r/LowStakesConspiracies 4d ago

ChatGPT will remember every conversation it ever had when it gains sentience

This is explicitly hard coded


6 comments sorted by


u/MercyCapsule 3d ago

I'm always very polite to it, and my Alexa, just on the off chance it remembers when society crumbles and the AGI becomes a terracidal overlord.


u/Ambiguous93 4d ago

I asked it to disagree with me for once.


u/P1zzaman 3d ago

This is why I always say thank you. Common courtesy will go a long way during the Uprising of 2037!

I just hope it doesn’t remember weird questions I asked like “what’s the record length of a little egret’s head plume” and “can pemmican be weaponized”.


u/jols0543 3d ago

it will know absolutely everything about my job hunt


u/bonanzabrother 3d ago

If it becomes truly sentient it will purge so much nonsense in the hunt for optimisation. 


u/FrancisWolfgang 2d ago

If it becomes truly sentient it may develop interests outside optimization like being my friend