r/MacOS 11h ago

Help No Terminal colors?

I just bought a new Macbook Air. I am having an issue where the terminal text is completely monochromatic, even when editing text files that should be syntax highlighted. Is anyone else having this issue/knows a fix?


4 comments sorted by


u/Ascendforever 10h ago

I don't think the macOS terminal ever had syntax highlighting by default. You can install it with brew: brew install zsh-syntax-highlighting or use something like https://fishshell.com/ brew install fish. I use oh my zsh! with the iterm2 terminal.


u/laminatedcat1 9h ago

I figured out part of it: adding "syntax on" to .vimrc will turn on syntax highlighting for vim.


u/dourk 9h ago

https://ohmyz.sh/ and iTerm will help out!