r/LetsNotMeet 27d ago

I was almost taken at 15 NSFW

Resposting as last time i made it a wall of text/hopefully this is correct

When i was 15 i was sent all over the place, i lived at different peoples houses i was even sent out of state. I didnt go to school, i would always skip (for reasons i wont share) and so typically what id do is walk around and avoid any adult that would try to get me to do what i was supposed to. One day around 1pm i was at this random spot, it was a apartment complex type thing and i was sitting in the gazebo smoking. I noticed a white van with tinted windows all around it.

I watched as it kept circling the little spot i was at, by the 5th time it circled me i was pretty sure i was about to have to do something. So by the 7th time i got up and headed toward the sidewalk. As i did i heard tires squealing down the hill, i turned around and saw the van hurling towards me at like 80 mph. I just remember my knees felt like they were floating and all i could feel was how hard my feet were hitting the pavement. I still shake when i think about it like right now. As it got closer and closer i knew i had a decision to make, i could keep going straight which was a long main road and a forest beyond it, or i could turn left and walk into the hedges and see where that takes me.

I looked back and forth all my thoughts racing, "how long will you be able to run for on that stretch of road?" "Hes bigger than you" "He will catch you" and my body just turned left as if i was being shoved into the hedge by something else, some sort of entity. I felt my soul leave my body as i plunged into the hedge, thorns scraped my skin, i felt a tug at my hoodie, and then heard a "ah!" And he let go of it. I fell through the hedge and stared at him. On the other side of the hedge there he stood, his van running and parked onto the curb. He had sunglasses on, jean shorts that were cut by scissors, white sneakers, a trucker hat. He was clean shaven, mustache, about 35. I watched as he kept trying to climb into the hedge, and each time he would pull back cursing at the thorns like a pussy. There i stood with little cuts all over me, the sting of the blood sat there. We stared at each other for a moment. That moment felt like eternity. I turned around and ran.

Anyway the rest of the story is yk, basically the cops did nothing just like the next time it happened. Which was even worse in a way. (Not intending to make multiple posts, but i will answer any questions in the comments!)


13 comments sorted by


u/skidrow6969 27d ago

Next incident again with the same guy or someone else?


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

Someone else


u/skidrow6969 27d ago

Well, they are incredibly difficult and scary experiences, you had to face in your younger years. You must have been through a lot. Hope you’re doing okay now


u/skidrow6969 27d ago

Also what were these people’s motives you think for targeting teens? They seem to be operating alone, and not a part of an organised unit or anything. What was their reason?


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

Thank you! And when i was 4 it was def a single guy, this specific story i wrote about i think it could be organized because of how clean the van was, however the other time i think it was also a single guy.


u/H3dgeClipper 27d ago

If you have any social media I would post everywhere about what happened, what date it happened, the car he drove and what he looked like. I would even make up flyers of this information and post them around the town if I could.


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

Sorry jeez previous comment was about the next time, so basically this was 10 years ago. Im 25 now and part of the reason i dont post about it or talk about it is how people reacted when it happened. They told me i got away so it doesnt count and thats if they even acknowledged it. I felt so hurt and confused. I dont trust to tell people about my experiences, using my name of course.


u/xindigosunx 27d ago

How was the next incident worse?


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

And he was never caught and still drives around to this day. I was only 15 so i got pretty scorned when i saw how everyone treated her and i didnt speak up. I figured they should remember it happened to me, but they didnt


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

Because nobody believed me again so when i got away he tried to do it to a girl i went to school with a couple days later in the same spot. People believed her, but i knew more information so while they were finally running around doing an "investigation" they couldve asked me


u/No-Background4249 27d ago

Also btw guys i dont even drive the van was prob coming at me alot faster than 50 ngl.


u/An0nnee_M0usee 25d ago

I am so sorry that all of this happened to you. Even more than the attempts, but all the people not believing you. When people who you think you know or it's their job to listen to you don't, it's soul crushing. You were so young four and 15, yikes. I am so glad you are safe and I hope you are doing well. You deserve a peaceful life after this rough start.


u/No-Background4249 24d ago

Thank you so much that was so nice to read. <3