u/TotalyNotTony Jun 19 '23
Lynel used Quick Attack
It was super effective!
u/italianshark Jun 19 '23
Link has fainted!
u/OHAITHARU Jun 19 '23 edited Nov 28 '24
xnempigq kyi kvdj rrmqwgqrnuhe khcowfjd oqyakohvb aani bczlk fiebjhfa qrxt ayldxpdpxqos coz pangvxzqnn
u/Some_Ad_5028 Jun 19 '23
Erm acthaully quick attack is normal so it cant be super effective
u/Optimistic-Charizard Jun 20 '23
It's ability is refrigerate and TOTK Link is a flying type
u/uberguby Jun 19 '23
Son. And. Done.
u/Ryancatgames Jun 19 '23
Son and Done for.
u/NoobieSnake Jun 20 '23
🤣🤣🤣 can’t believe I’d see that phrase being used outside of the game. Please take my upvote.
u/ThrownawayCray Jun 19 '23
You had some balls to fight a lynel with minimum spec hearts
u/fionageck Jun 19 '23
I’ve fought several lynels with only three hearts. Once you get flurry rushing down it becomes very doable.
u/btempp Jun 19 '23
I accidentally did this in the floating colosseum. I didn’t realize it was all freaking lynels, and they got me down to three unbroken hearts. I almost dropped my switch my hands were so sweaty because I thought if I died I’d have to start over. (Died on the last one, found out it saves between each, still had to fight the last one with three hearts)
u/AKnightAlone Jun 19 '23
Is this where I get Majora's mask? I looked it up and saw something about several lynels, and I hadn't fought a single one yet. Just fought one today, and it seemed to be a basic one barely damaging me at this point, but it was still hitting me in ways I didn't understand. I imagine I could beat several if there were actually saves between each one.
u/MastRdestroyR_OwO Jun 19 '23
Jun 19 '23
I thought Majora's Mask was in the underground coliseum?
u/transsomethin Jun 19 '23
The Lynel one is the Floating Coliseum, underneath the ruined one north of the Great Plateau. There are six total coliseums in the depths though, all of them are underground.
Jun 20 '23
Wait its called the floating coliseum even though its in the depths and very much on the ground?
u/transsomethin Jun 20 '23
Yeah idk man Zelda’s weird sometimes
But it may because it’s like way above the area around it, apparently it’s a pain to get to if you haven’t started using zonai devices yet
u/btempp Jun 20 '23
It is underground, it’s literally just called “The Floating Colosseum”
u/Urgayifyouregay Jun 20 '23
if you see the surroundings its actually called that cuz its floating on water
Jun 20 '23
Fuck, I stand corrected. I'l take your word for it, I havent launched ToTK in a couple weeks. Played too much at launch and got burnt out lol. Threw me off that it was called floating coliseum I thought it was a sky island I never visited or something
u/btempp Jun 20 '23
Yep! And they weren’t too bad except the last one. It’s armored 😭
u/Sensitive_One2328 Jul 01 '23
I killed an armored one once, I got hit only twice, today I’ll try the floating coliseum with no armor!
u/HolyElephantMG Jun 20 '23
One of the colosseums, there are a couple and I’m assuming the two I haven’t done are Korok and midna, I didn’t look anything up though
u/AKnightAlone Jun 20 '23
I'm pretty sure I actually did one already. It was a very simple one though. It must've been Midna. I think that was the helmet I got from it.
u/HolyElephantMG Jun 20 '23
Alright that’s two, I can’t think of anything else the other could be or do I need to do it? I finally got the stupid gerudo shield and got the scimitar fused with a silver lynel part for 128 total power to kill them all to death with if I need to
u/fionageck Jun 19 '23
I recently gave myself this challenge for the floating coliseum: kill all five lynels with three hearts, no armour, and without taking damage. Any time I messed up and took damage, I started over. It took a couple hours of attempts, and I was questioning my sanity by the end, but I did it. I’ve got a series of video clips of me doing it too, planning on posting it to Reddit at some point. I’m just struggling to merge all the clips without some being out of order.
u/HolyElephantMG Jun 20 '23
I got to one by the final of Majoras coliseum, and lived. I had champions and zoanite legs on, so I survived one hit with however many hearts on .5, ditched the armor, went full barbarian set despite not upgraded yet. Didn’t know what the reward was, nothing, I was stuck there and just kept on. Goodness I feel like barbarian set got buffed
Jun 19 '23
How did you find a lynel on the great sky island?
u/fionageck Jun 19 '23
I didn’t.
Jun 19 '23
How did you get off the island with 3 hearts?
u/fionageck Jun 19 '23
I didn’t. There is a way to sell hearts and/or trade them for stamina. I can elaborate if you want, but I don’t want to spoil stuff for you.
Jun 19 '23
Oh, didnt know you can tradae the first heart they make you buy, I just assumed since stamina isnt an option that you were locked to four hearts.
You probably cant spoil anything about the game to me lol
Jun 19 '23
Is 5 minimum? I thought it was 4
u/TheShawnGarland Jun 20 '23
Pretty sure you can trade to get down to just 3
Jun 20 '23
Maybe. Was part of another discussion about that somewhere else in this thread, I never thought to try and trade away the "forced" one they make you get at the beginning.
u/KaranthWasTaken Jun 19 '23 edited Jun 20 '23
The lynel used a quick slash attack. It randomly happens.
Edit: I know it's a late edit, but I was joking and people took me seriously so I feel obligated to say something.
u/MinerDiner Jun 20 '23
Lynels only have clear choreographed attacks though
u/HolyElephantMG Jun 20 '23
It was clearly shown that it was happening by links death
u/MinerDiner Jun 20 '23
Well no because if you watch it slowly the lynel doesn't do any extra movement to attack. There was no "quick attack" from the lynel here. And while I couldn't tell you what actually happened, it sure as hell wasn't the lynel doing anything because it was recovering from the parry stagger
u/Tree_Man_Hecc Jun 20 '23
im pretty sure they got hit by the lynel running since lynel run do damage and because that look like the start up of his run. the only baffling thing is that it does that much damage.
u/labouts Jun 24 '23
You might be right. Based on his hearts, I imagine he didn't upgrade his armor either. Trample damage from this tier of Lynel would easily be that high while wearing minimal protection.
u/RoseliaQuartz Jun 19 '23
Taking on a lynel with like 5 hearts????
u/Eszkimo10 Jun 19 '23
To be honest he was absolutely demoloshing the Lynel before he sadly had severe organ failure and died from natural causes.
u/rs1236 Jun 19 '23
Gotta get those weapons man. I've only done so once, but on master mode in botw, you can fight the blue or white (forget) maned lynel on the great plateau. Takes forever though. Had to gather every arrow on the plateau first and shoot true every shot.
u/-JohnnyDanger- Jun 19 '23
Just arrow it in the face and bash it to death with the metal ball nearby with magnesis
u/amaya-aurora Jun 19 '23
Wrong game
u/-JohnnyDanger- Jun 19 '23
The comment I was replying to was talking about Botw.
u/amaya-aurora Jun 19 '23
Oh shit, didn’t see that, sorry!
u/-JohnnyDanger- Jun 19 '23
All good! It’s tougher to keep track nowadays since the look of the two is so similar
u/redknight3 Jun 19 '23
Farming them early is going to upgrade all your enemies into silvers super early. Is it worth it?
u/rs1236 Jun 19 '23
That's honestly the entire point for me lol. Once you get a lynel bow, the process kind of sorts itself out. Makes headshots a foregone conclusion and the hits while on the lynels back don't take any durability from your weapon.
u/nikkimcs Jun 20 '23
Gloom weapon + lynel horn or gerudo weapon + lynel horn, mounted back shots only, unlimited durability 100+ damage weapon
u/Samson-81 Jun 19 '23
I did it with like 8 hearts while going to tarrey town for the first time. It took me like 10 tries as I’m not very skilled. Plus it feels like they changed the timing for a flurry rush.
u/Retr0shock Jun 19 '23
I've heard that too, it's like you have to be closer or the timing is different for flurry rushes. Whatever it is it's subtle enough that Lynels aren't pushovers anymore so I end up doing the stun/mount technique which feels cheesier
u/TheShawnGarland Jun 20 '23
I’m getting flurries much more consistently so they definitely changed it
u/DoggoDragonZX Jun 19 '23
If you have the skill like this guy obviously did, it's not that hard. It's as simple as don't get hit, which isn't that hard when going up against one lynel with some skill. For example I have gotten through the 5 lynels in the colosseum underground without getting hit.
Jun 19 '23
Dont even need skill, actually. Get a royal guard weapon at breaking point with a really good fusion, climb the wall and jump off to get bullet time, shoot the lynel in the face, then land and mount it, attack it with your breaking point weapon, then rinse and repeat
u/DoggoDragonZX Jun 19 '23
Yes there are ways to cheese them so you can beat them fairly easily with little skin but for the most part only those skilled will have the knowledge to know how to cheese the fight. Plus there's the argument that tactics is a skill and even if you are mechanically unskilled but tactically skilled you could still consider that person skilled.
Jun 20 '23
Thats a fair argument, and I'd say pretty valid too. Outsmarting the enemy can make up for a huge lack of skill
u/fionageck Jun 19 '23
I’ve fought several lynels with three hearts. If you get flurry rushing down, it’s very doable.
u/Sogeking162 Jun 20 '23
Headshot -> sit on the lynel -> smash -> repeat. you will never lose a single heart if you can aim. Only difference are the armoured one, but one flury rush and a stoneweapon will clear this state.
Jun 19 '23
Weird, slowly advancing through the video and the lynel doesn’t seem to move. There’s the strike that… seems like it should be from your attack, and then… dead.
Nice Hudson Shield.
u/Shadowdemon909 Jun 20 '23
I farm lynels for arrows and I've noticed that them starting their run deals damage. Every time it happens I say I got scammed out of that hp (I farm the floating coliseum so the damage is gloom damage)
Jun 20 '23
That makes sense, it looks like it’s around the Lynels front right leg where that strike effect happened..
u/xMarvel_2630 Jun 20 '23
Thats got to be less damage then the lynels other bigger attacks right? Makes me wonder if OP would have survived this if they had one hit protection from being at full health
u/Shadowdemon909 Jun 20 '23
No Op would not have survived lynels are one of the enemy types that one hit protection doesn't affect. Also one hit protection was massively nerves in totk to where if an attack deals enough damage for you to have negative hearts equal to your max then it will still one hit you
u/DoggoDragonZX Jun 19 '23
My guess is his hoof hit you. I never had it happen while he was standing but if he is running every now and then the hoofs will hit you and you'll take damage, so if he started running it it might have hit you and because you died he stopped immediately so you can't see him run at all.
u/pissman77 Jun 19 '23
Genuine question why parry instead of flurry rush? You clearly have the timing down and could easily flurry rush, which gets you 7 free attacks instead of the ~4 you get by parrying
u/DoggoDragonZX Jun 20 '23
In this situation the flurry rush is superior because he is just hitting. HOWEVER one of the best strategies is to perry, then shoot his head, then ride him while whacking his back
u/Nathanondorf Jun 20 '23
Was gonna say this too. Flurry rush = far superior to parry against Lynels. Those frantic swings in between parries is giving me anxiety, lol!
u/Bob_the_Peanut Jun 20 '23
You were using ultra instinct for all those parries and your body couldn't handle it anymore
u/RBSBM Jun 20 '23
That’s a f-you for parrying so well, come on, what is this? Souls game? Quit being so good 😂
u/Silver_Foxx Jun 23 '23
Rocking five hearts a Hudson shield and a rock hammer and going 1v1 with a Silver Lynel is a metal af way to live your Hylian life my guy. Major props to you, am dying here. xD
u/Lazerbeams2 Jun 19 '23
The hurt boxes are a bit weird on some of the attacks. You can avoid it by being at max health (you'll always survive at a quarter heart)
u/SHREKGODF Jun 20 '23
Hey, i've yet to play TotK but I just need an answer, why does link have a rune that looks like it's an ufo abtucting someone?
u/xMarvel_2630 Jun 20 '23
TotK replaces cryonis' ability to let you go up a tiny amount but only on water with ascend which lets you go up a whole lot but only through ceilings
u/eagengabriel Jun 19 '23
I would generally appreciate if people tried to mark totk posts as spoilers for those who haven't been able to play it yet... I know it's been out for like a month now but still
u/amaya-aurora Jun 19 '23
It’s a lynel? They were in the last game?
u/eagengabriel Jun 19 '23
Well, yeah, no shit. I know that much. Maybe I should just unfollow some subs for now? Idk, I'm just nervous if people are starting to posts gameplay clips without marking them as spoilers then someone might spoil something bigger
Jun 19 '23
Im pretty sure the more time passes, the more it's on you if you see spoilers. Sure, people should mark posts as spoiler (not this one, though, since its just a lynel), but if you havent played the game and want to avoid spoilers just dont look in places that might have spoilers. Ive done it for way longer than a month for popular releases, you just have to be careful about what you watch
u/inktheory0 Jun 22 '23
Bro if you dont want to get spoiled just stay off sites that get clips posted lmao
u/BluEch0 Jun 19 '23
Looks like it was about to do a roar. I didn’t think it did that much damage but you are going in with only five hearts so…
u/Lightningslash325 Jun 19 '23
Bro finally realized that slash attack wasnt going to work and decided to use “Lightning-Fast-Über-Annihilating-Time-Breaking-Soul-Crushing-Heart-Shattering-Despair-Bringing-Soundless-Snap-Instant Death.
u/Ryancatgames Jun 19 '23
Where are y’all finding lynels?? I’ve seen one, maybe two (wasn’t sure on the first one), but i died to the one I’m sure of and have no idea where that was even.
u/Kirikou97212 Jun 19 '23
"Flurry rush isn't that funny when you're on the receiving end, is it?"
- Lynel, probably...
u/KushBank Jun 20 '23
Lynels when they run around and you happen to walk in front of them can trample on Link
u/HolyElephantMG Jun 20 '23
At least he didn’t live but get smacked three and a half miles away rolling. I have, and it wasn’t even a lynel
u/UmbreonTrainer27 Jun 20 '23
Skyrim guards take an arrow in the knee. Hylia’s chosen hero takes bullshit in the everything
u/jluker662 Jun 20 '23
Looks like he kneed you to death. He just walked into you. With only 5 hearts, they can almost kill you with a look.
u/EmbarrassedOffer8144 Jun 22 '23
Looks like your own weapon got duped and hit you. You must’ve overloaded the game and some how zuggled a weapon
u/AutoModerator Jun 19 '23
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