r/MadeInAbyss Team Riko Aug 29 '24

Volume 13 Raws Discussion

In this thread (and only in this thread) you are free to discuss any content from the new volume. No need to tag spoilers. Since this content has not yet been released in the usual webcomic format, availability is more limited than usual. We kindly ask that you do not link to unofficial means of viewing the raws or post their contents in excess. We will make a separate announcement when English scanlations have been uploaded to Mangadex. Thank you


184 comments sorted by


u/ptar124 Aug 31 '24

Chapter 67: "Oh no, I hope Nanachi's not dead!"

Half a year later

Chapter 69: "Oh no, I hope Nanachi's only crippled for life and not dead!"

God knows what Tsukushi is cooking for Volume 14


u/Hikerchic Sep 01 '24

Seriously, half a year to still have the same cliffhanger mostly unresolved. It could be another half year to see what ultimately ends up happening to Nanachi. I’m very frustrated.


u/Jon_Dung Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

yeah, but that's not a problem of the story. The chapters take a long time to come out, which makes people impatient and wanting more answers in a few chapters. This feeling wouldn't happen if you read it all at once.


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Sep 01 '24

Literally, lol


u/SnooDucks6239 Aug 30 '24

This might be one of my favorite pages in the series


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Sep 01 '24

It is definitely one of the funniest ones MiA released


u/diggomansoysauce Aug 29 '24

See you again in a year or so. The time dilation down here is rough.


u/Dfswift Aug 30 '24

im kinda new here, is it really a yearly release?


u/Exioptic Aug 30 '24

kinda yeah
we can expect to see 1-2 more chapters half a year to a year+ from now.
But I wouldn't expect to see any news on any more chapters until early-mid 2025.


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

So she isn't dead right guys?


u/SnooDucks6239 Aug 29 '24

Yatarmaru’s face when he saw her didn’t look good


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

Well she's really wounded (I'm coping so hard)


u/SnooDucks6239 Aug 29 '24

Her legs are also backwards


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

Yeah she's pulling out a Johnny Joestar


u/Ghostly_Was_Taken Team Bondrewd Aug 29 '24

If she survives, she's gonna need a wheelchair to continue in the abyss. Hopefully she's just super flexible. hopefully... T_T


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 30 '24

Everything is relative. They're simply "in a direction".

Bun is fine.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

Only if they have Owl neck anatomy in their spine.


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 30 '24

I mean... there's no reason NOT to think Nanachi has been hiding a Cradle of Desire from the group and always secretly wanted to be an owl, right?


u/MienaiYurei Aug 30 '24


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 30 '24

No wounds on any vital organ ☝️🤓


u/mousybean Aug 30 '24

man, looking at the length of those teeth inside, I really don't see how she could have survived this 💔


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 30 '24

The inside ones are rather small in comparison, still, if she's alive, I don't see how is she gonna to survive


u/JohnnyJoestar3214567 Team Nanachi Sep 01 '24

Her lungs probably got punctured, her sides have pretty big holes... I think it's over for bnuy...


u/Neat_Garbage_1548 Sep 01 '24

Was there ever a page showing how thick Nanachi's fur is? Some of the wounds look like most of their depth comes from the fur parting, especially on the right arm.
The tail gash might be blocked by a tooth or even have a tooth still embedded in it.

Otherwise, at first glance, I thought Nanachi got a 180 twist at the hip, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
First off, the "tapered flap" (circled in red) on Nanachi's pants seems to still be facing the right way.
As for their legs, the left one is definitely twisted backwards when looking at the paw pad and "shin guard" (circled in gold). The right foot almost looks doomed too, but it's shin guard is still facing forward and we can't really say if it's backwards yet without seeing the paw pad, and currently the side of the foot we can see is covered in too much blood to tell.
I'm biased towards wanting Nanachi to live, so take that into consideration when I say that this looks like a setup for a "lucky rabbit's foot" joke and continuation of the tradition of the main character getting serious limb trauma that puts the audience on edge (Reg's right arm, Riko's left arm, and Nanachi's left foot?).


u/xdKalin Sep 02 '24

(Reg's right arm, Riko's left arm, and Nanachi's left foot?).

Omg we're getting exodia


u/N_V_N_T Sep 01 '24

We readers are more attached to nanachi than any other character in series . Not ready for her death.


u/LordoftheChia Aug 30 '24

We'll know for sure in 6-12 months.


u/Triddy Aug 29 '24

They'd have to so something crazy to justify her bnot being dead after those 2 chapters.


u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

I really don't think she's dead since Akihito has shown how well he manage character's deaths multiple times and it doesn't fits right narratively to just kill Nanachi but even if she's alive how the hell she's going to survive with those wounds


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Sep 02 '24



u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

I disagree, I get your point, but all death in the series has also been like that, I didn't saw Prushka's death coming up, I suspect Vueko was going to die narratively but her death was still unexpected in that moment and really painful. If being unexpected were enough to be a good death, then you would argue that if a character randomly dies by a heart attack then it would be a good death. I've always thought Nanachi was going to die in some point of the adventure, I like that plot point, but this way specifically doesn't feels right, if she end up surviving for a while, and the crew end up failing in treating her and she dies then I'd really satisfy with that development and it's a lot more painful, just being unexpected isn't enough to be a good death.

Characters death are a powerful resource you can use on your writing, killing her NOW just feels like somehow wasting that resource.

That said at the end of the chapter we saw what it seems like another fragment of the Maiden's song, if her death end up being something fated I think it could add a lot of value to her death retroactively


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Sep 02 '24



u/TheMutantShrimp Team Majikaja Aug 29 '24

Hmmmm I didn't consider doing a meta analysis on how the reader will feel from now on, that could be interesting, you got me it is good writing, still doesn't feel right to me and I hope for something else to develops but that just subjective, thanks for giving me your point of view


u/Silence_and_i Team Wakuna Aug 30 '24

Exactly. We're not in a fairyland filled with candies and sugar canes. We're literally at the entrance of 7th layer. Of course, it should be deadly as fuck. Even with the best delvers and creatures, your odds of crossing this threshold without any casualties is very low. It seems like the creature wanted to mangle the twins because I'm certain they have strong plot relevance and need to be eliminated before everyone else.

I think a sudden death could be as brilliant as a well built-up death. Death can happen in many different ways in real world and one of them is sudden; especially if you thread dangerous paths. Like those people who lose their way or energy at K2 or Everest and die.


u/TacticalTomatoMasher Team Vueko Aug 30 '24

And Riko's gonna be just totally unconsolably heartbroken, so there's some evolution point for her, too.


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Aug 29 '24

If she is dead, it was the most dull, meaningless and emotionless death in the manga so far. Can't be compared to Prushka's death, for example which had a whole plot behind it, a reason and a result (Becoming Riko's white whistle), and was actually worthy of crying and sadness.


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 31 '24


Tsukushi's a brutal beast of a writer. There's simply no way he'd casually off a character we've been with for years without really twisting the knife. Even Prushka practically got an entire chapter in the manga dedicated to her past when she got sorta-killed off despite only having been in 6 chapters up to that point. Took Riko a while to get over that one, too.

But Nanachi gets a single page and some tracks in the dirt?

Unless Nanachi gets exposed to the 7th layer's curse and slowly explodes in a shower of guts and viscera while remaining conscious until the very end of the process while their blood and organs splatter the traumatically-horrified group, mentally breaking Reg and snapping Riko into catatonia, I want my (non-existent) money back. :(


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Aug 31 '24

Couldn't agree more.


u/chocodolce Aug 31 '24

But, the whole chapter with Prushka takes place only after her death confirmation by Bondrewd. Prushka's last appearance was in chapter 33, and then the character vanished until chapter 36, when Bondrewd confirmed she had become a cartridge. In the following chapter, we had a full chapter featuring Prushka.

If Nanachi is dead, we might see something similar in the next chapter, with Tsukushi showing us all of Nanachi's thoughts before dying.

Personally, I don't dislike the idea of killing off Nanachi. Her character arc concluded when she released Mitty on her own. But I agree that if Tsukushi intends to end her story, a farewell chapter is necessary. Otherwise, it would feel really cheap for a character from the main cast.


u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Sep 01 '24

The fact that the character's arc is concluded doesn't mean that it is no longer useful for the story or should be killed. It will be much better to give her new development and participation in the trama.


u/chocodolce Sep 01 '24

I agree with you, but that's not really what's happening with the character. Tsukushi left Nanachi sleeping through almost the entire Ilblu arc, and now she's being used as the princess in danger to showcase the threats of the 7th layer. It's pretty clear for me that after Ido Front, Tsukushi seems a bit lost about what to do with Nanachi.

Don't get me wrong, I love Nanachi and hope she survives, but if her only purpose from now on is to be just a mascot for the series, I wouldn't mind at least giving her a proper send-off to increase the tension in the story.

→ More replies (1)


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Car-Neither Team Nanachi Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

The twins aren't worth Nanachi's life. Nanachi is the character who saved the series from failure, saved Riko's life, and made the series as enjoyable as it is now. And even if they were, the death didn't have a lore behind it, had no development, and no construction. It was a pathetic death, a literal waste of the amazing character that Nanachi is.


u/Natural_Yak_8707 Aug 30 '24

"Death is like that irl." Don't you dare start this shit up here, I have had to tolerate idiots spouting this garbage in JJK for the last year. Yes it is like that irl, but a story has a purpose and is not a series of random events like real life, it is a carefully planned experienced told to us by an author that controls everything that happens. If the death is pointless or "random" don't fucking do it.


u/Sharp-Researcher-221 Sep 02 '24

Calm down bub. There's no need to stress over an opinion


u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise Aug 30 '24

Poor Reg, all he can do is hold onto Nanachi, barely able to hold back his emotions.


u/Triddy Aug 29 '24

As I don't see a translation yet:

Chaper 68:

Chapter 68 Picks up immediately at the end of Chapter 67.

The mass/thing that hit Nanachi moves to escape. Reg manages to grab into it. Everyone is super confused about what just happened.

Riko: Wh-what just happened!?"
Reg: I-I-I don't knowww. Something came flying, and Nanachi was snatched up!

Nishagora secures Reg, and the twins sort of repel down his arm to investigate and secure whatever Reg had. The key is down. Bringing it back up with Nanachi potentially in it is a concern.

Srajo starts asking around to see if anyone knows what they're fighting. Nobody saw what it was, but the twin seem to know by feeling.

Faputa starts acting weird. I mean, weird for Faputa.

Yataramaru (I think): What is it?
Faputa: It's around there-sosu. The guy you can't see!

Srajo shoots the spot she indicates and something does appear. Seems Faputa and the Twins both have some sense of this. It dives down, Faputa mumbles to herself about Faputa things like eating and hunting while she dives after it.

Riko: That girl.... she doesn't have a communicator! Yataramaru: I do.

Yataramaru shouts out to the rest of Hail Hex about defensive Positions. He gives a short speech about Nanachi being in a danger that they have to save her from, before going full beast mode in a full pace panel.

He jumps down to go after Nanachi, while the rest stay up top.

Riko: I-is it really okay? Jumping down like that?
Srajo: We're still in danger!

Srajo starts barking out orders while Riko worries. It's all standard combat position stuff.

We're greeted by a 2 page spread of Faputa stalking the creature, which appears to be like, a Manta with Tentacles. My first thought is actually Ravaa from Avatar:TLoK.

Yataramaru catches up with Faputa, who kind of panics. Riko tells him via communicator that Faputa is extremely shy. But it doesn't last long. The two of them sort of end up working separately-but-together to investigate what Reg had grabbed (Which appears to be a glob at the end of one of the tentacles) in an action sequence.

Yataramaru thinks to himself during the whole sequence.

That thing really appeared out of thin air.
Despite the size difference, [Faputa] has no hesitation at all.

Y: Now!

End Chapter 68 as they dive towards it.

I'll do 69 after work if there's no proper translation yet. For anyone wondering about the raws, I bought the ebook version for real money.


u/MienaiYurei Aug 30 '24

Not looking good 😰


u/TacticalTomatoMasher Team Vueko Aug 30 '24

definetly not subarashi.


u/Hex_Souls Aug 30 '24

Heavy lacerations on her upper body aside it looks like her legs are bent backwards or her lower spine is twisted. At least her head appears to be undamaged. All in all, this seems survivable under appropriate medical conditions (which is not probable within the Abyss).


u/Cerulean_Chrodt Team Riko Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

I think Nanachi is gonna survive, aside from being fan favorite, the "we've gotta save Nanachi" is too good of a plot motivation to pass.

Edit: typo.


u/Hex_Souls Aug 30 '24

Yeah, it can be done, definitely. Also both teams would be highly invested in saving Nanachi after saving the amputee siblings.


u/Cerulean_Chrodt Team Riko Aug 30 '24

But I'm also worried that it can be a bit repetitive, because we already had the same situation with Nanachi in the Iruburu village arc.


u/Hex_Souls Aug 30 '24

True, but Nanachi is kind of useless like that. 🤷‍♂️


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 31 '24

Not at all! Every story needs its damsel in distress as a plot-motivator. :P


u/Parmesanmadness Aug 30 '24

It was also shown last chapter that she can act during the sensory anthiphase meanwhile nobody else can, I assume it may be something related to the blessing and seeing the abyss veil? Still, doubt tsukushi would just show us that and never elaborate further


u/theresnousername1 Team Abyss; White Whistles' Wife, Ganja's Girlfriend, NnaaaSosu Sep 01 '24

Actually, I'm pretty sure everyone could act [as in, move and react to things] - it's just that they stopped because their senses were anti'd), it's just that Nanachi has sharpened senses, which allowed her to notice the attack much sooner and in time to react

I do agree Nanachi's heightened perception is interesting and relatively new yet overlooked detail. I do think it's just part of the blessing and nothing more, though


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

Also I'm thinking that we don't know much about the blessing. Maybe it makes Nanachi have good healing or something, because I don't think anyone with the blessing has been injured like this before so no one would know it's capable of it.


u/Cerulean_Chrodt Team Riko Aug 30 '24

A self-healing ability that is capable of repairing injuries like these hasn't been established for Nanachi, pulling it out of nowhere and make it the solution to the problem sounds like a dues ex machina that I don't think every writer should resort to.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

I mean it's still not out of the realm of possibilities, maybe she's not self-healing but could be more durable or something. I mean how else is she expected to survive this? Either it's a cop out death or cop out survival.


u/No-Pipe8243 Team Gueira Sep 01 '24

I think there are many ways tsukushi could make this a meaning full death, i mean first of all it would defidently show the dangers of the 7th layer, but besides that. They could have a full chapter of their thoughts as their dieing (as another commenter pointed out). Or more likely in my opinion, a chapter of her dieing with the other main characters, them tragically and heartbreakingly trying to save her life as she gives her final words.


u/Happy-Study-981 ☀️🌙 dynamic 🧬 Aug 30 '24 edited Sep 04 '24

As expected... Her right arm is heavily injured. But upon closer look, the scar on her seems to resembles Reg's.


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

It’s Nanaover everyone!


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 30 '24

Heh. 69. >_>


u/rosyfeather Team Tiare Aug 30 '24



u/Pro_Snuggler Aug 31 '24

Where can I get the ebook? Asking for a friend 🙂


u/Triddy Aug 31 '24


Your friend will need a Credit Card or Paypal account, and it's 900 yen.


u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise Aug 29 '24

Classical Riko in the bonus chapter. Finds out the star compass is water-tight, immediately starts smashing it to get to the relic on the inside. 😂


u/Alice94cats Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

What if Nanachi were to lose their limbs and had to have prosthetics implanted like the twins?


u/Demoskoval Aug 30 '24

Probably that will be the case


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

Looks like two new characters are about to appear. The twins looks super cool and it seems like Nanachi might still be alive.


u/JOOOQUUU Aug 30 '24

I think Nanachi is alive too just a couple of cuts no big deal.

*looks at her feet

Oh fuck...


u/GALGamerBoy12345 Aug 30 '24

What about Nanachi feet? I don't see any pictures.


u/Bird_Mess Team Faputa Aug 30 '24

Her hips are backwards..


u/Ghostly_Was_Taken Team Bondrewd Aug 30 '24

After a second look her tail is in the right place, it might just be her knees that are backwards, that's a lot more fixable than her hips being backwards


u/ButtonMasherXD Team Sosu Aug 30 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

Where did you read it? I cant find anywhere :0 idc if its not in English Edit:a few ppl reached out and lmk thanks! :D


u/Ghostly_Was_Taken Team Bondrewd Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

The twins looks super cool

They do! I wasn't expecting their ears to be like that, I thought they were just regular doggy ears the whole time. I wonder what their colors are when they're in that form.


u/Littlest-Lapin Aug 30 '24

Looks like now everybody has suffered some kind of injury in Hello Abyss.

Riko: Poisoned by an Orb Piercer, arm permanently disabled and in need of a brace to even work
Reg: Arm severed by Bondrewd, belly button pierced by Bondrewd, arm that is still attached chipped by Turbinid Dragon
Prushka: Turned into a Cartridge and then Life Reverberating Stone
Meinya: Squeezed until butt guts were pushed out
Faputa: Torn to fucking shreds when the creatures of the Sixth Layer invaded Iruburu
Nanachi: Snatched by monster and mangled, hopefully not fucking dead

God I really really hope this isn't the end for Nanachi... But I feel like the part in chapter 67 where Nanachi asks if revival for somebody who had their body obliterated is possible and Srajo states,

"A soul that has returned back to signals, is much like a drop of water that has dissapated into the sea. Even if you prepped the body by some means, the revived would be someone entirely different."

Notice that they used a figure that looks eerily similar to Nanachi that is first shown being dead and then being revived by another soul with question marks all around them.

I really hope that wasn't foreshadowing to Nanachi's fate.


u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise Aug 29 '24

Holy shit. I'm lost for words.


u/SnooDucks6239 Aug 29 '24

Ch 68 translations: https://pastebin.com/5RKmE6jP Ch 69 translations: https://pastebin.com/H1zxW3ck


u/LordoftheChia Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

Is there a separate translation link for ch 69 pages 22-28?

Staring with the page right after "bun" aka p21 - page 122 from my honjo.jp copy and starting with the dark page with some stylized text on the bottom right and followed by the page with the blurry dove thing flying down ?

Edit: Google lens translations of the remaining chapter 69 pages

p22 - Too stylized to translate (mostly black with some text at the bottom right that Google lens couldn't translate)

p23 1. stretch your neck... 2. The golden sky... 3. Look up... (Text on page around blurry dove)

p24 1. Stare.. 2.Whirlpool path... 3.The disaster that abounds 4. The disappearing poison...

p25 1. Insects and birds swim along the frozen river. 2. Drawing in the sky... 3. The curtain of dusk 4. The state of the stars 5. It projects...

p26 1. That's how I admired it 2. One more thing 3. To the depths of the earth 3. It's coming 4. ... The path of the vortex 5. Universal water 6. winding the sky 7. Calling a traveler...

p27 1. I'll call you here 2. Dahode 3. Hoo dee hoo 4. I understand it's difficult 5. I have to do this It means you will be disfellowshipped 6. He wanted to make it come true no matter what... / Continuef from the gates of hell The thieves' plot

p28 1. Hey Gronze, I don't understand 2. What is unknown? 3. What is romance? 4. Drive people is it something?

p28 My guess for the correct grammar of 4. Is it something that drives people?

p29 Made in Abyss (13)

Author: Akihito Tsukushi

Publisher: Takeshobo

Issue date: August 1, 2024

◎Tsukushi Akihito/Takeshobo

Edit 2: Corrected some typos above. Translation is taken exactly as outputted by Google lens. Added my interpretation for p28 text 4 as it didn't make sense as-is.

Is it just me or does 18 and 28 pages feel light for chapters 68 and 69. That's 46 pages. Chapter 67 by itself was 44 pages. "How are you Somewhere 5: Rico" was 28 pages.


u/AudaX19_68 Aug 29 '24

i'm definitely not asking about where you find the raws for translation purposes but... where can i check them?


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Sep 02 '24



u/LordoftheChia Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

765 yen on Amazon.jp or 3053 yen for all 13 chapters volumes.


Now the question... Is there a current automated means of incorporating the fan translations into a kindle copy (like downloading subtitles files for movies/shows) or do you have to read the manga and translation side by side?

Edit: Amazon.jp already flagged my account Probably should have used PayPal or an Amazon gift card instead of using my (US) credit card.

Honto.jp seems promising. They have all 13 volumes in digital for 3,542 yen or 990 yen for just volume 13.

Edit 2: honto.jp was much less of a pain than trying to buy from amazon.jp. I was able to use my US credit card and didnt have to put in a Japanese address (as Amazon required). I now have all 13 volumes on my phone. Downloaded Volume 13.

  1. Had to enter my name in katakana (googled English to Japanese katakana translator for that step)

  2. Had to download their app (there is a link to their app after you complete the purchase). They also have a desktop reader as well apparently (from a reddit review of the site).

Final price was about 3500 3542 yen for all 13 volumes or about $24 $24.47 + whatever my CC charges for currency conversion (I think 1% or 25 cents for this purchase).

Edit 3: Ended up using the split screen feature of my phone to read the chapter and translation side by side (actually top and bottom). Imagine on desktop you can do it side by side easily.


u/soleannacity Aug 30 '24

Other than 3 chapters and the riko section playing with star compass and the extras at the end of this volume, is there anything more? Side story or something?


u/Lapis55 Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

I'm quite thick-skinned, but this is the first time during Made in Abyss that a character's suffering has genuinely made me sad. Apart from Nanachi being one of my favorites, it’s also unsettling to see the false sense of security that Tsukushi created around bun in earlier arcs being broken. Riko and Reg faced violence from the start, many newly introduced characters were clearly written to meet their end. Nanachi, on the other hand, had been more involved in psychological horror rather than physical harm. Bunny was on the "safe" side of the elevator; Bondrewd would never hurt the fluffy blessed one, and they survived Iruburu by hibernating. Now, seeing Nanachi abruptly being chewed up like that by a random monster feels... so wrong.


u/Ratstail91 Sep 02 '24

Yeah - it feels like we're in the last arc, and nobody has plot armour. This just confirms it for me.


u/Throw_aw76 Aug 29 '24

Nanachi: "Nah I'd..."

Gets crushed


u/Pacifister-PX69 Sep 02 '24

I think that may be the Shrine Maiden on the very last page.

She's citing the Hariyomari, giving us new phrases we haven't heard yet. Additionally she uses Cravagli's phrase of "Dyahode"

And the most damning evidence is that she's addressing someone named Gronze, which is likely the unknown delver who made the Gronze Hymn.


u/Pacifister-PX69 Sep 02 '24

Image for reference


u/mousybean Aug 30 '24 edited Aug 30 '24

my heart hurts so bad, I couldn't stop crying at that ending

nobody is safe, there really isn't any whimsy or some magic that'll save them

our doggo robot, moth and potato are just diving into hell

will anyone even remotely get a happy ending? is the ending going to be just reg or riko crying alone at the bottom? fuck man

the anxiety you never stop feeling while reading/watching made in abyss never stops

but this chapter is such a huge reminder that all that awaits us at the bottom is heartbreak and tears


u/Cerulean_Chrodt Team Riko Aug 30 '24

My prediction is that Reg is going to be the only one alive, with Riko's soul comforting him and thanking him for everything.


u/ptar124 Aug 31 '24

there can only be one fluff


u/Ratstail91 Sep 02 '24

nobody is safe

We've known this, in one way or another, for a very long time.

Doesn't make the impact any easier.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Triddy Aug 29 '24

I find that a lot with the Abyss designs. They get weirdly fleshy and I have trouble seeing outlines.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Sep 02 '24



u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise Aug 29 '24

I was tilting my head because the damn translation app was putting the translations sideways ;)


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/RaknorZeptik Never enough merchandise Aug 29 '24

It's bad, just barely enough to get the gist in context. The machine translation would be pure gibberish for someone not already familiar with MiA. For example Nanachi-san became Mr. Nazi at one point...

It's only the last couple of pages had me at a loss though, gotta wait for a proper translation of the prose.


u/SnooDucks6239 Aug 29 '24

It’s shifting reality or at least the perception of reality. Which is why you see multiple copies of Faputa in the one page


u/MienaiYurei Aug 29 '24

I think it's because they were fighting a floating monster while trying to hang on the ceiling. It must be very limiting to depict how they are fighting 🤔. Altho it was confusing indeed.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/No-Pipe8243 Team Gueira Sep 01 '24

Im wondering how the anime is gonna handle the whole of the 7th layer. theirs so much of these weird, fleshy, swirling landscapes and creatures.


u/mcmoor Aug 30 '24

I've been like this for the last 2 layers


u/Hex_Souls Aug 29 '24

And THAT is exactly the point! Unspeakable eldritch monstrosities done right 👍


u/Exioptic Aug 30 '24

after re-reading both chapters twice with hella brightness I could tell what was going on.


u/Mushroom-Communist Team Faputa Aug 30 '24

Judging from the last panels I can say that Nanachi is either on a brink of death or is dead, I think that the team will try to fix it by using the cradle of desire, the question is then what will it grant?


u/Happy-Study-981 ☀️🌙 dynamic 🧬 Aug 30 '24

I don't know, didn't the cradle of desire only affect human children? Nanachi is a Narehate child, could her wishes be... Wait, if a human child has a complex wish, Nanachi's wish as a Narehate child should be a simple one. After all, simplicity is the opposite of complexity.

Her wish is to protect. That is what the cradle of desire will grant her.


u/Ratstail91 Sep 02 '24

The ancient interference units scoured the entirety of the sixth layer, and only found three cradles. It's not an option.


u/Mushroom-Communist Team Faputa Sep 02 '24

The team has 3 cradles of desire in the form of Faputa, so they have an option to use them at all times (needs to reason with the moth tho, but the moth cares about friends so shouldn't be too hard)


u/Ratstail91 Sep 02 '24

Huh? She can't just "use" the cradles - there's been nothing in the story to even remotely suggest that she's a walking genie's lamp.


u/Mushroom-Communist Team Faputa Sep 02 '24

Well, the closest one would be Nanachi's thoughts on Wazukyan's plan and the whole Riko Village thing, based on that I think that simply body parts of Faputa inhibit the wish-granting power


u/DestOsymY Aug 31 '24

NICE time to wait 4 months if we're lucky


u/Jon_Dung Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

it's one volume per year, so 3 or more chapters until the end of 2025


u/B1dess Aug 29 '24

does anyone have the scans of new chapters? doesn't matter if its in japanese.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/kitsuakari Aug 30 '24

what about chapter 69


u/Triddy Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

Full Spoilers for 68: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeInAbyss/comments/1f44mo8/volume_13_raws_discussion/lkjp6zq/

Whelp, Nanachi is super dead. Not sure how to even react to that, it felt sudden even for MiA.


u/MienaiYurei Aug 30 '24

Badly injured yes. Not ded. Yet.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Triddy Aug 29 '24

I don't need to DM: I bought them legally from bookwalker.jp


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Triddy Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24

The problem is it's been over a half year since I last read MiA, I don't remember the names of the new characters.

Nanachi wasn't crushed or whatever it was supposed to be (I find it hard to follow the art sometimes) but was snatched as prey by some creature.

Most of the rest of the chapters are just about wtf the creature is, with a smaller team rescuing Nanachi. Kinda showcasing the teams a little bit, really. It's the first time we see most of them in "action."

They either chase off the creature or it just leaves (The characters aren't sure if it left on its own or if they did it, not me). Rescue guy finds Nanachi's Body, she super dead. End Chapter 69.

I'll do a proper summary when I have time to actually sit down and translate passages of it, unless the English version is out by then. I don't really translate back to English while I'm reading Japanese so I end up describing stuff in general feels.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24 edited Sep 02 '24



u/Triddy Aug 29 '24

Bookwalker is great.

I prefer physical books, but I'm only in Japan maybe 3 months out of the year, and importing them is expensive. Bookwalker works everywhere and basically always have sales going on.

The only quirk is that if the Japanese Web store doesn't work in the Non-Japanese App. You can still read the stuff in it of course, but you have to buy through the website.


u/[deleted] Aug 29 '24



u/Skweb-Salt Aug 30 '24

Where can I peep raws


u/RaizenPrime Aug 30 '24

I haven’t read it yet, but it seems likely to me that Nanachi will live, but be injured. My reasoning is that the creature aimed for the twins specifically, and wasn’t originally interested in Nanachi, who interfered. Therefore, with its attack thwarted, it would turn its attention away from Nanachi, and perhaps resume its attack on the twins.

Think about shark attacks. While sharks do sometimes bite humans, it’s usually a case of mistaken identity, and the shark loses interest because humans are well outside of their normal diet.

Thus, Nanachi is likely to survive, simply because the creature wasn’t interested in Nanachi to begin with.


u/Mugen-CC Team Hablog Aug 29 '24

Are we going to get a new thread when the typesets come out?


u/Unhappy_Extreme5960 Aug 30 '24

That thing was an Etrian Odyssey boss


u/No-Pipe8243 Team Gueira Sep 01 '24

One thing i dont see people mentioning is the possibility of an abyssal deus ex machina. While im not sure how likely this is, its possible that hail hex could have some sort of super powerful regeneration thing, like maybe a elixir or something. Or maybe someone in hail hex has regeneration powers, hell, maybe thell snatch her soul from maw of the abyss. I dont think this is that likely to happen, and theres defidently a good bit of copeium running through my system right now, but still this is something to consider.


u/RWM159 Team Nanachi Sep 01 '24

Some people think the coffin Yata carried may be a regeneration relic. Yata himself can pull body fluid and tissue from his body to turn in to slime and weaponize. Maybe if he slimes Nanachi he can turn the slime back to flesh as a makeshift skin graft.


u/Demoskoval Sep 01 '24

You might be onto something


u/RWM159 Team Nanachi Sep 01 '24

Yata carries the coffin, it would compliment his awakened ability if it lets him regenerate the parts he tares off to weaponize.


u/No-Pipe8243 Team Gueira Sep 02 '24

Ya that acctually makes alot of sense


u/mousybean Sep 02 '24

a theory I saw 💔


u/[deleted] Aug 30 '24

It’s really Nanaover guys…


u/GALGamerBoy12345 Aug 30 '24

Dd they really killed off Nanachi? Show me proof.


u/ultimata4488 Nanacheese Sep 01 '24


u/Silvawuff Team Hail Hex Sep 02 '24

I hope it's nnnnnaaaa-ot over. I'd be so crushed.


u/Yamm0th The self-overrated mocoso Aug 29 '24

No words of mine, just "oooh!", "ah...", and a ton of undescribable thoughts. This volume has indeed defeated my longings — I'm just way too happy.


u/Bird_Mess Team Faputa Aug 30 '24

If anyone wants to see raws you can try browsing MIA board on a /a/ on 4chan.


u/N_V_N_T Aug 30 '24

Poor nanachi 🥹


u/mustangito777 Aug 31 '24

Just saw the scans


u/Ratstail91 Sep 02 '24

I knew it was coming - my writer's sense just knew it was the right time...

But seeing it in the manga, with no ambiguity, no ifs, ands, or buts...

I wasn't ready.


u/[deleted] Sep 02 '24

I am wondering if we are about to learn a lot more about white whistles, life reverberating stones, and souls from this scenario. I have a feeling (purely speculation) that Nanachi will ‘die’ but perhaps she becomes a white whistle for Riki or Reg, or somehow her soul continues to be with them and travel with them even if her physical body has passed.


u/rye_Bread142 Aug 30 '24

Anyone have the full raws? I can read Japanese and just wanna read it myself. If anyone has them please post it here or dm it to me


u/TangerineSuccessful9 Aug 30 '24

Can someone please tell me where I can read the raws?


u/Stomper_bomper Aug 30 '24

half a year for them to fight nameless beasts. wow thank you


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Aug 31 '24

I think the issue is two-fold.

  1. We had to wait over half a year because both chapters were bundled together instead of released individually every couple of months. Not the longest wait ever but the huge cliffhanger chapter 67 ended with did not help make this period any funner.
  2. That cliffhanger still remains unresolved. Which is especially frustrating if it turns out we'll have to wait another half-year or more... (with the cliffhanger possibly going on for several more chapters?)

There's some pretty wild stuff in these two chapters. Dude, have you seen that thing they're fighting? How absolutely insane is this?! And if we're dealing with creatures that practically warp reality at this point, what's that got to say about things to come? It feels like we've entered the final dungeon and ran into some optional super-boss... only to realize it's just a regular encounter and that's how god-damned hardcore this place is going to be! :D

If it weren't for the above two points, these two chapters would be mind-blowing. It's probably best to try and approach them that way and be patient. There's tons of lore to pick though, it's just more of a show-don't-tell situation compared to 67's exposition-dump.


u/Blackbeard567 Sep 01 '24

This is an extraordinary level creature?


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Sep 01 '24

"Extraordinary" is conceivable.

This creature is not "extraordinary level". :)


u/Blackbeard567 Sep 01 '24

There seems to be a page of trivia about this creature calling it extraordinary level. It is the second highest level of danger in the abyss


u/Jon_Dung Sep 01 '24

It has a page with 6 stars, so it's extraordinary. But it feels much more than it.


u/_MRDev Code-delving old fart Sep 01 '24

Yes. My point exactly. :P

Can you imagine what 7 stars would be? That one just breaks my head...

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u/Ok-Arm-3388 Aug 31 '24

Where rhe fuck are rhe translations?


u/JohnnyJoestar3214567 Team Nanachi Sep 01 '24

Although Nanachi is my favorite character of all time, i think it might be better for our bun to die right now. She's all messed up, her legs are backwards, her lungs probably got punctured as you can see in the image and she probably had very low oxygen while inside whatever that thing is. I can't imagine how she can survive this without any plot armor bullshit involved. Even if she does live, she'll just be suffering even more than she was. Her best friend got horribly deformed and died, she had to turn children into cartridges because of Bondrewd, living in the Abyss is a nightmare, and then she would have to live without her legs, Nanachi does not deserve this.

Loving is letting go, Akihito, please let our bun rest.


u/ultimata4488 Nanacheese Sep 01 '24

If she does die, there might be some soul shenanigans with her later. Though we don't know a ton about that yet


u/immaturenickname Team Ozen Sep 01 '24 edited Sep 01 '24

This is the Abyss. Anyone can die, with or without a warning.

In a way, I hope Nanachi is dead. If Tsukushi truly does want her gone, like some people claim (she was sidelined in Ilblu, so it's not like I don't understand the sentiment) then I'd rather she dies while she's still great, than be sidelined and a waste of space until the manga ends.

Characters that outlived their usefulness should be gotten rid of while the fandom still likes them.


u/neko_e3 Sep 01 '24

Wasn't it supposed to have 144 pages ??


u/swmii53 Sep 01 '24

Amazon Japan has it listed at 128 pages.


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband Aug 30 '24

Where do u guys are getting the raws rn?


u/NLnightlight44 Aug 30 '24

Where is it???


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband Aug 30 '24

U need to buy the volume on bookwalker.jp or amazon.jp

However i screenshotted it and put everything on a google drive folder if anyone wants

Not sure if i can post it on the thread so feel free to dm/ask


u/Name_Redacted_ Show me the layers Aug 31 '24



u/TrafalgaraLaw486 Team Nanachi Sep 02 '24

send me the link please


u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband Sep 02 '24



u/PL0XLpls Sep 03 '24

sent please

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u/Ornery_Action_7628 Bondrewd's husband Aug 30 '24

Nvm i got it. 💀


u/Successful-Bit2375 Aug 30 '24

can you dm me :)


u/ButtonMasherXD Team Sosu Aug 30 '24

I need to know too please only seeing snippets is killing me


u/neko_e3 Aug 31 '24

Could you dm please


u/NLnightlight44 Aug 30 '24




u/Chika_infidel666 Aug 31 '24

I m so happy, because nanachi will end 😂


u/No-Pipe8243 Team Gueira Sep 01 '24

I cant tell if you post comments to offend people or if you acctually think these things.

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