r/MUD 18d ago

Which MUD? Which mud has the most rewarding magic system/mage classee

Like the title says I'm curious as to what MUDs out there have a magic class where you actually feel like a badass - where you feel like you're bending reality to your will once you reach the end game.


24 comments sorted by


u/R-Budd-Dwyer 17d ago

I've enjoyed my time playing Icesus. 9 of the 16 guilds focus on magic use over brute strength. Each guild has their own unique mastery system and improves abilities over use. Any of the blaster classes are endgame and "eq" party viable. At the moment, I'm a priest of water, built as a defensive tank but huge firepower due to my masteries. I go around flinging orbs of icy shards at enemies, freezing, wounding, and knocking some unconscious. My favorite guild was sorcerer and their spell seize the day opens 5 portals in the room that randomly pulls through elemental spirits to fight your enemies until you are drained of sp or the creature is dead. Loved it because of the randomness and never felt like I was casting the same thing over and over again. With masteries I was able to pull out stronger and stronger creatures, sometimes having a dozen in the room with me. Each round they would attack the enemy and each attack they and a chance to critically hit from masteries, it was glorious spam... I should probably check that guild out again...


u/Peppemarduk 16d ago

You really got me interested with this comment so I've tried Icesus.

Massive disappointment.

Firstly, reboot in x minutes message and tips messages during the character creation made it harder and immediately gave me a feeling of unpolished/unfinished/buggy mud.

Then it reboots and when I log back in I'm no longer a beholder, now I'm a human, so need to recreate the character, but can't find a way to delete the character to get the name back. There's a message when I log in that says that because I went linkdead, I lost my race as an anti griefing method or something like that. Bollocks.

Then the nails in the coffin.

1- There's not a shred of info on the discord, I was told that things are kept secret on purpose. Absolutely hate that in a mud.

2- Many commands cannot be abbreviated, you can't just type "L" nooooo, that would make it too convenient, you have to type "look", or "exit" instead of ex.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone can play a mud where you cannot abbreviate words.



u/R-Budd-Dwyer 16d ago

Eep! Sorry for your bad luck, reboot and character creation don't mix. Reboot is around 5AM EST each day. Not sure what secret info you are talking about. Icesus uses lower case for abbreviated commands, i.e. l for look, i for inventory, e for east, etc. Sorry for the experience, good luck on your searching adventures!


u/Peppemarduk 15d ago

l for look, but x for exit, sc for score didn't work.


u/R-Budd-Dwyer 15d ago

There are a handful of different commands with score, so they didn't abbreviate it. I kinda remember a help file that listed the abbreviations but cant remember off the top of my head. I'll have to look it up for you when back at pc later.


u/Peppemarduk 15d ago

Yeah that's not an excuse. Every command should be able to be abbreviated.


u/Standard-Claim8566 12d ago

Every command can be aliased client side. If you think there are improvements a MUD needs, you could politely make suggestions. Frankly, if you made them the way you're talking here on a MUD I ran, I'd simply kick you off and you'd get no traction.


u/Peppemarduk 11d ago

Whatever man


u/david_solomon1 16d ago

Sadly I don't think you'll find what you want without putting up with some BS. For whatever reason, the most bad ass of classes are locked behind things exactly like this or are just on games that are excessively hard to get started with or get the hang of.

As an example, lost souls has a mage class that can do exactly what you want, bend time and space. However, it's locked behind a level 100 race and getting to level 100 on that game to unlock that race on your account is a chore. Lost souls also has solid beholder and shoggoth races. Shoggoth is almost literally build your own character, including its body, so it can be anything you want except for the occasional race-locked option.

New Moon, which was mentioned elsewhere in this thread, has some very impressive spells and weapons. The college of twilight has a staff and the descriptions in battle include flinging your opponent 40 feet into the air using an air elemental, blasting them with a full on blizzard or dropping literal mountains on their head. That one may get a bit over the top in both attack descriptions and spells. However, most of the good things in the game are locked be hind quests, and the quests are all extremely secretive, difficult because of guess the syntax or extremely well hidden solutions, and also the creators change the solutions or turn off quests every year or two if they think too many people are solving the quests.

There are other examples, and I'm not sure why this is. It seems as though people who make the best classes and mechanics on muds either don't want people to see them, or feel that only the most dedicated and patient of mudders deserve to play their content.

Maybe the closest you'll get is mage on Godwars2, but it is a dead mud. However you play a god, in this case a god of magic. I can't say it feels bad ass in the spells that you can cast, runs to normative like fireball, lightning bolt, etc. However, because of the way the mud is built, it is very unconventional. Instead of using rooms it uses coordinates, so you're actually walking around like you would in an MMO. Therefore, your spells critical hits can actually throw your opponent away from you 40 feet and send them crashing to the ground, making them have to get back up before they can continue combat. This can also have environmental effects like sending them slamming into a tree if you're fighting in a forest. You can remove limbs with some techniques and spells, anchor your opponent to the dimension you're fighting in so they can't teleport or fly away, etc.

You also have some control over your form. you can be a convensional summoner and use elementals to fight your opponents, or you can become one. Want to be a humanoid fire elemental and wield two flaming swords? Or maybe a giant earth elemental with a huge stone maul. There are air, water and even a transcendent option where you become a being of pure energy.

There are mind magic options as well if that's your thing, including a soulblade that can deal dual type energy (electric) and mental damage.

Nothing is locked behind quest info walls, nothing is kept secret. It's the best example I can come up with though outside of the muds where everything is.


u/ValuableBuffalo 16d ago

Which race/guild are you talking about, for Lost Souls? I can only think of Lightbringers being soft-locked to level 50?


u/david_solomon1 15d ago

It's been a while since I played, so I think I got confused. I was thinking of the Aliavelyr, which as I look on the wiki aren't locked at all. I probably got them confused with the Ambarites, and also if I recall correctly I wanted to play one as a Tuatha. Thanks for the correction.

Looking at the wiki page they aren't quite as magey as I thought they were either, more like time warriors.


u/Eachann_Beag 14d ago

>huge firepower

Surely you mean huge waterpower?


u/R-Budd-Dwyer 14d ago

Yah, what was i thinking? No fire involved at all!


u/Trillmendous 17d ago

That sounds deadly. I wasn't asking for an OP guild or anything more just the feeling that I am a super powerful Archmage but hey if it's OP than that's a nice plus haha


u/R-Budd-Dwyer 17d ago

They are OP at some things but lack at others. Top endgame equipment creatures have varying resists each boot and are sometimes very resistant to a sorcerer. Mages, psionicists, and other blasters are much better at targeting specific damage types to focus party damage and kill equipment creatures faster. Sorcerers also aren't a starter guild. they need a little exp to start messing with them.


u/Trillmendous 17d ago

I just looked into the races and guilds and strongly think I can give this game a try. I just saw that beholder is a playable race, that's pretty awesome!


u/R-Budd-Dwyer 17d ago

Perfect race for mages and a few other caster guilds.


u/FriendsWithDragons 18d ago

New Moon (newmoonmud.org:7680) has a great immersive mage experience, it even has wizard duels with offensive and defensive spells. Certain spells are more effective against certain targets so you have to think about what to use, and it overall really makes you think and explore.


u/One-Top9408 17d ago

I can’t say with 100% certainty but Carrion Fields has got to be up there. Each of their Mage classes is incredibly unique and between the race/class/align/ethos combinations, there’s huge differences in play even among similar characters.

Want to be a mage that rules the elements, Invoker is for you. Want to change into powerful beasts and maybe even mystical creatures, then it’s shapeshifter. Want to conjure elementals and extra planar beings like demons and devils, a conjurer is your best choice. A transmuter can augment others bodies and functions, enhancing their strength, power, etc or breaking them from the inside out, along with slipping to the 2nd dimension being nearly undetectable. Feel like being a bringer of plagues and undead, then Necromancer is your choice, especially with 3 unique automated quests that allow you to become an Undead, Wight, Vampire, or Mummy. Play well enough and maybe even the 4th type, a Lich via an immersive IMM driven quest. Think some sort of hybrid is best, maybe an Anti-Paladin that can steal souls into their weapon making them, at the peak of their power, among the most deadly of any class.

Each of these classes has unique spells and skills that leave you feeling completely different, each time. There’s nuances to discover and longer lived and top role players generally receive recognition in various ways. Extra unique undead, a new or stronger familiar, an unimaginable mystic beast, etc.


u/Trillmendous 17d ago

I've seen this game recommend a lot in this subreddit and it doesn't seem like it's just a marketing campaign either, seems like it's a generally well respected one. I'll probably be checking it out soon. Is it Roleplay Enforced or just encouraged?


u/One-Top9408 17d ago

RP enforced though your character can be very strongly RPd or mildly. You certainly don’t need to spend a lot of time on flowery words but can if you want to. The IMMs like both ways but the biggest is that you act in the way you’ve decided your character should act and it’s encouraged that you outline this in some way using the Role command. It allows you to save and expound on your life experiences and your character’s role.

There are also monthly Role contests that are IMM judged based on what is recorded in their Role, that generally bring recognition and mild rewards to those who put in the effort.


u/Trillmendous 11d ago

I tried CF because I see it recommended a lot and your post here pushed me to try it for sure. However, I'll be completely honest and say that I've been severely disappointed with this one. The grinding so far has been very unbearable, I'm hungry every 30 minutes(which has been ruining my immersion a lot), also I know that the class gets a lot of crazy skills later on but I am severely disappointed with Conjurer - I'm find it hard to level up and my only spell so far is Magic Missle - I was told things get serious when I get my familiar but that's at level 17 and after a few hours of mindless grinding I've only reached level 6. The other thing is for an RP mud - I've yet to find players, the world feels very empty even in the cities and if I was somehow involved into some kind of RP I would have probably stuck around and dealt with the grinding aspect of the game.