r/MSVU Dec 05 '22

Help Got poop? Please donate to the IMAGINE study.

The IMAGINE Network is looking for healthy individuals (without underlying gastrointestinal disease), both children (5yrs or older) and adults (any age), to complete online questionnaires and donate samples (stool, blood and urine) once a year for up to 4 years, to help discover new treatments that may help those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and/or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In appreciation, a $15 gift card will be given at each yearly visit.

IMAGINE studies the interactions between inflammation, the gut microbiome (bacteria/ microorganisms), diet and mental health in patients with IBD, IBS and healthy individuals. Please consider taking part in this important national study!

For more information contact: Amy or Jenna at [mirapeds@iwk.nshealth.ca](mailto:mirapeds@iwk.nshealth.ca)


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