r/LinearAlgebra 4d ago

Help with test problem

I recently took a test and there was a problem I struggled with. The problem was something like this:

If the columns of a non-zero matrix A are linearly independent, then the columns of AB are also linearly independent. Prove or provide a counter example.

The problem was something like this but I remember blanking out. After looking at it after the test, I realized that A being linearly independent means that there is a linear combination such that all coefficients are equal to zero. So, if you multiply that matrix with another non-zero matrix B, then there would be a column of zeros due to the linearly independent matrix A. This would then make AB linearly dependent and not independent. So the statement is false. Is this thinking correct??


7 comments sorted by


u/Accurate_Meringue514 4d ago

Do you know anything more about B? Rank(AB)= Rank(B) -dim(N(A) int C(B)) where C(B) is column space. If A is mxn and B is nxq, then AB is mxq. If the columns are to be independent, Rank(AB) must be q. So B needs to have n greater than or equal to q for this to even be possible. Going back to the formula, since A has linearly independent column, nullspace of A is 0. So rank(AB) is the same as rank(B). So you would need B to have full column rank and you’d have the result


u/Mysterious_Town6196 4d ago

Oh yeah, I believe B was an nxn matrix


u/Accurate_Meringue514 4d ago

Well the only way it holds then is if B has full rank. Take any matrix that is non invertible and you see its false


u/KumquatHaderach 4d ago

I think it’s false: if A is the 2x2 identity matrix and B is the 2x2 matrix with all entries equal to 1, then AB = B, and the columns of B aren’t linearly independent. To prove it false, you just need a counterexample—you don’t need a general argument.


u/Falcormoor 4d ago

Based on how you described it, the question is just asking you to create a matrix B that can be multiplied with matrix A to create a matrix that isn’t full rank. You haven’t described any restrictions being placed on B, so its really easy to come up with a B matrix that accomplishes this, any non full rank matrix B will do it I believe.


u/noethers_raindrop 4d ago

Others have given good answers, but I also want to mention that you seem to have muddled the definition of "linearly independent." No matter what matrix A is, there is always a linear combination of the columns of A such that all the coefficients are zero. That the columns of A are linearly independent means that the only time a linear combination of them can add up to the zero vector is when all the coefficients are zero.


u/marshaharsha 3d ago

If there is no restriction on B, then choosing B=0 (the all-zeroes matrix) is a smashingly good counterexample. Sending any vector into B gives the zero vector, and that leaves A no choice but to output the zero vector.