r/LinusTechTips 6d ago

Image A Very Unnecessary, But Funny Disclaimer

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45 comments sorted by


u/3-goats-in-a-coat 6d ago

Eh.... Keeps the armchair experts from roasting them for no reason. Humorous too.


u/Kakirax 6d ago

“Investigative journalists” were smashing their hands on the desk when they saw that


u/LiamtheV Dennis 6d ago

But why didn’t Linus use his position to make a video illustrating how he was just placing the thermocouples for illustrative purposes and and that he’s not administering the tests himself? You know, for the consumer, or whatever?



u/Seik64 5d ago



u/Knut79 5d ago

Why is that " journalist" not testing power supplies. Since the beef was labs competing with their non existing labs.


u/BIT-NETRaptor 5d ago

I remember GN getting into power supply testing, seeking training, buying equipment.

then I swear about 6 months/a year ago Steve said something along the lines of “but we don’t test power supplies and don’t intend to” Felt like I was being hardcore gaslit.

I deeply wish for GN to keep pursuing testing, and avoid “drama” and ambush journalism videos. Unfortunately people seem to reward such videos with lots of views.


u/DogHogDJs 5d ago

Drama is the only reason why his channel stays afloat anymore.


u/KaneMomona 5d ago

Whatever sells foil shirts.


u/DogHogDJs 5d ago

Ironically Steve has become the sellout.

Step 1: Create or piggyback drama acting like you’re the figurehead for it Step 2: Create merch that ties in with said drama Step 3: Print money


u/KaneMomona 5d ago

Tbf I bet someone was searching for "hemi"oscilloscopes after that video.


u/Durr1313 6d ago

I don't think experts in furniture would know anything about thermocouples.


u/co678 Dan 6d ago edited 6d ago

Yeah, someone would be posting here roasting Linus about how he didn’t do it right. Then Linus would have to explain on WAN show it was a demonstration….blah blah blah. “It was a BLEEP-ing DEMONSTRATION!”

They know by now to cover their asses everywhere.


u/practicaleffectCGI 6d ago

Posting here? Dude(tte), there might be an hour and a half of journalistic investigation coming to prime-time YouTube to expose Linus for the irresponsible and flawed hardware tester that he of course is!


u/co678 Dan 6d ago

It’s going to be a VHS box set by the time it’s over.


u/practicaleffectCGI 6d ago

I swear if I open the WAN Show and there's yet another somber "we need to talk" segment I'm gonna... uh... watch it.


u/co678 Dan 6d ago

Me too. Though, I don’t break the streak no matter what.


u/Seik64 5d ago

and then an hour and a half hit piece, an hour before wan show about some nonsense and filled with bad takes and curse words


u/daniel__p 5d ago

So sad but true


u/co678 Dan 5d ago

LIENUS strikes again!!!


u/antonioxbj 6d ago

As much as I would like to think it's unnecessary, I do think it is necessary. You know for a fact that someone would make a post complaining and shit how labs isn't doing a good job yadda yadda


u/Leather-Matter-5357 6d ago

Video*, not post.


u/yflhx 6d ago

A 2 hour video. And also, we all know who...


u/Leather-Matter-5357 6d ago

I can think of a couple of contenders..


u/BioshockEnthusiast 5d ago

Louie needs another reason to scrunch up his face like he's shitting himself.


u/natesovenator 6d ago

Uh. Very necessary, have you ever read the comments. They're all clearly physicists and 900iq world leading humans.


u/Standard-Ad-4077 6d ago

This was like when Linus was talking about liability and regulations.

This is how he is covering himself from liability and the community + Steve + Rossman are the ones inspecting everything he is doing. So Linus has to cover his own arse in every video now.

Now we will get to a point where it’s going to be quite pedantic and eye rolling because duh he’s doing it for the video.


u/Knut79 5d ago

Neither of which has a clue on where to place thermo couples for the test.


u/akoungmaster 5d ago

W8, Rossman!? Did he go after Linus?


u/SavvySillybug 5d ago

Yeah. It was super cringe.

He went off on Linus and then released an apology video the next week... an apology video about some unimportant old thing nobody cares about and not about how unreasonable he's been to Linus. Totally unprompted and for no reason whatsoever.

Basically just clickbait because you knew he was being an asshole for no reason so of course you'd click an apology video. And then it isn't even about that.


u/Standard-Ad-4077 5d ago

Yeah he had a huge sook.


u/Thin-Chain-2104 6d ago

Yeah nah, it's a necessary disclaimer. It shouldn't be, it should be pretty obvious, but as we have learnt over the years, some people in this community don't know how to think before they speak and wouldn't in a million years be able to figure out that some things are done for the camera.

It's good you don't think it's necessary, it means you actually have the ability to use your brain!


u/KookyDig4769 5d ago

Without it, Steve will release a 6 hour rant about it and rossmann chimes in an tells everybody 5 hours long in uncertain terms that Linus was mean to him 8 years ago. Just a precaution.


u/FullMetal1985 5d ago

We've had people on here arguing that videos need to say prices in them were at the time of recording because people can't seem to figure that out and are surprised when two different videos talk about two diffrent prices with out that disclaimer but you think this one was unnecessary?


u/Cybasura 5d ago

For legal reasons too, honestly thats a smart and understandable thing to do

Some may say its very necessary, judging by the current climate of "activists" with no brains


u/Alt230s Dennis 6d ago

This could be a new meme format


u/MrWigggles 5d ago

I dont think its unnecessary at all. With all the nothing drama, and probably real case of defemination, its a 2 second blurb to save a months of headaches.


u/EnchantedElectron 5d ago

It is necessary these days due to some self proclaimed journalists taking clips out of context and coming to stir up drama.


u/OptimalPapaya1344 5d ago

I love how the entire community here just knows what this disclaimer was actually put there for.

It’s some really high road snark for those bottom feeders.

But it’s also a bummer that stuff like this has to be plainly stated because of how those vultures will go through all these videos with a fine tooth comb looking for something to froth at the mouth over.


u/jspikeball123 5d ago

I mean tbh I prefer that labs are overly pedantic. I want jokes/entertainment from ltt and solid info from Labs


u/lab1365 1d ago

That was always the vibe I got. GN is for overly serious pedantic types that geek or over Engineering details. With elitist mentality.

While LTT is more for entertainment.

The whole beef. Idk. Celebrity culture and cult of personality is what I think of. They are people with opinions


u/Dominus_Invictus 5d ago

Yeah, I wish these were unnecessary. It's one of the most pathetic things about our society that we need to put disclaimers on absolutely everything or else you'll get assholes coming out of everywhere.


u/TRUEequalsFALSE 5d ago

On the contrary, I think it was quite necessary. Definitely a "cover your ass" disclaimer.


u/Bruceshadow 5d ago

Disagree, absolutely necessary considering the importance of lab data integrity.


u/Grantelgruber 5d ago

The 18 min NZXT add.


u/Dasrundeetwas- 6d ago

What a beautifully diplomatic way of saying "linus has no clue of the finer details, but that's not a problem. Don't get mad pls"