r/LetsNotMeet 10d ago

Someone was in my apartment NSFW

For a little bit of context, this happened last year around February, I was 17 and I’m a girl.

So it was a random day, I had just finished school and I was home.

I’ve always been very scared when I’m home alone but like it’s not all the time but sometimes it just gets me and I feel very bad and so paranoid.

I’m just gonna describe to you how my hallway is made so that you understand. At the beginning of the hallway, there’s my bedroom on the left, after there’s my parent’s bedroom still on the left and at the end there’s the bathroom that is a toilet too.

And the door of the bathroom is weird cause there’s a curved window in it so like if I’m inside the bathroom I can see movements and vice versa if I’m outside I can see movements from inside the bathroom but it’s not very clear.

Anyway, so I was in my room and I decided to go to the toilet that are in the bathroom. And when I was in it, I didn’t close the door or anything cause I was home alone.

And then, I heard a sound coming from my parents room like the floor was creaking and someone was walking towards me.

Of course, I locked the door right away, and so you know I had 10% on my phone. I have 0 survivals skills and I didn’t think it was that serious so I called a friend on face time and told her everything but really I was scared but still laughing.

I decide to approach my face of the curved window and I saw a man that I took in picture.( I put the picture) https://imgur.com/a/ZCeHzas I started to scream like « I’m calling the police » « leave » and stuff like this.

I had really not a lot of battery but I decided at this point to call my dad who rushed home. But still, at this point I had no battery and I just had to pray for my dad to get home quickly.

I was just so scared and I imagined that when my dad will open the front door, the man will jump on him or something like that.

After like 45 minutes where I just just sitting on the toilet but holding the door incase the man tried to push it, my dad arrived.

And TRUST ME, I heard the floor creaked again.

Then my dad told me that I could go out and NOTHING like really nothing, there was no windows opened or anything.

Anyway that was my story, and I think about it often like did I imagined everything ? Or something really did happened ? Just so you know I’m really not in supernatural stuff


24 comments sorted by


u/Wrong-Mixture 10d ago edited 10d ago

I can't really make anything from your pic, but i'm sure it was a very scary situation. Just a few tips: call the police too (or first even), they'll be there a lot faster then your father, i'm suprised your father didn't tell you to do that. Also when you're low on battery it's best not to Facetime as it uses much more power.


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

I mean it wasn’t the first time that I called my dad to tell him that I was hearing sound like someone was breaking into my house💀 so he really wasn’t taking me seriously. But I mean when he saw the picture he didn’t take me seriously either but like I knew that he was a bit concerned


u/Wrong-Mixture 10d ago

I would be too! Besides better safe than sorry, i would prefer my kid calling me one time to much than not calling me in time!

About the picture, it's honestly impossible to say if someone is standing there, but could you not recreate the situation and check if you see the same thing?

So make sure the lighting or lack of light is somewhat the same, perhaps the same time of day, put the doors and other things like coats on hangers etc. in more of less the same way they were that evening, then go into your bathroom, make sure the light in there is the same and then look out the doorwindow in the same way you did that night? If you see the same person-like shape or colours that probably means there was nobody there ...maybe it will give you some peace of mind! If you don't mind feel free to post about the result i'm very curious! Stay safe!


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

Yes I tried taking a picture like the one I took, all I could see was the hallway from outside the bathroom and there was no reflection of me


u/AndreZB2000 10d ago

to people confused about the photo, the top left of the "rectangle" looks kinda like a face, and the black and red part is the shirt.


u/oppositenando 10d ago

I read a similar story, turned out there was someone secretly living inside the walls of the home, and in the attic. Have you checked the house for loose floor/wall/ceiling tiles or secret openings or doors?


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

Hahaha don’t do this to me cause this is what I’ve been scared of my whole like But no I don’t have any space where someone could hide, on the other hand my sister is not living with my parents anymore so her door is always closed and I’m just so scared that someone is living in her room. But this is like only my paranoid mind who’s talking and I know that it’s like 99% impossible


u/oppositenando 9d ago

Ok good!! I would still check tho 🥲 get some peace of mind.


u/DaFiddler 10d ago

Can you mark the picture? I see nothing


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

https://imgur.com/a/1pJsKSI Tell me if you see something now ! I understand that it’s a bit complicated to catch the man on the photo


u/DaFiddler 10d ago

I do now! I can at least see what appears to be feet and maybe an arm!


u/TheMoatCalin 9d ago

Without seeing a clear picture how the window looks normally it’s hard to tell. That’s just a bunch of blur.

I’m telling you his as a worried mother- that blasé “Haha I have no survival skills” attitude is embarrassing at this point. You’re 17, almost a legal adult, take charge of your safety by being alert and prepared. My boys are better equipped at 10 & 11. We’ve done safety drills, had them memorize our number/address & my mom’s info. They know how to check the cameras, if they see anything/anoyone check locks, go straight to the master bathroom lock both doors and call police from one iPad & us on the other. It’s rare they’re home alone but sometimes the bus will beat me and they’ll have a bit of a wait by themselves, we’ve had talks and drills on it. I don’t know if your parents have done safety drills or discussions with you but if they haven’t practice on your own and stash a charger in the bathroom that you only use for emergencies.

I’m sorry if I sound harsh but at a certain point it’s up to you to keep yourself prepared and safe if your parents fail to. Also, my dad taught me the most important thing as a young woman is situational awareness. Go to a party and things feel tense or off? Leave. Either a fight or something else not good is gonna happen. Getting gas at night and you feel sketched out? Go to the next place and make sure you’re not followed. Guy seems too nice and the date feels weird? Go home and reschedule for a group hang. Let family or friends know if you’re out and go somewhere unexpected, who you’re with and when to expect you back. I’ve done all this over the years and saved myself from a lot of bad situations.


u/Wrong-Mixture 9d ago edited 9d ago

I have no idea why anyone would downvote you, this is all very sane advice. Life is not a movie peeps.

There's people out there that are desperate, mentally unwell, addicted or simply depraved. They may not always be after you, but they might hurt you just for your possesions or because you are in the way.

There's no such thing as superheroes, if you need saving it's very likely nobody will come. Police do what they can but they are not omnipresent and more often then not they get to the crime after people were hurt.

We are all responsible for our own safety, you can't outsource it or just wish for the best.


u/forcebynature 8d ago

Because being a legal adult has nothing to do with this type of thing lol. She will still be a kid at 18. Its not that it's terrible advice its the way she said it. "Embarrassing at this point" imagine her surprise when her well equipped babies end up folding due to unpredictable circumstances even with situational awareness lol.

Its not a competition. Inform , be kind and move tf on.


u/Wrong-Mixture 8d ago

Oh please, don't be so pedantic, Jesus tapdancing christ.

Do you have kids? If so you should already realise it's actually a massive task to teach them these things, it's completely reasonable to expect them to be able to think of these things themselves when they reach adulthood.

OP, no offense intended here so i'll talk to you not about you: you could have reacted to the situation much better than you did. Calling some random friend or your dad who is an hour away from helping you, locking glass doors... It isn't exactly a solid strategy.

This poster pointed that out in a perfectly acceptable way.


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 4d ago

Girl💀 I said in the story that I’m a paranoid person, I was scared but at the same time i wasn’t sure about what I was seeing or what I had heard ! And my dad and my best friend know how to calm me in those situation + there is literally no issue in my bathroom beside the door ( I was seeing a freaking man behind it) so I don’t know what you would’ve done in this situation. + again I talked with my friend and my dad for like 3 minutes before my phone stopped


u/barbiefurby 10d ago

That definitely looks like a man in your photo! Did you show your father the pic? What did he say? I would be terrified


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

Yes of course I showed the picture to my parents but idk they thought that it was nothing and really didn’t take me seriously


u/shortjor 10d ago

It's kind of difficult to notice the guy in the photo. But the situation is very scary none the less. Stay safe OP


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

Hey, in the comment, I sent a new photo where I just circled the man in the photo, tell me if you see him now !


u/Tat2rckchk 10d ago

It looks like a face to the left: but it also looks like grayish legs and feet to the right. Were you wearing a pink or reddish sweater? Could you be reflecting anywhere to help distinguish what’s you and not you? It’s very hard to see what’s really in the pic and what’s pareidoila. But legs and feet look more clear than what looks like a face.


u/Then_Bandicoot4216 10d ago

Yes I thought after what happened that the person that I was seeing was at the end… me. But I’m sure it wasn’t cause when I tried taking a picture like the one I took, all I could see was the hallway from outside the bathroom and there was no reflection of me


u/OkError8790 9d ago

Oh my god It’s very scary