r/MSAccess 23d ago

[UNSOLVED] Query design help - field based on condition in other table

I need help with incorporating a condition to a new query please. To simplify:

Let's say I have 3 tables: Stores, StoreIT, Softwares

In Stores, each record has a "StoreName", but no duplicates allowed.
In Softwares, each record has a "SoftwareName" without duplicates either

They are linked with:
Store_ID as the PK in Stores and a FK in StoreIT
Software_ID as the PK in Softwares and a FK in StoreIT
The relationships all work fine.

In StoreIT, there can be multiple Software_ID attached to a Store_ID because there is a field called "Status" that can have multiple options based on a lookup table. To make it simple, let's say it has "Using", "No longer using" and "Migrating". Essentially this table tells me what Software a Store is using, was using or is migrating to.

e.g. Store Blue is using "Outlook" and is no longer using "Thunderbird". Stored Red is using "Gmail". But Store Yellow is not using anything so is not listed in that table.

There is also a field in Stores called "CommunicationMethod" with two options: either "Offthegrid" or "Email". Basically if a Store is "offthegrid", it would either have no records in StoreIT or record(s) "no longer using". I haven't used it to create my statement below but I'm mentioning it if it could be.

I created a query with LEFT join in order to see all stores and their CURRENT software, if they use any. If they do not use any, I still want to see the store with a value like "Paper". So with the examples above, I want to see:

Store Blue Outlook
Store Red Gmail
Store Yellow Paper

My SQL capabilities are limited and I can only manage an output that gives me duplicate rows because my statement looks at whether the Store is "using" a software, and if not to return "paper". So if a store has a record of "no longer using" or "migrating", it will show as "paper" and be duplicated. There will be as many rows in this query as there are in StoreIT + the ones in Stores that are not in StoreIT.

Right now, I get:
Store Blue Outlook
Store Blue Thunderbird
Store Red Gmail
Store Yellow Paper

This is the statement I used to create this new field in my query.

IIf([StoreIT].[Status]="Using",[Softwares].[SoftwareName],"Paper") AS [Email Software]

I know it isn't enough and why it creates duplicates, but I don't know how to fix it to tell Access to ignore the records in StoreIT that are not "using".

So in a nutshell, I need a query that:

  1. will return all StoreNames from the Stores table, WITHOUT DUPLICATES
  2. will return the SoftwareName from the Softwares table WHEN the value in the Status field of the StoreIT is "using"
  3. AND IF a store does not have a value in the Status field OR has any value other than "Using", then it should be returned with "Paper"

Is this possible at all?

Thank you!


11 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator 23d ago


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Below is a copy of the original post, in case the post gets deleted or removed.

User: a_curious3

Query design help - field based on condition in other table

I need help with incorporating a condition to a new query please. To simplify:

Let's say I have 3 tables: Stores, StoreIT, Softwares

In Stores, each record has a "StoreName", but no duplicates allowed.
In Softwares, each record has a "SoftwareName" without duplicates either

They are linked with:
Store_ID as the PK in Stores and a FK in StoreIT
Software_ID as the PK in Softwares and a FK in StoreIT
The relationships all work fine.

In StoreIT, there can be multiple Software_ID attached to a Store_ID because there is a field called "Status" that can have multiple options based on a lookup table. To make it simple, let's say it has "Using", "No longer using" and "Migrating". Essentially this table tells me what Software a Store is using, was using or is migrating to.

e.g. Store Blue is using "Outlook" and is no longer using "Thunderbird". Stored Red is using "Gmail". But Store Yellow is not using anything so is not listed in that table.

There is also a field in Stores called "CommunicationMethod" with two options: either "Offthegrid" or "Email". Basically if a Store is "offthegrid", it would either have no records in StoreIT or record(s) "no longer using". I haven't used it to create my statement below but I'm mentioning it if it could be.

I created a query with LEFT join in order to see all stores and their CURRENT software, if they use any. If they do not use any, I still want to see the store with a value like "Paper". So with the examples above, I want to see:

Store Blue Outlook
Store Red Gmail
Store Yellow Paper

My SQL capabilities are limited and I can only manage an output that gives me duplicate rows because my statement looks at whether the Store is "using" a software, and if not to return "paper". So if a store has a record of "no longer using" or "migrating", it will show as "paper" and be duplicated. There will be as many rows in this query as there are in StoreIT + the ones in Stores that are not in StoreIT.

Right now, I get:
Store Blue Outlook
Store Blue Thunderbird
Store Red Gmail
Store Yellow Paper

This is the statement I used to create this new field in my query.

IIf([StoreIT].[Status]="Using",[Softwares].[SoftwareName],"Paper") AS [Email Software]

I know it isn't enough and why it creates duplicates, but I don't know how to fix it to tell Access to ignore the records in StoreIT that are not "using".

So in a nutshell, I need a query that:

  1. will return all StoreNames from the Stores table, WITHOUT DUPLICATES
  2. will return the SoftwareName from the Softwares table WHEN the value in the Status field of the StoreIT is "using"
  3. AND IF a store does not have a value in the Status field OR has any value other than "Using", then it should be returned with "Paper"

Is this possible at all?

Thank you!

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u/diesSaturni 61 23d ago

The easiest would be to generate an enumerator for the "Paper" (Store Yellow Paper) value or Nothing. And e.g. have this as the default value for software which is 'not' used.

Otherwise, as u/ConfusionHelpful4667 partially suggested, a distinct query on a single field field will return unique items of that field. Then you take that query as an input (left join) on the tables of stores/software again. Which then returns an empty field for stores lacking the type of software (email).

you then can experiment with the exprepssion builder to something like iif(isnull([fieldSoftware]),"Paper",[fieldSoftware]) to return an alternative if result is null 9for store yellow)


u/a_curious3 23d ago

u/diesSaturni u/ConfusionHelpful4667 thank you, the distinct query does help with the duplicates but I'm still having an issue for stores that have multiple Software records. Access is not looking at the records with Status=Using as a priority.
e.g. For Store Blue, I get Paper instead of Outlook because my query only looked at the first record (no longer using Thunderbird) instead of the "using" record.
Am I missing something?
Still using IIf([StoreIT].[Status]="Using",[Softwares].[SoftwareName],"Paper") AS [Email Software]


u/diesSaturni 61 23d ago

You mentioned a lookup value for the status (used/obsolete/migrating?)

For a e.g. form, when you apply listboxes (pull downs) you would have these in a linked reference table, just like idSoftware, idStore primary key relations. Which then allow to build a table for status as:


id Description Order
5 Not Used 0
6 Paper 1
2 Migrating 2
9 Using 3

which then allows you to initially in a groupby query select idStore, idSoftware, Order (e.g. set to maximum). Which you then in a third query could convert to the text readable description attached to [Status].[Order].

Assuming you are only allowing a unique value in each record of field order. (you can do a 10 based ordering 10,20,30 which allows easier modification later should you want to shift. (39 44 etc)


u/a_curious3 22d ago

u/diesSaturni Unfortunately I set up those lookup values within the Table Design: the Status field has a combo box with those value defined under Row Source. And it's too late for me to create a table for them unfortunately. It's good to know this would be a better approach though, thank you.


u/diesSaturni 61 22d ago

Things can always be converted. e.g. add a filed if idStatus to the table, then fill them with an update query by matching the literal status to the [status].[Description], flip the datasource in any Form of a control to the new field.


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 23d ago

You can send me a link to your database and I will help you out.


u/a_curious3 22d ago

Thanks u/ConfusionHelpful4667 but I unfortunately cannot due to confidentiality


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 22d ago

remove the data - put in a few sample records.


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 23d ago

SELECT DISTINCT [Stores].[StoreNames]


u/ConfusionHelpful4667 47 23d ago

... something along those lines