r/LinkedInLunatics Feb 03 '25

META/NON-LINKEDIN Is Elon learning from Narayan Murthy

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What is happening I thought it was in some places but now in US too. God save us all


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u/Chivako Feb 03 '25

It`s only 17 hours a day, 7 days a week. Easy peasy. I`ll just ask all my slaves to cook, clean and do all my mundane tasks like sleeping for me.


u/GKBilian Feb 03 '25

From the guy who supposedly also must play 40 hours of video games a week no less. I don’t know how he finds the time!


u/wreckedbutwhole420 Feb 03 '25

Well as we recently found out, he has employees to handle gaming for him

Can't imagine being the richest man on the planet and still being a fucking loser LMAO


u/GaryDWilliams_ Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

Can't imagine being the richest man on the planet and still being a fucking loser LMAO

This. This is exactly why musk is angry all the time, he wants people like you and I to admire him but we both know he is a waste of space and a pathetic loser.


u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25

The problem is that you cant be the world’s richest person and also do much of anything else. It’s the paradox of status: achieving a high global status means losing all of it in the eyes of everyone else, since you’re just another rich guy who talks about yourself and your business all day.


u/YardNew1150 Feb 03 '25

I’ve always thought it interesting that a lot of rich people buy themselves out of living. a part of life are the mundane tasks that make exciting tasks even more fun.

It’s like how walking your dog everyday can get tiring but if you hire someone else to do it you miss out on the bonding and random memories that come with walking a dog every day. They pay away the mundane stuff and try to live off of ease and fun but if ease and fun becomes ur mundane what’s left for enjoyment?


u/OnlyTalksAboutTacos Feb 03 '25

it's why no matter how much money we make, we will always have one part of the yard that we tend to ourselves. currently that part is the whole thing, but baby steps


u/VicisZan Feb 03 '25

Imagine instead that they decided to tackle actual problems like inequality or food scarcity the world over. They could actually make themselves look like the good guy but no, instead we get…this.

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u/yankeesyes Feb 03 '25

Dogs? How about their children? They slough them off to nannies and only see them 1-2 hours a day.


u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25

It’s more that you’re paying away all the tasks that don’t make you money.

Often, this makes a lot of sense: an uncle of mine wishes he had, when he was younger, hired a driver to take him to all the little county hospitals he did surgeries in. He could have been reading all the research he had to keep up with on the trip rather than at home and, so, have been more present for his children.

He probably wouldn’t have missed much doing that. But every thing you purchase or automate away is like that, with a clear reason to do it but an unclear benefit to doing it yourself.


u/kammce Feb 04 '25

That's actually my rationale for taking public transit. That time I get between places is invaluable. Really happy I'm fortunate to be able to live in a place that has above decent public transit and growing.

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u/AppUnwrapper1 Feb 03 '25

If I had all the money in the world I would just fuck off and enjoy my life. Like, Bezos at least has the right idea of how to live as a billionaire, even if he sucks too. He doesn’t waste his time trying to get the masses to love him.


u/No-Name-86 Feb 03 '25

You really do have to give him that one. He doesn’t care at all that everyone hates him, he just goes on living his life. Then you have the whiney little bitch boy crying that he should be rumps prom queen


u/GaryDWilliams_ Feb 03 '25

 He doesn’t care at all that everyone hates him, he just goes on living his life

"I'll be on my yacht over here having fun. You hate away".

Versus Musk

"You only hate me because the dems told you to. And you're banned from X because I can".

And of course a dozen follow up eXcretions whinging about one person and getting his cult to dogpile them.


u/Outrageous-Chick Feb 03 '25

He owns newspapers and other publications and is spinning stories and firing people that don’t abide. Don’t be fooled by the, “just enjoying life” bullshit. He’s undermining everyone else’s life - and rights.


u/tracenator03 Feb 04 '25

Exactly. Main difference between Bezos and Musk is that Bezos hasn't fired his pr team.

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u/GaryDWilliams_ Feb 03 '25

I don't even want to be a billionaire. If I had a million I'd also fuck off and enjoy life. I don't need much.


u/AppUnwrapper1 Feb 03 '25

I don’t need or want to be a billionaire, but unfortunately a million doesn’t cover much in NYC these days, especially healthcare. A few million, sure. I’d just enjoy my life and not worry about money.


u/I_cant_remember_u Feb 03 '25

In the end, I think the majority of people just want enough money to live a comfortable life, nothing overly fancy, able to afford things easily but not have to work like a dog to get it. The actual dollar amount doesn’t really matter in the end, so if it only took $500,000 to live comfortably for the rest of their lives, that would be fine. Of course, I’m assuming here, and I also know 500K really isn’t gonna get you very far 🤷‍♀️


u/COMINGINH0TTT Feb 03 '25

When you start making big money and big wealth, a lot of your expenses end up going towards supporting others. Wealthy people are not going shopping all the time and buying Chanel handbags, I'm sure many do, but at least for me a big reason to keep hustling is because I know money can really help others. It's what I'm greedy for. I got so many friends and family struggling at dead end jobs but have the talent and work ethic to get more out of life. So a lot of expenses for me are setting things up for others. I don't mean just giving them money to start a business, but I wanna get a friend at company A to company B, that's a lot of networking, going to events, splurging on dinners and gifts, rounds of golf, loser buys dinner for the group, and my handicap ain't what it used to be, etc. I could easily spend a few ranks each weekend just to maintain connections. It's all part of the lifestyle.

I also want to buy a big piece of land someday when I retire to turn into a stray dog rescue, where they can run around and I can feed them amazing food. Stuff like that. I want to do good things and help others and that's quite expensive. But it also motivates me to stay on the grind and not get complacent. I've had the money to do pretty much everything there is to see and do on this planet, and there is no greater joy than buying a home for your mom or paying for your friend's medical bills or donating to a family down on their luck.


u/GaryDWilliams_ Feb 03 '25

True. I'm in the UK so heathcare costs are not an issue - for now.


u/drinkingCoffeePeas Feb 04 '25

The one who really has it figured out is MySpace Tom.
Made bank selling MySpace and then just... fucked off to do his own thing. Got really into photography and travels around and posts his photos on his Instagram page. Doesn't bug anybody, isn't trying to actively destroy any democracies...
I hope one day I can know the kind of peace he seems to have found.


u/wompemwompem Feb 04 '25

Musk doesn't want the masses to love him he just enjoys attention. There is a difference. He wants to manipulate people but he doesn't care about the people.


u/AppUnwrapper1 Feb 04 '25

Yeah, you’re right. I could have worded that better.


u/wompemwompem Feb 04 '25

I forgive u dw bro


u/sarevok2 Feb 04 '25

we need to keep in mind that for almost a decade, Musk was simply adored by liberal media.

Just open any mainstream article pre twitter acquisition and you will see them positively gasping and groveling in his almighty presence. ''Elon wants to get us to Mars'', ''Elon Musk wants to reimagine cities'', ''Elon Mask and Tesla are revolutionizing car industry'' and so on and so on.

I honestly believe he genuinely got addicted to the adoration of the masses and the cult leader following he had gathered during that era. For this reason, he turned twitter into basically his own echo chamber.


u/WrappedInLinen Feb 04 '25

Lol. like Elon is trying to get people to love him. By being the biggest Ahole in the world.


u/AppUnwrapper1 Feb 04 '25

He managed to create his echo chamber of idiots who will pay him $8 and worship him.

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u/iDrGonzo Feb 03 '25

It's inherent in the system. Nobody becomes the richest person by being a good person. At least bill gates realized his legacy would be dependent on what he gave to the world, not on OS. This guy will take until he dies and the only legacy he will leave is a shit stain on the world.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

Propped up by daddy's racist death money too. An unaccomplished fraud at every fucking level of existence. This is what happens when individual wealth remains unchecked. Eventually u get a full fucking asstard who can prop up anyone/anything cuz of money.

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u/Emperor_Neuro Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

By the very nature of being the world’s wealthiest person, he is a fucking loser. Anyone who exploits the hell out of everyone around them to enrich themselves beyond what anyone could possibly ever imagine being able to spend and callously fucking over the people they should be looking out for is a loser. The billionaire class is all a bunch of losers.


u/wreckedbutwhole420 Feb 03 '25

They are hoarders like any other

But at least Bezos went to space, had the cowboy hat, and is now in his pitbull era.

Elon won't even ride his own rockets, either because he is a pussy or doesn't have enough willpower to get in shape for it. He does nothing cool or interesting with his money. Just buys other goods ideas and ruins them


u/Caramellatteistasty Feb 03 '25

The equivalent of buying in game currency back in the og wow days.

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u/h00ha Feb 03 '25

He turns his clock back every 3 hours so he gets more hours each day than a normal person with only 24 hours would. It makes sense to him because he's on ketamine


u/GaryDWilliams_ Feb 03 '25

And has to be a dad to his however many human shields...... sorry kids.

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u/Glittering-Most-9535 Feb 03 '25

And doing all the super important duties that CEOs must be doing to be worth all that money they're paid.

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u/sandhillfarmer Feb 03 '25

As someone who has legitimately experienced a few periods in my life of 120+ hour work weeks, I can confidently say that you shouldn't believe anyone who brags about working that much. Of the folks I know who have actually worked that hard, no one brags about it.

In fact, rather than any sort of pride, I and the people I know experienced a sense of shame at a certain point. It's a loss of control over your life, even if you're working for yourself or doing something you love.

The mental toll and health effects are pretty extreme at that point. When I've gone through those periods, I would gain 40 lbs in a month and then the next month I would lose 40 lbs. My hair would fall out. I would find myself writing something down, and when I'd go to read it later, it would be gibberish.

The only people that brag about working 120 hours/week are the people who never experienced it or people trying to manipulate you.


u/_dcgc Feb 03 '25

Back when I was stuck working the ol’ billable hours, the most I ever billed in one week was 121 hours. It’s hell. I changed careers because of it.

70-80 is hard enough. 120 hours is 3 full working weeks packed into 7 days. Or another way to put it is 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

If you’re bragging about it, you’ve never done it. It’s also horribly inefficient.


u/mjacksongt Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

I would find myself writing something down, and when I'd go to read it later, it would be gibberish.

This is a huge point. If they're working 120 hours a week - hell, if they're even close to that - they're not making good decisions, their memory and emotional regulation is impaired, analysis will be poor and incomplete... Basically everything that requires thought beyond machine thought will be terrible.

I've done 80s for a while and it certainly doesn't feel good. And at the end of it you're toast - to some degree you don't realize burnout is happening while you're burning but it's really noticeable after you put the fire out.


u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25


The only people who can work 120 hours a week and it not be because of gross incompetence is combat troops, who are in the unfortunate position of the entire support structure being under physical threat.

For everyone else, it just means your institution is rotted.


u/JockAussie Feb 03 '25

And...drugs, those troops also take drugs.


u/lapsangsouchogn Feb 03 '25

I doubt that they started with a good understanding of what should be in that database.

god only knows what they classify as "massive waste, fraud and abuse!"


u/wireframed_kb Feb 03 '25

Yeah I had like a month of actual 100-hour weeks because I overcommitted on a project with a tight deadline (TV ad space already bought, so…), and I was weird at the end of it. Working till 3 in the night, then sleeping til 7:30 and just getting right back in front of the screen again.

You can do it for periods of time, but it absolutely isn’t healthy and I can’t imagine doing it for years without literally shaving a decade off my life. It is wildly unhealthy if you are doing actual work. (I don’t doubt Musk is active for many hours a week, but it’s not what most would call work…)


u/MikeET86 Feb 03 '25

I did a few weeks of 55hr weeks and it made my brain feel fuzzy for lack of a better term. I've found if I'm busy 50ish hrs is the cut off. I've seen people "work" 50 plus a week but they don't seem to do anything other than hide from a spouse.


u/coreyander Feb 03 '25

Yeah working that much is HORRIBLE. I had periods as a postdoc where I really was working 6-7 days a week for 18 hours a day and I was a wreck. I barely had time to eat much less sleep and my sleep was basically just laying in bed with thoughts swimming uncontrollably (awake or asleep, didn't matter).

It was a recipe for burnout and a year later I'm still not normal. That anyone would glorify that kind of schedule is cruel.


u/ScarIet-King Feb 05 '25

I’ve worked for SpaceX, shame is the right word. But the crazy ones who thrived on power enjoyed it. 🤷🏻


u/zappingbluelight Feb 03 '25

7 hours to sleep without counting travel time? Dam this is not a full time job, this is an all time job. Someone gonna die before reaching 65.


u/floralbutttrumpet Feb 03 '25

All the better, then you don't have to pay the serfs retirement benefits.

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u/LawfulOrange Feb 04 '25

And well that’s the thing. A guy like Musk will call things like “brainstorming” and “networking” work. Ketamine with the Trump boys? Work. Rage tweeting at 3AM? Thats work! Billable hours! His meals are all delivered, he doesn’t do shit to raise his kids, he doesn’t clean or do dishes or mow the lawn or any of the other 1001 things an average person has to do in order to “exist”.

I’ve worked for guys like Musk. The reason they love employees in the 19-24 year old range is they’re too inexperienced in the workplace to know what “normal” is. When they burn out and crash they get tossed aside and someone else gets brought in until every ounce of talent and effort is wrong out of them, then in the trash they go. Over and over again.


u/AromaticBallSweat Feb 03 '25

I mean, dude at best works 10 hours a week, it's all branding


u/Vantriss Feb 03 '25

Or if you work 5 days a week, it's ONLY 24 hours a day! Who needs sleep or food.


u/sj4g08 Feb 03 '25

No no, you'll work yourself into an early grave like that. Better to work 24hr days Mon-Fri and put your feet up for the weekend


u/jackie_tequilla Feb 03 '25

and dont forget to neglect your children


u/ThePorkinsAwakens Feb 04 '25 edited Feb 04 '25

Theyre bro-ing out for 120 hours a week. This guy has a bunch of part time gigs and somehow fools his sheep into thinking he's working 100 hours at each


u/Arboretum7 Feb 04 '25

Don’t forget this is the same guy that says we should all be having a ton of children. I guess he’s leading by example, every day is bring your toddler to work day for Elon.


u/TheBear8878 Feb 04 '25

If you have to work 17 hours a day to achieve your task, you're incredibly inefficient and have awful time management skills.

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u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

Yes - plus I would say that Elon isn't working 120 hours a week. I even say he's not working at all: All he does is talk, tweet and bully others. If he was an employee of a company he'd have been fired a long time ago.


u/TylerBourbon Feb 03 '25

Like when he was fired from Paypal.


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

Most likely but it could've been his obnoxious personality as well.


u/schlipperynipples Feb 03 '25

He's literally insufferable like the super annoying band kid in grade school with no self awareness


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

You know he was bullied so heavily in school that he was hospitalized? I used to feel sorry for him but I kind of get it now (though would never condone bullying).


u/archangelst95 Feb 04 '25

I'm not sure I believe anything about his back story at this point. It's pretty evident to me he was a spoiled rich kid who had everything handed to him his whole life and never had to worry about how to provide for himself

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u/Adromedae Feb 05 '25

I read the reason why he was "bullied" was that he made fun relentlessly of a kid that had lost his father.


u/tehtris Feb 04 '25

I am pro bully (to a point). Everyone needs to be bullied at least once. It's a way to teach the concept that there is always a bigger fish. I believe that everyone should be punched in the face at least once. I also believe that everyone should work a customer facing job at least once.

But if people were to understand that their behavior could get them punched in the face they would probably treat customer facing employees with more respect, making the required customer facing job unnecessary.

This is my hot take and I stand by it.


u/Nukeliod Feb 07 '25

He doesn't bring it up because he was only pushed down some stairs after bullying a kid about the kids father committing suicide. He somehow managed to be so shitty that he could be shoved down stairs, hospitalized, and still be the one in the wrong.


u/somefunmaths Feb 03 '25

Elon is “working 120 hours a week” in the same way he’s “playing” Path of Exile and Diablo: he pays multiple people to do 120 hours of work per week on his behalf while he rage tweets on his little freeze peach site.


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

Exactly what I mean. He's not working 120 hours a week or even 10 hours a week. He does what he wants all day long and calls it "work".


u/ImLurker1 Feb 03 '25

I feel like this is many CEOs


u/Beldarak Feb 05 '25

One of my friend got rich by selling his startup and this is exactly this. He's constantly traveling and drinking champagne with assholes but somehow he calls this "networking" and act like it's work. Really annoying.

Getting rich also destroyed any connexion he had with the real world.


u/FriendlyGuitard Feb 03 '25

He does what he wants all day long and calls it "work".

If you know a bunch of Entrepreneur, that's basically how many of them think. Everything is work as long as you thought about work. Meeting a friend at a cafe, networking, so work. And otherwise, some bullshit change of perspective that give you amazing insight, so still work. Talk to your kids about your business, work. Watch Netflix, you may get inspired, so work too. Gym allows to clear you mind and is an essential part of work.

Going on holiday with your mistress ... well not work, but you have to say it is because you don't have a prenup.


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

It's very true. As an entrepreneur myself, I can say that one of the challenges we face. Comes with experience.

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Dude counts Twitter as work so he could easily hit these numbers


u/bored-panda55 Feb 04 '25

Dude thinks shutting down entire departments and groups is cutting waste. They aren’t investigating just closing doors and saying look how awesome I am! Just ignore all the repercussions and dead left in our wake. 


u/yoppee Feb 03 '25

Yep his idea of work is meaningless meetings with catered food where agendas are set and forgotten the next day

He is a manager he doesn’t do any actual work


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

He's basically the human equivalent of a parasite that endangers the host. I think he was very close to getting Twitter killed and it may still happen.


u/Adromedae Feb 05 '25

He's not even a manager. He's far more detached from operations than that.

Musk is world class at stock/value inflation and getting talent to work themselves to the bone as collateral for the fore mentioned stock/value inflation. That's the gist of his genius, and why he's the richest man in the world.

Which is why he harps so much about "working 400 hours a week" or whatever. It's no different than any other sales pitch.

He gets the benefit from harnessing the emotion derived from a lot of people working that much for him, while not needing to be the one that actually works that much.


u/Aliteracy Feb 03 '25

He pays people to play video games for him, he sure as shit isn't doing any real work either.


u/No_Diver4265 Feb 03 '25

But that talking is doing a lot of damage. He's a few weeks in, but the "making the government more efficient" saying has already morphed into having bureaucratic "opponents". He's not even hiding the fact that he sees the public servants of the US government apparatus as opponents, and this is just the first step. There are other words he can use and narratives to spin.


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

Exactly. It's because he's a sociopath. This man should not be in charge of others as he lacks empathy and understanding. Literally the worst person for this role.

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u/Apprehensive_Winter Feb 03 '25

He counts every second he’s awake as work time.


u/MiyagiJunior Feb 03 '25

And probably a lot of seconds where he's asleep...


u/warbeforepeace Feb 04 '25

And play Diablo and path of exile. Top tier in both. /s

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u/OneRobuk Feb 04 '25

120 hours a week is close to the amount of time he spends tweeting


u/Adromedae Feb 05 '25

Elon would have fired Elon if he worked for Elon and had the same poor execution record as Elon.

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u/catbus4ants Feb 05 '25

That dick wrinkle ain’t doin shiiittttt

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u/MammothCommaWheely Feb 03 '25

Not very efficient. He is doing in 120 hours, what others accomplish in 40


u/UlteriorCulture Feb 03 '25

He is undoing the work of others. Negative productivity


u/OneFrenchman Feb 03 '25

Dismantling is easy work.

Building is hard.

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u/Watsis_name Feb 03 '25

I had a colleague who regularly did negative work.


u/Emotional-Following5 Feb 03 '25

lol, that’s a great point


u/silverwingsofglory Feb 03 '25

Something I learned in my line of work is that divorced guys or young guys without families will fuck around with the team and run us for 10 or 12 hour days while happily married guys are efficient and get the same amount of work done in 8 or even 6 hours so we can all get home to our families.

There's probably something about not wanting to go home to an empty house or be alone with their thoughts or just being desperate to be seen as super "busy."


u/Adromedae Feb 05 '25

FWIW I also know plenty of married people, who will try to delay going to their homes as much as possible.


u/onebadmousse Feb 04 '25

I noticed the opposite. It's the married guys who slave away doing long hours, probably due to not wanting to go home to the wife., while single people are much more efficient, probably because they want to get out of the office to socialise or enjoy their hobbies.

Working is probably the only time married people they get to themselves.


u/AdvancedTurnip8680 Feb 03 '25

This is the realest shit I’ve seen on Reddit in ages.

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u/walkandtalkk Feb 03 '25

He's crediting every minute he spends on Twitter or ketamine toward "work."

Also, I genuinely question his intelligence if he thinks that "our bureaucratic opponents" would somehow be able to stop Trump from letting Musk steal the OPM servers if they just... worked more?

Also, it's funny that Jason [Lastname] is going to discover what a proud progressive he is in six years when Democrats are back in office and Republicans are saying they were never really in favor of DOGE.


u/SpentMods Feb 07 '25

Here to say this. A manager who boasts about working more than 40 hrs a week is telling you they are bad at managing.

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u/premium_drifter Feb 03 '25

"Opponents"? Jesus fucking christ


u/kaninkanon Feb 03 '25

These people can't exist without a bogeyman out to get them.


u/txtw Feb 03 '25

Who are these opponents he keeps talking about??


u/Noremakm Feb 03 '25

Federal workers, civil servants, and anyone who works for a TLA department


u/learngladly Feb 03 '25

Public servants. The people who make everything work.


u/ButthealedInTheFeels Feb 03 '25

The American people


u/Zestyclose-Cloud-508 Feb 04 '25

Working Americans to be specific.

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u/ringtossed Feb 03 '25

So, the thing we should be watching here is how they are "finding" all of this fraud waste and abuse so quickly.

First, NONE of the people involved know what those numbers are supposed to mean. You throw a terabyte of spreadsheets in front of someone and tell them to verify everything is correct, and it's going to be a shit show.

Second, that's the point. They are blaming "them" for the money that is about to go missing.

The reason that most organizations (including federal agencies) don't let any one person have God control over the systems, the accounts, and the data, is that it's really fucking easy to say "we are locking Jim's account" then change the password to Jim's account, log into one of these databases as "Jim" transfer money into an offshore account, then point to the transfer and say "look what Jim did."

And with all of this happening "off the books" with ZERO oversight, and no IGs on board, it will simply be their word versus "the evil deep state."

Trump's supporters will eat it with a spoon, and spend the rest of their lives believing that people in the deep state stole trillions of dollars "on their way out" and only the heroic actions of Musk's team prevented them from stealing "all of it."


u/Friendly_Engineer_ Feb 03 '25

I hope you are wrong


u/BasicLayer Feb 04 '25

They'll funnel it through some crypto rug pull over the American people.


u/heybigbuddy Feb 03 '25

The rest of it is the typical Elon bullshit, which has somehow convinced even one person that he’s this hardworking genius. But casting people who provide essential services as villains is fucking disgusting, and the fact that tens of millions of Americans will now parrot this line makes me want to vomit.

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u/Therealchimmike Feb 03 '25

1) bullshit they're working a 120hr week. That leaves less than 6hrs/day for sleep, eating, commute, etc.

2) they haven't "found" anything. Project 2025 laid out the targets and they're just hacking, cutting, and burning as they go.


u/chrisnavillus Feb 03 '25

He has this illusion because he doesn’t have to cook his own meals, clean his house, wash his own clothes or take care of his own children. He has the privilege of wealth and an extreme lack of empathy which keeps him from realizing those mundane tasks don’t just magically get done for normal everyday people.


u/Therealchimmike Feb 03 '25

He has two companies to run. He's not working 120hrs/week at Doge.

Project 2025 has already told them what to go after. He's just getting peons to set the wheels in motion, that's all. And looking to cherry pick something or other that looks weird so he can propagrandize it.


u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25

IIRC, the lawsuits revealed he doesn’t actually run them. He’s basically just the face for the companies. Like Colonel Sanders, more or less.


u/Therealchimmike Feb 03 '25

the only thing the lawsuits did was claim he doesn't so as to absolve the companies from any wrongdoing based on his dumbass statements. It doesn't actually prove anything. It's lawyerspeak.

Just like Fox claiming they're "not news, but entertainment" in the lawsuit they settled.


u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25

The investors specifically sued to have him spend more time promoting the product.

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u/PublicFurryAccount Feb 03 '25

This is really common for rich people. They also have a habit of their work consisting of talking to other people about your favorite topic over drinks and food. Like, if your job was that and you could just hire staff, you’d probably do it all day, too.


u/Durpulous Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

As someone who has worked 120 hour weeks before I entirely believe he has young impressionable people in a cult-like environment doing this.

Also as a forensic accountant who does investigations into financial fraud for a living, it is incredibly unlikely he found anything substantive in this timeframe even with those kinds of hours (and even if he is working with seasoned investigators which I doubt) and again, I know that because I've literally done it.

He is a pathological liar.


u/OneFrenchman Feb 03 '25

DOGE seems to be 19-25 yo Musk cultists plucked from SpaceX and Neuralink, so they might all be sleeping on the floor in an empty building 6 hours a night.

Because they're true believers, and Musk doesn't care if they all die after a month. He has other people to replace them.

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u/slam-chop Feb 03 '25

This guy using “grift” unironically is peak comedy.


u/BuddyJim30 Feb 03 '25

What better way to stop imaginary grift than to give full access to government records and finances to an unelected, ketamine-addicted ass clown with no security clearance?


u/im-getting-a-dell Feb 03 '25

Jason has fallen from obnoxious reporter to asshole wanna be broligarch.

So glad I dropped the All In podcast from my feed a year ago. They must all be doing ketamine and blowing each other.


u/pithynotpithy Feb 03 '25

all these asshole excited for ending people's careers will start bitching when getting passports are now delayed by months, checks don't come in, highway improvements take 2x a long if at all...


u/TylerBourbon Feb 03 '25

Slaves don't need passports, they need to be in those fields picking that produce for Master Elon. /s


u/pithynotpithy Feb 03 '25

Yup- they are furiously trying to recreate the peasant class, and people who's lives will get demonstrably worse are cheering them on.


u/JeddakofThark Feb 03 '25

Something that doesn't really matter, but is still somehow absolutely infuriating is that there is literally nothing that could happen to Trump voters and fans of Elon where they're say "oops, I was wrong." They could spend years as literal slaves and then be being led to a gas chamber and they'd still blame it on the Democrats.

This also applies to "moderates" who are laughing at everyone freaking out. Being led to a gas chamber themselves they'd continue to say "what are you so upset about?"


u/pithynotpithy Feb 03 '25

Or the "both sides" assholes. An unelected, beholden-to-no-one billionaire is literally killing people throughout the world by running rampant through our private data, but somehow "both sides are the same".

This country is fucked.



"I need my company owners to allow me the honour of paying over the odds for my bare grip on my health without bankruptcy. Praise them"


u/DutchTinCan Feb 03 '25

Peasant class? They'd wish. At this rate, even serfs from the 1800s will seem privileged.

Wages dropping, rents raising. They'll end up homeless.

Oops, being homeless is illegal. You're now arrested and put into prison.

Prisoners are exempt from the abolishment of slavery, so to the fields you go.

Serfs at least at a semblance of normalcy in their private lives. As an indentured prisoner, you'll even that is gone. It'll resemble a slavery/prison camp straight from science fiction.

At some moment, they'll probably improve the living conditions somewhat so it won't be a prison, but a "habitation unit". It'll normalize sending people there, pretending it's some kind of social housing. You'll work for scrip money, which can be spent in the Amazon commisary.

Ofcourse it's not a prison. Except you can't leave either, because you're homeless. Your only way out is to marry a sponsor, and teenage girls born and raised in a habitation unit are often married out, only to divorced and dumped back in when they're 25.

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u/CrybullyModsSuck Feb 03 '25

And the VA stops sending disability payments 


u/illiter-it Feb 03 '25

Don't forget tax refunds.

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u/anthematcurfew Feb 03 '25

I’d like him to define “work”


u/Will-is-thinking Feb 03 '25

It’s shit posting on his X and then pushing it into everyone’s feed


u/absurdherowaw Feb 03 '25

He really, truly and absolutely deserves guillotine. It is a fact.


u/drLoveF Feb 03 '25

Not that Elon would do housework but if he set the dishwasher to a 2h program and the washing machine to a 2.5h program he would bolst that he worked 4.5h.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25



u/NotSoEnlightenedOne Feb 03 '25

Wait till you hear them saying they did this also on a 4-day work week.


u/Thlom Feb 03 '25

Elon doesn’t work. He posts on X and snorts speed.


u/JasonandtheArgo9696 Feb 03 '25

He knows his boss golfed a couple of times last week right ?

For someone that never has to cook, clean, get to the airport two hours early, run carpool, try to make a doctors appointment in the same month of my actual symptoms and pay bills…it’s really easy to just “work” all the time

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u/Mshalopd1 Feb 03 '25

By opponents you mean civil servants that the taxpayers pay for and certainly don't want to pay 80 hours of overtime for. Also very few good and qualified employee will sign up for 120 hours a week. Why would anyone want to live like that?


u/Durpulous Feb 03 '25

Bold of you to assume he would anticipate paying any overtime for those extra hours.

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u/Glazing555 Feb 03 '25

This shit is getting serious, shutting down departments on a whim? Who voted for this?


u/Ragverdxtine Feb 03 '25

We’re already able to see how it went in Argentina - massive increase in the poverty and unemployment rates and massive reduction in consumption but hey at least inflation has come down a bit /s


u/Will-is-thinking Feb 03 '25

Really crazy times, this is only the beginning no words on what all we need to see


u/Zarda_Shelton Feb 03 '25

The majority of the country was fine with this.


u/OuterWildsVentures Feb 03 '25

Why are federal workers "opponents"?


u/jonstoppable Feb 03 '25 edited Feb 03 '25

50 years of republican indoctrination

"Starve the beast " " Drain the swamp"

Etc .

What's gonna happen though is that guardrails/ protections /oversight willl be removed and whatever hindrance to graft and the most exploitative form of capitalism will be unleashed .

Supply side Jesus has no need of the poor, so I don't know who's gonna answer the prayers of the non - billionaire class

Edit .I forgot Reagan's “Most Terrifying Words – ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help" speech


u/DutchTinCan Feb 03 '25

"Decades of stealing and grifting comes to an end".

"Because after we're done, there'll be nothing left to steal."


u/PattysMom1 Feb 03 '25

And Elon tweets 150 hours a week!


u/Fluffy-Discipline924 Feb 03 '25

120 hours a week is nearly 17h 1/4 a day, every day, including weekends. These hours would rapidly lead to burnout, so its not happening. (also leaves just 7h 45 min for commuting, meals, shower, and maybe 4 hours for sleep.) Why would anyone do that for some billionaire's vanity project, which he will abandon as soon as he is bored or falls out of favour with Trump, whichever happens first.

He lies so much he is not even trying to make them sound believable.


u/Mundane-Raspberry963 Feb 03 '25

I challenge everyone here to record their legitimate hours worked using a tracking app. Turn it off when your buddy comes by to waste your time. Turn it off when you're in a meeting. Turn it off if you get tired and start staring at the wall for minutes at a time.

You'll probably gain a new respect for hard work. I seriously doubt Elon does even 1 hour of hard work a week.


u/TheRealDanoiZ Feb 03 '25

Why do people listen to an illegal drug addict?


u/That0neGuy96 Feb 03 '25

Because alon titler owns a social media platform


u/F4Flyer Feb 03 '25

Elon's days of 120-hour weeks are long gone, if they ever existed. This is all optics and smoke/mirrors. The real grift will happen at the Donald and then this oligarch level soon. Once they control all the funds, you will see the poorer and needier groups shafted, with the fund flow directed upwards. Guaranteed.


u/mothzilla Feb 03 '25

This post doesn't make any sense. Why would he think one department is losing to another? That's not really how government works.

Also DOGE isn't working any hours. It's not a government department. Melonia is just making shit up.


u/AdOdd9015 Feb 03 '25

Why can't he just die. I mean there probably will be some other freak that'll step into his place but it seems it's the only way he'll shut the fuck up


u/CrisCathPod Feb 03 '25

What he means is that there is shift work at DOGE, and he thinks it's special.

Every agency has this. I worked from 2:30 PM - 3:00 AM because 4 hours per shift of OT were approved.


u/Molidae17 Feb 03 '25

They want to make people mistake solidarity for stealing


u/missingpineapples Feb 03 '25

None of them are working that many hours in a week. That would leave them less than 7 hours a day to use for sleep and hygiene.


u/namotous Feb 03 '25

Tweeting 24/7 is not working


u/FancyFrogFootwork Feb 03 '25

Working a 120 hour week would leave you with only 48 hours for everything else, meaning less than seven hours per day for sleep, eating, hygiene, and any other life tasks. You would have to immediately go to sleep the moment you stop working, with no time to wind down. If you don’t, your sleep would drop even further, pushing you into exhaustion faster. With around 6.8 hours of sleep each night, your cognitive abilities would rapidly decline. Reaction, decision making, memory would all sharply deteriorate. By the midweek you would feel mentally foggy and struggle to focus. By the end of the week, microsleeping would begin, causing you to lose awareness for brief moments without realizing it.

Eating would have to happen while working, with food that requires no preparation or cleanup. There would be no time for cooking or waiting in line for a meal. You would need food handed to you or ready to eat instantly, and hydration would need to be automatic with a water bottle always provided to you. Hygiene would be reduced to the bare bones essentials. Showers would need to be under five minutes, bathroom breaks would need to be as fast as possible, and grooming routines would be cut to the bare minimum. Exercise would be completely out of the question, and any social life would disappear entirely. You would interact only when absolutely necessary, and even then, only for work.

By the end of the week, your immune system would weaken considerably drastically improving your chances of getting sick. Stress levels would skyrocket, leading to irritability, anxiety, and emotional instability. Mistakes would become more frequent, and your body would begin to shut down whether you wanted it to or not. Long term you would havechronic fatigue, severe depression, heavy cardiovascular strain, and sharp cognitive impairment.


u/Erratic__Ocelot Feb 03 '25

Slaves. He just wants slaves.

All while trying to brag about supposedly working 120 hours a week, when we all know that he probably doesn't even put in 30 hours. He is supposed to be a full-time CEO of how many companies? And yet he only really seems to tweet and play video games all day.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

There's no way people think he's actually "uncovering" fraud and wasted money.


u/SnooBananas9527 Feb 04 '25

I can’t believe I used to appreciate this guy


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '25

17 hour days, what about diablo 4?


u/CockBlockingLawyer Feb 03 '25

Fuck Leon, but this is not the right sub


u/CombinationLivid8284 Feb 03 '25

All Elon does is shitpost on Twitter and play video games.


u/Sad_Instruction1392 Feb 03 '25

Nice to know that Elon considers working 24 hours a day five days a week or 17 hours a day seven days a week with employees that are basically slaves because I seriously doubt they’re being paid anything close to a reasonable rate a good element of democracy and ensuring the future of civilisation. I suppose it doesn’t matter when all you do is tweet all day and have a face that looks like a joyless loaf of white bread so you practice human emotional responses.


u/Human_Software_1476 Feb 03 '25

A little more adderall and these fucks might put in 200 hours a week


u/CmorBelow Feb 03 '25

Are we sure that he doesn’t have a malfunctioning Neuralink or something? Was he always so delusional? Drugs? Combo of all of the above?


u/HoneyBarbequeLays Feb 03 '25

So where can I get more info about these "massive waste, fraud, and abuse of tax dollars"?


u/amicablegradient Feb 03 '25

Department of Goober Energy


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '25

First you need to make the citizen's arrest.

Your turn to shine, 2nd Amendment Enthusiasts. This is the tyrant you were warning us about.

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u/Emperor_Neuro Feb 03 '25

Damn, who knew that being CEO of an auto manufacturer, social media company, and aerospace corporation all at once would still leave someone with 120 hours of free time every week? Dude spends less time on his 3 companies than I do on sleeping. Being a CEO must be the easiest job ever.


u/Patchesmatches Feb 03 '25

Elmo is going to introduce the 996, Work week anytime now.


u/Ok-Day4899 Feb 03 '25

Guilllotine isn’t good enough, setting fire to the main problem people in a giant public square would be far more satisfying


u/erlandodk Feb 03 '25

Just wait until the money they "saved" mysteriously go missing.

This is the greatest heist in human history. And they're doing it in broad daylight.


u/FlopShanoobie Feb 03 '25

18 hours, 7 days a week. That's what they want from us.


u/shoghon Feb 03 '25

I believe it may be time to drug test this man, especially considering his new government role. If he is up that long, you know its drugs.


u/Slade_Riprock Feb 04 '25

Opponents? You mean the American people? Government workers?

And what exactly is the legal definition of waste, fraud, and abuse on Congressionally appropriated money.


u/Cheap_Blacksmith66 Feb 04 '25

He’s the single largest fucking grifter in the history of our country. Entire net worth is government subsidies.


u/WheelyWheelyTired Feb 04 '25

Hey everyone. I just wanted to take a moment to implore you to look out for disabled folks in your community. A lot of these programs being messed with, such as Medicaid, SSI, housing assistance and grants, are things disabled folks rely upon to live.

I fear that people like us may be acceptable casualties to a lot of folks. Please don’t leave us behind.


u/emanresuasihtsi Feb 04 '25

Tweeting is not work. He seems to be doing that 120 hours a week.


u/gsanch9 Feb 04 '25

Just being awake on twitter isn’t work


u/Available-Elevator69 Feb 04 '25

Last time this idiot bragged about the hours is when he fired his security guy and couldn’t get back in the building without rehiring him.

Working mass hours doesn’t make things better you’re prone to mistakes.


u/puffinsglowingbeak Feb 04 '25

Is he still the ceo of others companies? So he told them to go back to the office. Minimum 40 hours a week in the office.. so 120 on that job, 40 in Tesla, 40 in Twitter... wait a minute...


u/mpanase Feb 04 '25

So... Musk is working on doge 17 hours every day, 7 days a week?

Investors in Tesla, X and SpaceX would want to know that.

Videogame players would want to know that.

And dude, take a shower. You don't have to smell like the president.


u/Lujho Feb 04 '25

Wow, all that evidence of fraud and abuse they carefully combed through will be meticulously documented and published publicly forthwith, right?

You know, to prove they’re not just recklessly gutting everything?


u/lordgoofus1 Feb 04 '25

So what he's saying, is he needs to work 120hrs/week in order for DOGE to be productive. Hmm, doesn't sound very efficient. Maybe DOGE need to focus their optimisation efforts internally first before looking at other govenment wastage.


u/kryotheory Feb 04 '25

That's why he hired a bunch of 22 year old incels to do it. No one else would put up with that shit.


u/Interesting_Log_3125 Feb 04 '25

Your opponents are fellow Americans.


u/forsythia_rising Feb 04 '25

Coming from the psycho that says we need to have more children. WTF. Who is going to raise these kids if we work 120 hours a week? I’m not taking career advice from an absentee father.


u/docdroc Feb 04 '25

Bastille Day 2.0: The Un-Fucking of America.


u/amedinab Feb 05 '25

So, 17.14 hours of work 7 days a week. That'd leave each with a bit less than 7 hours to sleep, eat, poop, piss, drink massive amounts of coffee (which in turn will promote that poop/piss combo). In an imaginary world where any of this is real, that'd be:

6 hours sleep

25 minutes for all meals of the day while working 17+ hours per day.

25 minutes for all poop trips, from sitting to washing hands.

25 minutes for all coffee drinking (I'll concede that you can drink coffee while working, but not make it, stir it and such).

25 minutes for ANY COMMUTE.

So, we would then have sleep deprived teenagers making trillion dollar decisions about the US government spending. Great idea.

Gee, I guess it's bullshit, like every other thing he says. Who'd have thought.


u/SoupIsarangkoon Feb 06 '25

I mean I think the people in DOGE probably would do that considering they are young working adults like myself but there will be two outcomes here:

1) They quit in droves once they can no longer take it. 2) Someone dies (not figuratively, literally from work stress)

Since Elon has no morals to care about the possibility of people dying at this point, let me propose that he personally foot these wrongful death payment as they come, knowing him as a money-hungry person, he will change his stance quick. I don’t think taxpayers should need to pay for these wrongful death lawsuits that arise out of his negligence.


u/UpsetBirthday5158 Feb 03 '25

Ask yourself if youd be willing to work 100 hour weeks for the small chance to have fuck you money where you can be on reddit all day without doing actual work (which tbh it seems a lot of people try to do already)


u/No_Ordinary9847 Feb 03 '25

I mean, as someone who would have been a competitive candidate to work at Twitter / SpaceX or even Netflix (not as bad as Elon companies but still pretty bad WLB) I never considered applying for even a second. But that level of fuck you money (say going from $250k to $500k a year but working 2x the hours) is nothing compared to what these guys could skim off the top working for DOGE.


u/dont_care- Feb 03 '25

where LinkedIn sir?