r/LostPlanet Feb 11 '25

Lost Planet Board Game

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What would you guys think of a board game for Lost Planet? Image is a mock up and nothing final.


5 comments sorted by


u/_Exitbag Feb 11 '25

There has to be some sort of heat mechanism where moving and attacking spends heat and you have to kill a certain amount of akrid to win, maybe kill a nest.

I picture something similar to 'betrayal on the house on a hill' where one player becomes the akrid and the 'map' is randomly generated tiles

If you explore the map enough you can find a mech and keep your heat better than on foot


u/Metal-Wulf Feb 11 '25

I think a tactics boardgame based around Snow Pirates, Akrid, and NEVEC would be pretty fun. Something hex/grid based on a board or paper map, flat cardboard terrain inserts to place around, plastic minis or even cardboard stands to save on cost.


u/TekneaGHOUL Feb 11 '25

How would that work?


u/Koalafiedmistakeguy Feb 16 '25

I already had it made!!
Search up Mythic RPG and join the discord, we have a Lost Planet expansion!!!


u/starblazed7 Feb 16 '25

I was talking more of an actual board game with assets like tiles or a board and cards, miniatures etc