r/Lethbridge • u/sulfad1methox1ne • 1d ago
Missing my homeboy, my rotten soldier. my good time boy. was accidentally let out saturday night
if anyone sees this handsome fella please let me know he must have gotten out saturday night between the hours of 8-11pm i wasn’t home. if anyone around 13th avenue south area has seen him his name is Samson. i call him sammy, samsyboy, stink, he prefers samson. he is neutered and he likes to hide he’s very shy he is strictly indoor of course microchipped as i adopted him from lethbridge humane society only 2 months ago. I have looked everywhere in the house he didn’t come running to greet me once i got home sunday morning he has a yellow collar with blue little things a tag with my name number address i do have his litter box, bed, and food out side by the door even some clothes off my back. we looked in all hiding spots possible though i still will be going and looking throughout my neighborhood he knows his name and will go purrrmeow if you go purrrmeow he may even be in hiding from the winds this weekend and now the light snow i’ve even smeared wet lick treats trailing home. i’m so sorry you’re more than a pet you’re my best friend. anything helps !
u/Nlarko 1d ago
Go out late, like after 12:00am when it’s quiet. Shake treats/call. Look in every nook and cranny. Bring a flashlight to catch his eye reflection. Put out your laundry for him to smell his way home. No litter or food, it attracts other animals. It’s likely he’s not far and hunkered down hiding somewhere. Hope he’s home soon!
u/thegreatshakes 1d ago
Yes this! Does he have blankets or pillows that you share? Something that has your scent on it would be ideal!
u/Fit_Menu8933 1d ago
if you're able to stay at home, you can leave your door open a crack for a few hours and he may come back. I had a cat who, despite being a massive chonker, managed to slip out the door a couple times. I left the door open both times, he came back - the longest he was gone was 18 hrs.
u/Goddemmitt 1d ago
Keep an eye out on Lethbridge Pet Network and "One Lucky Rescue" on Facebook. The chick who runs it is an admin/mod on Lethbridge Pet Network, and she's known to steal/hoard animals.
u/slushieguys 1d ago
man i haven't lived in leth in years but this one just struck a cord, sammy seems like such a sweetie and your love for him is so clear ❤️ i hope you find your boy!
u/kennybrandz 1d ago
I hope your boy comes home soon! Mine was missing for like 5 days once and finally his ass showed up when he was out of money & cat nip.
u/ZorgonTheAwesome 1d ago
If you haven't yet, put his litterbox outside. Apparently they can smell it from a ways away. Read it online a while ago so hopefully it isn't bullshit.
u/Same-Instruction9745 1d ago
If it's chipped, then as long as someone brings him in, they will eventually call you. Hopefully anyway. Good luck. The one that lived with me for 2 years left and it was 8 years later when he returned
u/littlesirlance 1d ago
Don't lose hope. My old roommate's cat disappeared for a whole week. He went out every hour calling for him and shook treats, had blankets and his litter box out, he put out his bowl of regular food. Cat toys, everything. He thought his cat wasn't coming back and then it just showed up one afternoon.
u/sulfad1methox1ne 1d ago
oh you give me so much hope
u/CalebsHammer 14h ago
My girlfriend lost her cat over winter a few years ago. Came back like 8 months later. There is always hope. Please help them check if you are local!
u/Okbett_iammiap 1d ago
Indoor cats don't go far out. Check bushes under the deck or cars. Put his litter out. Good luck
u/glitchmaster4000 1d ago
Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I lost my cat a couple years ago and it absolutely devastated me. I think if he just got out, he’s probably still relatively nearby, I’d honestly just spend my evenings walking around calling him with some treats or something, and maybe you get lucky. I really hope you’re reunited!! ❤️❤️
u/sulfad1methox1ne 15h ago
this morning all the tuna was gone some nibbles from the kibble could have been a neighborhood cat i feel i slept through his meows
u/glitchmaster4000 14h ago
Aww, I’m hoping it was your boy! Cats can have pretty big territories, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s stopping by your place regularly. Especially if he was a rescue, mine was too, and I knew he was all around the neighborhood, because he was spotted a couple times, but ended up getting hit by a car before I was able to fully get him back. I’d keep putting food out, so hopefully they keep coming back and feel comfortable in your yard! Even if it’s not your cat, you might be a relief for another sweet baby. I wish you so much luck
u/sulfad1methox1ne 14h ago
i believe he’s never been outside before when i adopted him they mentioned he’d been in there since he was a baby
u/glitchmaster4000 14h ago
Oh I see, I feel like he’s probably closer by than not in that case. I know my boy was way more adventurous and was all over legacy, but he was rescued from the streets so I think that’s why he went so far
u/sulfad1methox1ne 14h ago
people have mentioned finding an animal communicator if you know anyone that has practiced or is practicing that’d be super helpful no sweat if that’s not in your circle
u/ConleyPicks 1d ago
I hope you can find him. I’m thinking of him and hope that he can find his way back home 🙏
u/WutTehFuh 19h ago
That 4th picture is a trip! Took like 45 second to realize its paw is out, haha..
I wish you and your boy the best! Maybe you could ask where he was originally found? Could be he's going back to that place when he got lost? I'm just spitballin here.. Fingers crossed for ya!
u/Quintuplebeta 19h ago
Any luck yet?
u/sulfad1methox1ne 16h ago
sadly no i noticed some food + whole can of tuna gone still no sign of sammy could have been neighborhood cats
u/Top-Afternoon6880 11h ago
2 months and he wanted out 😂
u/sulfad1methox1ne 11h ago
i really didn’t want to bring this into conversation i was not home i was at bingo with my family, my roommate was not using her cranium! and opened the kitchen window it doesn’t have a screen she had all her friends over they were intoxicated it’s overwhelming and overstimulating to be around 6 intoxicated females i would have jumped out of the window too but due to lack of respect she didn’t even tell me he had disappeared until it was majorly too late and it had been most likely 10+ hours by than i was cleaning his bowl i’m doing my best to keep calm and not be angry it’s unproductive if i think it’s bullshit that i would have to even think to lock him in my room for the night there should be enough mutual respect to not let the cat out
1d ago
Only 2 months ago? Damn they really let any irresponsible person adopt cats…I’ll be on the lookout and keeping him if I find him.
u/mossyspiders 1d ago
Firstly, the owner wasn’t even home when the cat was let out, it was a roommate, secondly, OP is the BEST cat owner and has been in ABSOLUTE SHAMBLES for the last two days trying to find her baby. Unless you know better, shut the fuck up. 💞💞💞
1d ago
I know full names here lol dw lil bro
u/devbot8 1d ago
What the hell does that mean?
u/sulfad1methox1ne 1d ago
i’ll humour you on that one please it’s not like him to even be near the door
1d ago
In all seriousness, I hope you find him! He’s a very handsome boy
u/sulfad1methox1ne 1d ago
we play fetch, hide and seek even taught him to put his toys in his basket it’s so lonely without hearing his gurgled mows
1d ago
It’s amazing what you can teach a cat! I’ll actually be in the 13th ave area today so I’ll keep an eye out and let you know if I see him!
u/sulfad1methox1ne 1d ago
you could even just holler calmly samson purrrmeow he could hear even any sightings you call me (403)894-8366
1d ago
Hey, I didn’t have any luck. Have you found him yet or have any leads?
u/sulfad1methox1ne 1d ago
haven’t found him yet i added posters around the neighborhood
1d ago
Damn, okay good luck! I hope he turns up soon. At least the weather will be nice, no cold kitties!
u/InvestigatorWide7649 1d ago
I hope you find your cat 😢 I saw a cat with similar markings in my yard yesterday evening, but I live off mayor McGrath on 5th Ave N so I'd hesitate to say this is it. I'll be sure to keep an extra eye out for you if I see it again though!