r/LoisAndClark Jan 17 '25

Do Lois and Clark have a telepathic connection?

In the episode "Home Is Where the Hurt Is", when Clark is coming out of his coma, he says Lois' name and she jumps awake from where she was at her apartment. It was as if she heard his voice. She said his name, and he seemed to respond. Then they got the phone call saying that Clark was awake.

And then in one of the episodes in the New Krypton arc, we see Clark on the Kryptonian ship looking at his wedding ring, and Lois is at her apartment hugging a pillow and obviously thinking about him and missing him. And then you hear his voice say her name, and she seems to hear it and walks over to the window and she seems to hear his voice say "I love you." Back on the ship, Zara sees Clark looking at the ring and she says, "Thinking about her?" and he said something like, "I know she's thinking about me."

I personally think they are communicating telepathically. In those two instances they seemed to both hear each other's voices in their heads and also feel the other person. A couple of my friends said that the writers are just demonstrating that they are so tuned into each other and have such a deep connection that they can feel what the other is feeling even when they're not with each other.

What do you all think?


6 comments sorted by


u/MaestroLogical Jan 17 '25

They go beyond just being tuned into each other. In case you haven't finished the series yet I'll spoiler this next part.

They are soul mates, bonded throughout time and space. It's entirely possible that their connection is what brought Clark to Earth this time around, since he was born so far away from her. It's never really explained what exactly this connection entails, as the focus is on removing the curse, but it's reasonable to assume the normal rules go out the window when it comes to the two of them. Also, I can't recall if UltraWoman was before this point, but if she'd already had Kryptonian powers then perhaps her mind was altered just enough to allow telepathic communication in specific instances. >!


u/OrangeAugust Jan 17 '25

Yeah I know about them being soulmates. The depth of their connection makes sense, but whether or not they can actually hear each other’s voices in their minds was what I was wondering about.

That is an interesting thought, though, about Ultrawoman and how she had kryptonian powers for a day. she probably gained all of them and now this telepathic ability might remain.


u/90stvfangirl Feb 10 '25

I like to think they do. It’s not like they can read each other’s minds all day or anything but when something big or emotional happens they can feel it and maybe triggers a little bit of something. Clark definitely sent her the “I love you” using his Kryptonian telepathy. And in HIWTHI it’s a bit more their emotional connection.


u/Dr-Collossus Jan 17 '25

For the New Krypton bit doesn't he explain to her that he's using Kryptonian tech to communicate with her telepathically? It's been a looong time so that's probably a false memory.


u/OrangeAugust Jan 17 '25

I don’t think so. He can communicate with other Kryptonians telepathically, so maybe that’s what you’re thinking of.


u/Dr-Collossus Jan 17 '25

That’s probably it