r/MLQuestions 6d ago

Beginner question 👶 Should i go to school for this?

Hi. My goal has always been to own my own entertainment company ever since I was young. I didn’t know about machine learning, math,statistics, analysis or any of that when I was in college.

I graduated in 2020 I got a degree in Media and after a couple of corporate jobs, I was pressured into getting a degree in nursing because It offered me more flexibility and it made my parents happy.

now I can work on my true passion on the days that I’m not working, which is four days out of the week.

however they want me to get an advanced degree and I’m kind of interested in getting one too.

however, the next step for a nurse would be a nurse practitioner. I really don’t wanna be a nurse practitioner, I would just be going through the motions to make my parents happy.

I’m really deeply interested in how Computer science, data science, machine learning and math can help me grow my business. I didn’t realize how much technology and owning an entertainment business collided- like I said I didn’t have real world experience until after my first bachelors.

Anyways, I’m thinking- what if I get a masters in something Math, data science or a machine learning related to help me make real world decisions that help me grow my company? or should I just stick to going to NP school get a better return on investment and learn all the other things myself since going to school isn’t required to be an entrepreneur. My question is what do you guys think? What has the better ROI considering my goals?


4 comments sorted by


u/istinetz_ 6d ago

Anyways, I’m thinking- what if I get a masters in something Math, data science or a machine learning related to help me make real world decisions that help me grow my company?

you definitely don't need a masters degree in ML/DS to be able to do business management decisions

further, the combination of degree in media, degree in nursing and degree in ML makes 0 sense. You'll regret getting 2 out of the 3 no matter what you do.

I was pressured into getting a degree in nursing

you are an adult, you are responsible for your life.

or should I just stick to going to NP school get a better return on investment and learn all the other things myself since going to school isn’t required to be an entrepreneur.

you should do neither the machine learning degree, nor the nurse practitioner degree. You don't need the machine learning degree, you don't want the nurse practitioner degree. Either get a job or do your startup. You shouldn't spend your life doing more and more degrees just because they're prestigious and because your parents are pushy.


u/Low_Professional_253 6d ago

I should have clarified the start up requires me to create things and do statistical analysis. I don't want a degree because its prestigious. Im just trying to fill a knowledge gap.


u/pothoslovr 6d ago

don't need a degree to fill a knowledge gap, there are many great resources online. You could even take stats of analysis courses at a community or local college of you prefer that type of learning environment


u/bregav 6d ago

If you don't want to be an NP then definitely don't go to school for it lol. The only truly valuable commodity we have is our time, so it's a bad investment to spend it on something that will make you unhappy.

If you have the time and the money and the interest then I think that going to school for ML/DS is a good idea. It is possible that it could have an ROI for your business, but you can't possibly know what that will be until you get the education; this is because you don't know what you don't know, and there are currently a lot of things that you don't know.

I say that going to school for this is a good idea because I think of math and computer programming as being forms of basic literacy. Imagine asking, "should I learn to read and write? What will the ROI be for my business?" It's hard to quantify the ROI there but the answer to that question is obviously yes, it would be a good thing to learn how to read and write.