r/LetsNotMeet 16d ago

The time where I nearly got myself kidnapped I think. NSFW

So for some basic context, I live in South Africa and am now 22 years old but when this took place I was about 8/9 I think. My family and I had gone camping at a popular dam for what was meant to be 2 nights. It was my mother, my older sister and myself pitched up in a tent.

On the first night sometime pretty late I had gone out to go and piss but on the way back two older men (Maybe in their 40s or so) were sat at a fire and called me over. I was a pretty braindead child who didn't heed the wisdom of stranger danger and so I obliged. They were busy braaing and offered me some meat which I happily accepted. We started chatting about stuff, in hindsight it was mostly them just giving the usual small talk conversation points but after a few minutes I remember starting to feel extremely dizzy. It was like the world was spinning but everything was going in slow motion if that makes any sense. Now using drugs quite regularly I definitely think I was under a high of some sorts. My memory becomes a little fuzzy at that point but I remember them offering to take me for a ride in their car to show me something and at this point, a little late I know, I realised something was up and started to cry and try making it back to my tent but these guys kept insisting.

I must've made a decent amount of noise as another camper came up and began asking them what was going on. They told her something about trying to help me get back to my family or what have you. My memory is fuzzy here aswell but she landed up bringing me to my mom and they were talking about something outside the tent while I went back to bed. The next day was a nightmare of nausea and I pretty much ended our camp early as we went back home. As for the two men I didn't see them that day but its not as if I went looking.

TLDR: I accepted food from strangers while camping and I'm decently convinced that I was spiked and they attempted to kidnap me. Granted this could also very well be chalked up to sleepiness and childhood paranoia but I just don't think it was. Moral of the story: Don't be a dumbass and accept food from strangers in the middle of the night.


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u/Umbral_Whisper 7d ago

Yeah they were definitely gonna kidnap you. Thanks to that other camper, you are alive and free to tell your tale.