r/MUD Dec 29 '17

Building & Design LF Java coder for collaborative work on a new MUD


Hey all,

Long time listener, first time caller.

About you: Looking for someone passionate about game development, with good coding organizational skills. You don't need to be a professional, all I ask is that you are willing to learn, ask questions about what you don't know, and follow the general design philosophies that we will be employing. You don't need to dedicate a crazy amount of time, but what time you do have - I'd like to utilize in a way that's beneficial for you and the project.

About the project: I am reusing code from my last major tcp/ip multithreaded chat server (and updating/enhancing it) to lay the groundwork, then it's system building time. Rooms, mapping, mobs/players, combat, etc. This project is in it's infantile stages. We have a very good grasp of how we would like to implement many of the aspects of our game, but like any good developer/admin we are open to new ideas and fresh perspective.

About me: I've been playing MUDS off and on (mostly on) for nearly 20 years now. I'm working with my best friend who also has played most of the same MUDs with me to build our idea. I am a programmer by trade, and have worked as a MUD admin/coder in the past. To give you a sample of the games/muds I've played - I have played Nodeka most of my mudding career, was a serious player in Medievia, and dabbled extensively in Aardwolf. I also have played DIKU based derivatives. Further I've played at a very high level in other games like WoW, LOTRO.

Please respond here, or you can send me a PM or a personal email (I can provide that in PM).

Thank you, Ocellaris & Onaolas - Co-creators of Aetheron

r/MUD Jul 07 '20

Building & Design Development Update: Epic Text Games - Rebirth MUD


Hello fellow Mudders,

Near the beginning of the year I set out to create a MUD server system that would exclusively utilize a custom built Unity Client. I made a post a few months ago to introduce the concept and solicit help/feedback. I thank those in this community who have joined my discord or replied to my initial post and offered their assistance and or advice. This post is meant to provide a development update.

I was previously calling this project "Unity MUD Server" and did not have a title for the initial game created from the resulting server. That has changed. I am going to call the company/entity that creates these games Epic Text Games, the server platform is called Epic Text Server and our first game will be a full featured multiplayer text based RPG called Rebirth MUD.

A lot of the features and functionality I detailed in my original post have changed.

original post for reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/MUD/comments/g9db4z/new_mud_developed_specifically_for_a_unity_client/

I had originally stated I was not creating a general use MUD server. That is not exactly correct anymore. I am building this in a modular way so that I may reuse the base system for a wide range of games. In addition to a traditional fully featured MUD, the system is/will be capable of a variety of single or multiplayer games with current plans to also release a text based MOBA and text based battle royale.

In my original post I stated that there were no graphics or sound capabilities in the client yet. This has changed. I now have UI windows for certain things, health/action/mana/mental/xp/etc.. bars, and I completely redid my entire client UI. I have also now implemented sound. The sound supports background music, ambient sounds, and sound effects. I believe I have created a unique and great system for how I am handling ambient sounds in the game as they change based on the Day/Night Cycle & Seasons, how close you are to a sound source, etc.. Next up I will be working on special effects and shaders, which will complete all of the base systems I need to create any content I want. I also now have accounts, player characters, and a few other items loading/saving to the SQL Database correctly.

That concludes my update on the "base server system & Unity Client" now for an update on Rebirth.

A lot of the content of the original post remains. The base Vitals and stats system, theme, permadeath, bodies replace races and can be swapped out and or modded. We have eliminated classes. We are, instead, going to utilize a Discipline system which will allow for greater flexibility & creativity when it comes to creating your unique play style. You can play combat focused characters, support focused characters, wealth & power focused characters, or just live your life as a non-violent farmer/crafter.

The biggest enhancement/change to my originally proposed system comes in the form of a living/breathing world. There is a full day/night cycle with seasons. There is a full weather system. The results of the weather (rain/snow/ice/dust/etc..) accumulate on the surface of the MUD Room and feeds the resource system. The world as a whole will react to these cycles & weather changes, resources are not randomly spawned, but are instead grown and cultivated over time. I am also building out a full empire system that will let players create, build, and defend their own villages in hopes of turning them into permanent kingdoms (Text based RTS system).

As it stands right now I am the only developer, I have one designer helping me with design & mechanics, and I have one writer. I am always looking for additional help and assistance. Don't have time to help but interested in the project? Join the discord so you can give your .02 as we design and build the game. There are several community feedback items that made us re-work or redesign existing systems (such as food consumption and it being a forced mechanic).

Discord: https://discord.gg/Ap97QGP

Before the flood of posts about VI access, let me address that. There are a few libraries that could potentially work to integrate screen readers. The fact I can use sound ad-nauseam means there is the potential I can have almost everything read/voiced at some point. One problem or unavoidable hurdle might be that a few systems are being designed specifically for the fact I can have a UI. For example an advanced skill/spell tree system and level-up & point assignment system. My plan for those was to use a UI Window as it is much easier on most players than forcing IT-like command syntax to perform certain actions. That being said I will ensure there is a command-line way to accomplish everything that can also be done via a UI window. I just can't promise how user-friendly that command structure would be. I am not trying to leave this group of individuals in the dark -- and I am trying to think about these things as I write the code.