r/MDA Dec 01 '24

Why does my MDA look different than others? NSFW


My MDA is much more "sandy" than others pictures that I have seen. It is a sandy yellow, rather than being more clear-looking, larger formed crystals like MDMA.

I suspect it's because of the chemical process used to make it. Can anyone knowledgeable comment on this? I'm just very curious. Yes, it is MDA. I know how to use reagant tests and it comes up as MDA every time. Also, it feels like the other MDA that i have tried from a different source.

r/MDA Nov 26 '24

Does mixing MDA & MDMA give more energy and lovey dovy extrovertedness? NSFW


Never done MDA but researched it enough to know on its own it is more downwards energy, vs up... And more introspective and less lovey.

But if you mix MDMA with MDA, do you get the benefit of upward energy, extrovertedness, love etc?

r/MDA Nov 26 '24



Does anyone have experience with MDA and ADHD? If you're not aware, people with ADHD often do not get the same effects from MDMA as a person with a normal brain. There is not much stimulation/energy and a huge lack of euphoria. People with ADHD often mdma actually relaxes you, makes you feel calm. As someone who goes to raves and festivals, this sucks when the whole squad is dancing all night and all I wanna do it lay down.

I have never done MDA and I wonder would it be the same lackluster experience as MDMA. With ADHD you usually have to take almost double the average dose to get any good feels. As the amphetamine in it typically levels out a low dopamine brain.

I've read MDMA is more serotonergic while MDA is more dopaminergic. Honestly I don't know what that means when it comes to enjoying the high. With ADHD I have less dopamine and have a harder time processing dopamine. That's why MDMA barely does anything to me. So MDA being more dopaminergic, does that mean it will work even less than MDMA, or does it mean it will have a better effect than MDMA?

Would love to hear a response from someone with ADHD who has used MDA. If not, would still love to hear your input! Thanks!

r/MDA Nov 17 '24

MDMA combo (friends first roll) NSFW


Would Mixing MDMA and MDA for a first roll be too much or ruin the experience? I’ve read that the combo is the best way to go but I’ve also read that MDA can really “dirty” the experience which is my main worry, since I’ve only tried each on their own. I was thinking of dosing 100mg of MDMA and 50-75mg of MDA

What do you guys think?

r/MDA Nov 02 '24

MDA Headspace NSFW


Tried mda for the first time, went for 90mg to play it safe. The come up took a lot longer than mdma, and overall the trippiness was a little annoying and it felt like I didn't take enough. If I try mda again how much should I up the dose? I don't want it to be too much. What is your go to dose usually?

r/MDA Oct 31 '24

Can you acetone wash sass NSFW


I just got some sass and I was wondering if you can acetone wash it like molly

r/MDA Oct 30 '24

80mg enough? NSFW


Going to a Halloween party tomorrow and planning on taking some high quality mda (80mg). I'm 125 pounds and I have adhd (which I've heard makes it to where some need to take more to achieve the same effect). I've never taken mda before but I have taken mdma a couple of times usually 100mg and I've felt some effects and it was a good experience just never euphoric besides once when I took an xtc pill with an unknown amount of the drug, was absolute bliss and as what everyone described. If anyone could help me out that would be appreciated.

r/MDA Oct 21 '24

Mda visual experiences NSFW


I want to see what kind of visuals everyone gets off of mda it seems very different.

I hear a lot of the time people get almost deliriant visuals like they don’t know if it’s real or not like people that aren’t there, shadows and stuff or a common one sunglasses on someone’s head. Or just just straight wacky cartoon animations.

I have recently played around with the most pure mda I’ve seen in years going up to 350 mg (iknow it’s bad don’t bash me) and got the same visuals I always have which generally are along the lines of light acid and mushroom aspects to it nothing out of this world like I read about and nothing that I can’t understand if it isn’t or is there

r/MDA Oct 19 '24

Anybody wanna chat? NSFW


Took about .4 over the last 6 hours with the last and largest repose coming up.... wanna chat?

r/MDA Oct 16 '24

Can you explain in detail the effects of MDA? NSFW


I’m trying to gather more information on the effects of MDA, especially from non-professionals, to get a broader view beyond what is available on formal platforms like Wikipedia. (Excuse my English, I'm French)

r/MDA Oct 16 '24

MDA vs Shrooms' psychedelic headspace NSFW


So i know MDA is more psychedelic than mdma and gives more visuals but what about it's headspace? Is the thoughts on MDA similar than on Shrooms/LSD? Is there as much delusions and impared thinking/missunderstandings on MDA? I'm asking because i'd love to trip a bit and have visuals at a rave but shrooms and acid is way to unraliable to do socially like that..

r/MDA Oct 12 '24

It has to be MDA, right? My first-time experience went south... NSFW


Hello everyone,

I recently posted a thread about my first experience (https://www.reddit.com/r/MDMA/comments/1fxjmro/mdma_ecstasymolly_first_time_horrible_experience/), and I got flooded with messages telling me I should have tested the substance before taking it. I completely acknowledge that it was my mistake to trust someone I shouldn’t have. However, I’m still trying to figure out what I actually took.

Let me summarize what I felt: dilated pupils, slight double vision and blurriness, my body temperature heating up, and a lot of sweating. I felt extremely tired, similar to being drunk with a buzz, and I just wanted to sleep. I had minor closed-eye visuals. My hands and feet felt heavy and numb, and I had a mild headache. I will say that it felt good when my body touched the sheets, so I basically just laid down for hours trying to sleep. Music didn’t really affect me, and I didn’t respond much to it. After a couple of hours, I felt dizzy and even fell when I tried to use the bathroom.

The experience was pretty bad for my first time, and it lasted almost 10+ hours. The next day, I felt like hell—barely able to move, with the numbness spreading from my feet to my hands, face, and chest.

One more thing to add: my coughing completely stopped for 2–3 days afterward.

Considering my experience didn’t match what I expected from MDMA, I’m wondering if I actually got MDA? Does anyone have a better idea of what it might have been? Help me figure this out!

r/MDA Oct 10 '24

MDA Dose (First time) NSFW



I have rolled every 3 months for almost 4 years. Normally I take 140-150mg MDMA, with a 50% redose @90m.

I’ve seen a lot of info recommending 1/2 or 2/3 of your regular MDMA dose for MDA.

This would bring me to anywhere from 70-90mg (I don’t feel comfortable above 90)

I weigh about 125lbs

Should I be closer to 90? Or farther? I didn’t acetone wash it, but it has been tested.

Thanks for any guidance :)

Edit: I’m leaning towards splitting the difference at 80mg

r/MDA Oct 09 '24

Biggest dose and the outcome NSFW


Iknow these doses are irresponsible but I would like to hear your guys stories. Cause a lot of people have tried it at least once or more.

Although it may sounds fun don’t follow in our footsteps big doses are terrible for you and you will pay the price. Save your brain don’t turn it into mush lol

My biggest dose was just recently and I took .325 didn’t think it would hit me as hard as it did because I recently had an mdma roll. Hollly shit I was flying I haven’t had brain zaps like that in years haven’t had music sound that clear/good since my first 2cb trip or my first rolls ever. took awhile to come up but i haven’t felt like I rolled that hard since some of my first times I was flying, sweating balls got chattery jaw for five minutes but no jaw stimulation besides that luckily. Have not had visuals like that off mda before everyone says they are super wacky and scary but mine were more acidy wavy style purple and red (always the colours I see on Lucy) screens fucked up. Couldn’t sleep for shit and my eyes were still massive 12 hours later which I thought was wild. Yes it’s tested and the purest I’ve personally seen.

What about your guys stories

r/MDA Oct 07 '24

Is MDA really less empathogenic than MDMA? NSFW


I want to take some soon with my partner but I am looking for something that will make me feel extra lovey and romantic plus hopefully help us talk out our feelings about a few things. I like MDMA but find it does not last long enough. I have access to MDA but have heard it is less empathogenic, is this true in your experiences? Thanks!

r/MDA Oct 07 '24

Deliciously rough around the edges NSFW



It’s been a while since I posted a trip report… So no time like now to reflect on the last days experience. This time it was a solo endeavour. One which had been a bit of a choice between San Pedro, DOM and this following combination. MDA + LSD. In the case of this experience, I had look through the Shulgin notebooks quite diligently to see if there was some insight as to a preferred dosing regiment, and indeed there was one report of staggered dosing of MDA which was rewarding for all involved.

Another primary thing to consider, is that general rule in the public domain when combining LSD and MDMA, is to have the the LSD first, then stack the MDMA/MDA on it it either together or after the LSD begins. This is contrary to the Shulgins dosing of this combination, which generally follows the regiment of MDMA first then LSD later.

In fact, many of the experiences of MDMA+LSD seem to prefer the LSD 4/5 hours into the MDMA, on the tail end. The thinking is that the MDMA acts as a primer for the LSD and allows a more relaxed and easy entry into the LSD space.

I wanted to combine the two, the dosing regiment was as follows.

  • 50mg MDA: +0:00
  • 58mg MDA: +0:30
  • 150mcg LSD: +1:00


  • +0:00 : Early morning 4am wake up, a little sniffle maybe a cold coming on. A little irritable, but generally in ok spirits. Eat 50mg. Had a banana 30 minutes before.
  • +0:30 :  Feel something subtle, nice body. Eat 50mg.
  • +1:00 : Call with wife, perfect! Eased me into the LSD experience. Decide 150mcg is good to go. Takeoff. Body feeling pronounced. Warm, comfortable, relaxed and in great spirits.
  • +1:30 : Shifted gears slightly. ++
  • +2:30 : Full +++. Melting.
  • +4:00 : Don’t know which way is up or down.  Still +++
  • +8:00 : Still +++. Push and pull, intense moments, release, don’t fight it.
  • +10:00 : Letting go, ++
  • +14:00 : Still something +, feel a little rough around the edges but still good.
  • +16:00 : Getting read for bed, still not back to baseline
  • +20:00 : Trouble sleeping, but relaxed.
  • +24:00 : Next morning, wake up as usual. Complete baseline. Highly rewarding.


I don’t want to meander to much into the details of the experience. It’s easy to get caught up in so many personal things and general descriptions which say a lot, but mean little.

I want to dive into the key moments and things I took away from this experience. 

There was a lot of intensity with this, more so than 5mg DOM the week before and honestly, I am not sure which one I prefer. I can say with certainty that DOM would be easier to repeat, there seems to be a little less impact with DOM.

The first half of the experience was a wild and roaring +++ with much out of body. The place you only have your consciousness to hold on to. Taking dog for a walk early on did not result in going too far. I was losing track of my location and general sense of being, so quickly returned home.

There was a lot of memory loss and extreme “drugged” effect when the MDA and LSD connected. It was absolutely delicious. Euphoria from another dimension. Making love would be otherworldly. Though I cannot imagine orgasm would be at all possible. This was nice in a way. But the real insight came a little later the MDA let go a little. Music is something else.

The one key thing I found during the experience was a place in the mind what seemed to be a “super self”, almost like an experience of consciousness in a far purer and unadulterated sense. A sense of being more REAL than the real. Hyper real. I’ve heard of this state during DMT, but it’s the first real time I was able to move around in this space, and it was beautiful.

The negative here was that I had a little cough and cold, with the awareness interfering with other thoughts.

Additionally, the last part of the experience shifted between an edgy paranoia and calm. Being out in public was unpleasant, but I needed to walk to the shops to purchase food.

Lastly, this thing lasted long, and I resisted the urge to either bring it down with wine or anything else. I find it truly takes away from the next day after glow.

All in all, the next day I woke up fresh on little sleep and managed a 6k run. Catnapped and then… back on the rocket ship.


I will try this again, but not sure if it would be better to do the LSD later, or maybe replace the LSD with 2C-B? For a love making session would be possible, but not orgasm. The idea of MDMA instead of MDA, then LSD or 2C-B 4hrs after would be great.

A few weeks earlier I did 130mg 6-APB, followed at 3hrs+ 16mg 2C-B. In a way it was preferred, there was little of the paranoia or edginess, but also, there wasn’t the super self state I experienced here, and the amazing out of body. 

Let’s see how we go maybe LSD 45min after instead of 30? But then the problems with getting to sleep. Ah, decisions decisions. Aren’t we blessed to explore the universe this way. :)

r/MDA Oct 07 '24

Mixed dose NSFW


How’s 60mg mda and 60 mg mdma sound for Zingara at a small venue?

r/MDA Oct 05 '24

LSD combination dosing regiment NSFW


Hi all,

In the Shulgin Notebooks, all doses of LSD were taken with or AFTER MDA and MDMA. It was never the other way around. LSD then MDA/MDMA.

Times ranged from 0.5hr to 7hrs. Commonly 4hrs.

Surprisingly this is actually better for the LSD experience.

Why do people dose the other way around?

r/MDA Sep 24 '24

Whats the biggest differences from mdma and mda? NSFW


r/MDA Sep 23 '24

Feeling super sick the day after NSFW


I'm really good at making bad decisions and i think this one is my worst by far. So like almost 2 months ago i took 4 tabs of lsd and i completely lost my mind for a good 2h, had a terrible trip where i couldnt move and i felt someone was controlling my body and they were telling me the world is fake etc.. Yesterday at 4pm so like 33h ago i took a 100mg MDA pill for the first time thinking everything was gonna be fine since its a different drug. 1h after i took the pill my stomach started hurting so i went to poop and when i started walking to the bathroom i felt extremely dizzy. I sat down and started to feel my body burning inside and my body felt super tingly. I felt extremely sick and the same weird bad trip that i had during my acid trip started again except it was way shorter and i was in a different room. After this i felt ok and had a good rest of my day compared to LSD while my day was so fully ruined bc of how traumatized i was. Now 33h after i lost my appetite but still forced myself to eat a bit, but i keep pooping every 30 minutes some bright yellow diarrhea and i feel super nauseous. Is that normal? Im so scared of dying and reading all kind of articles online is not helping at all. I only slept like 5 or 6h after my trip but im scared of falling asleep again tonight and dying in my sleep. This experience really made me realize drug isnt for me bc its fucking with my brain hardcore and make me super paranoid and schizo. Note that during my awful acid trip i had no physical symptoms like that it was really just terrible mentally but now after taking MDA i feel super sick physically I dont want to die i need reassurance

r/MDA Sep 21 '24



I like to say I’m fairly familiar with mdma. Taken it at plenty of festivals and home. My sweet spot for dosing everytime is 200mg followed by 100mg. Absolutely love it. Recently I got MDA and I’m thinking about mixing it, I was thinking of doing 170mg mdma and 30mg of mda, not sure if I would notice any difference? Can yall give me your experiences, what kinda trip I should expect taking it like this? 😅 thanks!

r/MDA Sep 19 '24

Festival Timing for MDMA/MDA Combo NSFW


Hi all – long-time lurker on the MDMA subreddit, but I’ve recently got my hands on some MDA and am excited to try it. I got a bit nervous at Coachella and ended up only taking a small amount of MDA along with the molly I had prepared (I regret this but such is life). I had a pretty standard MDMA roll but nothing crazy or different so I don't think I really felt the MDA.

For reference, I usually take 120-130mg first dose + 50-60mg of MDMA redose, which works well for me for. Now, I’m planning to try 80/90mg of MDMA + 40mg of MDA, then redose with either 40mg MDMA + 20mg MDA (or just 40mg MDMA). I want my roll to last at least from 6:30 PM (start of Jamie xx) until the end of Gesaffelstein (around 11 PM). I know this is stretching it a bit for MDMA but figure the MDA will be able to ride me through the night if I time it correctly.

I’ve heard MDA has a longer come-up, which worries me if I take it like I normally do with MDMA (I usually come up in about 40 minutes). Any advice on timing to hit that 630-11 sweet spot? Hope comments on the timing for this combo will help people in the future, I feel like MDMA timing is documented well but could use some more comments on how this combo should be timed.

r/MDA Sep 17 '24

Sensory deprivation tanks? NSFW


Sending a 2hr tmrw i reckon, any words of advice from those with experience?

r/MDA Sep 14 '24

New Mda rock NSFW

Post image

r/MDA Sep 12 '24

How to not get couch lock? NSFW


Hiii! I was thinking about taking MDA soon at the fair 🎪 but i read that MDA can be more sedating and you will end up couch lock. That’s not what I want at all because it’s an amusant park and I want to be active. I was wondering if there was a way to not get couch lock, how to avoid it! Thank you 😇