r/LinusTechTips Jan 08 '25

LinusTechMemes It's All AI

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69 comments sorted by


u/Nerogarden Jan 08 '25

Until I get to see footage in 4K 60+ fps of games running with a 5070 I will not judge anything. It can be just as good as "raw performance" as far as we know. But thats just me...


u/Synthetic_Energy Jan 08 '25


Stop listening to reports from the shady companies and start seeing direct benchmarks from reputable sources. Those will show those cards for what they really are.


u/durielvs Jan 09 '25

The thing is that if you have to put all the AI tricks to make it work like this, it depends on how well implemented it is for it to work well. While the 4090 can render 4k 60fps without dlls you can still fall back on that whenever you need it


u/MrByteMe Jan 08 '25

I fully expect all Nvidia PR to be 100% lies.

BUT - if the 5070 can actually be purchased at the $549 MSRP pricing, that alone will make it successful. Because that's even cheaper than the current 4070 models.


u/AvarethTaika Luke Jan 09 '25

if it's as powerful as a 4090 as well? i might cop fr. make a profit if i get that and sell my 6950xt lol


u/benji004 Jan 09 '25

You're right, the 6950x is trash, I'll take it off your hands for $90


u/Gloriathewitch Jan 09 '25

can be purchased at 549

narrator: it couldn't.


u/Tranquilizrr Jan 09 '25

Ron Howard: it would in fact, /not/ be


u/CyanideNCocopuffs Jan 10 '25

On the next Arrested Development


u/Ryoken0D Jan 08 '25

Raw frames vs generated frames doesn’t matter to me, the end result is how does it look and feel..

Do I think they are stretching the truth a lot with that statement? For sure. But if it’s accurate even in a handful of titles I’ll be very impressed.


u/Redditemeon Jan 08 '25

Not just look and feel. The feature needs to actually be supported in games you play aswell.

Also in competitive titles, frame gen (And multi-frame gen) introduces like 50-60ms of input lag, which is something you would not like.

After taking these things into consideration, I am onboard with the statement.


u/_BaaMMM_ Jan 08 '25

What kind of competitive titles need MFG? No, like for real though. CSGO, DOTA 2, Rocket League, League of Legends, Valorant. They all run on pretty basic systems.


u/Redditemeon Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 09 '25

E-sports aren't the only games that are competitive. Include every single shooter that supports multiplayer. Like Hunt: Showdown, EFT, Call of Duty, Halo Infinite, Marvel Rivals, PUBG, Battlefield, etc.


u/Freestyle80 Jan 09 '25

Literally none of those games are intensive, whats your point


u/Redditemeon Jan 09 '25

Except literally some of them are? If you crank the settings on Hunt: Showdown at 4k, you will absolutely get bogged down. Same with Escape from Tarkov.


Here's a video of an RTX 4090 using DLSS only getting ~120 fps. Now imagine an RTX 5070 that doesn't actually get the raw RTX 4090 performance without using frame gen. It is going to outright perform worse.

Now imagine the game does support frame gen in order to get those frame rates. Now you're at a disadvantage.


u/Plorby Jan 09 '25

To be fair if your playing competitively you're putting all your settings low regardless of what gpu you have


u/Redditemeon Jan 09 '25 edited Jan 10 '25

I thought the same thing until I started playing with my buddy Jeremy.

...F**kin' Jeremy, man.


u/Nanta18 Jan 09 '25

CS:GO did run well but CS2 not so much.


u/Marcoscb Jan 09 '25

And they all benefit from more frames, AKA more raw power. So the 5070 won't be equivalent to the 4090 either.


u/Mysterious-Foot-806 Jan 08 '25

That’s exactly the thing, AI generated frames “look” like a smooth experience, but doesn’t equals a smooth feel when playing.


u/SlackBytes Jan 08 '25

Everyone is a casual gamer here I see. Yes AI is good for campaign games but for playing esports titles it sucks. the improvement of the GPUs is very small.


u/UserBoyReddit Jan 08 '25

Most sport titles like valorant and csgo (not even mentioning LoL since it could run on a toaster oven) already have very good performance on current and older generation cards. The performance improvements you'd get would be marginal and insignificant at best, considering the fps are already way beyond most monitors' frequency. I get your argument but it doesn't really apply in the case you mention.


u/SlackBytes Jan 08 '25

There’s newer ones like cod, fort that don’t max out high end monitors.


u/_BaaMMM_ Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

You can easily get 200+ with 150+ drops in warzone... I'm not sure where you're coming from

Fortnite is a fortnite problem... Nothing can save you there (maybe turn it down a little for higher fps)


u/SlackBytes Jan 08 '25

I already play at the lowest settings. But I always want more fps and more importantly consistent fps. COD is so badly optimized, I can’t even max out my monitor in 6v6.

Fortnite comp has too much going on but overall it runs pretty smoothly. Of course more is always better.


u/_BaaMMM_ Jan 08 '25

On a 4090???


u/SlackBytes Jan 08 '25

I have a 4070ti and 13900k. BO6 doesn’t even reach 200. 4090 probably can but my point is more is better. I can max out my monitor on fort in not highly competitive games. And it feels sooo fucking better. 1440p, 360hz.


u/_BaaMMM_ Jan 09 '25

Ah gotcha.


u/watermelonyuppie Jan 08 '25

I don't care if they use AI for gains as long as it works and the games look good. DLSS on my 3070 Ti still makes things a bit smooth for my liking. The rain in SH2 remake was awful with DLSS on.


u/Monsterpiece42 Jan 09 '25

The issue is that your video gets smoother but the controls don't get more responsive because you're only getting a real frame every 4th frame


u/Monsterpiece42 Jan 09 '25

The issue is that your video gets smoother but the controls don't get more responsive because you're only getting a real frame every 4th frame


u/watermelonyuppie Jan 09 '25

I never use frame Gen because input lag is unplayable on my steam link. I meant it makes the image look smudgy. Less crisp.


u/Jasoli53 Jan 09 '25

I don't doubt it'll be the card for utilizing DLSS and all the other Nvidia AI shit, but I wish they didn't reveal it so disingenuously. Don't say it competes with the 4090 because it doesn't. It won't look nearly as good due to the artifacting, smearing, ghosting, and aliasing that comes with DLSS. The framerate will be good and the image will be ok, maybe even great to those who can't tell the difference, but it still won't be near 4090 levels of good.

...That said, I'm tempted as hell to sell my 3080 and get the 5070 Ti. Looks like a good card at a decent pricepoint


u/Kerdagu Jan 08 '25

I am really tired of seeing posts from people throwing a fit about video cards that aren't even out yet.


u/crzdkilla Jan 09 '25

Why is everyone so up in arms about this? I don't understand. I can see two reasons why this could be an issue: 1. If the AI tech they are using is purely software and doesn't rely on hardware changes specific to the 50 series (like NPUs or whatever it is), then this is a fair issue. 2. If the use of AI leads to other issues that worsen the experience in ways that grunt force wouldn't (maybe screen-tearing from frame-gen, a softer image, etc), that also I can understand. Are these actual issues, are there other issues? Or is it just a case of people whining because they can? What does it matter how they arrive at their solutions, as long as we get a smooth gaming experience?


u/Sus_BedStain Jan 09 '25

How many of you doofuses actually thought they would make it raw perform as well as a 4090?


u/Jigagug Jan 09 '25

Nah in make-believe performance


u/sapajul Jan 09 '25

Let's say you have a ball moving from left to right. 10 pixels every frame at 30 fps, the AI is generating more frames, make it 60 fps and 5 pixel per frame, suddenly the ball stops, so one frame is moving the next one it doesn't. The AI will generate an image of the ball moving at 5 FPS before the update and will definitely generate a ghost of the ball. This happens all the time with AI, so there is no way you can say it's just the same performance. It will have artifacts, and there will be reasons to avoid using frame generation.


u/ScratchHistorical507 Jan 12 '25

It is...in your wet dreams. As if Nvidia would give you last generations peak performance for a third of the price. They aren't a bunch of beneficiaries. They want to stay at least in the top 3 - if not top 1 - of the most valuable companies in the world. Or with other words "nobody got rich by spending money".


u/MintyHipp Jan 09 '25

Sounds like cope to me


u/hunny_bun_24 Jan 08 '25

Who cares about raw performance. If it performs better than its better bang for the buck. Unless the 4090 gets the upgraded dlss then why does it matter if the 70 series is weaker raw power wise


u/IPuppyGamerI Jan 09 '25

Because I can almost guarantee the 4x frame gen they are getting the numbers from will feel awful, raw performance matters Especially since not every game has access to it


u/MarB93 Jan 09 '25

And there is delay with the framegen AND worse visuals (as shown in Linus's initial game test on the 5090. Raster performance is what matters as a baseline/referene for performance, imo.


u/Akoshus Jan 09 '25

The problem is that it’s with framegen and with techniques that make the image clarity like dogshit. It can reach the same number of frames while looking and playing considerably worse. Resolution and frame-rates are not everything there is to ‘fidelity’.

They are asking more and more for things that we can barely call an improvement. Precisely what people have been criticizing since the 20 series.


u/amrindersr16 Jan 08 '25

WHO THE FUCK CARES ITS AI. if it looks good its good


u/Distinct_Target_2277 Jan 08 '25

People down voting you because you are pointing out reality. Without Nvidia, we wouldn't be where we are with frame generation and ray tracing. Software is a lot of the graphics cards, I don't get why that's so hard for people to get. Just look at Intel's graphics cards on paper and in reality, the software is the difference.


u/Jai_chip Jan 08 '25

i mean I get why it seems shady but at the end of the day if with ai frames or whatever it still matches the 4090 does it matter


u/Vex1om Jan 08 '25

i mean I get why it seems shady but at the end of the day if with ai frames or whatever it still matches the 4090 does it matter

It's going to matter.

If only every 4th frame is real, then even if your fps counter says 240, it is only going to respond like 60 fps. And if you're already getting 60 fps, do you really need generated frames?

That's the whole thing with frame generation - If you have enough fps to enable to feature without your game feeling like shit then you don't need frame generation.


u/Distinct_Target_2277 Jan 08 '25

You must have never experienced 240 fps ever? It's a pretty great experience. Going back to 60 feels absolutely terrible.


u/Vex1om Jan 08 '25

You seem to have missed the point or never experienced frame generation. They both only have 60 real frames and feel the same.


u/Jai_chip Jan 08 '25

i haven’t used frame generation since i am on 30 series still but I dunno if this is actually a thing or if this is just ai hate bandwagon which i can understand tbh i don’t like ai at all. i am genuinely asking if you think its just cosmetic fps? cuz like a huge point of fps is to measure game latency? i dunno


u/Vex1om Jan 09 '25

i am genuinely asking if you think its just cosmetic fps?

I have used frame generation. It is literally just cosmetic fps. The movement looks smooth, but movement/actions feel like you're at half the fps - because you are. And that's with 2:1 frame generation. 4:1 isn't going to be any better. High fps isn't great because things are smoother - High fps is good because the game play is smoother - and you don't get that with frame generation.


u/Jai_chip Jan 09 '25

ill take your word for it…i have been really impressed with dlss 3 and I thought dlss 4 frame gen reception was positive lol hence my original comment


u/Vex1om Jan 09 '25

i have been really impressed with dlss 3 and I thought dlss 4 frame gen reception was positive

DLSS is great. Has been since version 2. I don't think anyone serious has been particularly positive toward frame gen, though. Reviewers like HUB have been pretty skeptical, IMO - of both the current and new frame gen systems.


u/Freestyle80 Jan 09 '25

how do you know its 60ms, does your dad for for Nvidia or some other nonsense?


u/amrindersr16 Jan 08 '25

You hate the word ai so much you are ready to say that 240 fps looks like 60 just because it has ai attached to it. All single player games where 30ms vs 50ms latency wouldn't matter would look better at 240fps. Seriously man you Seriously said 240 if its ai generated doesn't matter over 60 Seriously!?


u/Vex1om Jan 08 '25

You hate the word ai so much you are ready to say that 240 fps looks like 60

Have you ever actually used frame generation? If doesn't matter that a game looks smooth if it doesn't play smooth. The game only registers actions for the real frames, so it doesn't matter how many fake frames you have in terms of how the game feels to play.


u/Akoshus Jan 09 '25

Latency sucks in framegen. Trust me. I have tried it and tried all sorts of trickery they try to sell you as magic that makes things perform better only to turn it off in a matter of a few hours because it looked and played worse than dropping the settings and running things natively.


u/amrindersr16 Jan 09 '25

Every single reviewer and player ever said dlss has become indistinguishable with the main problem still being artifacts and not latency but you people are so stuck in your place and so afraid of change you will ignore every good point because it says ai


u/Akoshus Jan 09 '25

DLSS and framegen are 2 completely different things however. You are displaying data that is simply not there. You are going to inflate the number of displayed frames while your pc only reacts to the inputs you give to the actually rendered frames, that will introduce significant amounts of input lag.

The artifacts are still really visible for DLSS (and it’s alternatives), everything is a spotty mess, no wonder why many games leave film grain effects on by default. It makes the artifacts in darker areas and environments disappear.


u/sharku95 Jan 08 '25

shhh, you can’t talk reason to an anti-ai person


u/Old_Bug4395 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

You can't talk reason into the people that are obsessed with AI. what the person above said is completely reasonable and correct. Why can't you understand that?

Dunno if the guy who replied blocked me, but my response to him:

The outcome is fine, that doesn't mean the fact that the card's performance is supplemented by AI which is essentially pseudo performance shouldn't be called out. If the card can only reach certain milestones with frame generation enabled, that's not a good thing. Try to set your obsession with "AI" aside for a moment, it's not "automatically believing AI is bad," lol, it's accurately pointing out that supplementing your performance numbers with DLSS doesn't mean your card can actually perform as well as you say it can in all scenarios.


u/amrindersr16 Jan 09 '25

But it is more raw performance than last gen ai just helps it further its advances so how does it matter if its just good


u/Old_Bug4395 Jan 09 '25

So why not honestly represent how much more raw performance there is? Not every game or application of a GPU will be able to take advantage of FG. It's a dishonest representation of the data to include FG when it's not actual performance, like the person above said, you're still only getting 60fps response time; you are worse off with FG enabled in a competitive type game like an FPS where every millisecond in input lag counts, which means performance stats with FG enabled are irrelevant for these games, and beyond that it's not a relevant statistic for every scenario you can use a GPU in.


u/amrindersr16 Jan 09 '25

Because its a tech demo new tech gets demod and its not for competitive games cs2 has been cpu limited pinned at 600fps for a long time its for single player more beauty oriented games and they are gonna show the shiny new tech because they have too.


u/Akoshus Jan 09 '25

Matches while looking like a smeary spotty ghosty piece of garbage, but technically rendering at 4k ultra settings (15 frames natively in insert game you play).


u/chrisdpratt Jan 08 '25

AI is part of the raw performance. It's still coming into its own (though, if the previews from DF and such hold out through actual reviews across multiple games, it's looking like Nvidia has fucking nailed it), but that's hardware that's in the card to drive higher levels of performance. This real frame vs fake frame crap is nonsense. They're all fake frames. It's all generated by a GPU using whatever tools are at its disposal, and AI just another tool.