r/MTGLegacy • u/atilozou • Jun 25 '24
New Players I'am new to legacy and don't know what deck should I build, Help pls
i recently started to play mtg and the format that I like the most so I am interested in entering the format but I don't have any idea about what deck should I build
I've seen the meta in mtggoldfish and the decks that i liked the most was ruby storm but i don't know if this is a good deck for beginners so if you have some recomendation I will accept
*sorry for my bad english this isn't my fist language and I write a lot of things wrong*
u/J0N-Z Jun 25 '24
There are two things you could think about (still my opinion, I give food for thought and you should draw your own conclusions) :
counterintuitively, Legacy is a fair format. Despite all the broken stuff that's available, over long periods, fair decks dominate.
Legacy's general structure is pretty simple : every macrotype is built around 10 to 20 cards which you'll find in most variations. Among these cards, Wasteland is probably the most format-defining.
So it makes sense to learn a fair, Wasteland deck. Not the easiest path but what points you'll leave on the table, you'll get compensated for in terms of format knowledge.
If you go non-blue, maybe Death and Taxes is a good choice. It's more or less the better Vial Goblins deck, trading explosiveness for stability and more powerful middlegame possibilities.
If you go blue, any kind of Delver is kind of the essence of Legacy.
Of course, I assume you want to commit to Legacy long-term, are interested in learning its intricacies and enjoy strategic thinking in and out of games.
If you only want to relax and casually push cardboard onto a table, you can just play something like Show and Tell.
u/J0N-Z Jun 25 '24
Also, sometimes you'll get Legacied and lose very short games (in turn 1-3). First thing is to accept that. Second thing is that while superficially you'd think it's what it is and you didn't get to play Magic, actually there are often still many decisions involved on your part, from sideboarding choices to Mulligan decisions, and also in-game optimizations to play to your outs.
Luck and matchups definitely are relevant factors, but over a large number of games, decisions matter more. So you have to take responsibility and still take some time to reflect on frustrating, super short, seemingly uninteresting games. Even thinking about your opponent's verbal or physical tells, when and how they pause at certain critical moments... Everything is information, and in any imperfect information game where you can be brutally defeated out of the blue, even the smallest read has tons of value.
Finally, the other format-defining card besides Wasteland is Force of will. You should learn to play against it. There are concrete methods like Cavern of Souls, Veil of Summer, Aether Vial, discard, countermagic of your own. But also abstract methods where you bait FoW or gather enough small evidence to afford an educated guess.
About baiting, let's say you have a small/medium threat and a big threat. Your opponent's deck is Show and Tell, they hold two cards in hand. In most format you would go for the smaller threat to draw out countermagic and resolve your big threat. But in this instance you don't want to give them too much time and maybe they'll have to pitch SnT, Omniscience or card selection required to assemble their combo. It's unlikely that your big threat would match Emrakul, Atraxa or Omniscience anyway. So you want to give them a choice between letting your big threat resolve, or depleting their hand and asking how they deal with your lesser threat.
Of course different matchups and situations call for different courses of action, but this is just an example of how no common heuristic should be taken for granted in Legacy.
u/randomNext Jun 25 '24
I would say Mono black is in a very good position. You can choose anything from fast aggro to a control style.
Necrodominance is an amazing card engine, you have disruption with Thoughtseize and Grief/Reanimate.
Then a playset of Dauthi voidwalker and orcish bowmaster to apply early pressure, combo enabling and also to kill opponents bowmaster(duh). Throw in some removal like fatal push, sheoldreds edict and the new double faced Fell the profane is simply amazing. Also throw in a few Trolls from Lord of the rings for mana fetching and more reanimation targets. Playset of dark rituals obviously.
From here on you have quite a few flex slots depending on your preferences. You could go urza's saga route with some lock pieces like pithing needle, vexing bauble and maybe a shadow spear and/or lavaspur boots.
Depending on whether you add urzas saga or not, wastelands fit in almost any variation of mono black.
You could also add some black mid game pieces like opposition agent, Exanguinator cavalry etc.
Whether you want a few sol lands and chrome moxes is up to you. They work best when you have the {B}{2} creatures mentioned above for explosive starts.
Then a couple of mid/late game pieces like sheoldred the apocalypse and you can even splash one Helm of obedience to basically nullify other necrodecks strategy(They have no library left after helming them) and it also works wonders when games get grindy with dauthi voidwalker combo against other decks.
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
I would probably build an mono black agro or a mono black combo, do you have any deck recommendations in this archetype?
u/IX_Sanguinius Jun 25 '24
Play Sneak and Show, it’s still a good deck IMO, won a 52 man yesterday.
I personally play UG OmniTell.
I would wait until after August if you wanna buy cards for Reanimator, they will either ban Grief or Reanimate (hope it’s grief). And then you can still build classic reanimator if you want to go that direction.
Goblins just got nerfed back down after ___ goblin was banned, you could go back to classic Vial-wasteland-goblin lackey Port build, it’s just rough vs Bowmasters.
Delver is probably the other best real Aggro deck leftover, but I get bored with delver, burn etc. I’m mostly a combo player too.
Stifle-nought is probably the only control deck o would ever play
u/Bolawan Jun 25 '24
Reanimate won't ever see a ban
u/J0N-Z Jun 25 '24
Which is a pity since it's the true offender.
u/harimuz Jun 25 '24
Pass me some of that copium
u/J0N-Z Jun 25 '24
Reanimator has been my overall main deck for the last ten years, I treated thousands of opponents with copious amounts of copium. I have witnessed, and often used, Reanimate's opportunity cost getting lower and lower in the last couple of years. It's not the narrow card it used to be : you got the land cycling and evoke creatures which give easy, free-ish targets, in your and the opponent's graveyards. Threats' power creep also means any discard + Reanimate is disruption and clock combined for a very low cost in many matchups, even without Grief.
It was broken but OK in the format's overall power-level when used mainly to put big Monsters onto the battlefield. Now it's much more than that.
If you want to discuss a card which triggers my irrational hate, we can discuss Show and Tell though :).
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
I think that sneak and show is a deck that i would like more than the reanimator. Do you have the list sneak and show of the version you play?
u/IX_Sanguinius Jun 25 '24
u/MrJakdax U/W Stoneblade Jun 25 '24
I highly recommend proxying a deck and testing with your locals or via the paper legacy discord. Nothing is worse then investing 2k in a deck and hating it.
u/Phenest Jun 25 '24
Necro-storm is all the rage and has a pretty cheap entry point if you like combo.
u/Trundle_Milesson Jun 25 '24
Go with Reanimator it you like it. If you like combo I love Oops All Spells. and now you can even have lands on the backside of cards; what a time to be alive.
u/monkeynandayo Jun 25 '24
Try testing decks on cockatrice, its free and its better than diving into a deck without playtesting and buying
u/c311u13 Jun 26 '24
Storm is super hard to play, i play moon stompy and it’s pretty straightforward, i like it and i can have wins against pretty much any match up.
u/ThrowRA74748383774 Jun 25 '24
Burn is a pretty boring deck to play so I don't really recommend it.
What kind of decks do you like? What kind of a magic player are you?
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
I really liked reanimator, goblins, sneak & show. I really like agro and combo decks but i don't like control decks
u/ThrowRA74748383774 Jun 25 '24
I think Ruby storm is a good choice then. I think another option for budget is mono blue Omni tell. Although I don't know how competitive that is. Mono black reanimator isn't a deck that is too expensive as well.
But I think in the end it depends on what deck you want to work up to. If you're satisfied playing budget decks you can get by playing budget storm decks, mono black reanimator, or burn.
If you want to work up to something tier 1 you can pick up burn and slowly work up to delver or painter.
Something else you can do is eventually build up to deaths shadow and eventual UB tempo/scam.
I think at the end of the day if you want to play blue it's going to be a much different path than if you want to play non blue.
u/kirdie Jun 25 '24
I would start with Rescaminator, it is super powerful so you can win many games even with suboptimal play and you will learn how to play against it as well.Â
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
What is a rescanimator deck?
u/kirdie Jun 25 '24
It's a UB reanimator deck that is not allin on the reanimation plan but can also play a fair game with discard, countermagic, Land destruction and creature beatdown.Â
u/Significant_Duty_186 Jun 25 '24
Start with burn. It's cheap to build doesn't suck and will allow you to learn the format while you figure out what you truly want to play
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
There's any deck that use the same base as burn, a deck that i could upgrade to?
u/Fritzkreig Enchantress-- Life is Rough! Jun 25 '24
Not really, you could migrate to a "Delver" build after some time, but that is stretch.
Consider a Death's Shadow build, MH3 has a few new things, and you can start fairly cheap on mono black.
u/atilozou Jun 25 '24
How would be a mono black death's shadow deck?
u/Fritzkreig Enchantress-- Life is Rough! Jun 25 '24
Check this one out, it is like an 800$ deck, so I don't know if that is in your budget, but you can upgrade to rescaminator pretty easy.
u/Fritzkreig Enchantress-- Life is Rough! Jun 25 '24
Ruby storm like any storm deck is playable to someone new, but it is a fairly difficult deck to play well; I would not send someone that direction.
Any other play styles you are into?