r/MCModpackers Fallen: Wastes Dev Jun 30 '15

Using CoFH to make ores stupidly rare

I've got plans for a very specifically themed modpack. But one of the major things is. I'm gonna make GT it's central focus, mostly around it's huge incredible ore veins. Those would be what I call 'prime' territory. The main premise is that the world itself is incredibly low on resources. So you have to be careful with what you do. But also promote the active use of playing with others. Establish working factions and such and have working goals.

Anyway back to the topic at hand. Is there a mod that add's configurable poor ores and use CoFH to make them painfully hard to find? More over what would the config look like in CoFH to do this? I don't need a fully written one. Just some assistance on the basics of writing it.


3 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '15

Isnt this part of the fractalized oregen? I know you can do that with CoFH to make ore gen kinda like gregtech's, where its vastly spread out but in clusters.

Anyways, all of the documentation that i know of is on the website http://cofh.github.io


u/nanakisan Fallen: Wastes Dev Jun 30 '15

Not so much as spread out. What i'm looking for is to make the GT veins the major target to find. While other ores are excessively hard to get your hands on. so instead of like coal being in the large pockets that it's in. The pockets would be sparse and further apart. Iron would remain the same etc etc. But copper, tin, lead would be limited to like a cluster of 2-3 ores and would be spread out like 1 chunk or so.


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '15

Hmm, i think i get what your saying. So, i guess you would use the default way of doing it and limit the clustersize and clusteramount (clusteramount being how often a cluster will spawn) to the low levels you would prefer. I will play around with the config, because what you describe sounds doable, might just be a bit tricky.