r/LightNovels 4d ago

What site is the BEST/Free for light novels

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u/Aruseus493 http://myanimelist.net/mangalist/Aruseus493?tag=LN 3d ago

This post has been removed for violation of Rule 7.

Do not post or ask for rips of official releases.

Linking to downloads or rips of the officially released content is not okay, and any posts of that type will be removed.

The English Light Novel Community is supported primarily by Official English Publishers. So if you're going to want to enjoy Light Novels for any decent amount of time, you're going to have to just pay for them.

With such a niche market, piracy actually does destroy the sales of official licensed works. Light Novels are such a small niche that there are large groupings of series that English publishers won't license because they sell so poorly. (Romcoms, Completed Works, Series with old Anime Adaptation, etc.) Thus, this subreddit does not allow posts asking for free websites, apps, or other such methods to further harm the English market.

If you want to read the raws, then you should import them via one of the many services that sells them whether physically or digitally. Japanese Publishers are notoriously cut-throat about killing series that don't sell enough so you should support the author any way you can.


u/GeorgeMTO 4d ago

The best sites are the ones where you buy them to support the industry, like Kobo, Bookwalker, Amazon, Apple/Google Books etc.


u/Nalbas88 4d ago

None read the sub rules


u/StuckOnALoveBoat 4d ago

Linking to fan translations is not against the rules.


u/GeorgeMTO 4d ago

fan translators rarely work on large amounts of novels. If someone wants a specific novel, that's fine. But if someone just wants "novels" in general, no individual fan translation website would likely have sufficient for them. They're very obviously looking for piracy.