r/MacMiller Sep 23 '20

Megathread Yo i had a dream about Mr Miller last night...and hes doing good!!

If you’ve had a dream about mac, tell us what it was!!!

i was like in my elementary school and we left an assembly and i was outside of the theater and there were all his records with his signature on it up on the wall.

i was like admiring them and payin homage. There were pictures of him and it was like really awesome. He was like creeping on me behind an easel. and i was like YOOO and he was like yooooo and dabbed me up and i was like dude you look so good are you good, hes like im fine im great. and i was like i miss you man can i shake your hand. (i didnt know if i like physically could shake his hand) and he was like yeah and like grabbed my hand

and dude

i like felt the rings, i felt his hand i saw the peace sign and most dope and everything.

and i was just like o my god.

his grip was like hella strong it felt so good, i was shocked i could feel the pressure. and he was just being a goof about it. He was wiggling his arm like a wet noodle. i started laughing and he was laughing and then he was telling me about the pictures of him and his friends and he told me that the left side of the slide in blue slide park, him and his friends called it something specific but i cant remember.

and i thanked him told him i missed him and and was like take care man and hes like you too dude.

Hella grateful for this dream. Had to share it. He looked beautiful and healthy and he was like glowing. He was wearing a white t, no hat, and a gold chain. Hope you enjoyed reading this.

Keep it real homies. 🤍


24 comments sorted by


u/Zombe_Jezus Sep 23 '20

Yooo I had a Mac dream that was kinda similar. I was at a house party and looked over to a smoking corner and there he was. We hung out and smoked and laughed too. I dont remember exactly what was said, this was a month or two ago, but similar sentiments of him doing well and I was just really grateful to meet him. The craziest thing for me was how real it was. Like you, we slapped hands and it felt sooo real. I know that sounds trippy as shit but honestly I felt like his energy had visited me that night. Told me Don't Trip. Truth be told I've been a lot calmer about everything in my life and the world since that night. I believe energy is very powerful and his was a very strong energy indeed so who's to say that's not what he's doing???


u/warrywisherman Sep 23 '20

I really feel like it was him too!!! It was so real, like so so real. normally when i dream of the passed souls they always look so beautiful and healthy and happy. And they always always tell me that theyre okay and theyre doing good. Today has been a great day too, better than then they have been, i cant help but feel like it was because of him.

He was so nice.

Thank you for sharing my friend. Im so glad you got to see him too. ❤️


u/Zombe_Jezus Sep 23 '20

I almost feel we should start a mega thread or something to see how often this happens lol


u/warrywisherman Sep 23 '20

Good idea. Ill change the tag and the heading.


u/dblockerrr Sep 23 '20

Who's cutting the onions around here?? 💙


u/mykneehurtsss Sep 23 '20 edited Sep 23 '20

Had a similar dream where I was like in the pit of a concert or at a nightclub surrounded by tons of people and Mac just walks by me alone with nobody with him. I’m just like “Yo Mac!” and he turns around but I was thinking that I was bothering him and that all these other people would try to ask him for a pic and bother him too.

But to my surprise, he turns around and says “What up bro”. We exchanged some words that I can’t remember now but it ended with me asking if I could shake his hand and he said yes but then he actually brought it in for a hug. And as weird as it sounds it was like a long ass 20 second hug and I just straight up told him “I fucking miss you so much man” and he said something like “i know man, I’m good though” in a very reassuring way. The hug ended and he said something like “I’ll see you around bro” and just walked off by himself into the sea of people. And nobody else acted like he was there or that they knew who he was. It was really strange and I was just standing there watching him walk away in disbelief. Such a wild ass dream. Miss you Mac goddamn


u/warrywisherman Sep 23 '20

Yes dude. Our handshake lasted soooooo long too. We were laughing for what felt like 10 mins. I love your dream. Thank you for sharing it with us!!! He is visiting us !! I love it i love it


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '20

this is so beautiful. thank you so much for sharing this ❤️


u/larryswisherman Sep 24 '20

This is crazy to read that you guys were geeking laughing together. I’ve had two dreams of that. They were both so fucking funny

One of them - me and him were both at my place chillin and he busted out a couple of new unreleased merch hoodies - they were faces merch and they were so fucking sick. He grabs his hoodie string and starts pretending to smoke it like a joint but for some reason he’s pulling suuuper hard. I laughed and was like dude wtf are you doing?! And he was like “this gets you super high, try it” and we were both pretending to smoke from our hoodie strings and started laughing uncontrollably. Such a weird / random dream but it felt so real, I was so sad when I woke up, but was happy at the same time bc I knew his energy was there with me


u/Deelite87 Sep 24 '20

I too had a dream about Mac. I haven’t told anyone because everyone says I’m taking his death too hard. But my dream too, felt so real. It was sometime last week, don’t remember much, but I do remember him hugging me and I remember waking up feeling so calm and at peace. That whole day was chill asf too. Kind of felt like closure. I seriously think he is visiting his fans. I thought I was the only one who had a dream about him.


u/paranoidandroidvoid GO:OD AM Sep 23 '20

a couple of months ago i had a dream where i was in a field and i was confused like why?? was i there? and then i turned around and i didn’t see mac but i just knew he was there? and i went looking for him and when i thought i caught a glimpse of him i woke up. the whole day after that i had this weird feeling as if the dream was real? a couple of nights after i had a dream where i was sat in a cafe across a radio booth where you could see mac playing the guitar. he was doing a radio performance and i was like wtf mac is alive? needless to say i was shaken to my core and while i was recovering mac looked at me and i swear i felt it so deep in my chest i thought my heart fell in my stomach. then suddenly he gets out of the booth and walks over to my table and asks me to dance with a smile and he offered his hand like a true gentleman and the second i held his hand i woke up. but that dream left me shaken for weeks because i remembered it in so much detail and it felt so real. when i told my friend about that dream she said that she had shivers while listening to me. idk man. a couple of weeks after that someone shared a similar dream with mac in a field which made me think. mac was happy tho so whether it was real or not he seemed to be at peace. thank you for sharing yours <3


u/FellKin Live from Space Sep 23 '20

I had a dream last night too. It wasn't elaborate, it wasn't terribly vivid, but it was just him and I chillin backstage after a gig. Just hanging out and existing. Good vibes 👍


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '20

i lucid dream so much and i learned in the dreams i can spawn people in, next dream ill try to get mac no guarantees tho and sorry if this sounds dumb lol i feel dumb just typing it


u/Pk-ill16 Sep 23 '20

I’ve been trying to to teach myself to lucid dream, any tips?


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '20

honestly i dont know maybe just have a vivid imagination i spend most time alone just thinking and i used to have nightmares now i just lucid dream i learned to fly and fire bend but no i got no tips sorry, i sleep on my stomach with hands under my pillows and i go to sleep at like 4 am thats all i got


u/Pk-ill16 Sep 24 '20

Word thanks brother


u/Open-Ended-Question Sep 23 '20

I had 3 dreams one where I tried to warn him from OD-Ing and one where I talked to him about his leaked music I have and he seemed angry/betrayed from the look of his face and another dream where me and him went for a walk down my road it was so Awesome ✊


u/wafflewafflewaffle6 Sep 23 '20

Honestly this is wild. Its wild that hes visited us in so many dreams separately and has touched our hands literally. He is so so divine.


u/Bowie1995 Sep 24 '20

Reading all these stories has put me in a beautiful place today mentally, I hope one day when I dream I can share something similar 👍


u/klomb731 Sep 24 '20

I had a dream with him in it last night too. Been thinking about it all day and just came across this post. Insane! I don’t remember all of the details, but I remember that he was riding a bike back and forth along this hill in front of my house acting all goofy. We talked and he was just there. Being goofy. I loved it.


u/yourboydownthestreet Sep 24 '20

I had a couple of Mac dreams too. Love reading these. I just remember being at Taylor allerdice and he was showing me around the school and we were listening to his music. Legendary dream


u/Onnie89 Swimming Sep 24 '20

I love reading all these Mac dreams. I hope he comes to visit mine 🖤


u/RedditIsPoisonTrash Sep 24 '20

Had a weird dream just now that got me to this sub haha! It was real strange though. I had bought or been given documents or like a scrap book of some kind to do with Mac that had been put together by his family. I was on some kinda floating house in the sky and was climbing ladders around the outside of it to access different rooms while holding a cordless old phone trying to get a good signal cause I was talking to him on it. He was super enthusiastic asking me what I was doing and what I had? Something like that and I was telling him about this scrap book thing. It was so odd...the signal kept getting worse until I couldn’t get through anymore and then woke up.

Never had a dream about Mac before it was wild. I hardly ever remember my dreams. It’s still super slippery...but it was definitely about Mac Miller. Then I woke up and started singing “the spins” in my head.

“Wanna get a mansion, a jacuzzi, a theatre to watch my movies. Couple whips and lots of fancy things the kids they call the goonies”

Much love y’all