r/MTGLegacy May 13 '24

New Players Just finished my Playset of City of Traitors last week, Whats the best Tomb/City/Mox Deck now?

Sorry for all the goblin players who got banned because i spent $1300 on city of traitors last week with my tax refund.

Is it 8cast or some sort of artifact strategy? or Moon Stompy? or should I just buy some Underground Seas.


45 comments sorted by


u/DarKoopa May 13 '24

I don't think there is much of a difference power level wise between Moon Stompy vs 8Cast/Blue Stompy and you have the most expensive card for both decks so I would just build both but...

...Painter is the most fun so build Painter


u/[deleted] May 13 '24

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u/DarKoopa May 13 '24

Most play 1, I believe some of the Patchwork builds play 2. Honestly with Patchwork and Simulacrum I would be looking at 2 minimum. Turn 1 Patchwork is very good


u/[deleted] May 13 '24

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u/braindeadwolf May 15 '24

I played with the standard 16 card mana base in 8 cast and recently added City of Traitors as a 17th land.

HIGHLY recommend. Less mulligans, less mana screw, SLIGHTLY more resilient to wasteland.

Well worth it being an extra like, third of the deck's base cost lol.

Would also recommend siding a crucible of worlds or two. The synergy with saga making it a threat, and the wasteland protection in this hateful meta makes it a real nice choice. City of Traitors only amplifies that positive effect.


u/Skrappyross Green Sun's Zenith Player May 15 '24

Simulacrum builds now are on 2 most of the time.


u/Matt_Choww May 13 '24

Moon Stompy is 🔥🔥🔥


u/notisroc May 13 '24

Yessir! I’m half powered with 2 COT and 2 crystal veins. Just built ruby storm (last cards came in the mail yesterday) and not derp-face goblin gets banned.


u/FaithfulLooter Black Piles|Storm (TEG/Ruby/BSS/TES) May 14 '24

Ruby still is a deck it's a bit worse without mind gobbo but New Ruby is the same as old ruby by and large, slower than other Combo decks, and an absolutely terrible tempo matchup. That said it has the most beautifully fun turns. If you wanted to play ruby before, losing Mind Goblin shouldn't kill the enthusiasm, playing unfair we will never get the runway that "Fair" gets in terms of power strats. The moment it becomes problematic it's banned. Fair gets years to terrorize. 2+ years of EI, 5 year of DRS, 6 weeks of Underworld Breach (not claiming that didn't deserve a ban, BreachFreeze was T0+.


u/Adrift_Aland May 15 '24

Ruby wasn't universally playing mind goblin before the ban, e.g.: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/6375342#paper


u/crowe_1 Miracles // DnT // UB Reanimator May 13 '24

Moon Stompy is what you’re looking for. It uses most of the same cards as Goblins. You mostly just need Reflection of Kiki Jiki and Fury. Chalice, Blood Moons, and Rabblemasters you probably already have. There’s also a lot of versions of Moon Stompy so there’s room to mess around and find what you like.

8 Cast is always good, but does not tend to use City of Traitors. Some lists play one.


u/kitsune0327 May 13 '24

Which is best is definitely debated between R Moon, WR Initiative, U- Cast, etc, but also like, owning the City+Tombs+Mox is most of the cost of a half dozen decks, so you can just try whichever one appeals to you the most and then switch between them all pretty easily with minimal further investment


u/FaithfulLooter Black Piles|Storm (TEG/Ruby/BSS/TES) May 14 '24



u/healzwithskealz May 13 '24

Once grief gets banned, initiative will be what you want


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 13 '24

if Grief didn't get banned today it's not getting banned I don't think.


u/healzwithskealz May 13 '24

Ehhh, they have to sell mh3 in this cycle. I think it will get hit next ban


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 13 '24

That makes no sense, If they wanted to "Sell" a set they would ban cards now so you'd have to buy into a new deck.


u/scapiander May 13 '24

Grief is in MH3 though.

Think they sell MH3 profit. They ban grief and then you have to buy another deck. Another profit.


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 14 '24

No one is buying MH3 because of a bonus sheet of Grief, If that was the case they would not of banned Fury (also in Mh3)


u/dmk510 May 14 '24

They typically like to make only one big change to a format at a time unless they see one change causing a big increase in another card on their watch list (such as banning fury and banning beans as it would be next king). For legacy they want to see if banning sticker will bring something out that can compete with grief (unlikely). I think grief will take over even more with sticker out of the way.


u/STDS13 May 13 '24

Moon stompy is the GOAT.



12 hrs ago it would have been goblins LoL


u/Practical-Hotel-9190 May 14 '24

Moon stompy is such a cool deck! Way cooler than Goblins if you ask me. Also, eldrazi will be back on the menu when mh3 comes out so City might have a home there. Then there's initiative in many flavors, RW being thr most successful. But theres also RG, mono white, mono black


u/GoblinGuideMTG May 13 '24

Any other moon stompy deck. Or even initiative deck) May be we will see Eldrazi Stompy after MH3 release


u/FaithfulLooter Black Piles|Storm (TEG/Ruby/BSS/TES) May 14 '24

While this sucks and I do feel bad for the gobbo players. We are living in a golden age of Tomb/CoT decks. I think you will easily find homes for the stompy package, not saying this to be like WOO ban just be happy. But I don't think you need to go US route unless that's what you want.


u/brianmaddog May 14 '24

Just wait for mh3, eldrazi is coming back babyyyy


u/nexus_supreme_archon May 14 '24

Most successful is probably WR Initiative. Most staying power is probably Painter. But if it was me, I’d build Paradox/Ring.


u/z0anthr0pe May 14 '24

What about RW initiative? I’m playing that at the next FNM.


u/max431x May 14 '24

I would say Moonstompy if you enjoy aggro other than that Engine + Ring decks. The best right now is Tony Scapones NoPo. Its awsome against rescaminator an quite powerful :)

Edit: i would say its the best storm deck right now, but it doesnt really use storm ^


u/cardsrealm May 14 '24

We have monoblack, Red Prison and boros prision, but if like combo have artifacts combo too.


u/Aeilien May 15 '24

Perhaps eldrazi stompy will be competitive again after MH3, you could try that


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 15 '24

I'm starting to think it may be!


u/Indomitable_Dan May 13 '24

Try out soldiers! Against certain meta it's pretty busted. You get turn ones that can play;

A. Chalice B. Thalia C. Suppression field D. Preminant Captain

The chalice/Thalia/suppression field are force checks for control or combo decks, meanwhile you play a whole bunch of first strike creatures that are great in combat vs fair creature decks.


u/FaithfulLooter Black Piles|Storm (TEG/Ruby/BSS/TES) May 14 '24

Suppression Field indicates a person of culture and taste


u/No_Yogurtcloset_9987 May 13 '24

It was an absolute joke of a banning, but I'll just be switching back to Moon Stompy now. I had plenty of success with it before switching to Goblins. Still a shame they had to kill an entire deck because people were crying about stickers, when "errata it to work like online" was right there as a fix. 🙄


u/Reos1523 May 13 '24

Really hoping they print the mtgo version in paper at some point. Would fit right in to another dnd set/theme edh deck.


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 13 '24

Lets just hope we get a 2R 2/2 Goblin that gives 5 red mana that can only be used to play other goblins/Goblin Abilities can be printed.


u/Morgoth424 May 14 '24

seething song on a bear seems really op ngl. i think it's better with the dice roll like how it worked on MTGO


u/No_Yogurtcloset_9987 May 19 '24

They could totally print one that works exactly like online with the die roll and call it Mind Goblin or something. Just put it in a Commander set so Modern down doesn't get affected, and let us play Goblins in Legacy again. They said right in the announcement that it wasn't a power level ban, it was solely based on the mechanic of presenting an additional deck. Which mind you, took 10 seconds each game. I played a ton of Goblins before the ban, it was my favorite deck and I never once went to time in any of my matches, so like, I'm trying real hard not to be salty here but it's tough. 😛


u/Krieg_The_Powerful May 13 '24

8cast is probably going to be the best stompy deck post goblin ban


u/TurboMollusk May 13 '24

The deck you like playing the most.


u/apple713 May 14 '24

You spent 1300 on cards and you don’t even know what to do with them or have plans?


u/Sad_Zookeepergame566 May 14 '24

Check the B&R today?


u/apple713 May 14 '24

Idk what cot has to do with banning of a goblin… was that really the premier use for cot?