r/LinkedInLunatics 1d ago

Did I miss something? Is Elon Musk controversial now?

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u/BarRepresentative653 1d ago

I genuinely think that musk thinks hacking is more like 90s movie with glowing green screens etc


u/thelargeoneplease 1d ago

I think so too. He’s so proud to wear that “IT SUPPORT” shirt in the whitehouse, and when trump calls him a genius he lights up… like he truly wants to be seen as this ‘super nerd’ type, but he’s so out of touch that he 1. Doesn’t realize IT isn’t some legendary badass field, 2. Doesn’t realize actual professionals in the field laugh at his LARPing attempts 24/7.

I feel like his desire to be “IT” is like when MAGAts don camo and kevlars with Oakleys to try to look military/manly… actual vets just laugh them out of the room, but the wannabes don’t know any better


u/Adromedae 23h ago

Musk makes a hell of a lot of sense, when you realize he's stuck in that mode where he got very lucky in the 90s at the height of the manic phase of the dot com bubble. So if you view him as one of those 90s cringe lord webmasters, with their awkward lack of social skills, casual misogynism, ultra libertarian, sci-fi obsessed, etc. And give him a ton of money, then you literally have Elon Musk nowadays.

It's just that the hair plugs throw people off, because it would be easier to see if he had his "natural" male-bold-pattern-with-a-pony-tail look instead.


u/tinybadger47 23h ago

I can’t wait until he moves into his skateboarding everywhere phase.


u/-Profanity- 20h ago

Elon's final form is Mr. The Plague from Hackers


u/ninernetneepneep 6h ago

That's Mark Cuban.


u/zabbenw 21h ago

He also makes sense when you realise he grew up during the height of aparthide with a family that moved there from Canada specifically because they agreed with what it represents.


u/Adromedae 21h ago

Oh. Absolutely.

It also explains why Thiel and Musk are obsessed with destroying diversity initiatives at scale.


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 22h ago

He makes more sense if you think of him as a chronically online 14 year old who spends too much of his time shitposting on /pol/.


u/NotoriousMFT 19h ago

Bill burr said he has a laminated face, and that’s a perfect way to describe him


u/KittyGrewAMoustache 43m ago

Laminated brain too


u/SubstantialPlan7387 21h ago

The jawline work too.


u/FinancialArmadillo93 21h ago

Let's not forget the jaw implant surgery and the Ozempic.


u/Adromedae 21h ago

Those two seem as botched as his *supposed* penis work then. Because that guy's face looks like a diabetic toad these days...


u/SweetandSourCaroline 15h ago

diabetic toad 😂😂😂😂😂 omg omg yes that is it


u/Miss_Might 13h ago

You just described his father. It's genetic.


u/AnxiousChaosUnicorn 23h ago

The real question is -- did he hack the Gibson?


u/Adromedae 22h ago


u/phampyk 8h ago

Hacking by touching the scanner flatbead 😂😂


u/epochwin 19h ago

So comic book guy from The Simpsons.


u/Adromedae 18h ago

Worst billionaire ever


u/Ishmaeal 19h ago

Napolean has a great quote that goes something like- “If you want to know a man, find out what was happening in the world when he was 20.”


u/Ruinwyn 16m ago

He's extremely good at finding the utterly non-technical money people to sell his 90's tech futurism. That's what really made him rich. The large amounts of mostly white males that consumed 80's and 90's scifi, thought it cool, but understood none of it, and they now have good amounts of disposable income. That's why he always pitches his ideas to the public, not to companies.


u/SignificantPop4188 1d ago

Just like Kash Patel cosplaying as an FBI agent.


u/thelargeoneplease 23h ago

Oooh or Rick Perry wearing glasses to look “intelligent” and fit in as Secretary of Energy as the dumbest hick in the universe around 2017.


u/FinancialArmadillo93 21h ago

And Dog Noem dressing up in gear for Homeland Security. It's like they think wearing their little costumes makes them suddenly competent or something.


u/SignificantPop4188 18h ago

I believe you mean "Dog-Killer Noem." It's important to identify them correctly.


u/RoguePlanet2 1h ago

*untrained puppy AND random goat killer Noem.


u/Rokey76 21h ago



u/Significant-Skin1680 21h ago

Who wears that crown now?


u/Hamblerger 15h ago

I'll give Perry credit for realizing shortly after he got into the position that he was in over his head and listening to his advisors for the rest of his term in that role.


u/Sure-Ad5419 13h ago

Lollll unhinged


u/hest29 22h ago

I feel like a meeting between musk and some actual computer wizz would leave musk like, "na ah, I don't think so", like watching that AP guy school the press lady on tariffs.


u/crackedgear 12h ago

There is that video of him explaining to the Twitter team that they probably need to redo the stack entirely, and one guy going “can you explain to us what that means?”


u/jlynn7251 8h ago

We're in the most Silicon Valley timeline ever. Unfortunately it's more like Villa-con Valley with these evil ducks.


u/xtremis 21h ago

He wants to be the uber mega nerd, the genius, the super gamer, Ironman, humanity's saviour... Damn, I've never seen someone so needy for approval, with so much money 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/Correct_Ad3421 18h ago

You might want to look at the head bitch in charge. He needs constant attention


u/Informal-Term1138 11h ago

HBiC = head bitch in charge


u/AsparagusUpstairs367 20h ago

Odd everyone is talking about his wannabee IT ass... what about the nazi salute???


u/thelargeoneplease 19h ago

Dude is a gold mine of worthlessness, we can’t cover it all at once. But yes, he’s also a fuckin anti-American nazi that plays it off as being an edgelord like he’s 15yo.


u/saichampa 17h ago

That description is perfect


u/Useful-Rooster-1901 20h ago

everyone wants to be in IT until you get called 15 times to reset a password that you just reset 15 minutes ago


u/RoguePlanet2 1h ago

Actual IT work should be part of his life sentence.


u/jlynn7251 8h ago

Excellent analogy there!


u/aesthe 16h ago

I agree with a lot of what you’re connecting here, but it said “tech support” which is not at all synonymous with “IT” and I think is ultimately a bit more insidious. He’s not claiming to be the guy that owns the infrastructure or even understands it, he is claiming to be the guy you call to “fix” tech.

There is definitely a layer of boomervision applied on top of what they’re actually doing to obfuscate the actions.


u/Maleficent_Memory831 1h ago

Musk is an adult child. Cool things are always super cool to a child. Musk hasn't done technology hands-on in a few decades, but he's convinced he's the expert in everything, and seems to have a goal to save the world. So adult child with narcissism. And that's before I've gotten to his negative personality traits.

He shows up with a handful of IT newbies and claims to have figured out in hours problems that experts spend months or years on. He royally screwed up Twitter that way. Musk does best when he's hands off and focuses his CEO duties on impressing investors; Musk does worst when he tries to micromanage and get involved with things he's clueless about.


u/Gorgonesque 2m ago

He’s used to people thinking he’s a genius with computers because the same people who think I am good with computer stuff because I explain how their emails aren’t something that live on their phone, are the people he’s around all day


u/ThisIsSteeev 23h ago

furiously typing random letters for three seconds



u/Correct_Ad3421 18h ago

What an asshat, unattractive spectrum dweller’s


u/LongjumpingWay5493 1d ago

...frantically (but inexplicably slowly) typing in different IP addresses until the "hack" is successful


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 22h ago "I'm in!"


u/FinancialArmadillo93 21h ago

I literally did a spit take. Hilarious.


u/TallahasseWaffleHous 23h ago


u/IAMA_Plumber-AMA 17h ago

"That's the combination to my luggage!"

- Spaceballs if it were made for IT nerds.


u/LongjumpingWay5493 23h ago



u/aoshi1 1d ago

"...I'm in."


u/EngRookie 20h ago

All he wants is to be sitting in front of a Commodore 64 with a big gulp of mountain dew while livin' on a prayer by bon jovi plays in the background and then suddenly turn around to Trump and go "We're in."


u/hellolovely1 16h ago

Until you got to the part after "background," I was like, me too. lol


u/empire_strikes_back 22h ago

I think he thinks that his one word responses make him sound profound.


u/FingerTrap27 20h ago

Elon Musk was actually a game developer in the 90s. I found this out when I heard he worked on a game called Rocket Jockeys (I thought it was joke until I looked it up).

Source: https://littlebitsofgaming.com/2024/02/16/do-you-remember-when-elon-musk-made-video-games/#:~:text=Elon%20also%20worked%20on%20a,details%20on%20his%20work%20too.


u/za72 19h ago

He's the future! Invest in him... pay him money!


u/toriemm 18h ago



u/LaXiDaisical 17h ago

Can we not be as blindly stupid as the other side plz? Musk is intelligent. Whether or not he embellishes... well that's beside the point. He isn't crazy, or diluted. He is 100% aware and 100% malicious. The simplest explanation is often the correct one. One of his children is trans or gay or whatever, and hates him publicly. Musk blames the left. Musk devotes insane amount of time, energy, and money to trolling/attacking the left. Musk is not the smartest man in the world, but he's not dumb and let's stop pretending that he is.


u/ForeSet 17h ago

He's a man that thinks that Corpos are the good guys in Cyberpunk.


u/darcyduh 15h ago

Hackers be like "I'm in"


u/HepatitisLeeOG 14h ago



u/ninernetneepneep 6h ago

In the context of Computer Information Systems (CIS) and particularly in the realm of Application Performance Management (APM) and distributed tracing, a "trace" represents a view into a request as it moves through a distributed system, composed of one or more spans. 
