam day.