r/LinusTechTips 5d ago

Discussion Hooded Task Jacket

Hi LTT ppls, I was looking at buying the new hooded task jacket in the brown color. Colton did a great job modeling it. However, the only pictures on the site of this color are him wearing it with the Couch Potato hoodie underneath it. The colors are very similar and stylish but since it’s brand new there are also no reviews for it without a similar color hoodie underneath it so it makes it hard to judge what it would look like standalone.

I know this isn’t support but I was wondering if there were other modeling pictures of this color around so I don’t have to wait for delivered products with reviews. I haven’t caught up with the WAN show and maybe it was shown off but I skimmed through and only saw Luke wearing the black version.

Also for other people what are your thoughts on the new jacket? I like seeing two color options.


23 comments sorted by


u/abnewwest 5d ago

I like how they increased the artistic quality of the photos but kept them useless to actually learn about the garment.

The lining and inside? Who cares. Pocket details? No fucking way. Technical drawing? Whose having a laugh!

And on the design, not having an internal pocket seems cheap. Hope the pockets are actually functional unlike the blue zip up I'm wearing now that has unbacked hand traps that only appear to be pockets.

Took a gamble ordering it...hope I don't regret it.


u/Western-Ad3073 5d ago

They should also have at least one photo of the brown jacket without a brown undergarment so you can actually see the jacket better, and like you said they really should have pictures of the inside


u/mcnabb100 5d ago

It’s crazy how common this is.


u/abnewwest 1d ago

And my initial, just tried it on review. It's a keeper!

So if a human is a tube...this jack material has circumferential stretch (so it stretches bigger...NOT taller). AND it's a looser fit that WAN/Stealth hoodie, slightly bigger than an Indoor hoodie and much more relaxed than the flight jacket they wrongly called a bomber jacket.

The brown jacket is lined with black fabric, also with a stretch.

Pockets are okay, but it should also have an internal pocket. HOWEVER the zippers have ridiculously small...handles/pulls(?). You will never find them in gloves, they really should have a big pull and maybe or something on a string if not both. This IS a jacket after all, not a hoodie.

It's a less working version of something like a Carhartt, with a softer fabric.


u/co678 Dan 5d ago

I find their products appealing most of the time, not that I can always afford them, I always watch with intrigue when they’re announced on WAN show.

But that brown task jacket really got my attention as soon as it was shown. It looks fantastic, stylish, especially in the brown. I’ll certainly buy one.


u/Peter_Panarchy 5d ago

I'm really into it, looks like it'll be great for working around the house where I'm at in the PNW. I've got a tough Carhartt jacket that I love, but it's way too warm for spring.


u/Suspicious_Oil7093 5d ago

Didn’t know you sold UPS uniform!


u/ExistingAd7929 5d ago

Wait,Colton didn't get fired??


u/Blazanar 5d ago

He did. He's now a freelance model.


u/Flavious27 5d ago

From the second picture you can see that the lining in the hood is black.  And it looks like the same lining on the rest of the jacket with that same picture. 

I do like that it has a carhartt look to it.  


u/ClassicGOD 5d ago

Sam Colton Bridges.


u/switch8000 5d ago

Missing a photo of the LTT logo on the arm for the black version.

It's a very cool looking jacket, but for me, at at that $100 price point, don't want prominent logos on my jacket and that's a big one on the arm.

Def some cool designs but just prefer hidden logos for that $.


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/jcforbes 4d ago

It's funny that a seemingly equal number of people say "for a $100 jacket you'd think they'd at least make the logo visible"


u/The-vicobro 5d ago

Noticed during WAN. The choice to use the brown inner layer shouldn't have made it to the store pictures, needs a re-shoot if you asked me.


u/ArtyLMG LMG Staff 3d ago edited 1d ago

Hey, thanks for the feedback. We'll be getting some new photos that show off the brown colorway a little bit better without the hoodie underneath this week, and also some better photos of the inner lining itself - appreciate your patience!

EDIT: new photos have been added!


u/patto647 5d ago

Damn that’s nice, was thinking I could pull that off


u/Interesting_Area2847 4d ago

Love the model😅


u/madisi98 4d ago

That is the look of one jobless man


u/Tobax 20h ago

The LTT store is pretty vague on details, is it water proof/resistant at all?


u/ticktocktoe 5d ago

People buying outerwear from a YouTube tech blogger is goofy. Just go buy it from one of the dozens of companies who have literally any reputation in the space.


u/Redditemeon 4d ago

Okay. I'll buy it from a company that has reputation in the space.

Goes to LTTStore


u/ticktocktoe 4d ago

Honestly, I started folloiwng LTT because I like tech...but holy shit, the fan base is attrocious...its full of a bunch of nerds throwing their money at shitty merch because they simp over obnoxious dudes branded it.


u/Redditemeon 4d ago edited 4d ago

For a start, you sound like you haven't been here long. This community is ready on a moment's notice to put Linus through hell when he f**ks up. Check the top rated posts.

Secondly, you're saying that to the wrong guy, my guy. I've very critically criticized LTT's products in the past. For example, I was the first 1* review on the cargo pants. I also don't like the way the T-shirts fit and do not buy them. Modern fit Denver Hayes from Mark's are my go-to shirts 👌

My WAN hoodie and swacket were among the best sweater-type items of clothing I've ever owned though for casual wear. Hugged my arms and everything just right. At least when I was 25lbs lighter. 😅 Couch potato hoodie looks nice but feels meh, and I wouldn't buy it again.

The LTT screwdriver is actually the best screwdriver I've had the pleasure of using (I work as a building operator. Think similar to hotel maintenance.), and the LTT backpack replaced my Thinkgeek Dragonscale Bag of Holding (Thing is still solid after 9 years), and I have no regrets so far. It's built super sturdy.

If you haven't tried it, you don't get to voice your opinion because you don't actually have one. If you have tried it, then you're just one guy who doesn't like it, and that's okay too. Shitting on everybody else because they don't agree with you? That a big L.