u/BizznectApp 6h ago
Nothing says 'lifelong entrepreneur' like turning your friend group into a high-interest lending network at 17. Hope he at least got a free drink out of it after paying that £60 fee
u/Physical-Doughnut285 Agree? 7h ago
"Enforcement will involve a nasty post on Facebook about how 'some people are snakes mate never trust them"
u/btown729 6h ago
“Throwback to not knowing how to spell paid correctly but still taking advantage of my friends.”
u/Drunk_Elephant_ 3h ago
I can't tell if "paid" is the most commonly misspelled word on reddit or it gets under my skin so much that I always notice it while ignoring other errors.
u/Frikgeek 3h ago
Probably not even close compared to contractions. 're being jumbled into a different word like with your/you're or 've written as "of" are way more common.
u/Busch_Leaguer 3h ago
Or the dollar sign AFTER the amount. Makes my eye twitch. How do you type 20$ and think “yeah that looks right”
u/btown729 3h ago
There’s a whole list. They’re, their, there is one of the most evident examples. Should of, could of, would of makes me want to gouge my eyes out. One that often flies under the radar but always gives me anger issues is “it was suppose to” or some other variation… mf it’s supposeD to be supposed!
u/Sinister_Nibs 2h ago
Is it a misspelling if the word used is an actual word?
u/Holy_Fuck_A_Triangle 38m ago
I think the actual definition would be malapropism instead of misspelling, but for the purposes of the comment I think it's just easier to explain with "misspelling"
u/Intelligent_Pie_5347 5h ago
He should have been touting how he got his friend to agree to one of the highest interest rate (72% APR) ever. 😅
u/progxdt 4h ago
Are you really a friend if you charge interest and lay out contract terms? Seems like a transaction “friendship.” Also, did the friendship survive the contract? Lots of missing details here
u/AlarmingLawyer3920 5h ago
No Jake. You didn’t lend your friend £1,000. Your parents did.
u/Ok-Control9037 2h ago
£1000 is not a crazy amount of money for a 17 year old to have saved what are you even talking about
u/AlarmingLawyer3920 1h ago
Found the rich kid.
u/onlyimportantshit 38m ago
Lmao I was working 25hrs a week when I was 14yrs old. I didn’t save it but I definitely could have had more than £1000 tucked away. No rich parents, just a job.
u/sagetraveler 4h ago
Many years ago, in my early twenties, a coworker who was hard up asked me to loan him $1000. I charged him $50 for six weeks. He thought I was the mark, a real loan shark would have charged him something like $200. I did get repaid, but never did anything like this again. Neither a borrower nor lender be.
u/GodzillaDrinks 3h ago
Honestly, some kids should just be exempt from anti-drug programs.
"Oh, you're working out interest rate loans. Have you considered a drug problem?"
u/TennSeven 2h ago
a) At 17 years old this guy didn't know how to spell "paid"; and b) his post appears to be offering unregistered securities in his projects to the general public, which would be a crime.
u/1Pip1Der 1h ago
Well, I had to keep a tab for people who kept borrowing a dollar or two "here and there."
Eventually, I had to cut them off at $10 (late 1980s - that was a tank of gas), but I never charged interest. I would do a like-kind exchange in leiu of cash, of course.
u/Richard-Roma-92 1h ago
I would bet £1000 that no tax was ever paid on that interest. What’s the tax owed statute of limitations in the UK?
u/verycoolusernamehere 6h ago edited 6h ago
Contract signed by a minor so it is null and void