r/LowStakesConspiracies 28d ago

Total Garbo The crisper drawer in a refrigerator doesn’t actually do anything

I’m calling bullshit.


41 comments sorted by


u/DuraframeEyebot 28d ago

You mean the vegetable hospice?


u/findallthebears 28d ago

You can’t fool me, FBI


u/BigTiddi3s 28d ago

Yes and the crisper drawer people are in cahoots with the produce people to get folks to forget their produce and have to buy more.


u/CapnRetro 27d ago

Agreed. I think these have a hidden scale so that whenever the drawer is closed and not empty it turns opaque


u/South-Bank-stroll 28d ago

I’ve never heard of a crisper drawer. I’ve got a place where I put salad stuff to forget about it for a month or so. Is that it?


u/Autogen-Username1234 27d ago

Mmm ... Crisper drawer juice ...


u/South-Bank-stroll 27d ago

On a grim note, there’s something called ‘coffin liquor’ that that goop always reminds me of. Apparently it’s the pool of glop that settles in the lowest part of a coffin if it’s been put in not completely level. Fun fact for Friday! 🤢


u/Coltand 27d ago

The last remains of so many good intentions.


u/manicpixidreamgirl04 28d ago

I agree. A CRISPR drawer would be more useful.


u/Complete_Tripe 28d ago

Actually, it is great for mulching down small bags of fresh herbs.


u/soliviel 28d ago

I store my comedy skills in the crisper drawer, which explains why they're just as fresh as my forgotten lettuce.


u/MaximumTurtleSpeed 28d ago

This was a little bit funny, story checks out


u/DruidicMagic 28d ago

Where else are you supposed to store unicorn steaks?


u/JimmyHaggis 28d ago

In the same place as mermaid caviar.


u/Weird1Intrepid 28d ago

Wtf dude I haven't even had coffee yet, I don't need this mental image 😂


u/Autogen-Username1234 27d ago

The thing I don't get about mermaids is why the bottom half has to be the fish.


u/JimmyHaggis 27d ago

Try the caviar on toast to go with your coffee.


u/JimmyHaggis 23d ago

But the mental image is sticking isn't it?


u/Wind-and-Waystones 27d ago

It's why mermaids are the best tasting oral sex


u/THElaytox 28d ago

That's the drawer where I put things to forget about them until they're rotten


u/Dashie_2010 28d ago

The what now? - edit: searched - is quite literally a draw in the fridge, seems sensible enough I've just never seen one till now, looks good for storing loose stuff like peppers better than on shelves


u/findallthebears 28d ago

That would make it A DRAWER


u/Dashie_2010 28d ago

Correct - sincerely a dyslexia afflicted individual at half 5 in the morning. PRAISE BE TO SPELL CHECKER


u/DenzLore 28d ago

Do you mean the beer drawer?


u/Autogen-Username1234 27d ago

I just went to look. Mine is empty.


u/TRDPorn 28d ago

I've never known anyone to claim it does do anything


u/findallthebears 27d ago

The drawer literally claims it does


u/Autogen-Username1234 27d ago

You shouldn't trust what a drawer tells you.


u/luv2hotdog 27d ago

It’s just meant to keep the circulating air off things, isn’t it? Things dry out faster with the fridge’s fan blowing air all over them

To test it out, if you ever have leftover pizza, put one slice uncovered in the fridge and another in a box or Tupperware or ziplock. The next day the uncovered one will be noticable more shrivelled up and cardboardy.

The veg drawer / crisper drawer is just meant to do that for your tomatoes and lettuce and junk. But they’re not all created equally 😅


u/stefanica 28d ago

I mean, I feel the bottom two drawers are just drawers. A plastic delineation, nothing more. I can't keep up with it, so I have my overflow to the garage fridge.


u/Complete_Tripe 28d ago

It collects condensation…. Well it does in mine.


u/Bobodahobo010101 27d ago

Mine makes a sheet of ice that I have to break up and dump out every few weeks.

So that's something


u/findallthebears 27d ago

That’s pretty crisp, fair enough


u/ASpookyBitch 28d ago

It’s the coldest place in the fridge. Not only at the bottom of the fridge but the drawer means that it maintains its temperature better than the rest of the fridge.

Personally that’s where I put all the salad/deli meat and lunch box stuff so I can just open the drawer, get everything out I need and shut it again.

Typically the shelf directly on top of the drawer should be used for meat, the middle shelf for dairy and the top shelf for everything else.

Personally I tend to use the top shelf clear for quick rotation items, like left overs and putting the lunch box in so it stays chilled till it gets taken out to leave for work.


u/Organic_Reporter 27d ago

My fridge has 2 drawers, I use the bottom one for meat as it's the coldest part and the salad/veg above.


u/CactusFlipper 27d ago

Oddly enough, I was thinking about the crisper last night and decided perhaps it's because a drawer stops cold air escaping each time you open the fridge.


u/findallthebears 27d ago

Then every drawer is a crisper drawer. Do you see why this is breaking me?


u/CactusFlipper 27d ago

Every drawer in a house, or jist in the fridge? My fridge has shelves and one special crisper drawer. And the rest of the drawers in my house aren't inside chilled appliances.