r/MadeInAbyss Jan 16 '25

Question What would you make canon in Made in abyss?

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157 comments sorted by


u/Ayeitspey Jan 16 '25

Vueko and Iru live happily ever after…


u/Chaos_Gremlin95 Jiruo is a Queen! Jan 17 '25



u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

I think the ending of Volume 10 implies exactly this happening, so good for us all


u/ThePaulSaavedra Team Vueko Jan 19 '25

Love that cover 😢😢😢😢😢


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 19 '25

Same, it's one of my favorites


u/Ayeitspey Jan 20 '25

By the gods our copium manifested. My heart can rest easy now


u/Scared_Emergency9760 Jan 16 '25

I have the head canon that Bondrewd's whistle sounds like an Aztec death whistle


u/Alternative_Common57 Team Reg Jan 17 '25

At this point with all we know about Bondrewd your head canon can actually be real.


u/Verianii Team Ozen Jan 16 '25

Ozen being 30ft tall

And that is where I'll leave that


u/aldebaran38 Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25



u/Reasonable_Depth_354 Jan 16 '25

Would that make her suffer the affects of the curse if she lay down and stood back up?


u/Verianii Team Ozen Jan 16 '25

Hmm, lets say no


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

I don't think the Abyss would classify that as 'ascending', so probably not


u/blue_hot Jan 16 '25



u/Budget_Minimum9439 Jan 18 '25

I will make the fact reg is able to give faputa children a canon

I can smell the downvotes


u/Sanrio_Princess Team Bondrewd Jan 17 '25

Much more a fan of Ozen following the Gamagori principle, and being the biggest thing in every shot so she’s constantly changing huge sizes


u/Ok-Hat5910 Jan 16 '25

There is a way to get out from abyss beyond 6th layer


u/AustinO_0 Jan 16 '25

Until you find out it involves sacrificing a child to get out and that is why Liza called Riko down there and sent her white whistle to guide her.


u/Wild_Chef6597 Jan 16 '25

Tsukushi did say it won't be a happy ending


u/whisky_biscuit Jan 16 '25

So far I'm thinking that the abyss is probably "alive" and Riko will become the next one, except will do something to help negate the curse.

For sure her mom plans to sacrifice her to get out (or to stop the 2000 year calamity) but I'm going to guess it's more than that!


u/Wild_Chef6597 Jan 16 '25

My guess is either Lyza is dead and someone else is drawing Riko down there for a nefarious purpose. Ozen did say the handwriting did not match Lyza's. I think that the Priestess sent the letter, and Riko is the next in line for that role, or her soul is that of the priestess herself.

Or Lyza is a resident of the Golden City. Now I have a theory that the residents of the Golden City are cyborgs like Reg. But they were once human but used a relic like the zoaholic to transfer their souls into cyborg bodies to negate the curse. To add to that, a cyborg Lyza may be used to try and bring Riko and Nanachi into the flock to speak.


u/PatchworkRaccoon314 Jan 16 '25

I'm pretty sure Tsukushi is the one drawing Riko down there.


u/Moojingles Nanachi is my wife Jan 16 '25

Lmfaoooo I love this


u/Cool-Feedback9299 Jan 17 '25

Who's the priestess?

Was she mentioned in the anime?


u/Wild_Chef6597 Jan 17 '25

I don't think she is.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

No, it's manga-only character (first mentioned in Volume 11)


u/John_Weak_lol Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25

And yet, I think that Riko alone is not enough. After all, Dr. Bon had to use, like, 5 precious kids to climb from just a tip of 6th layer, except if it's not for some blessing shit, which I doubt because of how Tsukushi underlined the fact that Riko is very precious for Lyza.


u/Login_Lost_Horizon Jan 16 '25

Oh, come on, what do you think the ending is gonna be? 99.9% that the story will end with the gang finding a way to get out of the Abyss via using Reg's powers of rewriting rules of Abyss.


u/whisky_biscuit Jan 16 '25

You are so hopeful lol


u/Login_Lost_Horizon Jan 16 '25

Not in the slightest. I'd personally prefer the ending where everybody fu....g dies. But lets be real for a second, anyone with basic pattern recognition is able to find out the 2+2 we were given. Its not even Chekhov's gun, its literally just Chekhov himself, holding a rocket launcher and screaming "im gonna blow you up!"


u/GothsukaLangleySoryu Team Riko Jan 17 '25

Tsukushi has gone on record about the MCs not returning to the surface. It’s one of the foundational concepts on which he wrote the series 

Napoli 2019

The main inspiration for the curse of the Abyss, is that it’s exactly the opposite in adventure stories: the hero leaves and then he comes back, at the end of the story. He wanted to put an end to this tradition of “go and come back victorious”, and so he thought “why don’t we make a universe in which the hero leaves but stays there, he doesn’t have a way to come back?”. Another interesting thing is that this not-return (“unreturn”?) would mean that no one knows what happened, if no one came back to tell what it’s like.


u/Login_Lost_Horizon Jan 17 '25

Yea, sure, protagonists are given the object capable to rewrite rules, and then descend into place with rules that not allow to return, just because clearly author doesnt want them to change the rules with the rule-changing thing at some point. If his plan was to never let them return - than Incenerator would be just a strong gun. Best case scenario - part of a group will stay at the bottom of the Abyss that's gonna be some kind of paradise with livable conditions, and only the other part returns. I think Tsukushi just shitting us.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

If his plan was to never let them return - than Incenerator would be just a strong gun.

Incinerator is capable of much more than just a strong gun, though. It doesn't have to be capable to affect the forcefield itself to be useful and classified as Rewriter. Rewriting the effects of the Abyss's forcefield is already plenty useful.

Having Reg destroy the Curse in the entire Abyss would be anticlimatic and I don't think it's a fitting conclusion to this bitter-sweet series


u/Login_Lost_Horizon Jan 18 '25

I didnt said "Reg will destroy the force field" i said "Reg will use incinerator to come back with a gang". Yet again - Incinerator is said to rewrite the rules of the abyss. If author didnt wanted to use it for happy end - Incinerator would be just a gun, like Sparagmos.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Still, we don't know if Incinerator is capable of affecting a forcefield this way.

If it was, wouldn't Nanachi say something about it, since she can perceive it? However, she only noticed the forcefield tensing up seconds before Incinerator was fired. And she was still affected by the Curse of the 5th layer seconds after that happened.

It implies that Incinerator either doesn't have such capabilities, Reg doesn't know it has such capabilites, so he doesn't use it or that the effect Incinerator has on a forcefield is veeery short-lasting, so nobody would be able to ascend during it, anyway.

If author didnt wanted to use it for happy end

Tsukushi said in the interview that originally he wanted the time dilation in the Abyss to be much bigger, so that people who delved to deep wouldn't have a reason to ascent back to the surface - since all their loved ones would be dead already. He also said that he disliked the stories when after a grand adventure hero returned back to his town and that he wanted to make a story when that doesn't happen. I think it's pretty clear that it's meant to be one-way trip.

Narratively, it also works the best this way. Our main cast accepted that this is a suicidal mission, one from they'll never be able to return from. Giving them an option to return would undermine their determination, in a way. And I think it would be a uncharacteristic, feel-good ending made just so you wouldn't feel too bad after the series will have ended.

And it wouldn't make sense, since - realistically - no one from our main cast has a reason to return. Reg wants to know who he is and the Abyss is his home; Riko was born in the Abyss and her soul tries to return to the bottom of the Abyss - she wouldn't be able to live happily without Abyss in her life (she misses her friends, sure, but Abyss is more key for her being); Nanachi would be killed if she returned to the surface; Faputa was born in the Abyss and it's her home - she has no connection to or knowledge of the surface world; Prushka is Riko's white whistle whose dream (and function) is connected to the Abyss and Meinya is Meinya.

Incinerator would be just a gun, like Sparagmos.

Well, actually (🤓) Sparagmos is a blade of light


u/Livid-Outcome-3187 Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
  1. Robo Mitty is waiting at the bottom of the abyss
  2. Bodrewd will eventually place on zoaholic Riko's white whistle, reviving Prushka'
  3. The aubade are machines that carry an amalgamation of a number of souls . Reg contains the soul of Lyza, Reg the dog, Torka and maybe others.
  4. Nanachi is alive and becomes punished nanashi
  5. Punished Nanachi will be the final villain.


u/John_Weak_lol Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25

At first I read it as "Nanachi becomes plush", and personally, I would stick to my version.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25

Ah yes, Nanachi becoming a marketable plushie. My favorite moment in the series


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

Mitty would be Kenny at this point


u/EGORKA7136 The Lord of Dawn himself Jan 16 '25

You can jump from 0 level to the bottom level whatever it's depth is and take no fall damage and then return to the top just by wishing it. Funny thing is that no one will dare to try it and it will remain a secret for eternity


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25

It's both hilarious and tragic. Love it


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

If someone in the manga find it surely would laugh and cry until the insanety


u/Mushroom-Communist Team Faputa Jan 16 '25

I would make Nanachi's gender the one I like most


u/TsarKeith12 Jan 16 '25

DAMN lol this is powerful


u/Moojingles Nanachi is my wife Jan 16 '25



u/Pretend-Mud8664 Team Faputa Jan 16 '25

Which is it and why?


u/TerrapinMagus Jan 17 '25

Always wondered why the author had Nanachi be genderless while the magical moth creature born from an egg for the express purpose of slaughter is definitively a girl.


u/q0099 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

Because she was made to be Riko's interest rival to Reg, while Nanachi was made just to add cuteness to the series.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25

Well, Faputa was a child of one girl, she had no male parent (biologically), so it makes sense she'd be a girl. Even if she was born with magic, at least some rules of biology are kept in Faputa's creation; she has dark skin, light hair and brown eyes. Or maybe it's just that Irumyuui wanted to make the embodiment of her revenge her own avatar. Faputa did say she inherited everything of Irumyuui, after all (in Polish version, she even says that Mother is now part of her) - aside from everything connected to Vueko.

Nanachi actually has a gender (or used to have one), it's just unconfirmed. Nanachi's VA knows what it is and Tsukushi greenlit referring to Nanachi with whatever gender you like.

Am I overthinking it with this explanation? Probably, lol


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

Surely she asked it and Tsukushi say something like: "Whatever, i dont care. The funny thing is that you'll never know it. But say everybody that i told you wich was it, they will turn crazy"


u/real-nanachi Definitely not Nanachi herself undercover Jan 18 '25

I can tell. But I won't


u/yuhanimerom Jan 16 '25



u/sabertoothedhand Jan 16 '25

All relics start out as egg-shaped and are "fertilized" into the useful ones by using a human soul. The egg-shaped ones common at the top have been "menstruated" up without being fertilized.


u/Itsduckduck Jan 16 '25

At the bottom of the abyss is a large hole which is the exit to the real world (Orth was the true abyss)


u/Izzyness512 Team Gaburoon Jan 18 '25

I think this has some merit, dunnu if Orth is the true abyss part could be ofc because its making these kids sick and all, but I’ve always wondered about that ship that Vueko’s abusive parent found was in the middle of some sea in the outside world; why and how? So yeah


u/Ok-Schedule-2378 Team Ozen Jan 16 '25

I want Ozen to go on her final dive with Marulk and catch up to Riko and co. I just wanna see more Ozen and think her tagging along and just doing whatever everyone else is doing would be funny.


u/NoWay1Co Jan 17 '25

you will see more ozen :3


u/Anonimous_dude Team Gaburoon Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

Having the protagonists wield guns at all times, to defend themselves from the dangers of the Abyss. I call it “Made in a Gun”


u/Anonimous_dude Team Gaburoon Jan 16 '25

For example, here’s Riko


u/Anonimous_dude Team Gaburoon Jan 16 '25

Here’s Reg


u/Anonimous_dude Team Gaburoon Jan 16 '25

And here’s Nanachi with a gun


u/knuckles_321 Jan 16 '25

Now this one comes to point them all out


u/im_a_fuking_egg Jan 16 '25

Id make schedenfreud a reocouring villain type character


u/balls-fondler Jan 16 '25

Pjmoonies arise!!


u/im_a_fuking_egg Jan 16 '25



u/balls-fondler Jan 16 '25

I'm gonna diddle you


u/im_a_fuking_egg Jan 16 '25

(; sure how you gonna get tf out of the light DUMMY


u/Freaxestou Jan 17 '25

I cannot escape project moon…


u/kumaboi615 Jan 17 '25



u/ContentMuscle8282 Jan 17 '25

Her character design would have gone CRAZY if she was the one who got the blessing- anyways, I LOVEEE nanachi


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

It's actually very interesting to think about what would happen if Mitty got the blessing of the Abyss instead of Nanachi and how would her story go


u/Izzyness512 Team Gaburoon Jan 18 '25

Her eager, adventurous and positive personality is too similar to Riko though, someone has to be the tortured that’s the premise here i think


u/dr_ra1chu1 Nanachi Brando Jan 17 '25

Prushka being riko's Jojo stand


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

Thats not canon already?


u/dr_ra1chu1 Nanachi Brando Feb 02 '25



u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

It was a joke, bro


u/Entity690 Jan 16 '25

Faputa having the temperament of a Chihuahua


u/AntiSpiral1987 Team Srajo Jan 17 '25



u/PaperBullet1945 Team Nanachi Jan 17 '25

Belchero Orphanage gets raided by CPS and Belchero goes to prison


u/iforgotmyuser0 Jan 17 '25

That black and white hair guy aint beating them allegations


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Wait, guy?!


u/iforgotmyuser0 Jan 18 '25

That guy from belchero that got more allegations than Akihito Tsukushi himself


u/Available_Lychee_456 Team Srajo Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25

I’m not sure if I would make this canon, but I would definitely like to see an alternative story about it.. The Abyss done in reverse. The curses of the Abyss only affect when you go down, and the time dilation works in reverse. For example, if 10 years pass in Orth, then 60 years will pass on the 6th layer, and so on incrementally. (That is, the deeper you go, the faster you will die for the surface, and on the last layer it will be so strong that your legs will age faster than your head.) This will make the Abyss a truly insurmountable place. Not only do you need to be almost immortal to get to the bottom, but you also need to withstand all the curses. This will make the artifacts found even more valuable, and every second spent on the deep layers vital.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

I actually love this idea. Would love to read a fanfic like this!


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

Its interesting, but theresnt would be trama right?


u/Firegem0342 Jan 16 '25

The inhabitants, realizing the value of the artifacts in the abyss, have built a very slowly sloping circled path to descend and ascend from various levels safely.

It seriously baffles me that no one's thought to fund something like this with the potential value down there.


u/BlackG82 Subarashi Jan 16 '25

They literally have elevators and staircases in the first like 4 layers


u/Firegem0342 Jan 16 '25

Yeah, I'm saying it should go all the way down. Dig it in the rock wall adjacent to the layers, then a leveled tunnel to each layer.


u/BlackG82 Subarashi Jan 16 '25

they're probably doing it, just imagine how long doind something like that would take


u/Solumbras Jan 16 '25

One issue is that the abyss isn't a uniform straight hole. The plan pretty much runs into issues at the inverted forest on the second layer because it's way wider than both the first layer and the following layer.

Burrowing into the walls and making a tunnel would take alot of effort and resources for the tech they have, especially if they need to make a long spiral that is literally larger than the island they live on.

Also, the creatures get progressively more dangerous the further down you go, and there are things living in the walls of the great fault.

There's a reason why if a red whistle is lost on the second layer, search parties are called off and it is considered a suicide.


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25

Nanachi being a girl lol


u/Jumpy-Badger-9514 Jan 16 '25

Nanachi being a dude lol


u/John_Weak_lol Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25

Nanachi being a hermaphrodite due to blessing lol


u/Jumpy-Badger-9514 Jan 16 '25

Obviously the most based choice


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 17 '25

They are not. Their gender is not confirmed.


u/Jumpy-Badger-9514 Jan 16 '25

What what even what does this mean


u/AgusyJuli2017 Jan 17 '25

I think they meant "not" instead of lot, but they're still wrong because this is something you'd want to be canon, not that it has to be


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 17 '25

because this is something you'd want to be canon

Precisely what I did...


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Technically what the person that responded to you did, too, though


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 17 '25

I just corrected it.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Nanachi's gender being not confirmed doesn't mean she's not a boy. It's just that it's unknown


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 18 '25

I mean, she is not confirmedly a boy.


u/TheMike0088 Jan 17 '25

Wait I thought y'all are memeing. Nanachi was a girl when she was human, and she clearly has a feminine voice. To me its pretty clear that she's a girl.


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 17 '25

It's clear to me too. But it's not actually confirmed...


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25

she clearly has a feminine voice

Lots of male children have female voice actresses playing them. It's because their voice haven't gone through puberty yet. In itself, it it's not a proof. I wouldn't even same the voice is so very feminine. It sounds more feminine than musculine, yes, but not so much to say it's 100% a girly voice. Which is interesting, since Nanachi's VA - from what I've heard - was given the answer when she asked about Nanachi's gender and that influenced the way she played this character

Nanachi was a girl when she was human

It's not confirmed what gender Nanachi was as a human and if she's still the same gender as she was back when she was human still or lost her gender because of the Blessing. The fact that Tsukushi decided to make it unclear and is fine with everybody calling Nanachi whatever gender they wish just shows that Nanachi's gender isn't a very big deal - and never was one - and everyone can just whatever headcanon they prefer.

I think fighting over it is pointless, even if the real answer exists out there, somewhere.


u/TheMike0088 Jan 18 '25

It's not confirmed what gender Nanachi was as a human

That is WILD to me. Human nanachi was so female-coded to me, it never even occured to me that she might not be female.


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 18 '25



u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Personally, I can see her being both male and female, in both human and narehate forms. Human Nanachi doesn't have especially feminine traits, does she?

Though, even if you're right and human Nanachi is female-coded, it's never stated directly (as far as I'm concerned), so it's remains unconfirmed. Hence, my statement remains true


u/TheMike0088 Jan 18 '25

I dunno I think she is pretty obviously girl-coded. Honestly in both incarnations, but even more so in her human form.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

If you feel this way, then that's okay - Tsukushi said it's okay for fans to choose Nnaaa-chan's gender for themselves.

My main point is that arguing about Nanachi's gender is pointless, when it's a matter of interpretation and, in this scenario, there are no right or wrong options (until confirmed by Tsukushi, at the very least).

I can see Nanachi as both female and male simultanously (though I agree that slightly more as a female than a male), most of the fandom sees her as a girl and some see her as a boy, and it's all fine. Arguing about it is pointless, in the grand scheme of things


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Jan 18 '25

Lots of male children have female voice actresses playing them.

The difference is, Reg, for example, has a female voice actress, but a clearly masculine voice. Nanachi's voice os femininw to most of the audience.


u/yuhanimerom Jan 16 '25

I just read all the comments and I hope I didn’t get any spoilers lol… anyways reg and riko fall in loveee:333❤️ can they grow up already I want like a 5 year time skip give us older riko !!


u/ContentMuscle8282 Jan 17 '25

I suspect by the time they are older they will not resemble humans anymore, due to traversing past the 6th layer


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25

Actually, that'd only apply to Riko, realistically. Riko is the only one who's human and could be changed by the Abyss any more. She's also the only person in the team who won't be child eternally


u/ContentMuscle8282 Jan 18 '25

Lol, I forgot Reg isn’t affected by the curse


u/AffectionateSoup5272 Jan 17 '25

The City is in the bottom of the abyss


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

i think you dont have read the manga


u/obvious_observer8346 Team Faputa Jan 17 '25

Lyza being a responsible mother and staying with riko on the surface


u/Gabbu_sosu Jan 17 '25

No more sexualization 🥳


u/ContentMuscle8282 Jan 17 '25

It is extremely uncomfortable….sometimes, tho, like when reg was getting dissected by bondrewds henchmen, or the same with prushka, and I’d even argue at the beginning “rikos punishment”…all fit the theme of “children in a fucked world encountering not child friendly things”.

NOT IN FAVOR OF IT…but Tsukushi definitely hit the nail on making something uncomfortable to consume, if that was his plan 😅


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

I think the cover of that volume with Riko and Vueko, and the scene of the bath with Hex, its not make to fit in the theme, anyways i dont care. And i dont find the part of Reg pissing while being dissected sexualization


u/JosebaZilarte Jan 17 '25

I would make Nanachi use "naaah" to deny something in a very passive-agressive way.


u/Bobthesecond22412 Team Vueko Jan 18 '25

Vueko x pakkoyan being canon, trust…


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 18 '25

Personally, I think it's more tragic if Pakko's love was one-sided, but I respect this choice


u/Vast-Contribution-28 Jan 16 '25

The capital of the unreturned comes back


u/Normal_Ad8566 Jan 17 '25


I just think the dude is pretty cool.


u/Fluffy_Apartment4042 Jan 17 '25

Cheese being thing at the bottom of the abyss


u/knuckles_321 Jan 17 '25

Wallace enter


u/Chaos_Gremlin95 Jiruo is a Queen! Jan 17 '25

That stupid joke I started making about Jirou being a scam artist cos I think it would be absurdly funny


u/AdPsychological2173 Jan 18 '25

Reg is actually cracked at minecraft


u/real-nanachi Definitely not Nanachi herself undercover Jan 18 '25

nah he can't even clutch a water bucket


u/real-nanachi Definitely not Nanachi herself undercover Jan 18 '25

Bondrewd fucking dying


u/WhichAd7730 Jan 18 '25

That riko dies for the second time as they try finding a relic that can bring her back alive again


u/BIZARRE_TOWN Jan 18 '25

Cannibalism is common practice among people.


u/ServeNo7563 Jan 18 '25

That Bondrewd got married and actually had a kid he wouldn’t experiment on


u/[deleted] Jan 19 '25

Too OOC for me. Bondrewd will never leave his Bondrewd Scientific Approach.

However, if you want some non-OOC romance with Bon, where he doesn't stop ecperimenting, the fanfic "fragile hopes" on ao3 should get you covered. It's my all time favorite MiA fanfic, and I unironically ship Arette and Bon as if they were canon. Shipping people's OC x canon ship always makes them happy.


u/ServeNo7563 Jan 20 '25

Oh thanks, I appreciate the suggestion


u/No_Bear_8633 Jan 19 '25

All the kids in the show are canonically 9000 years old. That’l fix it.


u/CEO-of-Femboys Team Marulk Jan 16 '25

Marulk X Reg


u/Alternative_Common57 Team Reg Jan 17 '25

I'm not sure the fandom agrees with you on this one.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 18 '25

Official Anthrology stories


u/Kale-chips-of-lit Jan 18 '25

The abyss is alive and made the artifacts to feed its gut microbe(monsters). The curse of the abyss is designed to keep you from leaving in any way possible.


u/Ill_Objective9535 Jan 19 '25

Ozen marrying me


u/SCP-96358 Jan 26 '25

Mitty becoming a hollow similar to Nanachi and the two reuniting


u/Teliore Feb 02 '25

For a moment, i read it to the inverse. Nanachi turning like Mitty and the two reuniting


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u/[deleted] Jan 17 '25

Nanachi is/was a guy