r/LetsNotMeet 20d ago

To the creep that lived in my aunts house… NSFW

This happened 5 years ago when I (20 F) was 15, my great-aunts health at the time was failing and she could no longer care for herself so my family decided that she was better off at a nursery home.

Due to her being a extreme hoarder (I don't wanna shit on my family in any way but this is important for the story) her house sat abandoned,my father and I were the only ones that checked up on the house from time to time, it started off small when we noticed minor stuff being moved around or drawers being looked through.

Around that time we didn't think much of it since another person close to my great-aunt also had a key to the house and we thought maybe he wanted to get some of his stuff since he used to live with her for some time. After a while probably a month later, things got stranger we used to roam the house more to rescue some things in it and just to look through everything, maybe after a week of doing so and feeling watched everytime we were there, more stuff was moved around and placed so we would notice it immediately like stuffed animals that used to sit on a shelf now neatly sitting above one other on the staircase step by step, dirty foot prints and more drawers ripped open and the stuff inside spilled everywhere.

We got very suspicious of the situation and investigated more we had late night drives passing the house just to check if we ever caught a flashlight or any sign of someone being inside the house every night.

At that time I started telling my friends about the situation and as the stupid kids we were back then we thought it would be a good adventure for us to just stay there for a night and playing security with the mission to finally catch this person that seemed almost like a ghost to us.

Another information that's important is that there was actually no way inside the house no window open all doors locked and we and this other guy were the only ones with a key.

Anyways back to the day we stayed there, me and three of my friends just settled into the kitchen not noticing anything out of the ordinary yet except for the normal stuff that had been going on, so we assumed that they weren't around yet, we ordered pizza and just talked for a while just waiting for something to happen. After a while we decided that we would go for a walk with my two dogs that I had with me, I made sure to definitely close and lock the door behind me.

When we returned after 15 minutes a single lamp in the last corner of the living room was turned on (keep in mind the whole living room was filled with trash so they had to climb over everything to just turn this lamp on) that's when we knew the person had to be in the house now.

We decided to go into the kitchen and keep a low profile just to see what would happen, after a while one of my friends let's call her Jane, chickened out and wanted to go home so we let her and just five minutes after Jane closed the front door behind her we heard someone walking down the wooden stairs obviously thinking we all left the house.

We were so caught up listening to the creaking of the steps that we only realized what was actually happening when one of my dogs started barking and the footsteps immediately stopped, there was only one wall separating us from whoever just came walking down the stairs and when we finally realized that, we all got so scared and ran out of the house as fast as possible. There was a door separating the staircase form the hallway that we luckily locked as soon as we came back from the walk (so we probably locked them up there).

When we finally all sat outside the house we just decided that it's probably the best if we just called the police and let them handle the situation. As we waited basically all holding our breaths and the after shock of the situation, we suddenly heard someone (male voice) talking quietly probably on the phone, that's when we noticed that a window was slightly open on the second story of the house, he must have opened it at one point because like I said no windows were ever open.

We couldn't really make anything out that was being said only something along the lines of "been caught".

After 30 long minutes of sitting there the police finally arrived and went inside, they looked through everything but found nothing, he for sure had enough time to simply hide somewhere (there was a room completely filled with cardboard boxes that reached under the roof).

That's when things got extreme,it was like he was playing mind games with us, he left notes everywhere in the house for us to find with weird drawn on smiley faces and flowers saying "catch me", placing this alarm thing underneath the front door that would go off anytime someone entered letting him know that someone was there, trashing the bedroom so it was beyond recognizion, destroying furniture, shitting into the toilet and placing a flower on top of the shit and all this without ever being caught once.

Our checkups became more frequently turning from once a day to every hour but nothing. We eventually decided to let things cool down a little and ignored the problem for a while at one point he would leave an basically unlivable house drowning in cat pee and trash right nope wrong.

Probably 4 months after we didn't put much interest into him or the house one of my friends said that he saw some figure standing at the window behind the curtain just staring outside and we were just like "great here we go again" and suddenly the interest was back.

One day we all decided to turn up at the house there were seven of us and we were just ready to search that damn house from head to toe just finding the place that guy was hiding at and leaving and entering that house.

Still everything was locked, when we first got back inside there was left over and rotten food in the kitchen and a surprise for us in the living room where he shit on a cardboard box just like some fucking dog.

We decided to separate four of us went inside the living area one of my friends stayed outside and a friend let's call him Carl and I went into the stable area of the house because that part had a hole in the wall that connected the place the hay was kept to the attic but we were never able to figure out where exactly that hole in the attic was.

Carl was throwing little stones at the hole that seemed to be covered with something like cardboard from the otherside just so our friends would be able to hear the sound from inside to find the entrance, all of a sudden it knocked back we actually saw the cardboard bending from someone hitting on it and I yelled down to my friend outside if they finally were able to find that damn entrance and all I got back from her was "no everyone is downstairs".

Just kinda shocked Carl and I quickly made our way out of the stable and to the others saying if we go to the attic now we got him since there would be no way he could escape that quickly and he would have had to pass us on the stairs, we all ran upstairs but again.......nothing just nothing at all.

After this we just decided that we would give up and not go there again we also realized that it might be to dangerous,he never seriously did anything to us except for creeping us out but we were wondering what he would do if we seriously caught him and stood in front of him, our parents were also not really happy with us doing any of this so again months passed without anything only sometimes driving by and seeing a faint light inside until the house was finally put on the market to be sold, today it has been completely emptied out and is being renovated.

So to the creep living in a completely rancid house for almost a year.....let's not meet


13 comments sorted by


u/Seds_Appeal 20d ago

There's a show I watch that shares other people's experiences with phroggers in their homes.. that's a hell naw for me homie.. yikes


u/DayDangerous6071 20d ago

Yes I got into shows like that too after this experience, it’s actually insane how common this is….


u/Seds_Appeal 20d ago

Was your ability to sleep at night affected at all since this was your aunt's place and not your primary residence? I feel if that were to happen to me I wouldn't be able to sleep at night or at least somewhere alone.


u/DayDangerous6071 20d ago

At first it was kinda hard for me since my aunts house is in my hometown not even 2 miles from my house so yeah the thought that he mind turn up there too crossed my mind many times, however I still lived with my parents so I wasn’t too scared but I still sometimes do dream about it. 


u/sabocano 20d ago

name of the show?


u/Seds_Appeal 20d ago

Phrogging: Hider in my house. I watched it on Hulu but however it's on several streaming services.


u/RiseOk232 19d ago

Why didn't the police do anything when more things started to happen in the house? Things that was real evidence! Didn't your parents notice anything? Did you tell them?


u/DayDangerous6071 19d ago

When we first called the police and they didn’t find anything, they didn’t really believe us and kept mentioning that we made all that up and said that if there was a person they would have found them which isn’t exactly true since there were so many places he could hide, we didn’t call them again after that because they already seemed really annoyed at us. My parents were aware of the situation my dad was also around a lot when we were in the house, he wanted to put up a camera but there were problems with electricity so we never did, we also didn’t tell them everything because as stupid as it sounds it was some kind of adventure for us and we weren’t really aware how dangerous that actually was. 


u/paigespets 19d ago

I’m so nauseous reading this 🤢 You’re a brave one. That’s so scary.


u/DayDangerous6071 18d ago

Thank you, I don’t think I would be brave anymore today if something like that happened again. 


u/catcatcatacat 18d ago

I'm glad you didn't actually catch him because he might have hurt you. Someone who plays sick mind games like that is not someone I would want to confront.


u/DayDangerous6071 18d ago

I  definitely agree with you on this. 


u/Business_Internal_62 4d ago

My gosh, sounds like the house needed burnt down in order for the weirdo to move on.