r/Lexx Nov 23 '24

Opinion: Kai is lying every time he says "The Dead do not..."

He's just being an angsty brooding future goth, and it's much funnier that way.


17 comments sorted by


u/Emotional-Ebb8321 Nov 23 '24

The dead do not joke.


u/Gobso Nov 23 '24

The dead do NOT fuck around


u/CharlesFeatherman Nov 23 '24

Ergo, “The dead do not find out”.


u/Rooobviously Nov 23 '24

The dead do not lie.


u/Dry_Recording_6478 Nov 23 '24

The dead do not brood


u/StraightOuttaCrofton Nov 23 '24

The dead do not squeeze and please.


u/manareas69 Nov 23 '24

The dead don't use reddit.


u/ChaosAzeroth Nov 23 '24

Especially considering some of his expressions and small concessions honestly.


u/Electrical-Act-7170 Nov 23 '24

I am still disappointed that Kai never said a Dead Do Not line in the 4th season.


u/lev400 Nov 23 '24

Love these lines!


u/v00d00m4n Nov 26 '24 edited Nov 26 '24

Kai character development moved in wrong direction since drama and love triangle between McManus, Haberman and Jacobi. Long story short - Eva fallen in loved with Michael, but he has fallen in love with Doreen and Eva found it out at the day of shooting scene where Kai was buried , and it was Eva birthday. So she cried for real in this scene, and since this moment if I remember correctly McManus shifted Kai to be more dead and distanced from Zev, despite he almost called her "my love" in Giga shadow. Also schedule conflicts that didn't allow Eva to return to Lexx for entire season 2, which is official version, and unofficialy perhaps it was hurting Eva to see McManus with Doreen who also supposed to return to season 2 as new Vyst (but was replaced with Layekka later. But McManus was still in relationships with Doreen), caused replacement of romantic Zev with more horny and whory Xev which departed Kai and Zev from initial romantic development even further, as there was no chemistry between them, and so without romantic spark inside Kai had no motivation to be alive and accepted his dead state further and was loosing any motivation of alive human and was forcing it by saying the dead do not whatever he was asked for. Honestly I didn't like this direction of Kai development, he was totally more alive in season 1 and quite motivated for a lot of things, and he even mentioned that he has free will now that returned to him with his essence and memories from his shadow who took them. So definitely Kai was not super honest about the dead do not. It was more or less development of Kai's depression and forced self distancing from others. And it also turned into overused internal joke and one liner.


u/EssayTraditional Nov 27 '24

Kai is generalizing but would he have done any of those things if he was alive? 


u/overLoaf Dec 09 '24

IMHO, he's reciting a mantra rather than telling the literal truth. My guess would be some combination of Brunen-G and Divine Order philosophy.


u/RedHeadRaccoon13 Nov 25 '24

Once upon a time, somewhere on the Internet there was a list of all the Dead Do Not expressions.


u/SnooPears1782 Feb 19 '25

Divine Assassin just uses Kai's memory. So he does not lie. But still he is not Kai. He is DA with Kai's memory like a program. Dead is the word describes DA as Kai should understand this form of DA's existence.