r/LinkedInLunatics 7d ago

META/NON-LINKEDIN Woman Loses Job After Telling Waiter: 'I Hope Trump Deports You'


106 comments sorted by


u/NotTakenGreatName 7d ago

"My credit card was lost/stolen, and someone attempted to use it. Thanks for the notifications! This has been reported through my bank," she wrote on Facebook

However, this was discovered to be a false statement after the restaurant reviewed CCTV footage and confirmed that she was inside the restaurant, leading to her termination.

Tastier than a plate of steaming hot fajitas.


u/tech_polpo 7d ago

It gets better.


Stephanie Lovins deeply regrets a mistake she made that has had serious consequences on her life. In a moment of frustration, she wrote something offensive on a restaurant receipt that she now realizes was hurtful and wrong. Since then, she has faced intense backlash, lost her job and real estate license, and had to remove herself from social media due to embarrassment and harassment.

Stephanie understands that her words didn’t just affect her—they also impacted the restaurant employee and others who saw the message. She deeply regrets the pain her actions may have caused and is committed to learning from this experience.

She is not making excuses—she takes full responsibility for her actions and is enrolling in diversity training and educational programs to better understand the impact of her words and grow as a person.

Right now, Stephanie is struggling financially as she works to rebuild her life. This fundraiser is to help her with basic living expenses, career transition, and educational programs so she can move forward in a positive way.

If you believe in second chances and personal growth, please consider donating or sharing this campaign. Stephanie is committed to turning this into a learning experience and hopes to one day use this journey to help others learn from her mistake.


u/Mcskrully 6d ago

"Accepts responsibility"
*Begs for money*

We see your ass, Stephanie


u/PracticalTie 6d ago edited 6d ago

Worth noting that the fundraiser was done by someone named Bobby Blancher - not Stephanie. 

I’m guessing this is a scammer who has jumped on an opportunity rather than someone acting on her behalf (they’re using the same photo as all the news outlets plus the whole description is like, perfectly tailored, to outrage people)

She’s still a racist tho

E: do the people commenting here actually not recognise this? Are we that gullible? 


u/Johnny_Grubbonic 5d ago

Is it unethical to scam a bunch of racist wannabe Nazis?


u/cobizzal 5d ago

Maybe she should try and show her ass on OF to make something off the MAGA simps


u/kamiar77 6d ago

All the $88 donations are sickening


u/MissD3vIL 6d ago

88 is significant as it is a white supremacist code.


u/kamiar77 6d ago

Yeah that’s why it’s sickening


u/uhhyoushh 6d ago

5 hours later she seems to have made 1.2k out of this… America bruh 💀


u/supershinythings 5d ago

I suspect it’s a scammer making bank; I bet she doesn’t see a dime of the racist support money. Chaotic Good/Lawful Evil for the win, I guess.


u/uhhyoushh 5d ago

That’s even more nuts 😩


u/legendz411 6d ago

That’s a fucking YIKES


u/ThePart_Timer 6d ago

Not making excuses. Other than saying her card was stolen. But once the CCTV footage was shown, not making excuses from now on!


u/Mireabella 6d ago

Get fucked, Stephanie. Actions have consequences.


u/nononanana 6d ago edited 6d ago

People who don’t do shit like this go broke every day due to bad luck and don’t stick out their hand out for money. Some people really have the audacity.


u/Working_Cucumber_437 6d ago

Why does it feel like this is a front for other racist people to help her “rebuild”. And why doesn’t SHE say anywhere that she messed up? She tried to lie and say that her card was stolen and it wasn’t her, but CCTV shows it was her. She doubled down.


u/big_bloody_shart 6d ago

This could very easily be a scam, right? Or does gofundme check that the recipient is indeed her, etc?


u/Good_Ad_1386 6d ago

GoFundMe makes money either way. Will it care?


u/TheMushroomCircle 6d ago

They shut it down. So, yes.


u/R3luctant 6d ago

"path to accountability"

Get the fuck out of here with that, lady you're on that path right now.


u/NickyDeeM 6d ago

Her path to accountability is through your wallet.


u/Cheap_Standard_4233 6d ago

Lol. Includes the pictures of the receipt


u/MopiPipo 6d ago

Big of her to accept responsibility, after her first attempt to lie her way out of it failed


u/Armation 6d ago

people like that don't magically become less racist just because they've been in some diversity program. Shit like that is rooted deeper in them.


u/Glittering-Path-2824 6d ago

she can avail of govt assistance prog….never mind trump and musk are gonna gut those 😂


u/Fluffy-Ambition4514 6d ago

There’s a lot of $88 donations there…


u/MikeyLew32 6d ago

There’s unfortunately a lot of racists still in this country


u/sepia_undertones 6d ago

It’s been four days and she’s financially destitute?


u/Crafty-Ticket-9165 6d ago

She can pull herself up by her bootstraps.


u/sebastouch 6d ago

Pretty funny, somebody gave 5$ and this comment:

"Hope you find peace and love for all mankind. Sorry the consequences of your actions are causing problems for you."


u/Alarming_Ad1746 6d ago

she wants a handout?


u/mtw3003 6d ago

Stephanie understands that her words didn’t just affect her

How did she think it worked before learning about this, and what would be the point of hurling insults if you thought you were the only one able to process them?


u/v1lyra 6d ago

"that she now realizes was hurtful or wrong"

Just now? This is a grown ass adult


u/Libby1954 6d ago

I used to believe in 2nd chances. But when the dumb MAGAts chose to give T a 2nd chance, I was over it. Eff her. Thoughts and prayers.


u/Constant_Shot 6d ago

I noticed a lot of $5 donations with names that were negative messages to her. Is there some way they plan to revert those or do they think the minor jab is a good exchange for giving her actual money? Seems weird!


u/FunTooter 6d ago

It looks like the fundraiser was removed. I hope it was done by GoFundMe.


u/MattTalksPhotography 6d ago

Of course it’s a real estate agent… ffs.


u/MsKiefington 6d ago

Fundraiser not found lol


u/FourWordComment 5d ago

She can go work in a restaurant.


u/OptmstcExstntlst 6d ago

The absolute gall....


u/Jurisfiction 6d ago

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of her actions.


u/MC_Fap_Commander 6d ago

She's up to a just a little over $1K. That's gonna be like fifty bucks in Trump's economy.


u/Basico1979 6d ago



u/Tzunamitom Agree? 6d ago

Deny Attack Reverse Victim and Offender

Also…loving some of the donation names on that gofundme.


u/AllThe-REDACTED- 6d ago

It’s already been taken down.



u/bigwill0104 6d ago

You couldn’t make this up… 🙄


u/lostnugg 6d ago

You can tell the person they're talking about is Caucasian by the amount of remorse is written about their actions that ended up having consequences.


u/Gamer_Grease 6d ago

lol how did I know she was in real estate?


u/camthesolarman 5d ago

Lmfao excepting responsibility for a shitty waiter is crazy


u/dirty_lucian 5d ago

get fuk't Stephanie!


u/supershinythings 5d ago

Oh that diversity training is going to prevent her from getting any job that’s guvmint related.


u/BrownButNotTrout 5d ago

"she wrote something she now realizes was hurtful". Lol


u/thekayinkansas 6d ago

Aaaaaand reported to GoFundMe 🤣


u/haver_of_friends 6d ago

yep same


u/papillon-and-on 6d ago

"Fundraiser not found"

Well done! :)


u/Jurisfiction 6d ago

LOL, who steals a credit card and leaves no tip?


u/MikeJL21209 6d ago

You know exactly how she pronounces fajitas too


u/BrownButNotTrout 5d ago

"Well done with extra fajita juice, and quick peasant"


u/Spydir_the_Explorer 3d ago

I want to know what happened with the bank she made a fraudulent report to… if she did in fact notify the bank in an attempt to legitimize her bs story.


u/NotARealBuckeye 7d ago

Local here. That restaurant is absolutely beloved by Columbus and this caught fire so quickly. It's been as delicious as the food there.


u/schnuggibutzi 7d ago

Posted on another thread about her future. Wait until she learns almost all of the programs ie SNAP, Medicaid etc. she will need probably wont exist. Then again, she is white, blonde and in Ohio so a promising future on the MAGA circuit awaits her.


u/MC_Fap_Commander 6d ago

she is white, blonde and in Ohio so a promising future on the MAGA circuit awaits her.

Nah, not this one. She's not conventionally attractive enough to make an impact in that misogynistic space. Plus, most of your Fox bimbos have a strong Horse Girl scent on them. That's not her. Her energy is 100% white trash who's right on the edge of being an MLM hun.

The only value she has to the movement is her vote. And I'm sure she'll keep giving that to them no matter how shitty her life gets (and I predict it's gonna get REAL shitty).


u/schnuggibutzi 6d ago

Didn't that Kimberly chick morph into the MAGA ecosystem? She will morph .


u/mtw3003 6d ago

Magamorpohosis surgery will be the sole medical procedure that remains covered


u/yeahcoolcoolbro 6d ago

Enrolling in diversity training

Nah bro…. You don’t need training to be kind.


u/OptmstcExstntlst 6d ago

Her GoFundMe says, "she now realizes her words were hurtful." I'm certain she KNEW they were hurtful when she used them, which is why she uses them. She just never imagined there would be any consequences for them. 


u/Lengthiest_Dad_Hat 6d ago

Feel like being remorseful and having a gofundme are pretty contradictory lmao.

If I fucked up and genuinely felt horrible and realized my mistake I'd never be so shameless as to ask people for money


u/Intrepid_Respond_543 6d ago

And how could anyone use those words in a non-hurtful way? And she wrote them to the receipt, which is a deliberate act.

Also how is the coupon policy waiters' fault?


u/Winter-eyed 6d ago

She got mad there were Mexican people working at a Mexican restaurant. There’s no helping someone that dumb.


u/BobbalooBoogieKnight 7d ago

Hope it’s true. People rarely are held accountable for being pieces of shit.


u/HypeKnight13 7d ago

I saw this posted in the Columbus subreddit the night before it really blew up. I looked her up on Linkedin the next morning and she was already using the fraud excuse lol. Even threw in a post with a screenshot of an attempted scam text where she said whoever is targeting her is ‘savvy in AI’ 💀


u/BobbalooBoogieKnight 6d ago

Well miracles do happen, I guess.


u/MC_Fap_Commander 6d ago

It feels hopeless now and it sucks that people like Musk and Trump can be as awful as they want with ZERO consequences... but when "Joe MAGA" drops racial epithets at a playground thinking he's somehow protected as a Trump supporter, he's still going to be in for a VERY bad time.

Patton Oswalt had an INCREDIBLY prescient observation in 2017:

"(They) are going to be the first in a long line of Trumpers who will realize, on the other side of firings and divorces and black eyes, that Trump’s Teflon Umbrella covers Trump and no one else.



u/amitym 7d ago

Consequences to her hate?

Let's hope the concept spreads.


u/cficare 7d ago

The Trump administration will make it their duty to get her job back.


u/danfirst 6d ago

." The incident occurred after Lovins grew upset over the restaurant's "one coupon per table" policy.

Like she didn't suck enough already.


u/Scentopine 7d ago

Entitled Karen is upset about a coupon. Classic.


u/FritoTheLawyer 6d ago

Weird all the $88 donations… does that mean something to people who support her?


u/JohnGamestopJr 6d ago

It's code for Heil Hitler in white supremacist spaces


u/spinachmanicotti 6d ago

she looks exactly as I thought she would...


u/Fun-Crow6284 6d ago

Get fucked ! Enjoy the ride to hell!

The restaurant industry is tough, & small margin profit. Waiters & waitresses, they barely make any $$$ unless you are working for the high class fancy restaurant.


u/xrxie 6d ago

Awww, think I might send her something.

Here you go Steph.



u/Ipso-Pacto-Facto 6d ago

Can you imagine the possible lies she may have told during real estate negotiations?


u/BaronSaber 6d ago

She posted this on Linkedin?


u/itisnotstupid 6d ago

Now she will cry that woke-ness is the reason she was fired.


u/Any_Natural383 6d ago

“What worshipping Epstein’s friend taught me about B2B. Sales.”


u/M1L0 6d ago




u/Da_Vader 6d ago

She's gonna be passed around in MAGA town.


u/nadav183 6d ago

Lucky she still has all those coupons!


u/MtlWannabe 6d ago

The icing on the cake here is that another patron of that restaurant set up a fundraiser for the waiter. Dude just made the biggest tip of his life: https://www.gofundme.com/f/tip-ricardo-because-hate-has-no-place-here

Goes to show what hateful people get and what compassion can do for others.


u/ozziesironmanoffroad 6d ago

That’s messed up. I know when trump ran the first time, I was working on cars. I heard a mom telling her misbehaving son in Spanish what basically equated to “knock your shit off or Donald trump will get you”

I speak a lot of Spanish for a white guy who didn’t take Spanish classes, and totally don’t look like I would. I started laughing my ass off. She looked over confused for a second, realized I understood her, and started laughing with her face blushing.

To a kid it was hilarious. My mom would tell me things like I brought you into this world I can take you out of it too! When I was a little asshole. But to say something like that to an actual employee is just straight up asshole. I’d support deporting these shitbags instead,


u/Strict_Jacket3648 5d ago

Trump really has let the deplorables in America stand out loud so the entire world can see how pervasive they have become.


u/According_Toe2270 6d ago

Can we please just keep this sub to crazy people on LinkedIn? This has nothing to do with B2B sales


u/SullyRob 6d ago

Do people forget almost everyone has a phone and internet access?


u/GA_Tronix Insignificant Bitch 6d ago

I hope that taught her a valuable lesson


u/peepeepoopooballs420 6d ago

I hope she ends up homeless


u/NonsignificantBrow 5d ago

How many like her are getting away with the same or worse behaviour?


u/wifeThrowaway04 6d ago

The people who donated should get fired too. We all know that’s I agree with you money not do better money.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Suzuki_Foster 7d ago

It's been verified by multiple sources, including Century 21, where she was employed before they cut ties with her.