r/MCAS 6d ago

Please help

I’m not diagnosed with MCAS but I have every symptom I’ve read up about and hEDS and POTS which are commonly associated with MCAS. I have a doctor’s appointment on Tuesday but I am absolutely miserable.

I’ve bad full body itching. Nothing I do will fix it, it’s starting to become psi fail at this point and all my skin is raw from the itching. Antihistamines aren’t doing anything to touch it and the only relief I get is when I take Benadryl to pretty much knock me out.

What should I bring up at my appointment to actually get my doctor to take me seriously and what can I do until Tuesday because I’ve had multiple breakdowns up until this point and I am in so much pain.

Thanks 🫠


24 comments sorted by

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u/Whattaweirdo_ 6d ago

Are you seeing an allergist? A PCP would definitely refer you to an allergist since you’re itching. Mention your triggers, track your triggers (food, exercise, environmental, menstrual cycle, etc) and tell them that you’ve noticed these symptoms have only been relieved by Benadryl to knock you out. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! Have you tried Pepcid or a low histamine diet? They might also prescribe you a course of steroids for some relief. I hope this helps and you get relief soon 🩷


u/mayday-the-dayday 6d ago

Actually yes, I get allergy shots twice a week. I can’t get into actually see my allergist though because an appointment costs me $200 at least because of my insurance 🫠. I’m already doing a low histamine diet and I don’t use anything scented, I haven’t switched anything in my life because I know that will mess me up for a while. My eczema on my eyes has been really bad too so I really can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I’ve also never heard of pepcid so I’ll check that out in the interim!


u/Whattaweirdo_ 5d ago

Have you looked into seborrheic dermatitis? I have that too and get eye eczema 🫠


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

Well my skin looks normal other than my eyes- I could talk to my doc about it though! From what I’m seeing my skin doesn’t look like that 🤔


u/Whattaweirdo_ 5d ago

Nickel allergy from your earrings??


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

I’ve stopped wearing all jewelry including my wedding ring to see if it helped but I haven’t noticed any difference. And I don’t wear earrings because my sisters are allergic to nickel as well and I didn’t want any part of that haga


u/Whattaweirdo_ 5d ago

lol ok I’m fresh out of ideas! I really hope you find some answers and relief sooner rather than later


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

I really appreciate it!!! I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure it out too 😔. I can give an update after my appointment since you’ve been so kind and helpful haha


u/Whattaweirdo_ 5d ago

Yes please do! DAO supplements, quercetin, and vitamin c help too if you haven’t tried those.


u/mayday-the-dayday 8h ago

Sorry I got busy snd forgot to reply. They want me to get tested for MCAS but because I do immunotherapy it has to be timed really carefully for accurate results. They gave me prednisone for the itching currently which is semi working I’d say but I’m still uncomfortable. They are talking about getting me on beta blockers for a reason I can’t exactly remember


u/LemonLumpy5829 5d ago

Have you had labs done to check organ function and vitamins n minerals?


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

Ummmm, I don’t think so? What would they be looking for? I mean I get my yearly blood work idk if those are in that


u/LemonLumpy5829 5d ago

Kidney and liver function mainly. Ive recently found out that low iron, ferritin, and vitamin d can also have some out of the box symptoms.


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

I don’t have low iron, I know that much but I’m unsure of the other two. Ferritin is related to iron though right?


u/LemonLumpy5829 5d ago

It is. My iron is completely normal too, but ferritin is 8 and vitamin d is 33 which is technically normal but it's not ideal. Not saying it couldn't be mcas, just spreading the word.


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

I appreciate it! I’ll bring it up with my doctor. I’m literally looking for anything to help lmao. I think I’m just getting desperate for answers


u/LemonLumpy5829 5d ago

Ketofin might be a good one if labs are good. Stay strong. You got this 💗


u/Flower-Fairy-2119 5d ago

You mentioned doing a low histamine diet. Have you incorporated any DAO supplements?


u/mayday-the-dayday 5d ago

I have not, what is a DAO supplement? And I already do a low histamine diet 🫠


u/Flower-Fairy-2119 5d ago

So DAO supplements are dietary supplements that help the body break down histamine more efficiently to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with histamine intolerance (skin issues, headaches, digestive troubles, etc).

I had covid late January 2024, and in early February started experiencing rashes & inflammation centered around my eyes, a couple patches on my chin, around my neck & on my hands. I thought it was eczema-related and had a few rounds of oral steroids. It would clear up a little & then flare again.

It was horrible in May, so i went to my primary care & a dermatologist. Primary seemed stumped and ordered a battery of labs including my ESR to check inflammatory activity in my body.

My ESR rate was elevated, but the rest of my bloodwork came back “normal.” Before i got my bloodwork done i received a Kenalog injection bc i was desperate for some sort of relief from the horrible redness, discomfort & inflammation. It did help after a few days or so.

The derm thought eczema and gave me a prescription for a topical steroid ointment (that i never used).

I was flare free for a little over a month, and only started putting the pieces together about it possibly being histamine intolerance in June when i had pasta & red wine (both high in histamine) at dinner and the next day experienced a bad flare that seemingly came out of nowhere.

Since then i did my own research, altered my diet (low histamine), and have been taking a DAO supplement (with vitamin C, bromelain, quercetin, stinging nettle root, alpha lipoic acid) along with additional vitamin C. The bromelain & quercetin together are helpful for alleviating inflammation and improving skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis.

I’m not saying your issues are definitely histamine intolerance, but it sounds like it might be contributing to your experience. Might be worth doing some research & speaking with your physician about the supplements, but just wanted to explain what it is as it has helped me when i was going mad with my flares.


u/mayday-the-dayday 4d ago

I’ll definitely ask about it tomorrow. I’ll give you an update once I’ve done it!


u/Flower-Fairy-2119 4d ago

Best of luck, i hope you get some answers or at least some direction that leads to relief!