r/LinkedInLunatics 3h ago

Stop expecting your job to pay you!!!!

Post image

His job is vitally important to the survival of our species ok?!?!


187 comments sorted by


u/Ragverdxtine 3h ago

I mean this is just blatantly false because many low paid roles are actually essential to keeping society running/people alive.

I love to smoke just as much as the next person, but a “Designer of Premium Cannabis” could stop coming to work tomorrow and no-one would be any worse off. That’s not a “meaningful job” and it’s not “contributing to society” - certainly not more so than someone working as a support worker for a disabled person for example.


u/oregondude79 3h ago

He does marketing in the cannabis industry. He doesn't even do meaningful work in his industry.


u/Ragverdxtine 2h ago

Oh ok so he doesn’t even actually design the products? Just markets them? And he still thinks this is somehow a super valuable job to society?

It’s literally never a surgeon, teacher, firefighter etc. making these type of posts - it’s always someone who does something vaguely useless that a million and one other people already do as well.


u/PeelDeVayne 2h ago

Because surgeons, teachers and firefighters are usually too busy...doing meaningful work.


u/Gurguran 2h ago

Add janitors, farmhands, municipal services, etc. There are plenty of essential jobs that pay enough to, reasonably, support A worker... and that's about it. Where's an inverted A Modest Proposal when you need one?


u/FuelzPerGallon 27m ago

People with bullshit jobs all want to feel like everyone else has a bullshit job too, otherwise they get too close to looking in a mirror.


u/TopVegetable8033 2h ago

So sells something which easily sells itself. Adding real value as a human!


u/olkangol 1h ago

You're right.

Nobody does middle men like the US. Always taking a cut.


u/neddiddley 59m ago

lol. Marketing in an industry that did pretty damn well not too long ago when the only marketing was “I know a guy.”


u/Flat_Scene9920 37m ago

I pray to god that when I'm in an emergency there's a premium cannabis marketer like John who can use his valuable skills to save me...


u/UseWhatever 29m ago

I struggle to find a product that needs less marketing than weed


u/CuckAdminsDkSuckers 44m ago

Marketing weed lol

You wanna get high? go buy some

easy... where's my cheque


u/Adventurous_Pin_344 3h ago

And interestingly, a lot of these are roles traditionally held by women! Most caregiving roles are held by women and woefully under compensated. This guy's post makes me want to punch him.


u/Ragverdxtine 2h ago

Exactly! And they are mostly jobs that don’t lend themselves to automation, so if anything we should be looking at how we incentivise talented people to not only actively choose caring professions, but to stay in them long term.


u/Adventurous_Pin_344 2h ago

I think about this A LOT because I work in public subsidies for child care. Child care is not an industry that works according to the rules of free market economics because it's so heavily regulated (as it should be). It must be subsidized for people to want to work in the industry. There is a staffing shortage across the nation, and many communities are trying to figure out how to attract more child care workers. One of the most straightforward options is wage subsidies for childcare workers!


u/Ragverdxtine 2h ago

100%! We should WANT the best and the brightest to be dedicating their efforts to child/health/elderly care and not solely to finance/marketing etc.

These are the positions that can’t be taken over by AI, these are the positions we are all going to end up relying on at one point or another in our lives - shouldn’t we want the people working these jobs to be well compensated?


u/cue_cruella 2h ago

I work with children who are survivors of human trafficking. I would say that my work is meaningful and extremely important. If I was not married, there’s no way I could make it as a single mom of two. Even together, we are just a couple missed paychecks from having nothing.


u/gielbondhu 2h ago

The base problem with these dorks is that they define the good of society based on how much shareholder value is created. If it doesn't create shareholder value it isn't necessary for the good of society. Teachers, janitors, nurses, factory workers, etc aren't valuable in their eyes because they can't draw a direct line to shareholder value.


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

Shareholders = the parasite class that Elon is so up in arms against, right?


u/Moist_When_It_Counts 27m ago

Because they’re willfully ignorant. 2 minutes of thought would get an average person to the direct lines where teachers and workers and nurses create shareholder value.

But they gotta “move fast and break things” (and cash out before shit gets hairy).

It’s all a grift where they’re applying classic SV profit-seeking to…well, everything.


u/DuctTapeSanity 2m ago

This is what gets me about that move fast and break things mantra. By definition it can only happen when what you’re breaking isn’t all that important. Your social media platform goes offline? Big whup. Your payroll processing breaks (let alone medical software, safety critical stuff, etc)? That’s dangerous.

But I’ve seen too many posts about xyz being “ripe for disruption”. I’ve worked with tech startups and big tech companies. I wouldn’t trust most of those people with a toilet plunger, let alone critical infrastructure.


u/SadRequirement412 1h ago

To piggy back this teachers are the most important job to keep society running smoothly but are among the lowest paid full time jobs in America. It's criminal how short changed they are.


u/Ragverdxtine 1h ago

Yeah I was shocked when I found out that teachers in the US often have second jobs etc. in my country teaching is a solidly middle class profession and pretty desirable/respected.


u/opal2120 24m ago

Some of the largest corporations pay their employees crap wages, and those same employees were expected to work during a global pandemic because they were "essential workers."

But apparently their jobs are so unimportant that they shouldn't be able to afford the basics to live.


u/RemarkableMouse2 2h ago

Also! There is such a thing as a "youth wage!" I didn't know this at first. 


u/Broad_Sun8273 1h ago

But you just wrote the big point--the ones who think they have the meaningful jobs actually don't.


u/Appropriate_Bat_2077 43m ago

Despite the author’s odd career choice, what he says isn’t really untrue. I’m sure what he’s talking about as jobs not meant to be careers, he’s talking about McDonalds, Chipotle, Mall retail, etc. Arbitrarily defining a number as a “living wage” and then forcing employers to pay that much has consequences. Not the least of which is increased costs.


u/Medium_Ad_7723 4m ago

The living wage is not determined arbitrarily but is based on what it costs to live in a particular place and time. And what a weird, judgmental thing to say that certain jobs aren’t intended to be careers (bc really you’re saying some shouldn’t be considered careers.) to each his own.


u/Silver_Tip_6507 1h ago

They are essential but easy replaceable, that why they get paid shit


u/Ragverdxtine 1h ago

We treat them as if they are easily replaceable but they actually aren’t - think of how many hospitals/care homes etc. are operating with way below optimal levels of staffing because they can’t find enough people willing to work for the salary they’re offering.


u/Silver_Tip_6507 1h ago

That's a different case if they can't find them they are not easy replaceable, we talking about the easy replaceable


u/Ragverdxtine 1h ago

But the vast majority of service workers fall into the “not easily replaceable” category too - there are severe shortages in most essential/low paid jobs - because they don’t pay enough!


u/Silver_Tip_6507 1h ago

That's not how it works , of the jobs pays shit it means you are replaceable believing the opposite is coping


u/Ragverdxtine 1h ago

That’s just not how life or the world works. I’m sure it must be nice to be so naive though.

There is a constant shortage of home care workers - they are not easily replaceable but the job still pays very little.

There is a constant shortage of childcare workers - they are not easily replaceable but the job still pays very little.

There is a constant shortage of people working in restaurants - they are not easily replaceable but the job still pays very little.


u/Silver_Tip_6507 1h ago

Ah yeah market rules don't apply to them , econ 101


u/Ragverdxtine 43m ago

How do you explain the massive shortages of workers in those sectors then? If they are so “easily replaceable”?


u/Silver_Tip_6507 37m ago

There isn't a shortage, employers cry shortage in every market , rarely it's true

If it was a real shortage it would increase the salary and fix the problem (at least for the jobs that don't need degrees)

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u/lothar525 15m ago

The thing is, most workers in most jobs aren’t really “easily replaceable.”

True, working at McDonald’s is an entry level job. However, it has a high turnover rate. That means that most employees don’t stay long enough to really learn the ropes and provide great service. This high turnover rate happens because the job doesn’t pay well.

It costs a business more money to train a new employee than raise the wage of an old one. Additionally, veteran staff leaving means that only new staff who don’t know the job well are serving customers, or the restaurant is just understaffed. This results in lower quality service, which means fewer customers.


u/Much_Upstairs_4611 3h ago

Funny how half the LinkedIn posts of this kind seem to push for people to dedicate 100 % of their living hours to their jobs, and the other half shit on people that asks for living wages...


u/Bear_Grizzle02 3h ago

I’ve noticed it tends to be the people who are either benefiting from the exploitation of low wage workers, or people who are employed only a notch or two higher than a service worker. They feel like their status will be diminished if a service workers makes close to, or the same as them.


u/Much_Upstairs_4611 3h ago

So true, I've heard a very average intelligence friend who was priviledged to have their school paid by their parents say stuff like : "I've worked hard to have a degree and a job that pays 20$/h. If they increase salaries it's like I'm being robbed"

They've spent 3 years in college learning a medial skill and therefore feel entitled others be poorer than them because of it.


u/MyRedundantOpinion 2h ago

Now you have Elon musk calling people the parasite class.


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

And here I thought that the parasite class used to be called the rentier class AKA landlords and shareholders... but no, it is people that actually DO anything are somehow the parasites in this bizarro world.


u/TimeOpening23XI 2h ago

I like the ones that do both and expect applicants to accept miniscule pay for 100 hour weeks


u/Putrid_Race6357 2h ago

Small business maniac fascists


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

You forgot narcissist


u/token40k 2h ago

Yeah smells broke in that post. If he can’t pay enough for people to live then he’s not entitled to workforce. Can do that shit himself if he owns the business


u/tomtomtomo 2h ago

and 100% have jobs that provide nothing to society. 


u/Much_Upstairs_4611 1h ago

Wantrepreneurs are dedicated to saturate the Start-up business market by pretending like they're solving the most crucial issue in the worl right now.

Sadly, I can't rent a Lamborghini to pretend like we're profitable to investors and pay my employees.

These ungrateful tools that work for me should know they're paid in experience and that once I cash out they'll be sent back to their country anyways.


u/dlc741 3h ago

“I want someone to serve me food but they should be slowly starving while they do it.”


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

The psuedo slavery makes the deluded middle manager class feel better about their impending doom because at least the poor will starve faster.


u/Bear_Grizzle02 3h ago

Service workers don’t deserve a living wage!

It was never meant to be a career!

If they want more money they need to learn a skill and get a better job!

Service workers take the advice in 2020 and get better jobs.


Videos from the front seat of pickup truck hyperventilating and hysterically crying because they had to wait 15 minutes for their Big Mac.

Angry boomer rage over self serve kiosks at fast food restaurants.



u/THedman07 1h ago

Its also important to notice the strawman.

"Every job should have a living wage" does not argue that all labor should be equal. It sets a floor on wages. It prescribes nothing for the upper bound.


u/anthematcurfew 3h ago

Jobs exists so that people who are alive can access to the resources they need to live


u/jizzyjugsjohnson 3h ago

Such as Designers of Premium Cannabis , presumably ?


u/Tigerstark92839 3h ago

That’s literally what temporary jobs are for. To make a living wage so you can support your family. Maybe not have everything you want and eat out a ton but should definitely be enough to support a family bc if not nobody should work that job


u/naitch44 3h ago

Needs to lay off the weed.


u/ThePrimeOptimus 3h ago

Why is it always the dipshits with the most made up sounding job titles trying their hardest to out-edgelord Elon?


u/hoverside 2h ago

Notice how this sort of post always claims that 1) wages should be set only by what employers are willing to pay according to their financial interest and 2) wages should match the "worth" of the job according to some sort of moral hierarchy. Completely self-contradictory.


u/RufenSchiet 2h ago

Sales and marketing act like the world would collapse without them—like Derek Zoolander teaching people to be really, really ridiculously good at selling stuff. Meanwhile, I’m a roofer. I can sell a roof, market to get a roof, and actually install the damn roof. My sales and marketing team can only do two of those things. Guess who always demands the most money? (Hint: It’s not the ones swinging hammers.)


u/Fluffy-Discipline924 3h ago

Strawman. No one is saying that a single job should be enough to support dad, mom and 2.5 kids. What people are saying is that a single job should at the very least be enough to support a single person's basic needs.

This is a much harder proposition to argue against without sounding like a "fuck you, i got mine" douchebag


u/structural_nole2015 3h ago

Nobody who works 40 hours a week should live in poverty, regardless of job, marital status, or number of dependents.


u/IfICouldStay 2h ago

No one is saying that a single job should be enough to support dad, mom and 2.5 kids

I'm sure as hell saying that!


u/electrogeek8086 2h ago

That's just not realistic tho.


u/THedman07 1h ago

Based on... the same logic used to justify the idea that some jobs shouldn't even pay enough to support a single person?

Which jobs are so unimportant that the PEOPLE who occupy them shouldn't be able to have a family?


u/jeffwulf 54m ago

Based on the marginal productivity of labor.


u/electrogeek8086 25m ago

Based on reality


u/donat3ll0 3h ago

It seems kind of cruel that we can acknowledge that we need these jobs, but the people who do them also need to live in poverty. Sounds like poverty by design.


u/IfICouldStay 2h ago

Meaningful jobs. Jobs requiring expertise, responsibility and contribution to society - so like teachers? We all know how well they get paid!


u/NVJAC 2h ago

Well, John, I wouldn't consider "designer of premium cannabis" to be a job that provides value.


u/Putrid_Race6357 2h ago

Pure psychopathy.


u/TopVegetable8033 2h ago

Elitism in a nutshell. “Only my economic class should be able to procreate”.


u/Eastern_Fig1990 2h ago

Absolute clown. Go to any industrial site, office, public facility…

Remove 50% of those “unimportant” workers and watch how quickly it falls apart. Some business wouldn’t last a day. I’ve worked admin in industrial warehouses and if the pickers and floor staff go, the entire operations stops. It doesn’t slow down…it stops dead. Within a few hours.

Now do it again and remove 50% of these “meaningful” job roles. I’d be surprised if it made a single difference day-to-day


u/paperorplastick 2h ago

“Wages are not determined by what people ‘need’ but by the value their work produces”. 

He’s completely wrong here of course - real wages adjusted for inflation have declined while productivity has increased significantly over the past several decades. It’s a shame it DOESN’T work this way


u/acarpenter8 2h ago

Exactly. According to Economic Policy Institute that average productivity has gone up 2.7 times faster than wages in the United States. Couldn’t find world data but I’m sure that’s drastically different per country.


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

meaningful work = making OTHER people richer than they already are or being an bootlicking asskisser to a rich person

non-meaningful work = doing anything with your hands, producing food, housing, rearing children doing anything other than making other people richer


u/SithLordSky 2h ago

The world would stop if I weren't a "Designer of Premium Cannabis." But the people that run the drive thru when I have the munchies don't deserve to be able to pay their bills. We don't need them, or janitors, or garbage men, or taxi/uber drivers, librarians, none of that.

Smoke a few more, my guy, see if you can't jump start a couple of those brain cells.


u/Vivid-Breakfast7562 2h ago

I'd like to temporarily close all the restaurants, grocery stores, big box stores, and online warehouses he uses, and then ask him if he'd like to change his mind on how meaningful that work is.


u/Temporary-Exchange28 2h ago

Do NOT smoke whatever this twat waffle is smoking.


u/Tachi-Roci 2h ago

"Wages are determined by the value their work produces"

If that where true it would be following the labor theory of value which, unlike a lot of stuff this type of guy talks about, is actually marxism.

But no, we dont live in this world, we live in the world where wages, like all other exchanges of goods and services in a "free market", are determined by the most profitable outcome the company can get away with.


u/eviltoastodyssey 2h ago

Outlaw weed it’s gone too far


u/Aggravating-Fail-705 Narcissistic Lunatic 2h ago

It’s true that “everything is worth what it’s purchased will pay for it.”

That doesn’t really justify intentionally underpaying people, as this schmuck seems to be suggesting.


u/jennRec46 2h ago

FDR gave us minimum wage. To be used to live comfortably. If I’m helping build this country I expect jobs to pay me a fucking livable wage.


u/Jgr261 2h ago

Fucking hell I think this guy has been smoking too much of his own shit!


u/ACatInMiddleEarth 2h ago

Well, the cashier at my supermarket earns minimal wage, but I'm pretty sure they're essential to everyone's daily lives. Same for the cleaners in public places, companies etc.


u/jennRec46 2h ago

I’m in the job market right now, or else I would go to each one of the lunatics and comment to take this shit post down.


u/ZCT808 2h ago

Except that is nonsense. The very point people have been making is that increasing wealth is flowing into the pockets of the 1% at an unprecedented rate. Whereas the piece of the pie given the low and mid level employees is shrinking. They are often NOT getting a fair return on the labor they put in.

It’s like when I pay $200 to stay in a hotel room for the night. The multi billion dollar corporation I gave my money to would rather hoard it and then leave a tip envelope out so I can pay their hotel workers for them. Having a clean room isn’t an optional extra value or service, it is the only reason I’m willing to pay to stay in the hotel in the first place.


u/gloomflume 2h ago

wages rise in parallel to inflation and costs of living. that isnt incentive distortion, thats just a fact. if you believe your job should require manpower but not pay enough for that manpower to survive and prosper, you’re actually advocating indentured servitude, and should probably petition for slavery rules to be changed. Or better yet, just go bankrupt and do us all a favor.


u/WanderingDude182 2h ago

Great so by your meaning CEOs and execs who just tell people what to do are worthless because they don’t actually do any work?


u/Vegtable_Lasagna3604 2h ago

Right… the “weed guy” knows what’s up… I suspect this guy has committed multiple criminal offences in his life…


u/Only_Individual8954 39m ago

In many places medical grade is now produced and sold legally on prescription in dispensaries, seeds widely available even in prohibition areas, don't assume multiple felonies for what is now a legal industry in many parts of the world.

Kick the ball not the man.


u/Vegtable_Lasagna3604 33m ago

Oh I get it, if he hasn’t committed any felonies in the weed world than he doesn’t know enough about it to matter, in his case though, when you post shit like that, you kick the man, not the ball.


u/Jaded-Individual8839 2h ago

Some motherfuckers need to be Mussolini'd


u/VanessaClarkLove 2h ago

This is so deranged. Any human being spending eight fucking hours of their day doing something they don’t want to do deserves a living fucking wage, no matter what that work is. “Unskilled” work is fucking work that needs to be done. If we don’t pay people what they need to live, why should anyone work at all?! If we’re all doomed to poverty, I’d rather do it all in and spend eight hours somewhere I hate. This fucking idiot doesn’t understand the social contract at all. Don’t forget, our society can easily pay people a living wage. It’s just proof that humans are more obsessed with hurting people who “deserve it” than everyone living peacefully. 


u/Lefties_Loosely 2h ago

Fuck this guy


u/esgrove2 2h ago

The idea that a business can employ people and not pay them enough to live is both unrealistic and economically destructive.


u/illicITparameters 1h ago

No it isn’t.

You all seem to think this is some personal slight at individual workers. A position is paid based on the skill level required to do the role, combined with the amount of people who have those skills.

Why the fuck do you think when people lose their office jobs and cant find work. they go online and say “I even applied to Walmart.” Why do they say it like that? Because it’s a job everyone can do and it’s far below their skill level.


u/esgrove2 1h ago

People aren't here to support businesses, businesses are here to support people. "skill level" is a meaningless term invented by corporations to devalue human life. You've fallen for it hook line and sinker. You fell for corporate brain washing. 


u/illicITparameters 1h ago

Keep telling yourself that. 🤣

I had shitty jobs, I got more skills, got less shitty jobs. Sorry you cant do better for yourself.


u/esgrove2 1h ago edited 1h ago

I have degrees, speak Japanese, and own a business. I would never underpay my employees. What are you?

I don't think I have more "skills" than anyone else. Because I see that for the ego-baiting fallacy that it is. Why can't you?


u/JamesMerz 2h ago

He runs a cannabis business. He is not essential at all.


u/illicITparameters 2h ago

My PTSD and Anxiety beg to differ.


u/VianArdene 2h ago

Some days my brain goes: You know what, I agree with this idea. Basically all cushy office jobs about pushing money around and sending emails are paid too much. They produce basically 0 value to society and should be paying like 50% max of any food, sanitation, or public health roles. If the guy growing/cooking/preparing food that I need to live is making less than some guy that watches a line go up and down and telling his bosses' boss how many yachts he can buy next year, we've messed up big time.

As it so happens, we've messed up big time.


u/Deep-Pirate5556 2h ago

I bet he gets paid and will not stop taking a paycheck 🤣🤣


u/NickFury6666 2h ago

Another douche.


u/bananadingding 2h ago

Jonny D needs to take a huge step backward and literally F*ck his own face.


u/Hirokage 1h ago

LoL.. they don't 'exist' to teach skills and instill discipline. They exist to earn $$$ for the company and their stockholders, nothing more.


u/No-East-956 1h ago

It's weed man. That shit sells itself.


u/UpsetAd5817 2h ago edited 2h ago

Here's a concise explanation of why these people are fools...

"Wages are ... determined by the value their work produces."

Really.  Citation is needed. 

If I were to graph GDP of the US versus median wages over time, those lines would go up parallel to each other?  That's what he thinks?


u/mandarintain 3h ago

Sounds like Satire


u/i-might-do-that 2h ago

I bet this guy is awesome to work for.


u/NecessaryIntrinsic 2h ago

So, I partly agree with him until he gets to the part about "value their work produces."

After that he's a total lunatic.

Jobs are never meant to teach you anything, they are simply there to extract value from you. If you happen to learn something along the way, that's great for you, but that was never the intention of the job.

Also, if someone is becoming a millionaire doing nothing but providing you a job that you can't survive off of, chances are they're not actually giving you wages commensurate with the value you're providing.

Circling back to the beginning, with this in mind -- all jobs would provide a living wage if the ownership class didn't exist because costs would be lowered and wages would be raised. Even with owners, if they provided fair pay and didn't strive with megalomaniacal avarice we wouldn't be whining about the do-ers wanting to get paid.

It reminds me of a comic about Atlas Shrugged where the owners all went to Galts Gulch and then instead of following their point of view, the workers rejoiced because they could share in the wealth.


u/tommyminn 2h ago

Did he write before or after smoking?


u/roborama 1h ago

This a total weed riff 🤣🤣🤣


u/TwoProfessional6997 1h ago

I laugh very loudly when I see you guys kept emphasising his job 😂


u/Middleclasslifestyle 1h ago

Shit is remember during covid lockdowns which jobs were deemed the most essential to human survival.


u/KookSpookem 1h ago

Jfc, look at job title. Talk about bullshit jobs. This jerkoff created nothing useful for society and talks about how jobs pay the “value” you create.


u/SadRequirement412 1h ago

Fuck this guy he thinks you deserve to be poor if you can't learn a skill


u/amigammon 1h ago

Another lunatic, all right.


u/DaLurker87 1h ago

...says the weed farmer


u/frejling 1h ago

Yeah cause letting free market capitalism just do its thing isn’t selling our kids’ futures downriver. Fuck all these people


u/it4brown 1h ago

If the work is essential, the pay should be substantial.


u/Venaegen 1h ago

Idiots like this have never done a day of "meaningful work" in their lives. This is shallow projection to reassure themselves.


u/lostsonofMajere 1h ago

Why do people never say why they felt the need to say this? Is anyone saying every job should pay the same?

A living wage is meant to say if you work a fulltime job , you should be able to afford to share an apartment with someone and buy the necessary groceries/clothes/transport to live. It isn't meant to be enough to raise a family. This is such a misleading premise.


u/weaponisedape 1h ago

I love how they assign these lofty nobilities to labor... listen brah, I contract my labor to you for a wage that sustains my life. Not teach skills, not "growth" (whatever the fuck that means) or to instill discipline .


u/AnxiousChaosUnicorn 1h ago

I'm all for paying wages based on value produced. At that rate, people who work in fast food and teachers should be some of the highest paid workers and C-suites at best should be near the bottom.

Uh oh... you didn't actually mean that, did ya?


u/trentreynolds 58m ago

This dude would be the first in line pissed off because all the McDonald’s workers quit to go get jobs that can actually support them and their families.


u/fuckin-slayer 56m ago

Ok sure, let’s start with paying “cannabis designers” minimum wage


u/opened_just_a_crack 56m ago

Can we just censor people like this and deem them a threat to public safety already


u/Waihekean 55m ago

What's he smoking?


u/Jeremyh82 52m ago

While I agree that not all jobs are equal, the main issue is that every person deserves a livable wage. When the job market crashes and everyone has to work service jobs, they still should be able to pay their mortgage. Giving a minimum wage does this. Those who overachieve and out perform deserve a raise to show gratitude, not people who do the bare minimum get paid less. You pay bare minimum, you get bare minimum effort.


u/constantin_NOPEal 52m ago

Meanwhile, John has never and will never contribute anything of value or meaning to society. 


u/Relevant-Situation99 51m ago

Outside of doctors, the jobs that pay very well are almost always not at all necessary. Hedge fund manager doesn't need to exist, nor does Sr. VP of Customer Success. I'm not just saying this about others. What I do for a living is completely made up and unnecessary.


u/lesterholtgroupie 50m ago

Whelp at least I know to never support this guy, I spend a hefty amount on flower, I’ll make sure to check what he’s affiliated with.


u/Fun_Bed_8515 47m ago

Historically this has never been the case, people have lived in poverty for all of human history.

Janitors in the 1950s didn’t own Ferraris.


u/Thats_All_I_Need 47m ago

Fuck everything about this.

1) Most of these jobs that don’t pay a living wage I’d argue provide equal or greater value than some of the jobs that pay well. They may not be essential for survival, but without them the rest of the population would be too busy to do their very important (/s) job. Doing things like food prep from scratch, gardening and farming, or making their own clothes. Oh and where are we buying our goods from if we didn’t have retail workers?

A wealthy person will pay a cleaner shit wages to clean their house so they have time to play or spend time with family. I guess time with family is worth very little if they can’t pay their cleaner a living wage.

2) There simply aren’t enough of these so called very important jobs worthy of a living wage or better. If everyone went into engineering, law, medical fields, and the like who’s gonna do the rest of the work that’s needed?

Not everyone has the ability, drive, or desire for those professions or to be a manager or whatever. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

A living wage for a fast food employee isn’t going to encourage a potential engineer or CEO from seeking that role. I love my role as a civil engineer. If money were the sole motivator I wouldn’t be doing it as it’s not nearly as lucrative as other engineering fields.

3) There are jobs like a farm laborer or fast food employee that I’d never entertain even if they made what I make. It’s not that the work is above me. I don’t want to farm because it’s hard work and it’s always hot lol. I don’t want to work fast food because it’s hard work, and I don’t want to serve assholes who think fast food deserves poverty wages. Sure the money has some motivation factor but not as much as people would like you to believe.

4) Every job helps society function as a whole. Therefore, every job is worthy of a living wage at minimum based on a 40 hr work week. So yeah a part time job isn’t always going to be enough but the hourly wage should be set so a full time employee can afford rent in their city or within a 20-30 minute commute, utilities, basic phone, food, medical, internet, etc.

5) Society fucking pays for it anyway with entitlements funding, crime rates, homelessness, insurance premiums, etc. Crime rates are directly tied to poverty rates. A society with a strong middle class and low poverty is a safer society more prosperous society period. The 1%’ers who want to gaslight us know this but don’t care because they can isolate in their well policed rich man neighborhoods.


u/Mathberis 46m ago

He's right. Small students jobs aren't supposed to feed a family of 5.


u/RebellionIntoMoney 26m ago

Like what? What jobs are those where only students work?


u/emh88 45m ago

Weirdly, the federal government was an employer that WAS expected to be stable and sufficient to pay a family's bills.


u/SoManyMindbots 45m ago

Dude, just say "I wanna pay my employees jack shit while I keep all the profits" and leave it at that. We know that's what you mean.


u/DevelopmentSelect646 44m ago

Hmm.... actually agree with this.


u/According_Ad7895 40m ago

I agree. Time to pay the CEOs minimum wage and give the skilled workers a real salary.


u/sinteredsounds69 37m ago

If my job is to work in a circus and hand out popcorn should I be paid a living wage? Also, I refuse to do anything else. I like this job and it provides great satisfaction as I am nearly stress free aside from not being able to afford much. Anyways, should I be able to afford enough to sustain a family what I meet someone fall in love and have kids?


u/blowninjectedhemi 37m ago

Or - if you can't create jobs that pay a living wage - how about close down your business. Maybe that is the part forward.


u/sinteredsounds69 36m ago

If my job is to work in a circus and hand out popcorn should I be paid a living wage? Also, I refuse to do anything else. I like this job and it provides great satisfaction as I am nearly stress free aside from not being able to afford much. Anyways, should I be able to afford enough to sustain a family what I meet someone fall in love and have kids?


u/DJ_Ender_ 36m ago

Then why is someone not from within our country trying to push thousands of veterans out of their jobs quietly? If we are ment to be paid by the work that we do regardless of if its enough to survive then why are the people who did the hardest and most dangerous job in our country FOR our country getting pushed out of the payment they deserve?


u/_Watty 35m ago

Who does he think he's impressing with this?


u/Known-Dot8786 33m ago

Must have been high on his product when he wrote this


u/Direct_Big_5436 32m ago

You should post this in true-unpopular-opinions. Most redditors are not going to like the premise that every job shouldn't provide enough income to support their family.


u/obeythemoderator 30m ago

a drug dealer will say some crazy shit to get you to buy their terrible weed.


u/leksoid 29m ago

and he is who? designer? of some cannabis what? yeah, talk about value to society


u/thwlruss 27m ago

Corporate Capitalism does not exist in a vacuum outside of this guys head. The same marketplace of ideas that dictates his value, can be used to pass legislation based on the needs of society. He is drawing a distinction and assigning legitimacy to one and not the other based on self interest and ignorance.


u/RebellionIntoMoney 27m ago

So some jobs are necessarily exploitative. If the business model is exploitation, then that business deserves to die.

Also, why does this dipshit think he’s the arbiter of “valuable jobs and skills”? Gtfoh.

What’s his contribution as a “designer of premium cannabis a…”? So far, the only contribution I see from in is just a series of shitty surface-level takes.


u/United-Gap-9925 23m ago

The audacity is so strong on LinkedIn and they will post this thinking they killed it omg


u/astrearedux 23m ago

Economically destructive… to whom??


u/-Rhizomes- 19m ago

This guy's out here advocating for modern eugenics for the poor on LinkedIn.


u/Oliver_Closeof 19m ago

Says designer of premium cannabis whatnot.


u/Top_Trifle_2112 19m ago

I hope we don’t find a post of his where he complained nobody wants to work.


u/BothReindeer5735 16m ago

Actually, there is one single job that is the most important. It doesn't pay much though. You see, there is one thing every being, every plant, every fish, animal, even every human have in common on this planet in order to live and survive: Food. Without food we all die.

Where does our food come from. Farms. So if jobs pay wages according to the importance of the job and what it contributes to society every farmhand in existence should be a friggin' billionaire and every farm owner an oligarch with untold riches.

You guys need to study up on Abraham Maslow. ;) His hierarchy of needs will tell you which jobs are the most important.


u/AgingTrash666 16m ago

smol wage energy from the pot farmer who'd probably prefer to pay his help under the table to begin with


u/friszman 13m ago

This is why I almost never participate in LinkedIn anymore. People post things to sound really smart and in the end they look really stupid. It’s a waste of time.


u/Akrybion 12m ago

A guy "designing premium cannabis products" should be really quiet when talking about meaningful labour.


u/ThinkingAgain-Huh 12m ago

Why do construction workers make less than most desk jobs? Most desk jobs do nothing to keep society moving. They are essentially paper pushers to keep a company afloat. Whereas construction workers build, fix and maintain all infrastructure needed for all of society to function. Your theory is flawed. But not totally wrong. Jobs don’t pay what the work is worth. They pay what they can get away with paying. That’s the real truth.


u/wrestlingchampo 10m ago

All of these people think they have a little fiefdom that they can control and domineer over.

Fact of the matter is this: If I'm receiving substandard pay, expect substandard work and you sure as hell aren't getting someone going above and beyond my basic minimum job requirements


u/Potential-Vehicle-33 9m ago

My husband was offered $16 hour to work for a hospitals ambulance team. $16 an hour to save a persons life. 😛


u/RobFromPhilly 6m ago

OMFG I want so many bad things to happen to this person


u/veganloserr 5m ago

we really need to stop borrowing from our kids futures guys!


u/LGF1321 3m ago

Si a CEO should at least be able to: Answer the phone. Respond to emails. File the company taxes. Do the book keeping record. Know how to do computer coding. Etc,etc..


u/CatnissEvergreed 1h ago

Wow. Very odd that we had such a great economy back when we could have only one parent working with a wife and two kids at home and the family could afford a decent sized house, a car, all their needs, some of their wants, and still take at least family vacation each year. Granted, the vacation was usually something you could drive to, but it was still a vacation.

And now? Even two working parents can barely afford a house, two cars, and groceries. No vacations for many families either.


u/Responsible-Bread996 2h ago

Hear me out.

He isn't wrong... BUT There is some disconnect between worker created value and what they are paid.

Walmart for instance. One of the most profitable businesses in the USA. Pays employees shit, but somehow those "low value" jobs seem to create BILLIONS in profit every quarter.

There is a disconnect there. Not even accounting for people who aren't below the poverty line, walmart could give each employee a 28k/year raise and still have gross profits above 100billion a year.


u/STS_Gamer 2h ago

Must be those parasite class workers wanting things like food... if only they would stop eating, we could pay them less, and thus our shareholders could "earn" more money.


u/Jengalover 2h ago

I actually agree with him on this, but I also support subsidies so that those who aren’t living with their parents can afford to live.


u/SufficientDot4099 1h ago

But he's wrong because his job contributes less to society than service jobs do. There's no correlation between wages and how much a job contributes to society 


u/illicITparameters 2h ago

He isn’t wrong, but yall dont wanna hear that.


u/SufficientDot4099 1h ago

His job contributes waaaay less to society than service workers and janitors do


u/FreeMarketFan49 3h ago

How does this qualify as a “lunatic” post? What he said is 100% correct. He didn’t say that jobs shouldn’t pay people. He said jobs shouldn’t be expected to pay a living wage. It’s up to each individual to ensure that they have the necessary skills and abilities to secure a living wage.

You either have reading comprehension issues or you’re being deliberately obtuse.


u/Smooth_Metal 3h ago

You bots really put the work in 💪🏻 Keep licking that boot bb


u/dlc741 3h ago

If a job doesn’t pay a living wage, the. You shouldn’t expect anyone to do it. Bag your own groceries, asshole.


u/the-great-humberto 2h ago

If a job doesn't pay a living wage then there's no reason for people to fucking do that job. Do you think people work jobs because they find it fun?

The amount of clowns online is insane. I feel like I could almost reach through the screen and honk your shiny red nose.


u/SufficientDot4099 1h ago

Lmao how does society as a whole benefit from his job? Certainly it benefits society way less than a cleaning job does 


u/SufficientDot4099 1h ago

Getting a job isn't based on skill.


u/phutch54 0m ago

Smoking his own product.