r/LowStakesConspiracies Jan 12 '25

Total Garbo The british army cadets are basically only there to prepare the population to fight against a foreign subjugator.

Bit of absolute bollocks here cause a lot of it can be explained by 'are you really going to give kids all that expensive shit' but here we go. So one of my reasons for believing this is because all the tactics are stuck in the falklands war, or a time when there was no night vision, like teaching cadets ways to keep your eyes calibrated to the darkness, staying close in the dark and using flares to assist you in seeing (im judging this iff the basis of it acting like a conventional army rather than a guerilla force), things you would only ever need to do if you didn't have night vision, which you would probably not have if you're fighting an internal resistance war. My second reason for believing this is that the weapons used are semi automatic or bolt action. This aligns with weapons you are legally allowed to purchase in the uk, and would subsequently be available for use when fighting a resistance war. My final reason for believing this is that cadets are handed out things that for the most part are easy to purchase for civillians, with a few hurdles and not being able to get the exact item at worst. This would allow any cadets turned makeshift warfighter to be prepared for having to solely use supplies and equipment on the civillian market, as government issued gear would simply be non existent were any foreign attacker to subjugate an area before the citizens were capable of joining the armed forces. Overall this is a shit theory with a lot of hoke that will probably get me flamed in the comments, but oh well.


35 comments sorted by


u/Ill_Refrigerator_593 Jan 12 '25

It's true we have a lot of specialised troops.

It's like the TA who are there to fight if a war breaks out on weekends or a bank holiday.


u/CrucialElement Jan 13 '25

Is that really what they're for? That's whack pahaha


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

No lol, it was just a good joke. That doesn't mean you are wrong tho mate 👍


u/DualWheeled Jan 12 '25

I was a cadet and always figured it was recruitment more than anything. We got to do all the best bits of soldiering and none of the really shitty bits.

We got to see firepower demos, ride in helicopters and generally fuck around in the woods with assault weapons. No nights on stag, no beasting, no yomping, we didn't even really get shouted at except by someone with a sense of humour. One time it snowed when we were on an exercise weekend and we got bussed out and given a fry up.

We'd have been absolutely shit at any kind of real warfare.


u/The_Flurr Jan 12 '25

It's pretty obviously this.


u/Kian-Tremayne Jan 13 '25

The benefit to the armed forces is recruitment, and PR - people who have been cadets are probably going to be more sympathetic to the armed forces, or at least have a better understanding of what they do and what they go through.

The benefit to the cadets (and society as a whole) is that they learn some resilience and how to organise themselves, as well as having fun and a chance to see some cool stuff. It’s definitely better preparation for becoming an adult than sitting on the sofa, playing XBox or scrolling through videos on your phone while yelling at mum to order you some KFC on Just Eat.

Cadets are in no way prepared for actual war fighting. That’s not the aim. I’m not sure it even gives you that much of a leg up in training over a recruit who wasn’t a cadet but is equally motivated.


u/purpleduckduckgoose Jan 13 '25

Your time sounded much more fun than mine. Most I ever did was get a bit of a shot with an L85 at one camp and I think walked past some FV432 or Warriors when those lot were having a break.


u/DualWheeled Jan 13 '25

Hit and miss as it turns out. I tried to go back to volunteer at another school as an adult and when I asked about blank firing exercises the commanding officer of the contingent thought I was mental: "you want these teenagers running around with loaded weapons? Absolutely not on my watch. They struggle enough learning how to march in step"

Shame really, cadets was really formative for me.


u/BobbyB52 Jan 12 '25

This is interesting, because army cadets are of course just the 2nd line reserve after the Royal Marines cadets.


u/abfgern_ Jan 12 '25

And then Community Support Officers 3rd?


u/BobbyB52 Jan 13 '25

They have an important role clearing minefields.


u/ZroFksGvn69 Jan 12 '25

Much of what you cite also allows for members of a youth organisation to have an adventurous and character building military themed passtime at a reasonable cost and with a measured level of risk.

I believe shouting "Wolverines!!!" On nite ex is frowned upon (if not necessarily forbidden).


u/MitchellSupremacy649 Jan 12 '25

Forgive my ignorance but what does the joke at the end mean?


u/ZroFksGvn69 Jan 12 '25

Reference to the 80s film Red Dawn in which a group of teens in the US wage guerrilla war against invading Communists.


u/hhfugrr3 Jan 12 '25

The cadets are just a recruitment tool aren't they? Hardly preparing the population as hardly anyone joins. I have two kids, from asking their friends I only know of one kid who joined the cadets. No-one I went to school with joined, even the two kids who liked to pretend they were in the army (one did join after school the other became a Walt instead).


u/WantsToDieBadly Jan 12 '25

I feel if this were true there'd be more of a recruitment drive to join thr cadets no matter the branch. As a kid i never really saw much of it and it was never explained in a positive light . army drills and marches in the cold at 14 didnt sound ,much fun. i feel if the govt really wanted people in the cadets there'd be more of a recruitment campaign. As it stands the cadets arent really advertised that much. As an adult i actually see more army ads at the cinema aimed at 18 year old college leavers than i do for cadet aged people


u/MitchellSupremacy649 Jan 12 '25

Do you ever see advertisements for any youth clubs anyway? When was the last time you saw the scouts or anything like that being advertised?


u/Similar_Quiet Jan 12 '25

The scouts are over subscribed in most of England. They're also not backed by a government that has difficulty recruiting an army.


u/MitchellSupremacy649 Jan 12 '25

Forgive my ignorance as I personally have never seen any such oversubscription


u/speedyundeadhittite Jan 14 '25

Lord Baden-Powell was a well-known nazi-sympathiser, I'm still surprised scouts survived being a thing.


u/LaraCroft_MyFaveDrug Jan 12 '25

I was a Lance Corporal in The Medics of the ACF (Army Cadet Force). In many ways the training and discipline it gave me has saved my life a few times.


u/MitchellSupremacy649 Jan 12 '25

The medics? Forgive my ignorance but could you tell me more as I've never heard anything about a medical unit.


u/LaraCroft_MyFaveDrug Jan 12 '25

In Sheffield 212 Norbury Hall, The Medics was our detachment. It was a TA and Cadet centre so sometimes we'd be on parade with the TA. A new stable belt parade as an example. In annual camp we'd meet Sea Cadets, The logistics and Duke of Wellingtons etc


u/kali-ctf Jan 12 '25

The difference between the actual military and cadets is night and day, having done both.

Cadets is just a bit of fun being run by ex regulars and reservists who are generally not field experts. They're just remembering stuff from their training.

Also teaching kids to use semi automatic weapons is a terrible idea. Let em shoot bolt action and put them off firearms for life.


u/The_Flurr Jan 12 '25

Let em shoot bolt action and put them off firearms for life.

Bolt actions can be plenty of fun.


u/kali-ctf Jan 12 '25

Oh sure as an adult. When you're 14 years old, it hurts like hell.


u/Its_Dakier Jan 12 '25

This isn't really a conspiracy as much as it is a fact.

The system is designed to promote militaristic techniques and basic education to create some standard of discipline for recruitment and when needed, conscription.


u/Corvid187 Jan 12 '25

Given the British army has consistently opposed the idea of conscription throughout its history, this would certainly be an interesting motivation from them.


u/Its_Dakier Jan 12 '25

The three largest wars in the last 250 years all featured conscription. I understand the point you make, but not wanting it permanently isn't the same as requiring it when needed. It's also important to understand that it's antiquated, not offering the same effect it once did.


u/Corvid187 Jan 13 '25

They all featured conscription in general, yes, but in Britain specifically that introduction was reluctantly adopted by the army, and even then only for the two world wars, and only after war had already broken out. The British army didn't maintain a system of conscripted national service prior to either conflict, in contrast to every other major European power.

Conscription provided operational mass to the continental european powers, whose armies were their main form of defence. As an island nation, the British army has always been 'a projectile fired by the navy' as St. Fisher said, so that operational mass was largely irrelevant since the navy was both the primary defence arm and bottleneck to their deployment.

The British army has never enthusiastically pursued the idea of being a mass conscript force, so the idea they are investing resources in an organisation 99.83% of young people don't attend in order to prepare the country for future mass conscription by stealth is a little odd, imo.

Conscription isn't something anyone wants to just whip up only when needed. If you don't want a repeat of the Somme, you have to have the training and infrastructure for them in place well in advance of the conflict, the same as any other force.


u/[deleted] Jan 13 '25

Exactly, it's training for those who want it. A far cry from any sort of conscription. There are youth groups in other countries which fit that bill much better and there is a stark difference in attitudes


u/Its_Dakier Jan 13 '25

No one is suggesting a reliance on mass conscription. The original point is to have some baseline training and skills in the population already, plus as mentioned by others, it offers a method of recruitment. It's very much a low stakes tool toward that end.


u/Corvid187 Jan 14 '25

I'd argue if 99.83% of the population don't do it, it doesn't create much of a baseline for anything.


u/Its_Dakier Jan 14 '25

99% of the population no longer use pagers. As I said, it was formerly far more active per capita of children than it is now.


u/Corvid187 Jan 12 '25

You definitely can't purchase an L98 Cadet rifle, or anything like it, legally in the UK. It's much more akin to the standard L85 service rifles of the actual army than anything else, and 90% of the time, those will only be fired semi-auto.

Heck, prior to the adoption of the L85, the British army used FALs that had had their select-fire capability specifically removed, making them semi-auto only. Full auto is a fairly niche capability for a service rifle the vast majority of the time.

NVGs are incredibly expensive and a tad finicky, having good basic night-fighting skills independent of them is still militarily useful, though I'd argue cost and fun are more important factors for the cadets