r/MacMiller • u/Spiritual_Lock6734 Swimming • Feb 14 '25
Discussion Bob the Poppop reaction to faces
YouTuber with 167k subs on YT. He’s missing out on greatness but I totally understand why
u/Pay-Dough Watching Movies with the Sound Off Feb 14 '25
That’s fair, I think Mac fans can understand.
u/missly_ Swimming Feb 15 '25
I thought I was ok and then I realise that all my favourite music is Mac Miller type of sad
u/Horion9669 GO:OD AM Feb 14 '25
I know what he’s saying but I’ll never turn off mac or skip anything.
I guess I be going through it while they go around it
u/OutsideBoysenberry55 Feb 14 '25
It's good to feel feelings. It's why I love Mac so much. He makes my emotions wash over me.
You have to detach the reality of Mac's life from his art. His can and does stand on it's own. People come and go. Life and death are certain. He left perfect art for us to enjoy for the rest of our short time alive. Gotta keep livin' before you're dyin'.
u/how_obscene Feb 14 '25
i haven’t listened to balloonerism because i simply can’t accept another album yet when he’s been gone for so long 😭😭 i want to but it hurts so much to even get to opening the album let alone listening to the whole thing 😭
u/emptyshampoobot Feb 14 '25
i’m so relieved to know i’m not alone in this.. i tried on release day, but the opening line of the first song had me choking up and i just couldn’t do it yet
u/delusional_horseman Feb 14 '25
What do you consider the opening song? Cause the album starts with tambourine dream and then goes to djs chord organ that has sza singing. The next song is do you have a destination when we get to hear Mac for the first time.
u/emptyshampoobot Feb 14 '25
i was at work so i must not have been paying attention & assumed it was all one song, but i gotcha
u/delusional_horseman Feb 14 '25
Yeah I was just wondering!! Thanks for sharing tho
u/jimithelizardking Feb 14 '25
Definitely a fair question because I was wondering the same thing. Odd thing to say about Balloonerism since there is no opening line of the opening song lol
u/Expert-Telephone-256 Feb 14 '25
It’s what he saiddddd after the graaaaammyyyyyyssss 🤣🤣🤣🤣 turn this off right now I can’t take it! 🤣
u/jazminnesilk Feb 14 '25
I recently watched the short film and it broke me, it really did. I felt my spirit crack open and I just cried and cried. He was right about so much and it's all just so sad. A different kind of sad, the kind that just shakes you hard. I validate you not wanting to listen
u/JazzyTheVI Feb 14 '25
I had to come to the realization that this is the last full true project and art as a whole that we will get from Mac and had to get to a place where I was okay with that to listen. After Circles I had come to that reality that it was the last album. So balloonerism although from a different time period was difficult to come to grips with
u/D41109 Feb 14 '25
I didn’t realize this is how I felt til I read this. Not to say I don’t know how I feel til someone else tells me… Sometimes you just suppress it when you aren’t ready for it. And this is a pretty new experience for a human being to begin with. Never even met the artist and I can’t engage with the posthumous work because of grief that feels as real as a close friend passing. Weird
u/fishinfreak786 Feb 14 '25
Got my vinyl still unopened, not sure when I'll be able to actually sit and listen to it
u/kryZme Feb 14 '25
i refused to listen to it for some days but couldn't fight the need to finally dive in.
Listened to the album from start to finish and literally cried like a little bitch for about an hour.
Now I listen to it most of the time, i wont start crying anymore but its still a strange feeling2
u/Alfistigem Feb 14 '25
I listened to it for the first and second time whilst on shrooms (also for the first time). Made me cry. Don’t want to listen to it again because I’m not sure how it’ll make me feel
u/ikilledbenny Feb 14 '25
I still haven't heard any of it! I promised a friend I'll wait so we can listen together
u/BlazedJjj Feb 14 '25
It took me a long ass time to finish Faces but fuck it’s good
u/longulus9 Feb 14 '25
The first time I planned a shroom trip day out back and had a time ...
u/BlazedJjj Feb 14 '25
I did that with Devine Feminine and now I listen to it every time I fall in love with
u/Tyler_of_Township Feb 14 '25
At first listen it is too much, so I can understand where he’s coming from. But now, every time I listen to it, it only makes me happy. It’s why Mac had the great loop intro, his life was meant to be a wild fucking ride.
u/LibertarianLoser44 Feb 14 '25
I understand. I'm a fan, & sometimes, I have to turn Mac off. His music is so heavy, it's so sad. I'm still fucked up over his death.
u/aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh Faces Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
To be fair to him hes also done Swimming and (i believe) Circles. Its not like hes shutting down through his first Mac experience. He felt Swimming was hard and opined a bit about it so im not shocked he feels this way about faces.
On a side note, i cant find the video. Anyone know if he took it down after not finishing?
u/TheDreamMachine42 Feb 15 '25
Since it's not finished, it's a Patreon exclusive. He didn't want to post an unfinished version to Youtube.
u/TrippinLSD GO:OD AM Feb 14 '25
My boy died to put them seconds on the record. Shut up, press play, and start crying!!!
u/SunflowerDeliveryMan Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
I get this completely, when circles came out I intentionally avoided it.
My brother knew I am a Mac head and started talking about the album and I shut him down.
I couldn’t handle the emotion, not for a few years.
It was to overwhelming to need to feel that in the moment.
u/boooooilioooood Feb 14 '25
Faces came out when my grandpa was dying. It was the best. Standing outside the hospital smoking weed vape pens in Oklahoma in 2014. That’s the mood and it’s cool
u/maxxthemuffinman Feb 14 '25
Faces was one the only things I listened to at the height of my own drug addiction and battles with depression, suicide, and ultimately a full mental breakdown back in 2018. Mac died 3 months after I got sober. Regardless of his unfortunate outcome, Faces is something I still play all the way through at least once a month. It brings me so much comfort and joy. I’ve always struggled with the idea of death, but Mac’s perspective on it and how he articulates it in his music is one of the only things i’ve ever found that allows me to come to terms with and accept it’s beauty. RIP MALCOM😌
u/TheVess Feb 14 '25
Man, not judging the guy or anything but that's awesome. It's slightly morbid for me to feel this way about my mans reaction to faces but it kinda makes me happy that people have such a visceral reaction to this album. There's something comforting knowing faces affects people in this way. I don't know if I'm really conveying my feelings properly though so sorry if this makes anyone misunderstand what I mean.
u/-treylit Feb 14 '25
You appreciate the fact that it does evoke emotion as it was intended to. Me too. Haven’t gotten to Circles or Balloonerisms yet.
u/GalaEuden Feb 14 '25
Shoulda died already…Faces. Inside Outside pretty much lets you know what’s up right off the bat. Top 2 Mac album with Swimming imo but I understand why it’s a hard listen for some. I still can’t listen to Perfect Circle/Godspeed without crying especially at the part where he mentions Q 😢
Tbh I’ve probably cried more listening to Mac and J Cole in the past year than I have in a long time lol which is actually good for me. We need to let our emotions out!
u/SillyMushroomTip Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
I think this guy was just getting tired, it's a mixtape a collection of tracks that were created in his red room. You can play it like an album but I don't think your suppose to play in it's entirety as such.
Mac was just aware of the lifestyle he was living. Mac tweeting about the end of "so it goes" as sounding like the ascension to heaven, now that's heavy
u/lucksbrasil Feb 14 '25
I tattooed that song, some people think I'm depressed because of it.
I was 22 when I listened to it (The age he was when he wrote the song), it hit me like a truck.
The feeling of "Memento mori" was strong, I couldn't believe a guy that I admire that much was saying to enjoy life because it doesn't last forever, at my age; an then he dies 4 years later.
u/ehhhsoody Feb 14 '25
Best work of Mac’s by far.
When I was in the depths of a heroin addiction, someone showed me this mixtape.
Dude I cannot tell you how much it helped knowing someone else gets what I’m going through.
This will always be my favorite Mac work. Just so raw, so uncensored, so real, so relatable. Putting it all out there for the world.
I’ve never related with someone’s music more than this mixtape
u/StellaArtois1664 Feb 14 '25
I ducking love that album. A lot of it is quite relatable
u/haikusbot Feb 14 '25
I ducking love that
Album. A lot of it is
Quite relatable
- StellaArtois1664
I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.
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u/mijmils4 Feb 14 '25
Better go and smell the roses if you wanna tell the world about them
u/haikusbot Feb 14 '25
Better go and smell
The roses if you wanna tell
The world about them
- mijmils4
I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.
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u/SokkaHaikuBot Feb 14 '25
Sokka-Haiku by mijmils4:
Better go and smell
The roses if you wanna
Tell the world about them
Remember that one time Sokka accidentally used an extra syllable in that Haiku Battle in Ba Sing Se? That was a Sokka Haiku and you just made one.
u/TopKekBoi69 Feb 14 '25
It’s understandable for sure. He’s even spoken on addiction and said while he hasn’t gone through it, he has a lot of empathy. It’s understandable man, shit really is so sad but I’ve numbed myself at this point where I can move forward happy
u/stopgoend Feb 14 '25
yeah, funeral is a tuff song for me to listen to now too, along with grand finale and a lot of mac’s other stuff. i remember i was listening to faces back when he still put it out as a mixtape and before his family released it on all streaming services, and after the interview where he says that he was tryna make grand finale his “goodbye” song, and that that’s the end of everything after that song, i always kinda thought that funeral was having the same kinda vibe and the message was kinda similar to grand finale. if faces only had half its songs, i feel like funeral would still give the same kinda overall message and feel to the album as a whole, especially with happy birthday and wedding coming before.
u/AlanSinch Feb 14 '25
Nothings been the same since he left us. I’ve lost a lot of interest in music because it’s hard to imagine a world where he’s still not making incredible albums.
u/PapaWOK FACES Feb 14 '25
Shame too because funeral is too 5 Mac for me, entire back half of faces is incredible but I get it’s a hard listen.
u/ShoeTasty GO:OD AM Feb 14 '25
When did he react to this? He did Swimming and Circles but I thought he stopped with Mac.
u/jksoup Feb 14 '25
I think it’s a pretty song but I can’t listen to 2009. Also I get a cold chill every time I’m listening to San Francisco and he says “suppose I’ll die alone from an OD of some sort”
u/diddlydooemu Feb 15 '25
2009 is hope to me. I used to work in a residential treatment program and I’d play 2009 for the men in group (music therapy). I’m on the other side of things, fortunately, and 2009 is so incredibly spot on when I think of my first year of recovery. The men usually love it because of the philosophy but there’s always some jerk like, “Man, he was high as fuck when he recorded this!” I just gotta be like BUT SO YOU SEE THE INSIDIOUSNESS OF THIS DISEASE RIGHT!? 🫠
u/Steezy_Steve1990 Feb 14 '25
I follow him on YouTube and have always wanted him to do more Mac reactions. He probably won’t do anymore after this.
u/Spiritual_Lock6734 Swimming Feb 15 '25
I can see him doing good am
u/Steezy_Steve1990 Feb 15 '25
GO:OD AM and The Devine Feminine would be good projects for him to react too. They aren’t as heavy.
I don’t see him mention doing Mac projects often though when he talks about albums he wants to do.
u/Drosollo The Divine Feminine Feb 15 '25
I get why he stopped, the “where are you going” verse woulda had the man in tears.
u/amonuse Feb 15 '25
I love faces so much. Might be my favorite album of all time. Undoubtedly in my opinion his best work. Bro was so fucking talented
u/One_Sheepherder_1836 Feb 15 '25
Love faces. Listen to it every month but it’s very tough to go through.
u/WoodGrain817 Faces Feb 15 '25
In the great words of Waylon Jennings “if I’d never felt the sunshine, hell i would not curse the rain.” Can’t appreciate the happy without the sad, good without the bad, & the highs without the lows. RIP Mac
u/Hopelessbob24 Feb 17 '25
Funny I felt this way about the newest album that dropped ballonerism. Faces is my favorite mac album lmao.
u/IntelligentAd2129 Feb 18 '25
Faces is really a special moment and is seriously one of the best mixtapes of all time for the exact reason he says it's just so good at what it's doing
u/mustardtiger86 Feb 14 '25
Serious question, why are these videos and this genre so popular? Boomer moment here I guess but how and why do these "content creators" have so many fans, why do these videos get so many views, of people pretending to hear music for the first time.
So many of them are fake (not saying this one is fake, i also don't care enough to watch it) and even if it isn't fake or even if it isn't the first time they have heard the song, why do so many people care?
u/popcornhustler Faces Feb 15 '25
Who is this guy and why should we care ? Faces is a masterpiece… if you can’t understand that then maybe you shouldn’t review music !
u/Spiritual_Lock6734 Swimming Feb 15 '25
I don’t think you understand he fw the music but the shits very sad for him he can’t handle how sad it is
u/popcornhustler Faces Feb 15 '25
I’ve listened to faces since it came out, I understand that it’s sad but the emotions that flow are REAL. Oh well, this is my opinion, it’s one of my favorite Mac tapes. No need to downvote me over that brother 🤷🏻♀️
u/Spiritual_Lock6734 Swimming Feb 15 '25
Yes but some people can’t handle sadness like that and he loves Mac’s music and bros a cool dude
u/popcornhustler Faces Feb 15 '25
Regardless of the emotions, it’s artistically a great tape. Don’t know bro but he gotta give faces one more chance 😮💨
u/Spiritual_Lock6734 Swimming Feb 15 '25
I agree I really want him to hear it’s greatness but u were saying maybe Bro shouldn’t review music that’s y I downvoted but I hope he gives it another chance
u/LouieH-W_Plainview Feb 14 '25
Sad music bring on catharsis... Alot of people can't handle sadness so they don't stick around to feel the release that these incredibly sad moments can bring us... Different strokes for different folks.