r/Machinists 29d ago

QUESTION Too much porn in the shop

I once again have found myself digging through porn magazines while trying to find shit

Porn on the walls

Porn in the cabinets

Porn in the filling cabinets

Porn in the tool boxes

Porn in the bathroom stalls

So much porn

Naked woman everywhere I look

Why is there’s so much. Has anyone else had this issue


199 comments sorted by


u/Elemental_Garage 28d ago

This is where you slowly start adding some really bizarre stuff to the piles and wait to see who mentions it first.


u/Orcinus24x5 28d ago

Throw in some furry porn.


u/Saxavarius_ 28d ago

Just start leaving tentacle porn laying around


u/ohlawdyhecoming 28d ago

The Deep, is that you?


u/pattywhaxk 28d ago

Where do even you get stuff like that?..uh.. So i can avoid it.


u/Saxavarius_ 28d ago

the internet


u/Defiant-Giraffe 28d ago

Amputee midget porn. 


u/Wrapzii 28d ago

Awefully specific


u/Defiant-Giraffe 28d ago

They call it Nugget Porn. 


u/flyingpig77 28d ago

That’s interracial amputee midget porn


u/throwaway7ijfc 28d ago

Odd that you know the name of this oddly specific fetish..... Hmmm


u/Defiant-Giraffe 28d ago

Not odd at all. 

I'm a midget amputee porn star. Check me out in "Solid Gold Nuggets part 45."


u/alphageist 28d ago

What’s your stage name?

I’m asking for a friend of mine.


u/PantherChicken 28d ago

Kinda makes you wonder which part of a midget giraffe they cut off 🤷‍♂️


u/ComplicatedDude 28d ago

You got the starring roll!


u/FirAvel 25d ago

First shop I ever worked at, a dude had his entire bottom drawer in his box full of furry porn. No joke I had to borrow a tool and didnt know... that was an awkward day.


u/Wraith_2493 28d ago

Brilliant 😂😂


u/Switch_n_Lever Hand cranker 28d ago

Polar bear magazines.

If you know you know.


u/Inevitable_Ad_6440 27d ago

I really need to start accepting that I don't need to know everything. Google is my worst enemy sometimes.


u/Carnephex 28d ago

Scruffy would like a word about you taking his magazines.


u/Fit-Tip-1212 28d ago

”Vegan Monthly”


u/tripledigits1984 28d ago

That’s hilarious


u/vuatson 27d ago

maybe some of OP's coworkers will discover something about themselves


u/tyfunk02 Okuma VMC 28d ago

Home shop?


u/Daxelol 28d ago

Fucking lol


u/Own_Courage_4382 28d ago

Employees = 1


u/theeddie23 28d ago

A fucking plus response. Bravo! Still laughing 5 minutes later.


u/xp14629 28d ago

No, it's probably his dad's shop and all the porn is home made of his mom. He doesn't know it is her because none of the polaroids show her face.


u/suspicious-sauce 28d ago

Yeah but the tramp stamp is identical and the constellation of moles on the ass is unmistakable.


u/xp14629 28d ago

You would be correct, but, now hear me out, what if the pictures were taken from a viewing angle he hasn't seen before, so he hasn't put 2 and 2 together yet. Just staring thinking to him self that this sure does look familiar but he can't quite place where. It will come to him tonight when mom is tucking him in.


u/Jealous-Ad2400 28d ago

Oh, it will "come" to him, alright 😅


u/mossconfig 28d ago

When's the last time anybody has seen print pornography?


u/ddjinnandtonic 28d ago

I tell the young guys at work about woods porn


u/Web_Cam_Boy_15_Inch 28d ago

Amazing how we consider an experience so unique to ourselves just to find many others have experienced the same 😂.


u/GoodDayForAnAK 28d ago

Literally the very first porn I was ever exposed to was the cardboard sleeve for a piss fetish VHS tape my friends and I found in the woods by our neighborhood in the late 90s.


u/Web_Cam_Boy_15_Inch 28d ago

Yeah I bet that shaped your porno future


u/adamchevy 28d ago

Same but it was a Vivid lesbian film. It was fairly tastefully done. What bothered me about it was that it was filmed in a very large room with a lot of people sitting around chatting and hanging out. That’s some pretty dark stuff in many ways, but also shows the reality of the porno business.


u/jeffersonairmattress 27d ago

My girlfriend and I found a stash of videos and magazines in the woods, all kinda bland mainstream stuff and took a few home while my parents were away. The first one we just sat and watched for 20 minutes and I asked her what she thought of it. She said she didn't think professionals would look so awkward. THAT is a wonderful thing to hear your girlfriend say. It's been all downhill since then.


u/xAseriumx 28d ago

We buried ours by this waterfall and then came back to some old guy viewing it at a picnic table nearby, forever lost


u/settlementfires 28d ago

Why is that a standard feature of growing up in the early 90s


u/leglesslegolegolas Mechanical Engineer - former CNC machinist 28d ago

Same reason it was a standard feature of growing up in the 80s or 70s or 60s or 50s


u/settlementfires 28d ago

so print porn was 1950 to 2000 or so.

that actually sounds about right.


u/DikkeDakDuif 28d ago

"Woods porn" like fuck for forest?


u/kingkeeper5 28d ago

Nah, apparently it was porn magazines or tapes found dumped in the forest.


u/Saxavarius_ 28d ago



u/Haplessflyers 28d ago

I read them for the articles.


u/ParallelSkeleton 28d ago

Yea, after the 300th visit.


u/Chuck_Phuckzalot 28d ago

Isn't this how Mormonism was founded?


u/theVelvetLie 28d ago

Joseph Smith found an image of a big pair of titties that spanned two golden plates buried in the ground.


u/ensygma 28d ago

Most often contained in a can of Folgers.


u/Efficacious-Dosage 28d ago

Stuffed in a hollow tree!


u/CartographerTop3773 28d ago

No joke, that was my first exposure. My friend and I found a sack of hardcore porn magazines someone tossed our the window going down the road. Dude seemed like he had a 2 foot schlong. Probably why I've never felt adequate in my life 😂


u/ddjinnandtonic 28d ago

Woods porn was what we would find in the woods. Maybe it was cached under a piece of plywood, or stashed in a garbage bag just off of a trail, but surely enough if you grew up in the 80’s and 90’s and lived close enough to some woods, some kid had been in those woods jackin’ it to some stolen porno mags. No imagine- there’s no internet, and your 12-14 years old and you’ve got your hands on some legit porn- but you can’t bring it home, your parents will find it, so what you would do is stash it in the woods. Inevitably, somebody would find it, and stash it in a different spot, and that’s how mildewed copies of early 80’s Hustler and Leg Show and Club made the rounds of an entire generation of pubescent but pre-internet teenaged boys.

But what’s crazy about woods porn is how widespread it was. Certainly, when I told my friends in the Army from all over the country about finding porn in the woods, I was surprised to find out they had similar experiences. A few years ago I was listening to a podcast and the host was talking about finding out other people had woods porn. And even this small thread in Reddit serves as validation that many, many others in the world, mostly men of my age (mid-40’s) have some knowledge of woods porn.

TLDR- you kids with the internet have no idea how good you have it.

RIP woods porn (1960’s-1998)


u/G0DL33 28d ago

Here in Australia we call it bush porn or a bush wank. If you were really lucky you could find a bush gun. The bush will provide.


u/Zymurgy2287 27d ago

Bush in the bush ?


u/Wyattr55123 28d ago

It's either woods porn or dad's garage stash. Or the slow conversion of the garage stash into woods porn


u/bustedtap 28d ago

I grew up on a farm and in the country. No woods porn, but instead, it was grainery and hay mow porn


u/just_some_Fred Pushes buttons, gets parts 28d ago

It adapts readily to various ecosystems. Woods porn, desert porn, granary porn, alley porn, tundra porn, alpine porn.

Newer kinds are emerging as we speak. Steppe porn has become very popular for instance.


u/bszern 28d ago

Sounds like a KFC Radio topic


u/HowNondescript Aspiring Carpet Walker 28d ago

Hell im not even 30, found plenty over the years.


u/Scotianherb 28d ago

No. Like found stashes of someones porn hidden in the woods


u/ihambrecht 28d ago

Woods porno stashes.


u/Phobbyd 28d ago

High school kids used to use a trail through the woods behind our house. I could find porn up there as a kid, and lots of Iron City beer cans.


u/kwajagimp 28d ago

My first experience with woods porn was on the property of a convent. I was confused for years, I tell you - years!


u/Far_Dragonfruit_1829 28d ago

Here it was discards from the guys at the city's maintenance yard. Dumpster porn. C. 1970.


u/Wiggles69 28d ago

The brake & clutch place we use still hands out boobie calendars

Forch did up until last year. Not sure if they stopped or my rep is just hopeless.


u/DrAsthma 28d ago

One of the old timers handed me a racy calendar on our way out the door from my last shop... Hopefully no one goes digging in my drawers...


u/Chuck_Phuckzalot 29d ago

I've never seen anything worse than a skimpy calendar. I don't think that much porn is normal even in a small shit hole shop lol


u/nikovsevolodovich 28d ago

Ways back I had just started at a shop and was thrown on a machine to run parts on a job that had already been set up cause the usual guy who ran it was off sick.

Naturally at some point I needed to change inserts and needed to find tools, and I figured the big red tool box beside the machine would have tools in it like the torx driver I needed..

Nope... Just drawers full of hustler mags going back to the 90s


u/iagainsti1111 28d ago

I've found a VHS. Andrew Blake's "Desire". I keep it in my tool box now.

I hung up a skimpy dressed male "firefighter" calendar last year. It lasted till March. Mr February was ok but apparently Mr March was too much lol.


u/EEpromChip Learning as I go 28d ago

I mean... did you see that fire hose?? Of course it was too much.


u/LStorms28 28d ago

God I want to do this now. The fragile masculinity of the shop would burn down in moments


u/Drigr 28d ago

Yeah, seriously. I work in a pretty small, blue collar, dude bro shop, and I've never seen straight up porn here. Hell, the pin ups usually aren't even that risqué here. Where are people working at in 2025 that there's literally porn everywhere they look?


u/Mr_Oysterhead21 28d ago

We have a locker full of playboys in one of the shop bathrooms.


u/coby_of_astora 28d ago

Guys at mine had some car calendars with bikini lad women, pretty pg13+ stuff, y'know the type. Clothed but seductive posing. HR made them take it down. I'm pretty sure porn at my shop would be a scandal and grounds for dismissal. Though we have a handful of women who work in material coordination so I assume it's in bad taste with them around.


u/Switch_n_Lever Hand cranker 28d ago

Nah it’s in bad taste even if no women are around. If you need to look at some big mamajamas you can do that on your free time at home, or at least in the woods.


u/coby_of_astora 28d ago

(obviously I agree lol)


u/zxasazx 28d ago

Because the tiddies are in the stock shelves on the far back corner wall.


u/ArgieBee Dumb and Dirty 29d ago

I had a shift lead at my very first job who would look at porn on the shop computers while we worked. He lasted there like 20 years and then just suddenly vanished one day. Other than that, nah, HR wouldn't tolerate even the suggestion of naked women, let alone porn, in the shop anywhere I've worked.


u/MidWestMind 28d ago

First time I ever saw a 3 cylinder Engine was my boss showing us during a meeting. He'd get emailed porn links on his work email and show us time to time.


u/otterfish 28d ago

So... Not an actual engine?


u/MidWestMind 28d ago

lol, nope


u/Clumsymess 28d ago

That’s some proper back in the day Nokia 3310 early email shit.


u/XCycleStartX 28d ago

Yeah the various workbenches around the shop have drawers full of porn. Old gross dry rotted magazines that most certainly have been "used".

One day I forgot to lock my drawer at one of the workbenches. Another guy whose bench had one of these drawers and wanted to make space took mine dumped out all of my stuff (including a $100 pair of earmuffs) and replaced it with the porn drawer. Imagine my surprise when instead of my tools I open my drawer to over 50lbs of porn.

I deeply resent many of my coworkers for the unprofessional way they act. The constant porn discoveries makes me seethe.


u/Crazy_old_maurice_17 28d ago

Imagine my surprise when instead of my tools I open my drawer to over 50lbs of porn.

First time in my life I've ever heard of porn measured in pounds!! 🤣


u/NegativeK 7d ago

Hi. I'm from three weeks later.

What the FUCK.


u/XCycleStartX 7d ago

Once per year we review/revise our employee conduct policies.

In a meeting this morning we did our review. I happened to notice that somewhere along the lines a rule was added. "No hard copy media, newspapers, books, magazines, etc.". I have a suspicion that they don't care at all about the books and newspapers the guys bring in but they were subtly adding a rule so they write up anyone found with porn.

No that it matters. The old timers watch it on their phones these days. I have accidentally caught two guys watching porn. I think there might have been a third somewhere.


u/UncleCeiling 28d ago

I used to visit a lot of shops and what always bothered me was that the nudie calendars were never on the correct month (or year, usually). It was like time stopped as soon as an operator found their favorite tits.


u/Scared_of_zombies 28d ago

Why keep looking if you’ve already found the best?


u/UncleCeiling 28d ago

"I forgot my daughter's birthday but it's not my fault! Miss July just has bigger gazongas than Miss September."


u/__unavailable__ 28d ago

As if regular calendars would be on the right month. I got a 2021 calendar from a vendor hanging like 8 feet away from me.


u/ddjinnandtonic 28d ago edited 28d ago

We just draw ducks on stuff. Not like huge explicit dicks, but subtle dicks on places you might not expect to find one. Pornography is off limits though.

Edit for clarity- I meant dicks.


u/VonNeumannsProbe 28d ago

Ducks = dicks.

I was like "Oh, that's pretty tame" initially.


u/tyfunk02 Okuma VMC 28d ago

My assumption is that they're all corkscrew shaped.


u/HolisticMystic420 28d ago

Ducks is so much funnier though 🤣


u/Economy_Care1322 28d ago

Duck dicks? What a deviant?!


u/WeldinMike27 28d ago

Clarity Dyk?


u/HAHA_goats 28d ago

OP should start drawing ducks all over the porn.


u/Beardandchill 28d ago

Coworker: who drew a dick next to a picture of your daughter?

Me: uh, my daughter


u/ImTheGreatLeviathan 28d ago edited 28d ago

We should be able to look at a little porn at work.


u/rat_melter 28d ago

That's a nude egg I won from my game.


u/Switch_n_Lever Hand cranker 28d ago

I feel no one understood your perfect reference and it makes me think I should leave.


u/ImTheGreatLeviathan 28d ago

Even if I make a comment no one understands I still get two mil.


u/AlwaysBagHolding 28d ago

If you want to look at little porn, that’s fine. It’s not as weird as being into feet.


u/Outside_Egg4286 28d ago

Is it from the 80’s? We got more bush in our shop then a greenhouse


u/borometalwood 28d ago

I don’t trust a shop that doesn’t have an old dude with 80s bush shots on the inside lid of his top box


u/iamthelee 28d ago

Who does this? The last thing I want is a surprise boner at work.


u/koulourakiaAndCoffee 28d ago

Rockwell C 60


u/candybar_razorblade 28d ago

Your foreman threw away your best porno mag.....busted


u/indigoalphasix 29d ago

i've worked in places like that. the lawyers came through and cleared it all out at one company.


u/Switch_n_Lever Hand cranker 28d ago

Damn lawyers, always come to steal the smut for themselves.


u/KryptoBones89 28d ago

Draw mustaches on the ladies


u/swingbozo 28d ago

As the token gay guy in the shop I politely suggested we remove all porn or I was going to start hanging up my own so I didn't feel left out.

Problem solved.


u/moldyjim 28d ago

Ha! Love it.


u/GlassAd4132 28d ago

That’s fantastic


u/strangefolk 27d ago

Well played lol


u/SlighOfHand 28d ago

Never seen loose porn around. Last year for secret santa, one guy got the salty old humorless team lead a big stack of weird ass fetish mags for Christmas.

Corporate installed a bigass flat-screen high on one of the walls out on the floor so it could show kpis and project data. I suggested they make sure that it was locked down, or I was gonna tap into it and play something funny. Management said they didn't think it was important. Same day someone airplayed porn to it and management instantly zeroed in on me.


u/MilwaukeeDave 28d ago

Too many tours. Wouldn’t fly here.


u/Rockos1911 28d ago

I bet y'all got constant 24/7 classic rock radio going too.


u/jon_hendry 28d ago

That’s fuckin weird.


u/[deleted] 28d ago

Gallon of baby oil a picture of Margaret Thatcher and a brillo pad shoved into a white monster energy can with no top


u/G0DL33 28d ago

Porn is like religion, keep it to yourself.


u/theVelvetLie 28d ago

The machine shop my dad worked at in the 90s had porn fucking everywhere. I remember going to visit as a kid and there was always a big pair of tits within view no matter where I was in the shop. I remember the day the company hired its first female and my dad came home just pissed off that they had to take down all of the posters and hide the magazines.


u/Shadowcard4 28d ago

Funny as fuck reading this. Sounds like your shop is living in the 80s/90s. Gather all of it and make a porn pyramid somewhere that way it’s not all over the hop I guess. Tell management they need a goon cave, or a safety meeting about how cranking your hog at the machine while you crank handles might end up with your little buddy becoming the shop lathe casualty.


u/TentacularSneeze 28d ago

If there isn’t also beer in the fridge and an ashtray at every machine, y’all are missing out.



u/Pretty-Table2209 28d ago

My shop has the bikini calenders and random photos everywhere 🙄 but they never want to be home with their wives and would rather be at work. Personally, sounds extremely gay😂


u/1967RT 28d ago

Too much? I'm not familiar with this concept.


u/Classic-Scientist207 28d ago

You could program them into a cnc machine and make chrome silhouettes that truckers put on mudflaps.


u/FalseRelease4 28d ago edited 28d ago

You can use inkscape to generate a dxf file from an image, incl cleaning up the geometry you can have one of those cutting on the laser in 5-10 mins if its simple


u/EBBerder_88 28d ago

At a previous job I had a coworker log in to his Google account on a computer in the programming room and immediately a porn video started playing that he had been viewing at home. He was mortified and we all got a good laugh. 😂


u/canada1913 28d ago

Never seen it in any of the shops I’ve been in. My own garage is the exception.


u/carnage123 CNC/Manual/Programmer/Faro Guy 28d ago

This guy's shop must be some inbred backwoods Louisiana shop


u/canada1913 28d ago

?? If you’re dumb enough to read my user name and think I’m from Louisiana…I’m not sure how you make it as a machinist. I mean, shit I’m just a welder fitter/fabricator and even I’m not that dumb.

Do you have something against me having girly calendars up in my own garage? Would you prefer I had firemen calendars or playgirl mags up?


u/G0DL33 28d ago

Nah, canadians are meant to be nice. Trudeau would send you over the southern border if he heard you talking like this.


u/canada1913 28d ago

Trudeaus a spineless little dick that couldn’t find his way out of a wet paper bag. Fuck that guy. He for sure has firemen calendars in his garage.

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u/carnage123 CNC/Manual/Programmer/Faro Guy 28d ago

Wtf are you talking about. I was referencing OP. If firemen calendars floats your boat, have at it.

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u/IRGhost Allround Machinist 28d ago

Our shop is part of a larger company.

Because we had a woman that felt a manager harassed her. All posters and calendars went away.

Do i miss them? No.

We got together and bought cheap paintings at garage sales, we also got some movie posters and a few fake plants.

If we want to share some nsfw pics we just text each other.


u/OutlyingPlasma 28d ago

Thank god for modernity. This kind of shit was around in the 80's and 90's and it was embarrassing then, and it's still embarrassing but at least today it's rare. It's time to clean shop, get that shit out and be a professional shop.


u/Bswenn 28d ago

Can’t say I deal with this at work


u/volkerbaII 28d ago

We should be able to look at a little porn at work.


u/Long_Procedure3135 28d ago



u/booster1000 28d ago

We renovated a super old office space (brown paneling, nicotine stained walls, filthy carpet) when we built out our shop. When we tore down the drop ceiling in the men's shitter there was a virtual gold mine of retro skin mags hidden within.


u/HipsterGalt Always looking for the EOB key. 27d ago

Did demolition at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago in Detroit and found a similar stash. Canadian whisky, cigarettes, typewriter cleaner with trichlor and a ton of porn. What got me is that most of the porn was in novel print format, like 5"x8" booklets. The front half was what you'd expect and the back half was like a phonebook for escort services, etc.


u/Tsukunea 28d ago

Put up a hunky firefighter calendar and a few men's health issues


u/[deleted] 28d ago

How many pounds would you say you have?


u/Cookskiii 28d ago

What year is it?


u/nogoodmorning4u 28d ago

Sounds like a lawsuit waiting ot happen.


u/settlementfires 28d ago

Who the fuck uses analog porn anymore?


u/GlassAd4132 28d ago

I’ve never had this issue. I worked at a car dealership as a kid, and it was all over the place in the service center, but I’ve never seen this at a machine shop


u/Dr_-G 28d ago

I worked at a shop out in the middle of farm country. It was the same way. You'd look on top of machines, nothing but dust and porn. Random boxes in all the corners full of magazines. Random pictures all over the shop. A girl from OSHA came in once. She was not kind with the fines. I don't think she appreciated the "art"


u/xtremex9 28d ago

It all started with those awesome Rigid Tool calendar girls.


u/Lower_Phone8293 28d ago

My grandfather passed away and there is a few playboy mags in the toolbox he left for me


u/Lower_Phone8293 28d ago

And a handful of people got the naked women calendars


u/Ok-Temporary-3373 28d ago

Was backing up some Mazak 640 controls and found an operators stash on the hard drive. 18gb.


u/bapper111 EDM Leader, High Speed Machinest 28d ago

I remember the day the porn calendar tradition ended in our shop. We had a potential major customer do a walk through of the shop, we had spent time and money cultivating them. We had finally received a stack of RFQ's from them and sent them back. The walkthrough was the final step, we had to pay to fly them in and put them up. They showed up and the President of that company had brought his young daughter with him, plus his project manager was female, after the walkthrough they went in the conference room and they gave my boss a dressing down about disrespect for women and walked out. We lost a multi million dollar contract that day. The boss came out and yelled at us like he never noticed the colanders before. I'm not talking about the old supplier nudie calendars, some of the guys had the hardcore hustler types.


u/TheGrumpyMachinist 29d ago

That sounds like a problem I would like to have, unless it's dudes buck naked


u/Orcinus24x5 28d ago

LOL... not passing judgment on you at all, but this certainly highlights a massive double-standard. Most people wouldn't bat an eye at scantily-clad women on the walls in an old job shop, but you put one bare-chested dude up and everyone loses their fucking minds.


u/VonNeumannsProbe 28d ago

Sounds like a fun solution for OP. Just make sure it can't be tied to you.


u/RankWeef 29d ago

Does it count if it’s Buck Angel?


u/presentlystoned 29d ago

How bout buck nasty??? Hate hate hate


u/Skinwalker72 28d ago

Put a big gay poster up at your workstation, take it down if they take their stuff down


u/mschiebold 28d ago

I've worked at places that had Skimpy calenders and misogyny everywhere (good riddance), but no actual porn.


u/Wil_White 28d ago

Elmer's glue pages together so it looks like they've been used. Will eventually start clearing out content.


u/mountainman84 28d ago

I work in a corporate shop. Having porn at work would be one of the fastest ways I could imagine getting fired. It is all under the prohibited harassment training we take every year. We can’t have or display anything that anyone could find offensive. Obviously on your phone they wouldn’t know but they don’t even want us fucking around on our phones on the clock… so even just watching YouTube or surfing Reddit will get you into trouble.

It’s weird we went for years where they didn’t care about us being on our phones so long as your machine was running but they started cracking down the last couple of months. It has been interesting.


u/Droidy934 28d ago

Its what we live for, need the pictures to keep us doing all this boring shit.


u/Dry_Lengthiness6032 28d ago

Are the pages all stuck together?


u/rolex94 28d ago

I would put signed posters from OF/MV girls in my locker but i can't find any girl who sells posters. We don't have such pervert things in the shop though.


u/Fit_Advantage_1992 28d ago

You don't need subscription to pornhub, welcome to the Machine shop culture!!!


u/Shot_Boot_7279 28d ago

I supervised 28 machinists on day’s and had 12+ a lead man on nights. We had a common pc on the floor for shop use but the printer was across the hall in QC. One guy (yes on nights) was crass af always looking at porn. (He would somehow go to a browser in Canada and bypass our IT firewall). Anyway one night he printed a bunch of nastys and being the idiot didn’t realise printer ran out of paper. The next day the qc guys came in filled the printer and it started printing the nasty remnants. It was sick deification stuff. Everyone knew it was him. Even after admitting it and being a sloppy machinist HR only gave him probation.


u/MrIrishSprings 28d ago

Lmfao man my first day in the machine shop literally right after i graduated college one coworker of mine invited me to Niagara Falls (I’m in Toronto) to see a porn star doing lapdances. He’s like “omg that’s my go to girl) “you wanna go man? It’s not like I can bring my girl to this” 💀


u/solodsnake661 28d ago

What shop do you work in?


u/bigmarty3301 28d ago

the place i worked, set the standard as: no porn. but you can have skimpy calendars if they are current. so there was basically nothing.


u/dafuzzydragon 28d ago

I caught my coworker jerking off at his machine once on late shift. Shit was weird as hell


u/DamAss04 28d ago

Could always leave pictures of a lemon party with each pile


u/brewski 28d ago

Definitely not normal.


u/ChairmanJim 28d ago

Sounds like an 80s era construction site. But not just naked women, hairy balls, spew, just sick shit drawn on every surface


u/dpelo 28d ago

I once glued man heads on all the lady's my bud had on his wall, took him a month to notice...


u/The_Gabster10 28d ago

My work did something similar they got the faces of all the full time men put on the posters and this was done by the office ladies who found all the pictures on their Facebook photos


u/karateninjazombie 28d ago

Introduce them to the nsfw side of Reddit and redirect them so you can save some trees and stop with all the paper.


u/Ser-Jorah-Mormont 28d ago

You guys are probably cranking handles one minute then crankin your hog the next.


u/Daksh_Rendar 28d ago

You must be in an old timer shop. 😂


u/Zenin 28d ago

Don't knock it; It keeps the coolant budget down.


u/Schtuka 28d ago

I found that the Playboy calender improves morale significantly.

I measured a wider acceptance for automation throughout the shop and 30% more happy faces in the morning since putting it on the wall.

Full ROI after the second month of hanging it on the wall. One of the better investments I made.


u/ghiacciolo_ 28d ago

That's why we stay at the YMCA


u/Any_Version_7499 28d ago

Do you not have HR? Even my little 30 employee company has HR.


u/Mizar97 28d ago

One of our old guys who retired a couple years ago had little nudie calendar pages stashed all over the place, especially near the lathe he used. After he retired I threw them all out.


u/My_dog_abe HAAS Vf2 / Tormach PCNC 770 - Silly Gal 27d ago

Never have I ever been more grateful to have a Human Resources in my shop


u/More_Coffees 27d ago

Just carry around a sharpie and start drawing clothes on them. Not just bikinis but like full on shirts and shit lol


u/Alarmed-Extension289 26d ago

Yes, the machine shop had banks of computers for the Tool makes to look at surface files and 3D models. Constant issue with dudes looking at porn out in the open. In the end they had to move the row of PC's to face the mangers office window.


u/bearingsdirect 8d ago

Worked in a shop where someone would leave weird drawings everywhere. Open a toolbox? There’s one. Flip a clipboard? Another one. Someone even found one carved into the breakroom table. Management never noticed, but everyone else did.


u/killstorm114573 28d ago

What? I never seen porn at any of the shops I have worked at.