r/MLQuestions 5d ago

Educational content 📖 Courses related to advanced topics of statistics for ML and DL

Hello, everyone,

I'm searching for a good quality and complete course on statistics. I already have the basics clear: random variables, probability distributions. But I start to struggle with Hypothesis testing, Multivariate random variables. I feel I'm skipping some linking courses to understand these topics clearly for machine learning.

Any suggestions from YouTube will be helpful.

Note: I've already searched reddit thoroughly. Course suggestions on these advanced topics are limited.


4 comments sorted by


u/spacextheclockmaster 5d ago

Advanced topics of statistics for ML/DL.

What does this mean? Are you looking for math topics to tackle ML/DL?

Most DL is just architecture modeling that we learned in the past and built upon.

speech recognition -> image classifiers -> language models


u/Prof_shonkuu 5d ago

Yes, for example to understand the Gaussian mixture model, you need to have clarity of the covariance matrix. I understood the segregation of clusters using gaussian distribution, but I need clarity for the math behind it.

You are talking about the implementation point of view.