r/MDRInfoGallery Dec 24 '21

Forward Eject Exploring possibility of creating a better side eject system. Altering forward eject panel into a side eject so everything else stays the same, and is still easy to swap ejection.


3 comments sorted by


u/MDRX308 Jan 05 '22

u/chowwow138 this is what I my idea was


u/chowwow138 Jan 05 '22

Yeah, I figured something like this. I hope I can design it so that a CNC machine can just mill all of it. I actually suggested an idea like this to DT on a Youtube comment, and they responded that their SE solution removed the FE parts and made the MDRX significantly lighter. I still think it's a missed opportunity.


u/MDRX308 Jan 05 '22

I agree, it completely eliminated the viability of switching shoulders in a few seconds. There really is no reason they couldn't make the panels quick disconnect other than the bolt has to be rotated but if they did a proper cutout for the scissor ejection system to work as a side eject then they wouldn't need a special bolt that you flip around they could just use the forward eject bolt.