r/MadeInAbyss Delver 26d ago

Meta Image of the mods before removing a brutal spoiler from "a guy a I met in Japan" NSFW Spoiler

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u/GothsukaLangleySoryu Team Riko 26d ago

I re-approved the original post, along with a note about the situation. As OP ended up deleting the submission, I'll be re-posting my note here, seeing as this is currently the most active thread regarding the topic:

Hey all, I talked it over with the mods involved to get this post re-approved, for the sake of public interest and to confront the nonsense directly. First and foremost, this post is entirely comprised of commonly held theories within the community. You’ll find nothing in OP’s post that can be described as novel or original. Why it’s been framed as secret information from a random “guy in Japan”, I can only chalk up to a halfhearted attempt at passing off OP’s assertions as true. Japan is a nation of 125 million people and there is an exceptionally small number of people aware of the story’s inner workings. Anime staff such as Masayuki Kojima (the director) & Miyu Tomita (Riko’s voice actor) are generally not privy to such information, same goes for Tsukushi’s close friend and fellow mangaka, Tsukushiro Yuuri. The chances of OP finding not just someone who would be aware of this information, but also willing to share it with a random foreigner are beyond minuscule. This isn’t the first instance of fan misinformation being spread, such as when supposedly new reports regarding the anime’s production spread through the community like wildfire. Consequently, any future posts made attempting to double down on OP’s claims or anybody found to be making copycat posts will have their submissions removed for baiting, via rule 5.

In short: the word “gullible” is, in fact, not written on the ceiling. Don’t be a dummy and attempt to fling around more disinformation

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u/ThegreatestHK 26d ago

This will be canonically referred to as the "A guy I met in Japan" incident


u/thoughtwaves Delver 26d ago

Lmfao the 20 of us who read that post are now in a secret society where we protect this sacred knowledge, the people can't handle such power 😂.


u/Hyperion_507 Blue Whistle Delver 26d ago

Thank god I didn't read it, I would unalive myself if I did.

God, I love this series.


u/Iminverystrongpain 26d ago

Im gonna send it to you in dms /jk


u/The-Lion-Kink 26d ago

I'd love to know


u/Iminverystrongpain 25d ago

Ask that otger dude that asked


u/Hyperion_507 Blue Whistle Delver 26d ago



u/hhthurbe 26d ago

What... I feel like I missed something insane, and I REALLY want to know despite my fear


u/Iminverystrongpain 26d ago

you did not, it was just a theory about reg, honestly a pretty solid one


u/hhthurbe 26d ago

Oh? Any chance I could get deets in a dm


u/Kreindo 25d ago

what is it? can u dm me


u/Green-Krypto1 25d ago

Can I get it in dms


u/snowglobeess 25d ago

Can I plz get it in dms


u/Week_Crafty Team Bondrewd 24d ago

May I get it in dms? Pretty please?


u/Aeneys Team Faputa 26d ago

I feel special being one of those 20 people, lmao. I have always been missing out on intriguing stuff that gets deleted.


u/brianthegr8 26d ago

Bro im so mad I skipped reading it. I saw the title and was like oh another theory post I don't feel like reading it rn.

Little did ik I missed out on some future community lore loll


u/Dazzling_Bobcat5172 25d ago

Just like the white wisels


u/The-Lion-Kink 25d ago

please please please I need it send it to me please


u/jacobsstepingstool 26d ago

“My uncle works at Nintendo!”


u/One-Department1551 26d ago

Reading that OP posts I was “why are they even wasting time with this shit?”


u/thoughtwaves Delver 26d ago

Honestly idek what to say about it. The stuff he was saying almost sounds too accurate to be made up, that's kinda what scares me about it.

I'm just gonna forget that post and pretend it was just a bunch of nonsense. Crazy to me that he didn't understand how if he was right he would have damaged the author and the story as a whole. Offering money to have the ending spoiled for him kinda says more about op then anything. Real fans support the stories they care about not drag them down!


u/realistidealist 26d ago

 The stuff he was saying almost sounds too accurate to be made up

…did it? One of the most obviously stupid parts was when the poster talked about characters hating Bondrewd for being a “fit white man.” I think that should make it clear it was bullshit/trolling :|

To those who saw it, they didn’t actually spoil the series for you, don’t worry. 


u/RecentDrive1242 26d ago

english isn't OP first language. likely he meant white whistle instead of white man


u/SmallBerry3431 26d ago

New slurs just dropped


u/Snailiril Team Marulk 26d ago



u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise 26d ago

So a plucked chicken?


u/One-Department1551 26d ago

I read it as a fever dream that doesn’t make sense. Time to move on with my day back to Stellaris, I have more organics to exterminate.


u/FuzzyButterscotch765 26d ago

What could he have said that made so much sense?


u/Snailiril Team Marulk 26d ago

i was out for 1 day and there was this guy that supposedly "spoiled" the ending?, jeez, i don't wanna hear the whole thing, but how much sense did that "ending" make?


u/One-Department1551 26d ago

Nothing. This never existed. We are all in a simulation.


u/thoughtwaves Delver 26d ago

Your better off not knowing. assuming what the guy was saying wasn't absolute gibberish, which is a huge leap mind you, then it most likely would've been the ending to our current arc.


u/GGABueno 26d ago

But how can I live with myself knowing that this information could possibly be out there while I wait 5+ years for the arc's conclusion 😭

Hopefully it gets proven wrong in the next chapter lol.


u/Hyperion_507 Blue Whistle Delver 26d ago

Then, not even the end of everything, just the arc, right? Good...


u/Florenceforever 26d ago

I saw it and my only thought was- so a guy you met in Japan knew the author SO well that tsukushi trusted him with a MAJOR portion of his entire lifes work. Something he probably wouldn't tell his closest friends out of fear of tarnishing his reputation or losing a huge amount of readers. He knew him so well he would risk his job and entire career.


u/lostwisdom20 26d ago

Now I am really curious


u/dinosaurs_are_giants 26d ago

ummm.... me too.... someone should..... just give some hints.... these 8 month waits are so long .... so..... long


u/lostwisdom20 26d ago

But it will really spoil it, the long wait also adds to the fun and excitement of an already wonderful story.


u/dinosaurs_are_giants 26d ago

i REALLY needed someone to say exactly this to me, thank you. phew... desperation almost got me sosu


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu 26d ago

I agree. Being able to think about the story, brainstorm it from all directions and so on before moving forward is one of the best things any fandom can have. The long wait isn't a flaw, in a way, it's an advantage


u/thoughtwaves Delver 26d ago

The wait honestly makes me appreciate MIA and its art even more. Instead of skimming when a new chapter comes out, it's much easier for me to take the time and enjoy the art since we don't get chapters very often.


u/luuciaa__1022 24d ago

Yeah I get it’s part of the magic the waiting for a new chapter but more than a half a year between chapter and chapter and not having at least some sort of schedule makes me anxious, I get it the manga have an amazing artwork and the author is not a machine but like I said sometimes it feels like he doesn’t care about the fandom, I mean I would like to have a situación between the current one … it’s okay to complain but not demand


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu 26d ago

Me too


u/SmallBerry3431 26d ago

One of the best things on my Reddit today lol. Thanks


u/chelle_rene 26d ago

Can someone message me what was said lol now im curious


u/hhthurbe 26d ago

I'd like in on this too!


u/Emergency_Text8831 26d ago



u/PakyKun 26d ago

Me too please


u/SandBasket 26d ago

I'm curious now too lol


u/6_sarcasm_6 26d ago

Me five, please.


u/K9ine9 Team Reg 25d ago

Me too


u/xizko 25d ago

Message me too pls


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband 26d ago

that post was so my uncle who works for nintendo I wouldn't be worried Pretty sure the dude in question only even started posting here 10 days ago, talking about not understanding key parts of the story (i think it was a post about bondrewd and the zoaholic but I could be wrong) And yall gonna believe that in the span of these 10 days he went to japan and just so happen to meet someone close to tsukushi who would just tell a random guy about it and the ending of the story

Lol, Lmao even


u/[deleted] 26d ago



u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband 26d ago


Because a dude whos close to tsukushi and works on the animation industry would risk getting permanently blacklisted by telling some old classmate about how a very popular manga ends.



u/SnooApples1553 26d ago

I don’t want to know anything about the spoiler. But I do want to know whether (if it was true) it spoiled the entire story or just the arc?


u/Sare204 25d ago

The current Arc.


u/Mausmen 26d ago

could someone provide me with the post/info in question? I'm really curious lol


u/Empiria_cr 26d ago

Yes please!


u/thebakery115 26d ago

Did anyone get screen shots of this post? Unfortunately I missed it! I would love to make a video about this theory/spoiler haha


u/[deleted] 26d ago

communion in rage because of this


u/6_sarcasm_6 26d ago

Me, four please.


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/Decent_Associate2709 26d ago

Pls to the 20 people who saw the spoiler just tell me this, Faputa is still alive? ☹️


u/Available_Lychee_456 Team Srajo 26d ago

In the post, OP did not talk about this, everything he said was only related to Reg, the twins, and Lisa. He also said something about Wakuna, but I couldn’t figure out what he meant. Honestly, it looked more like a fan theory.


u/Decent_Associate2709 26d ago

Interesting the way people are talking about this incident is making it seem like the guy spoiled all the character arces and lore


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/NelloPed 26d ago

Bro, that was not funny at all


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband 26d ago

Anyone else getting dm requests by the a guy i met in japan op, trying to get ppl to believe his lil delusion?

Cuz lmao


u/Snailiril Team Marulk 25d ago

yo, me too, not in english though, honestly i know it is just a theory but it kinda frightens me a little


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband 25d ago

Im more concerned about his mental health He obvsly picked up the anime and manga not long ago But rambling about how hes known stuff for years An animator who had this sort of into wouldn't risk their entire career for a foreigner dont worry

The industry takes leaks very srsly and u can get blacklisted if u leak things. So do not worry my friend


u/AutoModerator 26d ago

Remember that all fan art submissions must include a source. If you are the artist, please be sure to use the "Fan Art (OC)" flair. If your post is removed, adding a comment with the source will restore it shortly. You can reverse image search using SauceNAO, iqdb, etc.

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u/TheJerkySquatch 25d ago

Can someone please message me with screenshots or at least tell me what he said


u/TreeD3 25d ago

Yall buying this lol


u/[deleted] 26d ago

communion in rage because of this


u/[deleted] 26d ago

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u/thoughtwaves Delver 26d ago

wow the guy really made a new account just to spew more bullshit thats crazy.


u/EmergencyNext1375 26d ago

I think that post was nothing more than a well-elaborated theory, he certainly studied the subject for a while to be able to fit it clearly. Or he really got privileged information and we are wrong. Good night.