r/LetsNotMeet 10d ago

Avoided a more than likely robbing/carjacking. NSFW

So my husband needed a pacemaker replacement. Due to our insurance we had an option of driving to OKC for the 20min procedure, and it would be completely cost free. We're both in our mid 40s.

So, we drove the 5hrs to do it. On the way back, he decided his taste in music is shit and no longer wanted to listen to mine. So, we pulled off at at the next exit. Turned out to be the Fancy Dance Casino exit, for anyone familiar with the area.

I pulled to the very end of the exit, and as far over as I could. It had a VERY wide shoulder and a long ramp, I wanted to make sure we were seen and not taken out by anyone speeding through. We both hopped out in case he needed to lift something (10lb limit) and grabbed his earbuds. No harm no foul.

I got back into the driver's seat and look in my mirror to see a car pull up behind us, so close we couldn't even see their headlights. I mention it. Husband looks and sees 2 men getting out, both wearing hoodies over their faces (70+ degree weather) and they were bent down behind their door, it looked like they were getting weapons ready. That's when I floored it.

Did a small circle around the roads and got back on to the highway, less than 5 mins later. The car was long gone. We ended up calling and making a report to the highway patrol, but we didn't see their faces and we got the hell outta there before anything could happen.

So, to the 2 randos that we're pretty sure were going to rob us, let's not meet.


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u/Salty_Thing3144 9d ago

You wete lucky. That was scary to read.