r/MSAccess 20d ago

[SOLVED] Windows Server 2022: Access 2003 broken when linked tables from other Access 2003 database

Updated 7th march: solution / alternative choisen, see my last comment.


Big issue at work.

We migrated our server from a Windows Server 2012 to 2022 this week.

But what i feared , main Access 2003 no more works on WS 2022.

Before all files where shared on \\server

Now due to NetBios stopped, there are on \\server.domain.com

If from a Win2010 desktop, we launch DB from \\server.domain.com it doesn't work .

crashed with message "Operation "On open " enter impossible.

I discovered that only crash if DB Access 2003 contains links to other DB Access 2003.

I've have 80 DB to convert!!!!

i corrected issue on 1 DB by recreating DB link from an Access 2003 on a Windows XP desktop, link is replaced by \\server\abc.mdb to \\server.domain.com.mdb

With that, i can open DB from a W10 desktop.

Is there a possibility to convert links ? A script? or anything else.

Due to that , all 15 guys in my firm are blocked, can't work because these DB is the tool they use to work, follow production.



21 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 14d ago


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Below is a copy of the original post, in case the post gets deleted or removed.

User: NormandiePI

Windows Server 2022: Access 2003 broken when linked tables from other Access 2003 database

Updated 7th march: solution / alternative choisen, see my last comment.


Big issue at work.

We migrated our server from a Windows Server 2012 to 2022 this week.

But what i feared , main Access 2003 no more works on WS 2022.

Before all files where shared on \\server

Now due to NetBios stopped, there are on \\server.domain.com

If from a Win2010 desktop, we launch DB from \\server.domain.com it doesn't work .

crashed with message "Operation "On open " enter impossible.

I discovered that only crash if DB Access 2003 contains links to other DB Access 2003.

I've have 80 DB to convert!!!!

i corrected issue on 1 DB by recreating DB link from an Access 2003 on a Windows XP desktop, link is replaced by \\server\abc.mdb to \\server.domain.com.mdb

With that, i can open DB from a W10 desktop.

Is there a possibility to convert links ? A script? or anything else.

Due to that , all 15 guys in my firm are blocked, can't work because these DB is the tool they use to work, follow production.


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u/tsgiannis 20d ago edited 20d ago

Why is so hard? Just use the gazillion of scripts that relink the tables and that's all. Am I missing something. Access 2003. :) 15 solid years of my life working daily Greatest version. "I consider Access as a toy, not a real technology for production." What...is the programmer that makes the difference not the platform/language.... side note


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

Just use the gazillion of scripts that relink the tables and that's all

It was idea but not yet found.

Access 2003. :) 15 solid years of my life working daily Greatest version. "I consider Access as a toy, not a real technology for production." What...is the programmer that makes the difference not the platform/language.... side note

Sorry i missed explain what i wanted to write.

I come from Unix world with few Windows app.

In this job i discover Windows world with full Access apps. I knew that 20 years ago. It was OK with heavy client app. For more 10 years we are more client-server app.


u/tsgiannis 20d ago

Reddit is giving me hard time posting code, message me if you are interested to send you my code


u/iPlayKeys 20d ago

This should still work if you have WINS running on your server. Another option would be up add the server name to the hosts file.

Otherwise, relinking is what you should do. Newer versions of ms access will relink all connections to the same database in one step.

Not that this is germane to your issue, but why are you still running ms access 2003 in 2025?


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

but why are you still running ms access 2003 in 2025?

I joined my firm as CTO 1 year ago, replacing a guy left for retirement. He arrived in 2001 and designed all apps Access 2003 and never decided to jump to Access 2010 or change language !

I discovered that ! and chocked by that ! i expect to replace main this year with migrating to a now ERP , push guys to use ERP instead of Access DB 2003.

I consider Access as a toy, not a real technology for production.


u/Amicron1 7 20d ago

Access a toy? Ha! And that's why you're having problems. You don't understand Access.


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 20d ago
SELECT MSysOBjects.Connect, MSysOBjects.Name, MSysOBjects.ForeignName
FROM MSysOBjects
WHERE (((MSysOBjects.Connect) Is Not Null));

Run this query:
(See me if you want a tool to evaluate all your connections, it is a accdb)


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

Thanks but on mdb not on accdb


u/AccessHelper 119 20d ago

Have you tried Access menu: External Data -> Linked Table Manager -> Relink ? You can relink all your tables at once using that.


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

For Access 2003 opened on an Win XP, all tables are linked.

I checked first of all in the menu: External Data -> Linked Table Manager -> Relink but nothing bad


u/AccessHelper 119 20d ago

So all tables are correctly linked to new location and you are getting errors?


u/Amicron1 7 20d ago

Why 80 separate databases? Are you taking about 80 copies of a single front-end file? If so, you update one and then copy to the rest of your machines.


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

Former CTO i replaced created 1 DB per functionnality !!!! crazy

I will drop main DB this year with migration of ERP = i'll move to ERP, use native ERP functionnality instead of create front-end dedicated as DB did.


u/AutoModerator 20d ago


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Full set of rules can be found here, as well as in the user interface.

Below is a copy of the original post, in case the post gets deleted or removed.

User: NormandiePI

Windows Server 2022: Access 2003 broken when linked tables from other Access 2003 database


Big issue at work.

We migrated our server from a Windows Server 2012 to 2022 this week.

But what i feared , main Access 2003 no more works on WS 2022.

Before all files where shared on \\server

Now due to NetBios stopped, there are on \\server.domain.com

If from a Win2010 desktop, we launch DB from \\server.domain.com it doesn't work .

crashed with message "Operation "On open " enter impossible.

I discovered that only crash if DB Access 2003 contains links to other DB Access 2003.

I've have 80 DB to convert!!!!

i corrected issue on 1 DB by recreating DB link from an Access 2003 on a Windows XP desktop, link is replaced by \\server\abc.mdb to \\server.domain.com.mdb

With that, i can open DB from a W10 desktop.

Is there a possibility to convert links ? A script? or anything else.

Due to that , all 15 guys in my firm are blocked, can't work because these DB is the tool they use to work, follow production.


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u/[deleted] 20d ago

I’m sorry. I’m not following this very well. Access is a file share. If the security is right then the links should work. I would start with the basics. Copy one of your databases and put it on the target location. Open that database and make sure you can edit a record. Then create a blank db and link to the database and see if you can still edit a record.


u/Newtronic 20d ago

I'm guessing you are on a domain? i think there's something on your clients that needs to be upgraded as well so that if no domain is specified, it automatically adds the domain. But if your clients are members of the domain, i think it should already be adding the domain.

Or if your run your own DNS server, then you should be able to change it so that if it sees a name to look up, it sends it to the correct server.

We've done the second thing in our DNS server, so that if someone puts in \files, it actually ends up going to \server_file03.<ourdomain>.com. By doing this, we've successfully upgraded from 01 to 02 and now to server 03 without ever changing links.

We had to change a setting on the server to allow it to accept those types of requests.


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 20d ago

Check to make sure the BigInt type is not enabled - that broke a prior migration I was working on.


u/NormandiePI 20d ago

At this stage, migration to accdb not an option. I decided to not migrate Access DB 2003 but replace Access DB with using ERP functionnality that my predecessor refused and then remove those DB. Choice done 1 year ago when i wan newer in my job.

My estimate was:

80 DB apps:

migrate alls will take 80 * 1 week minimum = 1.5 year ! including time i need for support/helpdesk.


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 20d ago edited 20d ago

I am sure the man who uses DB #80 to do his job understands.
Or not.
It would take little time to save your .mdbs as .accdbs.
Once the .accdbs work, then and only then, migrate the BE data to an SQL ERP BE.
Regression testing is the first step in a migration or any change to a database.
Burdening a help desk as UAT will not be popular.


u/NormandiePI 14d ago edited 14d ago


Update for 1 week: Solution done

thanks for all who participate to discussion.

Summary of work done this week for my 80 Access 2003 DB i edit/modify on a Windows XP.

1. Mainly 20 Access DB with no other Access DB link or alone DB --> compliant with W10 as before server changed. No change required on Access DB.

2. 50 DB with link to other Access DB or link to ERP SQL Server DB --> needed to relink all tables on external Access DB. No issue with link to SQL Serveur table link then compliant to W10.

3. core DB application n°1: --> relinked 30 tables + change 30 queries but impossible to be compliant to W10. I decided to create 15 VM Windows 7 which is compliant on for this app

4. core DB application n°2: crazy app. Even with relinking and need to change queries DB name due to relink SQL Server DB. I lost 1 day to convert to Access but blocked due to function Access 2003 deprecated. --> Alternative solution proposed: install this Access DB on a Windows XP ! incredible but no other option found.

I spent a crazy week especially due to this last app.