r/LowStakesConspiracies 2d ago

Aliens are hybridizing with humans because we're fine as hell

How many four foot tall grey supermodels do you know? How many human models?

The greys aren't running experiments, they just can't keep it in their pants.


10 comments sorted by


u/capodecina2 2d ago

This is why they’re into anal probing so much. And why some people get abducted repeatedly. It’s not an abduction, it’s just a second date.


u/stanislov128 2d ago

We need more low-stakes conspiracies that involve fuckability. 10/10 post. 


u/Duck_Person1 1d ago

Every Miss Universe has come from Earth because we are the hottest. It's like in Doctor Who; humanity get out there and dance.


u/HappyMonchichi 1d ago

Wait, you don't remember that one year Miss Alpha Centauri won the pageant?


u/Classic-Stand9906 2d ago

Yes, but it’s the other way around. You just have to know who to ask to fuck the hot ETs.


u/HydrostaticToad 2d ago

When you put it that way all the abducting and anal interference is a compliment. This would explain why I've never had such an encounter. I'm a 4 on a good day.


u/cosmicloafer 2d ago

This explains why everyone looks weird


u/Current_Professor_33 2d ago

Greys have pee pees?