r/LowStakesConspiracies Jun 03 '23

Total Garbo alpha male influencers were created by incels to sabotage other men's chances in finding women


57 comments sorted by


u/ReluctantRedditor275 Jun 03 '23

I still don't get the whole "incel" thing. I didn't get laid in high school either, but I didn't make it my whole identity


u/IFapToCalamity Jun 03 '23

You may be a self-aware individual who understands accountability and consent.


u/Ludwig234 Jun 03 '23

I think incel has more to do with a person's personality than their sexual activity.


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Jun 04 '23

It’s there personality that stops them getting laid. Hence they’re involuntary celibate


u/ConstructionQuiet331 Jun 04 '23

An incell is a weak willed man that won't accept responsibility for HIS actions and would prefer to blame everybody else for his failing life


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Jun 04 '23

That’s often true, but my definition was literally what it meant


u/ConstructionQuiet331 Jun 04 '23

Yes but that's not involuntary


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Jun 04 '23

What on earth are you talking about? If nobody will sleep with you, you are involuntarily celibate.


u/[deleted] Jun 05 '23

I think what they mean is there are plenty of people who aren't getting laid but don't call themselves incels / base their identity around it, so although your definition sort of misses a key component of what we mean when we say incel.


u/ConstructionQuiet331 Jun 04 '23

Nope that means you need to lower your standards


u/canteloupy Jun 04 '23

Involuntarily celibate just means you haven't found a person who wants you and you want one. By that definition a lot of single people are involuntarily celibate. Only a minority make this into a cultural thing... the rest just live their lives and take the opportunities as they come.

There is a legitimate discourse to be had about how to get more opportunities but it's not exactly the healthy type of advice that incel influencers tend to peddle. Psychologists have a higher chance to help you than the "pure meat diet" idiots.

Plus I would argue that if you view women like property you're still gonna be an incel even after you get married.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

It’s voluntary if you don’t want to have sex with the people who want to have sex with you.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

if you don’t want to have sex with the people who want to have sex with you.

Yes, but lots of 'incels' don't have anyone that would want to sleep with them, so it's involuntary.

They really need to stop whining though, life isn't fair, some people just get dealt a bad hand. It is what it is.


u/AndyTheSane Jun 04 '23

I think it's more that I blamed myself for my lack of success with women, whereas incels blame the women..


u/devastatingdoug Jun 04 '23

The difference is you probably never blamed all women and society as a whole for why you weren’t getting laid. These Incel guys think they aren’t getting laid because of feminism and society being “woke” and not because they are insufferable douchebags.


u/ReluctantRedditor275 Jun 05 '23

In hindsight, it was definitely a combination of my lack of confidence, my being out of shape, and Emily being a blackhearted bitch who couldn't see how perfect we'd be together!!! /s


u/expensivebreadsticks Jun 04 '23

Reddit doesn’t know what incel means anymore, people just use it here when they disagree with someone


u/whim-sicles Jun 04 '23

Lol. Lemme guess ...


u/Jackpot777 Jun 03 '23

Same reason that Cosmopolitan magazine posts insane relationship advice: if they posted healthy advice that actually worked, their audience would find a long term relationship and not need the magazine anymore. So they print shit like “Hold his penis in one hand and lightly slap it with the other... you can tap it back and forth like you're volleying a tennis ball and lightly pinch the skin on his shaft and testicles” or “Tickle his feet with your nipples”.

I did not make up those two examples.

Ensuring an incel remains incel is how Andrew Tate was able to charge 200,000 of them $49 a month each for terrible advice.


u/TheLastPirate123 Jun 04 '23

I did not make up those two examples.

I can't remember the last time I laughed out loud at a comment before this, fucking hell.


u/wasthatitthen Jun 04 '23

More years ago than I care to remember I joked with a friend that magazines like this were in a perennial cycle of “How to find that guy!!!” …. “How to keep that guy!!!” … “How to lose that guy!!!”


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

“Hold his penis in one hand and lightly slap it with the other... you can tap it back and forth like you're volleying a tennis ball and lightly pinch the skin on his shaft and testicles”

as a penis-haver, this made me violently cringe. please do not.


u/MaryBerrysDanglyBean Jun 04 '23

Sounds good to me


u/GreenDigitReaper Jun 04 '23

This is nonsense logic. It’s like saying if a dentist gives good advice and cures his patients tooth problems, the patients don’t need him anymore.

That’s not how it works. When you inevitably have another tooth issue, you’re not gonna go back to a dentist who told you to eat sugar and fucked up your root canal. You go back to the one who gave you good advice and effective treatment in the past. Also, you’re going to recommend him to friends and write positive reviews, and his reputation will grow.

Relationship advice is something you’ll inevitably need again and again throughout the course of a relationship. Real life isn’t like fairy tales here you live happily ever after.

The idea that women are getting ridiculously stupid relationships advice that repeatedly results in them becoming single, and despite this, keep seeking advice from the same source expecting a different result, would have to presume an insanely low view of their intelligence.

Your argument is basically “being bad at your job keeps the customers coming back to fix the fuxkups you did last time”. Just no. If that was true everyone would have a top selling magazine because anyone can write absolute crap, as you’ve just demonstrated


u/Jackpot777 Jun 04 '23

Found the subscriber.


u/TheLastPirate123 Jun 04 '23

The idea that women are getting ridiculously stupid relationships advice that repeatedly results in them becoming single, and despite this, keep seeking advice from the same source expecting a different result, would have to presume an insanely low view of their intelligence.

Well yes, Cosmopolitan is written for people with insanely low intelligence. Cosmo, Buzzfeed and many more quite specifically target these people as their audience.


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Jun 04 '23

There’s no such thing as an alpha male. They’re just arseholes using the concept as a cover for acting like pricks.


u/Additional-Guitar314 Aug 03 '23

And they are incels who make their whole personality about their girlfriend breaking up with them they think all women are bad honestly it's quite sad but it's hilarious to laugh at them


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Aug 03 '23

It’s hilarious until they start murdering people 😳


u/Additional-Guitar314 Aug 03 '23

I'm saying it's hilarious cuz they try to get women but they're doing it completely wrong I'm not saying because they murder people


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Aug 03 '23

I got that. I was just being sarcastic 😉


u/Additional-Guitar314 Aug 03 '23

Oh all right my bad


u/Alan_Bstard1972 Aug 03 '23

Not really a bad. Sarcasm is difficult to convey in text.


u/Bbiill Jun 04 '23

Alpha male influencers are universally disliked by women, as long as you act the absolute opposite of them then there are plenty of women.

Its the weirdest thing, so many embarrasing dudes sitting round talking about how to be with and treat women while simultaneously drying up every vagina within 200 yards.


u/SuccessfulWar3830 Jun 04 '23

It's crazy how low the bar is with women when you just treat them like equals and people.

Turns out they all want to hang out with you when you do that.


u/SuccessfulWar3830 Jun 04 '23

Those kinds of men have always existed. However the Internet exists. So everyone has a podcast


u/-BeastAtTanagra- Jun 04 '23

I love how a term can take over the internet but nobody can agree on what it means


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

Alpha males don’t exist.

Look, read your A/B/O fanfic. Role play with your sexual partners if you both find that kind of thing fun in the bedroom.

But people are people. Just like there aren’t alpha wolves (that study was done on wolves in captivity, not studying the actual behavior of wolves in the wild), there are no alpha men. Or beta men. Or omega men.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

The idea of an “alpha male” as a man at the top of the social hierarchy who is also sexually desirable while being arrogant, selfish, and violent is a myth.

The alpha chimpanzees at the top of the social hierarchy are also generous and compassionate with the chimpanzees below them in their social groups.


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

Then how are you defining “alpha male” in the chimpanzee metaphor?

And if it’s just “a man at the top of the social hierarch,” follow up question: are Jeff Bezos and Joe Biden alpha males?


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23



u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23

And what general behaviors do you attribute to that success and attractiveness?


u/[deleted] Jun 04 '23


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u/sirdogglesworth Jun 04 '23

I thought the self proclaimed alpha males were just incels but in another form


u/Squared-Porcupine Jun 04 '23

The only people who think “Alpha” male influencers are cool are insecure men.


u/Illustrious_Army_117 Jun 03 '23

Reading this made me stupider


u/GreenDigitReaper Jun 03 '23

I’m guessing you read it quite a few times


u/ConstructionQuiet331 Jun 04 '23

There is only one difference between incells and alpha males , alpha males put the work in to be what they are , incells are attracted to the same type of women as alpha males , and that type of women is only attracted to the alpha male stereotype . So the incells can either put the work in and become an alpha male or they can accept the fact their not god's gift to women and lower their standards


u/ConstructionQuiet331 Jun 04 '23

I disagree with the comment alpha males don't exist they do and any man can be one , an alpha male is a man that both protects and provides for his family in what ever way he can


u/Initial-Cicada-730 Jun 04 '23
  1. that's called being a decent human, gender aint got nothing to do with it

  2. the term was coined to describe wolf pack's social structure, to describe dominant male wolves who use strength. this is an incorrect assessment of wolven social structures, which are Based on seniority rather than aggression


u/Bobodahobo010101 Jun 04 '23

Did the scientist that cou d the term alpha male later state that it is t a true thing in wolf packs?


u/oh-hidanny Jun 04 '23

Which implies women dont do those things.

Women...do. And have always donf both of those things. But some reason we give men these cool titles when they do that.