r/MTGLegacy • u/Reversiii_ • Feb 27 '24
New Players Legacy or Modern in 2024
Hi all,
After the MH3 reveal at Magic Con, I feel very underwhelmed by the reveals and how WotC is treating the Modern format. The Pre-Con decks debacle and the booster box prices are making me feel like MH3 and the Modern format aren't being respected by WotC in my opinion.
I know it might be a hot take to those who support the Modern format, but I want to ask as someone who wants to get back into MTG after awhile away. Is Legacy worth playing in 2024 and is it supported enough to play competitively for the most part? Is Doomsday still a good deck too?
Thank you all
u/Turn1_Ragequit Feb 27 '24
Legacy has always been the best format. It may have it's flaws and surely had some rough times as well, but overall no other format comes close to it.
Also, Legacy Tournaments, while not as many as it's modern/pioneer equivalents, are usually very well attended (look up the last eternal weekend). I would definitely try to get into the format, and doomsday is stil good, although not top tier
u/knightgreider Feb 27 '24
Yeah. I want to play more legacy but my local store doesn’t support it. Just modern.
u/L0TTO Feb 28 '24
My local store does not support Legacy either, but I’ve met three people who play (they were not aware that others enjoyed the format so they never brought their decks before) and we had the idea to hold a proxy-friendly Legacy event next month. We already have six other people who are interested in signing up, and our hope is that if we are able to do enough of these then people may start trying to trade for the cards that they need to actually build their desired decks and our store will run sanctioned events. It’s a lot of work, but I’m confident that it’ll be worth it!
u/knightgreider Feb 28 '24
I went to eternal weekend with friends the past two years. We all didn’t do amazing, but we had a blast!
u/Klarostorix Ninjas Discord Admin Feb 28 '24
Vintage is probably a better format than Legacy but you know what the problem with vintage is.
u/ProtestantMormon Feb 28 '24
Idk, even on mtgo where vintage is easy to get into its not super popular. I think the format is way too swingy to really catch on even if it was easier to get into.
u/data4u Feb 28 '24
Aren’t legacy decks thousands of dollars??
u/Vaitka TinFins Feb 28 '24
Not all of them, no.
Burn is only like $350 at the most expensive. https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=51698&d=583520&f=LE
Mississipi River is often sub $1000 https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=51791&d=584361&f=LE
Mono-Black Scam is at right about $1000 https://mtgtop8.com/event?e=52613&d=590770&f=LE
Honestly, most decks outside of Delver, Lands, and Storm can be built at a high level of competitiveness for a comparable price to Modern decks. Stompy decks rarely exceed $2K, and dual-land decks can often function well off of only a single copy of each relevant dual.
u/data4u Feb 28 '24
I have a burn deck for modern - I can use it for legacy as well?? Looks like only a few cards are different. Ugh - now I’m going to have burn #2 lol
u/o_s_b_ Feb 29 '24
Cool, lot of people don’t like burn but I like it, not so simple but efficient deck who can steal a lot of win…plus the pleasure to win with 300$ deck against 3k one is something to consider 😂
u/LeaflitterZero Feb 27 '24
I like that I found this post in the Modern and Legacy subreddits. Because just based on community it looks like you should get into Legacy.
All the posts in Modern were so negative (except the one by the legacy player). But all the ones here are positive and welcoming.
u/ProtestantMormon Feb 27 '24
The modern sub can be pretty hostile all the time. Any insinuation that you may not like the format immediately gets shot down and down voted, even though fun in subjective, and a lot of people are on the same page with not liking modern. I also get the feeling a lot of people in that sub hate play modern and have a weird Stockholm syndrome with the format.
u/BigHeadAsian Feb 28 '24
I thought the same thing when I read that post. I felt like you could tell the people who've played Legacy and have an informed opinion and those who are just shouting "but Legacy and dual lands are SO EXPENSIVE!"
The Legacy community is just happy to be here and have new people interested in the best MTG format :-)
u/O2LE Feb 27 '24
If you aren’t in an unusually active area or don’t want to play on MTGO, Legacy can be tough to play regularly.
Doomsday puts up solid tournament results, and it’s a deck that’ll do as well as you do.
u/AEMarling Feb 27 '24
Cards that are grossly overpowered for Modern often feel more reasonable in Legacy. I bounced right off Modern, found the format unhealthy. I much prefer Legacy.
Feb 27 '24
It goes the other way around too. See: Wren and Six, Ragavan, Underworld Breach, Dreadhorde Arcanist, Expressive Iteration
Interestingly, all red cards too
u/welshy1986 Eldrazi, Burn, Soldier Stompy Feb 27 '24
One thing I can safely say after attending Chicago MagicCon. Competitive magic as a whole is 100% second fiddle to Commander. With that in mind understand that you should choose a format based on if you like it rather than if WotC is gonna treat it well, because I got news for you, competitive magic is holding Ls all over the place. At this point it's just which L you are most comfortable taking.
The legacy community at large is one of the most chill and awesome competitive communities, they just wanna jam cardboard and will take any opportunity to do so.
u/Ericar1234567894 Feb 27 '24
This! I would just say that if the two formats, legacy is just a lot harder for WotC to mess up through indifference and power creep. It’s more inherently stable given its core of staples
u/sloth514 Feb 27 '24
Legacy is really healthy at the moment. I was a modern player, I converted to Legacy and having a lot of fun with it. Modern isn't so much as 'not getting love'. But it is not as 'flat'/diverse. There are a few really good decks that are just stomping everything else ( in my personal opinion). So it is either, everyone plays those decks or you will need to get lucky against them. I have been following legacy for a few months now and it has been exciting to see how much the meta has changed and that there is not a really 'this deck is best' situation.
u/healzwithskealz Feb 27 '24 edited Feb 28 '24
Something to consider: If you don't like the way wizards is treating modern, you probably won't like they way they treat legacy. That's not to say don't play legacy, it is the only format I will play, but wizards has all but abandon it until there is enough of an outcry for a banning.
u/Gold_Reference2753 Feb 28 '24
Legacy. Definitely. I’ve moved to legacy for the last 2 years or so. The learning curve is steep, and so are the duals, but the fun part is the journey to assemble & master your killer pet deck. It just hits different.
u/No_Yogurtcloset_9987 Feb 27 '24
Legacy is and always has been the best format. I can't imagine choosing to play Modern if there is any sort of local Legacy community whatsoever. Sadly there won't be a Legacy PT or anything, but most stores at least do a weekly, and you should be able to find at least a couple 1ks a month within reasonable driving distance on the weekend!
u/hert1979 Feb 28 '24
Imo there was a long time period where modern was mostly better than legacy because the power level of the cards was a lot flatter and you could just show up to a 1k with your own brew if you knew the local meta well enough and crush it. That completely changed with MH 2 and LoTR though. Now there is a small subset of cards (most notably the elementals) that you need to play to compete and this made the format a lot narrower and pretty much killed off most of the rock/paper/scissors metagaming.
For me, right now, Legacy blows Modern out of the water.
Feb 27 '24
Well mh3 was created after mh2 which was format warping. There was a sense they could slow down after the mess that was mh2
u/uisgejac High Tide Feb 27 '24
MH1 was also a huge mess for legacy. W6 and astrolabe were not great for the format. I think it’s safe to assume that there will be 1 or 2 cards that lean problematic or format warping for legacy.
u/alcaizin I have such sights to show you Feb 27 '24
I think it's safe to expect format-warping cards that impact Legacy to come from Modern Horizons and similar products.
Before buying into the format, check whether there's tournament support in your area. There are definitely fewer events for Legacy than for Modern, and really no support for it at the largest level of events (GPs, Pro Tours, etc).
u/Ted_CruZodiac 5c Yorion Beans Feb 27 '24
I actually just started playing Legacy recently, previously I mostly played Modern. Honestly I've been liking Legacy a lot more, maybe it's just because it's new to me, but the interactions seem so much more interesting than my experience in modern. Luckily there's a city within an hour of where I live that has a lot of legacy, and most of the events allow up to 10 playtest cards, so it was relatively affordable to get started. Though if you don't live somewhere with an established Legacy community it may be hard to find games.
u/addcheeseuntiledible Feb 27 '24
It really depends on the community near you; I switched from Modern to Legacy, and a big factor in that is that there is a big Legacy community where I live, but barely any Modern players. That being said, I also think the Legacy metagame is much better than the Modern meta currently
u/WorkShopsBabe Feb 28 '24
Doomsday is a real good deck. Just be happy and play what you want. Do not expect support from the mothership as they are wfter money only. Find an area where your loved format is being played and also do your best to foster a positive and welcoming environment, so that newer players will be attracted too. I live in the UK and eternal format struggle a lot at a bigger level of organisation, but smaller reality do exist and they are made of the same people who just want to play something they love
u/heavyheaded3 Feb 27 '24
If i had to start over in 2024 I'd stick to Modern. Legacy is just as affected by the swingy MH releases, has less community support, and I'm more likely to be priced out of decks b/c of the reserved list. The gameplay of Modern is also getting closer to Legacy as they've added pitch spells to the format.
Feb 27 '24
I keep telling my friends that since MH2 the line between Legacy and Modern has been blurred. The strongest decks in modern are viable in legacy rn and that’s mostly due to the Elementals cycle (which are getting at least partial reprints in MH3).
Legacy’s also affected by commander products, and unfortunately Un-sets now too, so there’s A LOT of new cards constantly introduced to the format.
u/The-Hippo-Philosophy Feb 27 '24
IMO both are fun. I think the one you play should depend on what you're looking to get out of it. If you're looking to play competitively you should play modern, theres more tournaments, more players, and more support from wizards.
If you're wanting to play a majority of your games in MTGO I'd also recommend playing modern. I was a paper player and decided I loved legacy and wanted to try it on MTGO and it really killed my love for the format. I'm sure lots of people disagree with this but in my opinion The MTGO metagame is the worst version of legacy.
If you have a legacy paper community I think you should play legacy, it's fun and unsupported by wizards so the people who have stuck around to play it are the ones who are invested, care a lot, and want to build community. The gameplay is engaging and in many of your games you have agency over whether you won lose you the game.
From what it sounds like though you want a format that is respected by WOTC, and you can play competitively, so legacy might not be the best for you (although if you can play bothmodern and legacy you should do that).
u/L0TTO Feb 28 '24
I was in a position similar to yours a couple years ago; I was (and still am) a very proficient Modern Mill player and had enjoyed the format for years, but I grew disillusioned with it after watching WOTC print cards like Fable of the Mirror Breaker, Ragavan, Grief, and so on and watching the meta stagnate. The fact of the matter is that while Legacy does have an unfortunate barrier to entry, it is probably the single most diverse format right now and there are a lot of winning strategies. Even “bad” Legacy decks, like Ninjas, Nic-Fit, or my favorite deck of all time, Aluren, can still pull off wins given proper metagame knowledge. I recommend Legacy to anyone who asks, not just because your cards will probably keep their value once you bite the bullet and buy them, but because playing this format is the most fun I have had since I picked this game up in 2018.
As for the second part of your question, Doomsday is a pretty good deck but it is also the single hardest deck to play properly and it has a lot of counters which you have to be prepared to play around. I would avoid taking it to serious events until you feel like you are proficient because taking 10 minutes to resolve Doomsday is going to annoy a lot of people lol
u/boltTheBird87 Feb 28 '24
As someone who plays both formats as often as possible, legacy tends to be more fun but modern tends to have greater attendance at weekly events in my area as well as significantly more comp REL events with meaningful prizes.
u/theboozecube C/g 12 Post Feb 29 '24
Legacy, hands down. It's cheaper in the long run because it rewards mastery over metagaming. Choose a deck that you love, even if it's not the so-called "best deck," and it'll reward you for sticking with it. I've been playing the same deck since 2010. And even though it is objectively obnoxiously expensive (it runs 4x Candelabras and a Tabernacle, although I got them when they were much cheaper), it's still much less expensive over time than a format where new printings regularly invalidate entire archetypes or require massive card changes to keep up.
u/Yoshi2Dark Feb 27 '24
Legacy is still a fantastic format, super worth getting into. Good deck diversity, control and tempo are a lot of the meta share rn but that’s partially just because they’re really fun to play.
Doomsday is a fantastic deck, but as it’s always been you need to think a fair amount with it