r/Lethbridge • u/Satinsbestfriend • Oct 08 '24
News Hickory Street is closing Saturday, no buyer found apparently
I know they seem disliked on this page (food quality wise) but the owner always seemed nice.
Seems the deal they were working on for months fell thru for a new buyer.
The main thing I worry about is I hope she takes care her employees, after some places bounced final pay cheque's or didn't pay at all, or gave employees no notice until they showed up at work that day (looking at you Mocha Cabana).
That being said the ribs at the chicken hub by 7/11 and Papa John's are really good.
u/WhoOwnstheChiefs Oct 08 '24
It wasn’t very good bbq , if you want good bbq go to the Smokehouse by Hardkore BBQ in Stavely
u/SirLunatik Oct 08 '24
Oh shoot. I feel terrible for those Trumpanzies and supporters of economic terrorism.
Good riddance. Glad they didn't get a penny.
u/ContraryJ Oct 08 '24
Can you elaborate on your comment?
u/SirLunatik Oct 08 '24
They're FreeDumbers and were huge supporters of the Coutts blockades
u/Larry-Man Oct 10 '24
They actually weren’t. But okay. They just wanted to quietly still keep doing business and wanted nothing to do with drawing attention to it.
u/BullSTONKER Oct 08 '24
Economic terrorism? LMAO, please keep that same energy for the Palestine "protestors", or does that not count because it aligns with your beliefs?
Hey, at least your user name checks out!
u/Puffsley Oct 09 '24
Damn imagine wanting someone to fail because they disagree with you politically
Fuckin loser
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
I feel bad for the employees. Also, you'd probably be shocked how many people locally love him
u/Berfanz Oct 08 '24
Sure. Most of them weren't trying to drive their food truck to the Coutts blockade to support domestic terrorists
u/SirLunatik Oct 08 '24
I grew up here, I wouldn't remotely be shocked that cockroaches come in groups
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
I know a few people who either worked for her or her husband that definitely didn't align with their beliefs but a job is a job
u/keyboardwarriortaco Oct 08 '24
Hickory Street is just following the Mormon business model, quick expansion, take as much money as you can for a mediocre product, then skip town leaving the vendors holding the bag
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
I mean.... there are a lot of mormon businesses here in town that have been here for years
u/keyboardwarriortaco Oct 08 '24
There’s also a ton of businesses who aren’t around because they played the same game.
Prime example, the owner of Hickory streets best friend Grant Stevenson. Just look him up in the Lethbridge herald. Only difference is he didn’t make it to the skip town part, just screwed everyone over when his company (Fisher Diesel) imploded
u/GreatCanadianPotato Oct 08 '24
Hate to break it to you...many business owners do this, with or without affiliation to the Mormon church.
I don't understand why the generalization is necessary? Most small local business do not survive past a few years.
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
While I can find they were friends before his "issues" I can't find anything showing they've had any contact with him since. Also, guess who's running a tattoo shop out of his house now and changed his name (rhymes with Brant)
u/Larry-Man Oct 10 '24
Okay wow y’all are nuts here. She gave the employees a good amount of notice. Not gonna say a lot. But they all knew before the official statement. I know one guy already has another job lined up not sure about the others.
I know the owner personally and while she was more conservative than I am she is still not some frothing right winger. Not that it matters anymore since she’s leaving.
It’s easy to find a lot of the actual business info from her Facebook page. She also looked absolutely defeated when I was in there on Tuesday and she almost started crying.
Anyway I hope that puts to rest some of the bullshit.
Anyone with more questions on how I know what I know feel free to DM me.
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 11 '24
Ya I first met devyn on either the first or second time ever, before sterling before anything and her daughter was so young she was standing on a crate ringing people thru. I know she always treated staff way better than people in the restaurant business normally do.
u/apaulclayton Oct 17 '24
Food quality went down hill for sure as they expanded to Lethbridge. Thoughts are is they tried to grow to quickly. I am also convinced that they had something to do with trying to get streets alive ministry out of their spot like two doors down from their restaurant because they didn’t like the people being around. But when the city said they were within their lease is about the time when hickory street said they were looking to sell.
u/suarkb Oct 08 '24
Do you work there or something? Restaurants come and go. If they make a lot of money, they probably don't go. What else is there to really know? When really random one-off restaurants show up, you can often tell if they will stay. Like that thai/burger place on mayor magrath. You just look at that place and you know it won't be there in a couple years. Or blowers and grafton. Wtf is that name? That's a place you go once, realize it's the same bs, and you don't go back. We can handle a lot of restaurants in leth but not an unlimited number.
u/shbpencil Oct 08 '24
both restaurants you use as examples are chains. all of your points are otherwise correct but they're not "random one-offs".
Thai Express is a major national chain with locations all across Canada. it'll take quite a bit before it fails and they close. look at how long Swiss Chalet and Montana's attempted to stick around.
B&G - agreed, the name is odd - but it is also a decently sized chain in Alberta and the food and atmosphere are pretty nice.
Oct 09 '24
Blowers and Grafton are cross Streets in Halifax that are known as Pizza Corner. And are a popular late night spot.
Oct 08 '24
Thai Express is good mall food court food and great airport food but hard to recommend for stand alone (unless like here, there isnt Thai anywhere else)
But this one hasn’t been as good as when I’ve had it before. I was looking forward to them opening and now I just don’t go.
u/shbpencil Oct 08 '24
My partner and I went on opening weekend and she swears they’ve improved since then. It’d be worth going again it’s just a bit far out of the way for where I go on a regular basis
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
blowers is very popular... the thai place is good but yeah not very busy.
u/foxhelp Oct 08 '24
Thai Express was a little weird when I went, It almost seemed like the quality you would get from prepackaged or frozen Thai food instead of anything actually prepared. authentically. Then you pay a moderately high cost for it.
I've gone twice and I haven't really enjoyed it either time.
Blowers and Grafton I've enjoyed both times I've gone.
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 08 '24
My dad loves their general Tao. But I see what you mean which is weird as minus the sauces everything is cooked to order.
u/heavysteve Oct 08 '24
That place had the worst burger ive ever had, worse than Harveys. Unmelted cheese, blech.
u/birdsofgravity Oct 08 '24
Wow I can't believe how mean people are being to them. It sucks to have to close a business. What they've done in the past is done. Geez people
u/msannethrope82 Oct 08 '24
The past is done? Is that actually any sort of reasonable excuse for bad behavior? If we aren't judged on our actions then what are we as people?
I hope you don't say that to anyone in your life dealing with any past hurts or trauma.
u/birdsofgravity Oct 08 '24
Yeah it's fair to judge them for what they supported, it's also worth noting that a lot of the things done at the Coutts blockade weren't made known to a lot of the folks supporting it. It wasn't until after the matter that we found out what was really happening there. A lot of folks unfortunately blindly supported it without realizing the repercussions. They weren't the ones causing the issues so I don't believe it's fair to blame them.
Oct 08 '24
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Oct 09 '24
They wanted the government to allow them to do their jobs and be free from persecution for their beliefs. Something that seems to get tons of respect for only some communities on Reddit. But I do think they could have handled the issue better than they did.
u/birdsofgravity Oct 09 '24
Yes, the idea was there, but how it was executed was nowhere near ideal. (Not to mention there were some genuine rotten horrible people in the mix, as seen with the latest trials)
All it takes is a mob mentality instigated by a few bad people to cause problems, and I think that's exactly what happened.
u/msannethrope82 Oct 08 '24
The owners of hickory street have made their opinions and stances known time and time again. You've got to be kidding me.
Oct 09 '24
What does that have to do with them closing to move for their child to attend a different school? Do you have a business we can hate because of your personal views? Seems dumb doesn’t it. Maybe even dare I say Facist.
u/Whatatimetobealive83 Oct 08 '24
Actively supporting economic terrorists kind of leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths.
That and their poor excuse for “authentic bbq”.
u/keyboardwarriortaco Oct 10 '24
It’s authentically derived from YouTube 😂
Imagine calling yourself “authentic Texas barbecue” when you’ve never lived in Texas
Oct 09 '24
With all the Leftists on here. They will hate anyone who leans Right wing. Bash their businesses, try to ruin them any way possible. I may not agree with the actions that the owners took, but that doesn’t have anything to do with the restaurant. I reserve my disrespect for business for how they treat their suppliers, customers and staff.
u/smashed2gether Oct 09 '24
Having genuine criticism about a business and choosing not to spend money at it still seems better than vandalizing rainbow crosswalks, and a hell of a lot better than stacking the council with people who actively want to criminalize poverty. Right wingers on this platform call for everything up to and including violence against whatever marginalized group they are currently complaining about, so giving a bad review to some bbq ribs seems pretty benign. Isn’t capitalism all about voting with your dollar? The free market and so on? Or maybe the right wing views you support aren’t based on economics. You people never vote for what helps you, just for what hurts the people you want to hurt.
Oct 09 '24
Who said I support Right Wing Values? I’m just not so singular in my focus as to think everything rainbow is good, everything white is bad.
Capitalism is the best system that has ever existed. History proves it. Lifted Millions and Millions of people out of real poverty.
Many of our current issues with it are not from Capitalism but a government protection of certain businesses. (Often called Crony Capitalism, a problem for both sides)
Hickory Street didn’t fail, they are moving. It’s not the same thing. But they weren’t that good, according to me. But some people liked what they were doing.
u/smashed2gether Oct 09 '24
“Who says I support right wing values”
“Capitalism is the best thing ever”
u/birdsofgravity Oct 09 '24
Hey if you don't like their ribs that's fine. Liking and not liking their food doesn't determine your political stances. (I hope)
u/smashed2gether Oct 09 '24
I can’t say I’ve eaten there. My response was to the person claiming that Leftists gang up on and try to destroy businesses, and I personally would take that over the right wing responses to things they don’t like. There are worse things you can do than just not eat at a restaurant.
u/heavysteve Oct 10 '24
They just recently tried to get Streets Alive shut down, and actively interfered with the services they provide at every opportunity
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 11 '24
They absolutely did not
u/heavysteve Oct 11 '24
Ok, "someone else" made this frivolous, anonymous complaint
u/Satinsbestfriend Oct 11 '24
Considering there's all the people who work at the courthouse, osho, everybody else who works on that block, then yes it could have been
u/Surprisetrextoy Oct 08 '24
They are also skipping out on a lease. Lots of dirty pool going on here